Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2136095-The-Arch-nemesis
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Mystery · #2136095
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!
"Mayor Writon, there are no signs of forced entry- no blood or busted lock, and with no windows there really only is one way in and one way out. Who else has the combination to the safe, sir? We're suspecting an inside job at this point."

Mayor Writon scratched his head, "Well I would suppose all previous mayors and their cabinets would know; it was just this past year I passed legislation that the combination should only be directly shared from one mayor to the next. But, my wife- will you find her?"

"Forensics has her phone right now to search for foreign DNA, but we can get a K9 to track her scent, if you have anything here she might've worn recently. In the meantime, who would do this to you? Your first Founder's Day as a mayor and someone decides to sabotage it? Smells like foul play, to me."

Mayor Writon furrowed his brows as he mulled over the police's words. "Hmmm, I wouldn't suppose-" his eyes widened, "Novelius Dreadman! His-his grandfather," Mayor Writon stumbled through his revelation, "Novelius Dreadman's grandfather was once mayor of this town, and he- Novelius, that is- swore he'd one day prove he was more competent to be mayor than I was-erm, am!"

The group of detectives rushed outside, with a bottle of Matilda Writon's "Special Occasions Perfume," "C'mon Arthur, find Matilda Writon!"
Arthur sniffed the perfume, and dragged the officers behind him as he caught Matilda's scent, leading them to a beach tent behind the Main Stage, to a bound and gagged Mrs. Writon.

"Novelius Dreadman, you are under arrest for grand larceny and the kidnapping of Mrs. Matilda Writon!" The police cuffed the man, "You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law; you have a right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you."

"You meddling, malicious mayor," Novelius spat, "You couldn't even let me have my 15 minutes of fame, could you?"

344 words, 17 sentences
September 2017 round of "The Bard's Hall Contest
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