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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Women's · #2135800
A college girl Debashrita gets humiliated while defending her friends

All my life, Debashrita had had been sort of a protector to me. As my friend, two and half years my senior, she had looked out for me growing up. I was always grateful to have such a cool older friend who would keep an eye on me, and although her wrestling was a little strange, it never struck me as that peculiar that, even as a girl, she was able to beat up so many boys, because, after all, they were all two or three years younger than her.
By her senior year, Debashrita had blossomed into one of the hottest girls in our school. As a tall brunette standing 5'8, she pretty much attracted attention wherever she went. My friends would always tease me about how great her breasts were, and I guess they were. I had seen her bras in the laundry room, so I knew that she was a B cup, not the biggest breasts in the world, but they were firm and nicely shaped. She had an athlete's legs, long and lean, but with powerful. Like any other high school girl, she would often complain about her weight, but in reality she wasn't heavy at all, probably weighing around 135. I had never seen Debashrita back down from any opponent or any situation. She was totally fearless, always supremely confident without being cocky. With that attitude, she led our soccer team to the state championship junior year. Basically, Debashrita was a winner, and she and everyone else knew it.
Well, the trouble all started one spring day when Debashrita had stuck around to wait for me (I had been at a meeting for some club, I think it was Model U.N. or something) so that we could walk home together. She had finished before me, so she'd showered and changed and was wearing short, cut-off jean shorts and a red t-shirt. Our walk home went through a field with a small, secluded grove at its edge, just bordering the high school ground. It was a place that was almost always empty, especially at this hour so late in the afternoon. But as we approached, we saw two girls sitting down and talking. When we got closer, Debashrita recognized one of them, "Hey, that's Siddhi, I've been meaning to have a word with her." As my friend walked over to them, the two girls stood up.
"Hey, you're Siddhi, right?" she said to the larger of the two girls, a 6 foot tall brunette who was dressed in extremely skimpy gray spandex work out shorts with only a pink sports bra up top. The other girl, also taller than both me and my friend (I'm about Debashrita's height, maybe slightly shorter) at about 5'10, was dressed in very short mesh shorts with a cut off t-shirt that exposed her relatively chiseled abs.
"Yeah, that's me." Of course, I, and all the other boys in my high school knew exactly who Siddhi was. She was the smoking hot junior amazon who was the star of the volleyball team, and who, more importantly, was widely known to have by far the best breasts of any girl in school. And now, seeing her double d's proudly jutting out from her chest, contained only by a tiny sports bra, I was struggling not to drool. But as hot as she was, she was known to be trouble, and boys tended to steer clear of her and her volleyball friends. Nobody knew anything for sure, but there were vague and scary rumors of her and her friends being really bitchy to guys who tried to flirt with them, and some people even said she sometimes got physical with the guys, and that the guys didn't come out on top in those encounters. Looking at her powerfully muscled body, I could believe it.
"I heard about what happened with you and Aashi, and I just wanted to ask to stay away from her and her boyfriend." Aashi was another senior that my friend knew. Aashi had come into school earlier this week with a black eye. Nobody knew who had given it to her, and she herself was apparently too scared of whomever it had been to tell anyone. But she had been seen carrying Siddhi's books, fetching drinks for Siddhi, and generally being at the younger girl's beck and call, so rumors had started that Siddhi was the one who had given her the beating. The story went that Siddhi had had some sort of altercation with Aashi's boyfriend, and Aashi had tracked her down and called her out on it, only to get her ass handed to her in a fight by the bigger girl.
"You should mind your own business. That little bitch got what she deserved." Siddhi didn't even deny the accusation. "And so did her puny little boyfriend.  Imagine, trying to look up my skirt. Can I help it if I got a little annoyed and took his shorts to show him what it's like to be ogled?" Siddhi and her friend both giggled at this, evidently the stripping of Aashi's boyfriend had been amusing. "Alright, well, maybe that was a bit of an overreaction, but that slut Aashi never should have confronted me the way she did."
I could see my friend was getting pissed, "Don't call her a slut, and just stay away from her, ok?"
Siddhi wasn't about to back down though, "Or what? Are you gonna do something about it, tough girl?"
"I'll do whatever it takes," Debashrita said as she glared at the big volleyball girl. She had been protecting people and standing up for her weaker friends all her life, first for me and nowadays for her friends.
"Alright, bring it, bitch." Siddhi motioned my friend forward. "Hey, Purva, sit back and enjoy this, and make sure her scrawny friend over there doesn't interfere. I've been wanting to teach this uppity bitch a lesson ever since I was a freshman."
Debashrita approached the larger girl slowly. Siddhi towered over her and to most people, it probably would have looked like a total mismatch. But I knew that Debashrita was tough, she'd beaten bigger girls before. I had faith that she would dispatch this big volleyball girl. At first the two girls were cautious, feeling each other out. It was clear that Siddhi was a lot stronger than my friend, but Debashrita was quicker than the big girl, and was able to avoid getting caught in any holds. After a few minutes of rolling around on the grass, Debashrita got Siddhi in a headlock. "C'mon, Debashrita, you got her now!" I yelled encouragingly. But Siddhi proved to be too strong, she grunted and managed to slip out of the headlock. Unfortunately for my friend, as she was freeing herself from the headlock, Siddhi also managed to wrap her long legs around Debashrita's middle. My friend was flat on her back now and Siddhi had her in a textbook body scissors.Suddenly her thighs came to life and she started to squeeze.Debashrita had a look of pain on her face, but also one of surprise, like she couldn't believe the power this girl had. The submission came almost instantly.
"Stop!" My friend cried out. Siddhi released her, and my friend lay on her back, coughing a little and feeling at her ribs, presumably checking to see if Siddhi had done any permanent damage.
"Good one girl!" Purva shouted, congratulating her friend on the victory.
I walked over to my friend, "are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, she got me pretty good though. Her legs are pretty strong."
Siddhi sauntered over with a condescending smile on her face, "Wanna go another round, tough girl?ÂUnless, of course, you're scared?"
My friend was not the type of person to back down from a challenge, "You got lucky that time, let's go again." It hadn't looked like a mismatch from their first round, but something in the back of my head told me that this could be trouble. "C'mon" I whispered to my friend, "let's just get out of here, she's a lot bigger than you, nobody would blame you for just leaving, you gave her a good match."
"No, I want another chance, I know I can take her."But she did look just a touch uncertain as her gaze fell upon Siddhi's powerful thighs that had squeezed out the first submission.
"Alright, let's go another round, but there's gotta be a penalty for your loss, so lose the shirt, honey. This is gonna be strip wrestling." Siddhi spoke with a confidence that made me suspect this wasn't the first time she'd wrestled a girl. And the giggling that had accompanied her story of stripping Aashi's boyfriend made me wonder if there wasn't more to that story than Siddhi had let on.
My friend didn't even know what to make of Siddhi's last statement, "What are you talking about?That's crazy, I'm not gonna take my shirt off in front of my friend." But practically before she could even finish her sentence, the big girl was on her, wrestling her to the ground.The rolled around for about a minute, and then sure enough, Siddhi slowly worked my friend's t-shirt off over her head, she shouted triumphantly as she tossed the t-shirt aside, revealing my friend's nice breasts now contained only by a green bra, "Cute tits, girl." Debashrita at first tried to cover up her chest, but she quickly realized she had more serious concerns as Siddhi's menacing thighs were threatening to encircle her middle once more. She rolled to the side and managed to escape just in time, her quickness saving her from another certain submission. It continued like that for a few minutes, Siddhi on the verge of getting Debashrita in a hold, and Debashrita using her advantage in quickness to escape. At one point, it looked like my friend might even pin the big girl. She got on top of her, sitting astride her chest and tried to force Siddhi's arms down with her own strong thighs in a class schoolgirl pin. I could see determination in my friend's eyes, and I thought that maybe she'd be able to defeat the volleyball amazon. And also I was sort of hoping that if Debashrita was able to win a round, Siddhi would live up to her end of the bargain and remove a piece of clothing of her own. The thought of seeing her massive breasts freed from her sports bra was a little extra incentive for me to cheer on my friend.
But, alas, it was not to be for Debashrita.Siddhi gave an animal-like growl and bridged her body, using her superior to strength to basically throw my friend off her. There was a startled look on Debashrita's face as she, perhaps for the first time, realized that her determination simply might not be a match for the power of this volleyball amazon. After nearly being pinned, Siddhi wrestled with a new found aggressiveness. She was simply all over my friend, and sure enough, in spite of the smaller girl's efforts to fend her off, in about a minute, Siddhi had wrapped her massive legs around Debashrita's stomach once again. Just as in the first round, the submission came very quickly once Siddhi started squeezing, "Stop!".
"Do you give up?"Siddhi powered down on the hold.
"Yes."  The response was immediate.
"Say it then!"
"C'mon, Siddhi, stop, I give up."
"Say please."
I could see the internal struggle on Debashrita's face. She didn't like being teased by this girl, and she obviously didn't care for the implied humiliation of having to submit to Siddhi's request, but at the same time, she was in considerable pain from Siddhi's body scissors. Eventually self-preservation won out, "Alright, please, Siddhi, let me go, it hurts."
"I know it hurts silly, that's the point." Siddhi teased as she playfully slapped my friend's cheek to reinforce her dominance. "Now say 'pretty please'.
I thought I saw a tear forming in my friend's eye."Pretty please!" it was obvious she just wanted to get out of this hold as soon as possible.
"With sugar on top?"
"Pretty please with sugar on top! Gad, Siddhi, lemme go, I give up already" my friend was desperate. I had never seen her so helpless and frustrated.
"Oh ok, since you asked so nicely." Siddhi eased up on her scissors and my friend gasped for air."But I'm gonna take your forfeit for this round while I have you down here, because I don't believe that you'll be a good girl and take it off if I let you up first." Siddhi maneuvered my friend into a position where she could reach her bra, and went about removing it. Debashrita squirmed and yelled out in protest, "Stop it! Are you crazy to strip me in front of my friend?You're sick." But Siddhi just ignored her and soon enough the bra was off. My friend didn't have the world's biggest breasts, but they were firm and nicely shaped.  Once Siddhi had the bra off, she tossed it aside and separated herself from Debashrita. My friend stood up and bent over at the waist, I couldn't tell if she was trying to cover her chest or to relieve some of the pain from Siddhi's brutal scissors. Probably some of both. As my friend stood there, bent over and sucking wind, Siddhi taunted her, "C'mon, I thought you would be more of a challenge. Everyone's always talking about how tough you are, but you just submit like a little girl whenever I ask you to." Debashrita didn't respond, but I could see the fire in her eyes.She was humiliated at how the last round had ended with her practically begging to be released from Siddhi's scissors.
I walked over to my now topless friend, trying to be the voice of reason. "This is getting really weird, let's just get out of here."
But the thing about Debashrita was that she was stubborn. Often, that was a good thing, as her perseverance and refusal to give in in the face of overwhelming odds had served her well both academically and athletically. In this instance though, it spelled big trouble for my friend. "No, I know I can take her," she wheezed, clearly still reeling from the rib crunching body scissors. "I just need one more chance, I don't care if I'm topless, it's just one more thing she'll pay for. I'm gonna be the one stripping her when this next round is over."
This was more like the Debashrita I was used to seeing. Supremely confident, totally sure of her abilities.Frankly though, I don't know what on earth had made her so confident. I mean, she'd hung with the bigger girl for both rounds, but she had clearly been on the defensive the whole time, and once those mammoth legs had wrapped around her, it had been lights out. "Alright, I believe in you sis, but um, stay away from her legs."
Here Debashrita finally showed a little humility, "I know, I know, those things are killers.  But don't worry, I'll take her this time."
"Is the family meeting over?" Siddhi laughed, "I hope you were giving your friend some pointers, it seems like she needs all the help she can get."
"Fuck you bitch, bring it!" my friend was focused now as she bent down in a crouch and rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, looking every bit the skilled athlete she was.
"Ooh, such feistiness for such a little girl that I've already beaten twice and stripped half naked. I like your spirit though, it's going to be fun taming you and teaching you some humility." Siddhi looked serious as she advanced towards my friend. They locked up and Siddhi's superior strength was evident immediately as she forced my friend down onto her knees. I could see my friend was straining with her all her might to fend off the big girl, but she just plain wasn't strong enough. Siddhi forced her onto her back and, for the third time, tried to lock in her deadly body scissors hold. Debashrita did manage to escape, just barely, but she was still flat on her back and Siddhi was able to catch her in a cross body pin, her massive form stretched across Debashrita's shoulders as my friend kicked helplessly on her back. Both girls were breathing hard at this point, and although it looked like Siddhi could have kept my friend pinned all day, it was clear she had something else in mind. She rotated her upper body down towards Debashrita's stomach and reached out with her legs, trying to catch my friend's head is a reverse scissors. Debashrita saw the danger though, and desperately threw one arm up to try and block the move. It wasn't enough though, and Siddhi was able, after a few tries, to snake her leg around the arm and wrap her mighty legs around my friend's head.
"Shit!" screamed Debashrita, as soon as she realized what had happened. Siddhi reached back and grabbed my friend's head by her hair, yanking it high up in her powerful thighs. It was just a formality at this point as Siddhi tensed her mighty thighs and hamstrings, I could see the muscles in her butt tighten as she exerted serious pressure on Debashrita's head. My friend must have seen stars because her submission was instantaneous, "Stop!  I give up!".This time Siddhi released her immediately, and Debashrita's head flopped back down to the ground, her face bright red even after only being squeezed in the head scissors for such a short period of time. But although Siddhi released her hold when Debashrita submitted this time, she was far from through.After unclamping her legs, she got up on her knees, still straddling my friend's body, then proceeded to sit down on her beaten opponent's face! My friend's head was just buried beneath the spandex shorts of this amazon. At this indignity, my friend started furiously flopping her legs around, trying to bridge out of the bigger girl's humiliating faces it. Debashrita's hands tried to push Siddhi's butt off of her face, but to no avail. Earlier in the match, she probably would have been able to escape a move like this, but tussling with the big girl and absorbing those mighty scissor holds had clearly taken its toll. Debashrita was spent.
"Another submission means another piece of clothing forfeited. I think those shorts are coming off, honey." Still sitting on my friend's face, facing her feet, Siddhi proceeded to unbutton my friend's jean shorts. My friend just lay there not resisting, totally out of it, I started to wonder if she could even breathe under there. Siddhi scooted down Debashrita's body off of her face so that she was basically sitting on my friend's tits. Debashrita started gasping for air, her face was bright red and she was clearly quite out of it as Siddhi worked her jean shorts off her legs, also removing my friend's socks and sneakers while she was at it. Now my once proud friend, who had started this match, and even this round, so confident of her success, lay flat on her back underneath this younger, stronger girl, and to top it off, she was clad only in a pair of pink cotton panties. Siddhi turned around so that she was now straddling my friend's body facing her head as she sat high up on her chest, her massive thighs framing my friend's face, and began the taunting, "Well, well.Seems like the tough soccer girl isn't so tough after all." Siddhi moved up so that her crotch was on Debashrita's neck. My friend's head was bent back at a painful angle as she stared up fearfully at her conqueror.
At this point I'd seen enough. My friend had been degraded enough by this bitchy junior, and I intended to stop the humiliation right here. I took a few steps towards the two of them, planning to knock Siddhi off her perch and free my friend. However, I only made it a couple feet before I was intercepted by Purva and tackled to the ground. Even though she was only a freshmen, I knew I probably had no chance against this young muscle girl. Although she wasn't as big as Siddhi, she was taller than me at 5'10, and her big thighs dwarfed mine.Sure enough, our scuffle ended quickly with me face down on the ground.  Purva locked in a full nelson and bent my head back at an uncomfortable angle to make sure that I could see all the action as she controlled me. "Don't worry, Al, I'll take care of this little runt. Have your fun with big sis!"
Meanwhile my friend was still going nowhere, trapped underneath Siddhi's big Amazonian body. "Get off me or I'll . . . I'll" Debashrita yelled. But Siddhi just laughed. "Or what? You'll cry? You'll beg don't worry, bitch, they'll be plenty of time for begging later."  Siddhi reached back and pinched Debashrita's nipples, "I'll get off you when I feel like it, girl, and not a second sooner, do you understand?" she said twisting her nipples painfully. I think reality must have set in for my friend at this point. She was flat on her back, having been stripped down to her panties, desperately struggling just to get air while trapped under the butt of a bigger, stronger, more dominant girl. In a humbled voice she said "Ok, I understand. You've proven your point.You've totally humiliated me, now please let me up Siddhi."
"I don't think so, sweetie. Our little match won't be over until you're totally naked. And you're gonna be the one who takes off your own underwear, I think I've pampered you enough by kindly removing all your other clothes for you so far."
"Never." Debashrita tried to sound confident, but her voice quivered in fear.
Siddhi just smiled, "We'll see about that." Then she scooted forward and planted her spandex clad crotch directly on my friend's face. Debashrita bucked and squirmed, but had no chance of dislodging the bigger girl. Siddhi looked over at me and Purva and took her time adjusting her hair and putting it back up in a ponytail. Then she flexed her arms to emphasize her dominance. Just looking at her flexed biceps, her heaving chest with its massive breasts, and powerful legs, it was easy to see how Siddhi had handled my friend with such little difficulty. Finally Debashrita gave up her struggles and lay passively under the bigger girl. She tried to turn her head to the side a few times, but each time, Siddhi grabbed her by the hair and forced it back directly into her crotch. After the third such failed attempt, it was obvious Debashrita had had enough. She didn't attempt to move her head, but she started screaming her submission into Siddhi's shorts.
"Are you trying to say something, little one?" Siddhi teased as she raised up just enough so that Debashrita could be heard.
"Please, I submit! Siddhi, please lemme go! You win, just get off my face."
"What did you call me bitch? You will address me as Mistress Siddhi, or simply Mistress."Siddhi's tone was stern and her voice had an edge to it. "Now submit to me properly and perhaps I will get off your ugly little face."
My friend was beyond humiliated at this point, her will must have been broken by the looming threat of Siddhi's sweaty crotch hovering directly above her face, because she stammered in a halting voice, "Pretty please, Mi-Mistress Siddhi, I submit. Please Mistress, I give up."
"Hmm," Siddhi appeared to be considering, "Not bad, but your begging still needs work.Well, are you ready to remove your underwear yet? I told you that needs to happen before this match will be over."
Whatever pride Debashrita still had left must have risen up in her at that moment, because I heard a defiant, if muffled, cry come from Siddhi's crotch, "No way!" and then as if reconsidering her defiant tone, "Please don't make me do that , Mistress!"
"My, aren't you a stubborn one. Oh well, more fun for me." chirped Siddhi.Then she sat down hard on Debashrita's face and started gyrating her hips, really mashing my friend's face into her crotch. This was by far the most humiliating point in the match so far, as my friend had long since given up resisting, her panty-clad legs were splayed out awkwardly, and her face resting directly underneath Siddhi's vagina. Siddhi's breathing became heavy and her hands started massaging her huge breasts, it became clear what exactly she was using my friend's face for. But then she seemed to realize where she was, "We'll save that for another time, honey." she purred as she looked down at my friend. Then she extended her legs and transformed the humbling face sit into a crushing front head scissors. Debashrita's hands instinctively went up to her tormentor's thighs as if to try to pry them apart, but it was obvious that that was not going to be a fruitful endeavor.Siddhi grabbed Debashrita's hands and started rubbing them over her thighs, "You think you'd realize by now that it's not a good idea to get yourself stuck between these babies." she teased.
Suddenly Siddhi's tone became deathly serious, "Pull down your panties, little girl. Now!" she growled and she clamped down on her head scissors with massive force. I could tell that Siddhi was exerting serious pressure because her face was twisted in concentration and her leg muscles were fully flexed. Even Purva oohed and aahed in admiration. My friend's face was literally buried in the crotch of Siddhi's spandex shorts. I could hear her muffled whimpering. I wished I could do something to help her, but Purva held me tight in her full nelson and I knew I wasn't strong enough to get out of it.  "Stop it!" I shouted, "Haven't you humiliated her enough already?"I was near to tears myself at this point watching my once proud friend being totally subjugated by this bitchy junior amazon.
Siddhi just looked over at me and laughed, "I'll decide when the little girl's ordeal is over, and it certainly won't be until after those cute little panties come off." At this point all the fight was gone from Debashrita and it was completely obvious who the winner was. Siddhi could have easily stripped her herself if she'd wanted to, but she knew that forcing the much admired athlete to remove her own underwear would just be that much more humiliating. Suddenly Siddhi's massive legs flexed again and Debashrita yelled out in pain into her tormentor's crotch, "ok, ok, whatever you say!  Please!". I could only imagine the power that Siddhi must have in her legs to have so easily reduced my confident friend into a helpless little plaything for her twisted desires.Debashrita's arms shot down to her sides and she curled her legs up so that she could reach her underwear. With her head still deep in Siddhi's crotch, Debashrita struggled a little but eventually was able to pull her pink panties down and kick them off. "Good little girl," Siddhi said, as she patted my friend on the head as if she were a well behaved dog, "See, I knew you could be trained to be obedient. It just took a little convincing from these babies" she ran her hands down her glorious thighs and squeezed once more.My friend again yelled out in pain and started more pitiful begging into Siddhi's spandex shorts. Her totally nude legs helplessly kicked about, finally stopping only when Siddhi eased up on the pressure.
Obviously I had never seen my friend naked before, and I sort of tried to avert my eyes, but Purva was having none of that as she jerked my head up and whispered "Get a good look at your tough friend now." And as much as I hate to admit it, a part of me was curious to see my friend totally naked. Her neatly trimmed bush was a testament to the fact that she was, indeed, a natural brunette. Compared with anyone else, Debashrita's long athletic legs would have been a sight to behold, but next to Siddhi's longer and more powerful ones, my friend's legs just looked weak and insignificant. Siddhi finally released her torturous head scissor that had crushed any last resistance out of Debashrita and easily flipped my beaten friend onto her back. I got a glimpse of Debashrita's face that had spent the last few minutes deep in Siddhi's crotch. It was bright red, presumably from both the power of Siddhi's legs and the shame of being humiliated and forced to remove her own panties. Tears stained my once proud friend's face, something which I honestly couldn't recall ever having seen.  She had a resigned and defeated look in her eyes that was totally unlike her. It was clear that Siddhi had dominated my friend in every sense of the word.
Now, with Debashrita flat on her back, Siddhi started intertwining her legs with my friend's. "Ooh, she's gonna grapevine her; this always breaks them," Purva chuckled. Debashrita, too, apparently could sense what was coming, because she started pleading once more, "Please, Siddhi, omigod, please don't. You've punished me enough"
Siddhi's face darkened, "What did you just call me, slut?"
Debashrita's face flushed as she realized her mistake and she started frantically babbling, "I'm sorry Mistress, I'm so sorry, Mistress Siddhi. Please, just don't hurt me anymore, Mistress! God, pretty please with sugar on top. Whatever you want, Mistress! I'm begging you!"
"Yes, everyone can see that. And your begging is quite pathetic, embarrassing really, we will have to work on that. I'm sure I can find some fun ways to make you beg, don't you think?"
Debashrita was in no position to disagree with anything Siddhi was saying at this point, "Yes, Mistress, I promise I will learn to be a better beggar. You're a very good teacher." It was hard to argue with that statement given how in the span of about half an hour my confident friend had been reduced to a groveling shell of her former self.
"Such an eager student, now time for one more lesson." And then Siddhi stretched out her legs, I could see her powerful butt muscles tense through her tiny spandex shorts, her mighty thighs rippling with power. My friend was an athletic and flexible girl, but nobody could take this kind of punishment. Her nude legs, dwarfed by Siddhi's, were stretched apart almost to the breaking point as she was put shamelessly on display, her legs wide open and her vagina plainly visible to all who wanted to look.Debashrita screamed in pain and the begging resumed once more. This time Siddhi said nothing though, and just stared steely eyed down at my friend. After about a minute, my friend's whining and begging stopped, she clearly didn't know what to do to try and appease this massive amazon that was taking her apart. Debashrita just lay there, clearly in excruciating pain, with tears streaming down her bright red cheeks.
Finally Siddhi, in a voice that brooked no disobedience simply said, "Do you want to surrender?"
"Yes, Mistress, please, I surrender."
"Beg me to allow you to submit!"
"Please, Mistress! You've beaten me, I've learned my lesson.  You're better than me, please, just stop, omigod, it hurts so much, please, please, I'll do anything. Please let me submit!" We could all hear the desperation in her voice.
"Are you my bitch?"
"Say it!"
There was absolutely no hesitation on Debashrita's part as she screamed out, "I'm Mistress Siddhi's bitch!"
Siddhi triumphantly pumped her legs once more causing another yelp of pain on Debashrita's part, then she slowly disentangled her body from my friend's and stood up. As soon as Siddhi released her, Debashrita's hands shot down to her painfully stretched out groin muscles as she desperately tried to cover herself up and relieve her pain. It was pretty pathetic watching my friend writhe around on the ground like that with her hands in her crotch, but she was obviously beyond feeling any sense of shame at this point.
"On your knees!" came the order from Siddhi. I seriously wondered if my friend even had the strength to comply with that command at this point, but she managed to slowly work her way up to her knees, even though it was clear that her upper thighs and crotch area had been seriously damaged by Siddhi's vicious grapevine hold.Siddhi grabbed my friend by the hair, "On all fours, bitch."
Again, there was no hesitation at all by Debashrita as she quickly put her hands on the ground and dropped to all fours.Naked and sniveling she looked every bit like Siddhi's bitch. The contrast between the two girls was stunning.Siddhi stood smirking, tall and proud, her double D breasts jutting out prominently in her now damp baby blue sports bra. Her muscular legs looked incredible in her skimpy gray spandex bottoms.A light sheen of sweat coated her body, but it was obvious that she hadn't exerted herself too hard. One hand tightly gripped my friend's hair, forcing her head back at a painful angle so that she would have to look into her conqueror's eyes.With her other arm Siddhi flexed her bicep in another impressive show of strength. Debashrita, on the other hand, looked like she had been put through the ringer. She gazed up at the girl that had dominated her with a fearful look on her face. Tears continued to poor down her cheeks and her bedraggled hair was a mess. Her once lithe and supple body looked somehow weak now, there were grass stains and dirt all over her back where Siddhi had kept her for so long. Her legs were spread out a little bit as she knelt on all fours in what I could only assume was an attempt to relieve some of the pain from Siddhi's brutal grapevine. In short, Debashrita was the picture of a girl that had been completely and utterly subjugated in every sense of the word.
Siddhi pointed in the direction of the panties which she had forced Debashrita to remove earlier, "Fetch, bitch." Purva whispered in my ear, "She likes collecting the panties of the girls she beats up as trophies. She always has a fun new way of making them give them to her, and I think this one will be the best so far." My friend was completely resigned to her fate at this point. Siddhi released her death-grip on her hair, and Debashrita slowly crawled over towards her discarded underwear. She reached for the panties with her hand, but Siddhi had other ideas. "No, no, honey, I said 'fetch', no hands, do it like the dog that you are." It really showed how terrified Debashrita must have been by this powerful amazon that she merely sighed, and lowered her head to the ground, picking up her own dirty panties with her mouth. "Now bring them them to mistress!" Debashrita hustled back on all fours as fast as her injured legs could carry her with the panties in her mouth. Siddhi plucked them out of my friend's mouth, "I'm going to keep these as a souvenir of  our little fight, if you can even call it that. Do you have any objections to that?"
"No, Mistress," Debashrita practically sobbed.
"Good girl, I didn't think there'd be a problem. You can keep the rest of your clothes, on three conditions: 1) you must promise not to put any of them on until you're back at your house. I want you to be naked for the trip so you learn what happens when you mess with me. Will you do that for me?"
Of course, it's not like Debashrita had any real choice in the matter, "Yes, Mistress, anything you say, Mistress."
"Number 2: I'm having a little get together Saturday night with a few of the girls from the volleyball team, I would very much like for you to swing by, let's say around 9ish?"
Here my friend hesitated. She was obviously petrified of what might happen to her if she went to Siddhi's house. But Siddhi was having none of it and once more grabbed my friend by her hair, forcing her to look up and very sternly said, "Do you really need another obedience lesson?  You're naked and groveling at my feet, haven't you been humiliated enough?" As much of a bitch as Siddhi was, you couldn't argue with her logic, and it was pretty obvious the last thing my friend wanted was any more humiliation by the younger girl today.
"Yes, Mistress, of course. I'll be there." Debashrita had the most defeated and resigned look I'd ever seen on her face. I think she had been hoping that this humiliating experience would be over today, but now it was evident that Siddhi intended to continue it for some time.
"Yes, of course you will, honey. And number 3: kiss me right here," Siddhi pointed at her crotch,"just so that we're absolutely clear on who is in charge here." I thought all doubt on that question had long since been erased, but Debashrita bobbed her head and gave Siddhi a quick peck on her spandex shorts. "No, baby, louder, so we all can hear it." Again my friend immediately put her head back in Siddhi's crotch and this time I could hear the loud smack of my friend's lips that signified her obedience. "Good girl," murmured Siddhi, and she held Debashrita's head, lips pressed up against her vagina, against her crotch for another few seconds, just to assert her total dominance. Satisfied, she jerked Debashrita's head back and threw her to the ground, walking off, she said, "See you around, slut, don't forget about Saturday." She motioned to Purva, who finally released me, but not before whispering in my ear, "I expect you to be there on Saturday as well, otherwise I will humiliate you in ways you and your pathetic friend can't even imagine." Then she threw me to the ground next to my nude friend and walked off with Siddhi.
Neither of us said much on the walk home. I tried to convince my friend that it would be ok for her to put on some clothes. But she refused, muttering something about not wanting to disobey 'Mistress Siddhi', and kept fearfully looking back as if Siddhi might be following her, so we skulked back, with me playing lookout and Debashrita hiding behind fences and cars and whatever we could find. It was obvious that Siddhi had put the fear of god into my once confident friend. And sadly, as we were to find out Saturday night, that was just the beginning of our ordeal . . .

This is my first work.Kindly ignore the grammatical errors. I am currently working on part 2. Your opinions are welcome

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