Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2136333-Emoji----Joint-Winner-Cramp
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2136333
Cramp Prompt: How did Emojis come to be? Royal story set in Mughal(?) Muggle(?) times.

Royal Palace, throne room. Noon.

" Ji, huzoor ."

"Well, then, get on with it."

The artist bowed low, and raised his right hand, palm upward, to touch his forehead. Repeating this gesture, he backed out of the King's stately presence.

"You can turn around now, his Majesty can't see you any more."

The artist had been so lost in thought, he had been walking backward long after he was out of royal sight. He had, in fact, reached the front door of the palace, and the guard was grinning at him. "Lost in thought of your next creation?" he asked.

"I wish I knew how I was going to create my next creation," the artist said.

Something of his worry communicated itself to the guard, who stopped smiling. "Wish I could help," he said. Then, he dropped his voice to a whisper. "The King set you something difficult to do again?"

Both men looked around furtively. If they were overheard, the consequences would be dire.

"Meet me when you're off duty," the artist whispered back. "Under the big banyan tree."


Big Banyan Tree, midnight.

"So, what's up?"

"Are you sure you weren't followed here?"

"I'm sure. And you?"

"I'm sure, too. Listen, the King wants this ready by noon, and I've been wracking my brains, but I can't for the life of me ..."

"How can I help?" the guard asked.

"I'm out of ideas," the artist replied. "Maybe you can help me think."

"Me? A mere guard? Help you, the creative, the famous, the talented ..."

"Just now, I'm only desperate."

"Okay, tell me. I'll help."

So, the artist poured out his tale of woe. How the King wanted something new, something revolutionary, something completely original for the Princess's upcoming wedding. She was marrying the Prince of the Next Land in a month, and all the dignitaries in the world were invited. The artist would have to decorate not only the wedding hall, but the entire palace and surrounding streets ... and the King had given him twenty four hours to come up with ideas to discuss. Twelve of those hours had already elapsed, and the artist was at his wits' end.

"All I kept saying was JI," he lamented, to the sympathetic guard. "Ji, ji, ji, ji," I went on. Ji just means yes, sir, yes, sir."

"You're getting emotional," the guard cautioned. "You need a calm head, not emo ..."


"EMOJI!" The guard yelled, jumping up in excitement and startling the artist.




"Listen, that's your idea. Emojis."

"What are emojis?"

"They aren't anything yet, you're going to invent them," the guard replied. "You're going to use your artistic talent to represent every emotion humankind has ever experienced, but in very few lines."

"I am?" the artist replied.

"You are. Then, when the wedding songs are on, they'll sing of all the emotions. The hope the father has, that his child will be happy. The wistful memories the girl has, of her father's house, as she leaves with her husband. The joy the husband's family experiences, welcoming her. The teasing her cousins do, about how she'll soon be a mother ..."

"And I'll depict all these, on the streets and in the wedding hall ..." the artist's eyes were gleaming with anticipation.

"And as each song is sung, the relevant emoji starts flashing ..."


One Month Later. Royal Palace. The Bride and Groom have just departed for their honeymoon, atop an elephant with a sign saying 'Just Married' tied to its tail. The King and Queen are on the royal stage.

"Hear ye, hear ye! Their Majesties have an important announcement."

"Yes, indeed," said the Queen. "Where is the artist?"

"This is it," the artist thought. "This is the moment when I'll know whether I'm exiled forever, or rewarded beyond my wildest dreams."

Bowing, tapping his forehead with his palm, he approached the stage. The Queen was now holding something patched and frayed in her hands. The Hogwarts sorting hat. The artist eyed it with apprehension.

"This Hat has made many decisions in the past, and in the future. It has been watching the entire wedding unfold. It is now going to decide whether you are to be rewarded or punished, and you will hear its judgement directly. But first, the Hat will give us a song."

The Hat's rim opened wide.

"Oh, I have seen the flowers
The decorations all arranged
I've watched the food being eaten
And the vows being exchanged.

"I've seen the holy fire
The couple did go round
I've noticed every sight and smell
I've heard every little sound.

"Now I know they'll be happy
The groom and the bride
In the meantime, artist, try me on
To know what I decide."

Trembling like any Hogwarts first year, the artist took his ceremonial headgear off and put the hat on.

"Hmmmm. Emojis, huh? A clever play on the Hindi word for yes, sir, I must say."

"Please, not exile, not exile," the artist thought.

"Not exile, um? Well, I must say I like some of those emojis. My favourites are *GoLucky* and *Smirk2*. *Rolling* isn't half bad either. You're sure you don't want to leave this kingdom forever?"

"I'm sure, I'm sure," the artist thought, desperately.

"In that case, better be REWARD," the Hat shouted, amidst cheers.

And that, dear reader, was how emojis were invented.

"*Carp*WINNERS AND NEW PROMPT - Due Oct. 3"   *Crazy*
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