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There are times when the only choice is to be an Oath-breaker... |
Before I start with the short story, permit me a few words. This one is my very first short that has ever been published and so it has a special place in my hearth. It tells a story that may be found distasteful, may be found as an attack to certain groups. It isn't. It just is, what it is...a story, born within my mind and coming from the simplest of the questions: "What if...?" That being said, if you have any issue with it or desire for a discussion, feel free to contact me here on WDC. Now, enjoy the reading... Oath Breaking Ezekiel opened his eyes with a groan of pain, shackles were cutting his hands as the chains that kept him nailed to the wall didn’t let him to move. He was standing, chained to the wall, his head inclined forward as his long pure white hairs fell on his face, obscuring it from view. He breathed slowly as his body trembled from the tortures that his new masters had inflicted upon him. The gruesome wounds on his back, the mutilation inflicted to him upon his capture, still exuded blood which streaked down along his body only to fall, drop by drop, on the stone floor. The rattling of the chains and his own weakened state, forced him to revive those memories that he wanted so much to forget, those images the he wished had been able to erase for himself. The reason for his betrayal. The moment he was reborn as a Fallen Angel. Without warning, he was there again, in the Halls of the Father. A monochromatic place where everything was pure, were everything was white, a vast hall apparently limitless where, in the middle of if there were two thrones. Both levitating in the air, one was at a higher height than the other. In front of them there was he, Ezekiel, kneeling down with his head toward the floor, his beautiful white feathered wings, folded on his back. Side by side with his knee, there was his war helm. There he waited for the Judgement of his Father, that he judged him worthy of his duty, worthy of having destroyed His enemies. At the right of the Father sat a man, dressed in pure white floating vests, on which head rested a crown made of thorns. He sat exuding a regal aura and yet, there was a gentle look in his eyes, as they stared to nothing, lost in a future of which only Him and His Father knew about. The voice of the Father of All was like a whisper in the wind, a fresh breeze on the skin of all his sons, and yet strong enough to remind a powerful thunder. "Ezekiel, son of Melkior. Are you back from your duty?" "Oh Lord, this son of Yours has returned to You." "Are my enemies defeated? " "None of them shall oppose you no longer. " " I thank you, my son, for your dedication to the Cause bring honor to all of us.” Ezekiel growled against the chains the blocked his body, but not his mind, as he tried to forget, as he fought against his own memories, for that was the day whe the Perfect Kingdom of Heavens started to reveal a secret he had never imagined. “Look, my Sons! Ezekiel has returned victorious…and yet he hasn’t done as he was requested to. Isn’t it true, my son?” The angel, still kneeling, didn’t lift his eyes from the floor, aware of the order received but, unable to execute them entirely. His voice, then rise, strong and faithful, with deference toward the Almighty. “Your enemies are dead, Lord. Not one of them will renege you anymore…Not one will..” “Ezekiel! What were your orders? What orders I had given unto You, Personally?” “Eliminate your enemies, annihilate every trace of their betrayal…To bring you…To bring unto you their…” “To bring me their heads, Ezekiel! You, instead, You had them buried. You let their remains to flee from my vengeance. You deluded me, my warrior.” “Father! They’re dead! Dead for having fled your Kingdom of Heavens…I couldn’t…I couldn’t desecrate their bodies…They were my Brothers before they shunned your Light.” The inhuman being rose from his throne, floating in the air while moving toward the knelt angel, until the last one could feel His presence on his head. “Ezekiel, must I believe that you too want to betray me? You too want to abandon My Kingdom of Heavens? Still I don’t want to believe it. I will give you one last chance, my son, to prove your loyalty to me.” “I’m yours to command, Lord.” “There are some of your brothers who believe that they can be better than me. Do you think this is possible?” “No. Nothing can be above You, Father.” “No hesitation. This answer make me proud of you but, before I can consider you save I have to ask you to follow one duty for Me, Ezekiel.” The angel slowly stood up, wearing his War Helm, only to offer his blade to the Lord Almighty. "Your wishes will be done, Lord.” “A Traitor has been living with us, he now flee my presence, Ezekiel. Find him and bring him back to me, so that I may render judgement to him personally.” "It shall be done, Lord. You know already his identity?" "He’s your Commander, Ezekiel. His name is Lucipher." Ezekiel closed his eyes, returning to his present. He felt his body getting weaker from the open wounds, and he could only hope that this suffering would cloud his mind, that this weakening would let him precipice in a dark world void of memories but, as he fell unconscious once more, he felt again himself being surrounded by those awful experiences. For days, Ezekiel, unleashed his rage and his hate on his Commander, Lucipher, unable to understand how He could have betrayed their own Father, their only Lord. When he managed to be again in control of his action he launched himself in the hunt for his once friend. He hunted him down for weeks, until he finally managed to reach him in his Hideout, in one of the lesser known astral plains. Ezekiel launched himself toward the figure of his old Commander, the Angel who had taught him everything he knew, the Angel that was more than just a Brother. Still, as soon as he had him before him, Ezekiel, found out he couldn’t simply lash out to him in rage and vengeance, he, first, had to know the reason behind that betrayal. Wearing his war tunic, in steel chain and silvery plates, he slowed down until he stopped a few feet from the person he was searching for His target. The betrayer. His closest and best friend. Lucipher was beautiful, wearing his suit of tarnished steel plate armor he looked at his fellow angel with a smile. His vast black wings, as were his hairs, had made him often prey of insults and torments by the other Angels but, he had never been concerned about those. Preferring to focus on following the orders received from his Father with the most zealotry instead of worrying over his looks, for which he had no control. "Commander." “Ezekiel. Brother, what has moved you to sought me?” “Commander, I…” “From how many eons we know each other? Call me with my name, Ezekiel. We’re not in battle, we’re between friends.” “Why have you betrayed him? How could you think to be better than Him!” The Angel with the black wings didn’t move, he stood motionless staring at his brother in arms, for suddenly looking him with a scowl. “You fought for Him for a long time now, Ezekiel. Tell me, since when he has refused to offer forgiveness? Since when he’s requesting the heads of his enemies? Something changed in our Father. I…I don’t want to follow his orders. He has commanders and warriors which are my equals, if not better, and then why I have to be the only one to torture his adversaries? Even when these surrender and beg for mercy, I’m still ordered to kill them. Why, Ezekiel?” Lucipher stopped speaking, lowering his head, as tears fell from his eyes, streaking down on his face. “I…I’ve executed His orders, against all of His enemies. I’ve been the perfect war hound, He pointed and I killed.” “You took lives between His enemies, so? What makes you believe…?” “THEY WERE INFANTS, EZEKIEL! Infants…What harm can they bring to the Father? What threat they can be for the On who created everything?” "Infants…?" Ezekiel stare now, was blocked in the eyes of his Commander, those beautiful crimson eyes in which he read fear, anger and hate. His Commander, the Angel who had been always known for his perfection, that had become the symbol of the perfect work of their Father, was now trembling in terror in front of him. “You do understand now, Ezekiel? You understand why I had to abandon everything? He has changed. You have seen it too, haven’t you?” Ezekiel stepped back, lowering his stare. Yes, he had seen it but, what they could do about it? He was the Lord Almighty. Still, he couldn’t speak, for whatever he would say would have been only a lie. Slowly his gaze returned in those wonderful crimson colored eyes and a question came out of his lips. “What, ever, can we do against Him? ” “We can renege him, Ezekiel. More are joining me, abandoning His lead and, as soon as we will be in a sufficient number we will move away. We will abandon these realms that are His home, as we will seek refuge in some of the forgotten realms.” “He will hunt us down. He will send Gabriel after us. ” “We shall see. Can I count you with us, then?” Ezekiel stood motionless in front of his old friend, before kneeling down to him, lowering his head. "I’ll always be at your orders, Commander." For centuries, the rebel community of Angels lived in tranquility. Hiding in one of the forgotten and uninhabited astral plane, they lived peacefully among themselves, until they weren’t found by Gabriel and his Golden Ones. The battle lasted for weeks but, although the renegades fought with courage and spirit, they couldn’t dismiss the power of Gabriel and his elité troops. Ezekiel and Lucipher fought back to back, covering one another, killing all those who tried to oppose them. Until Gabriel, the Archangel, moved against them, personally. On instinct, Ezekiel moved forward, trying to intercept him but his adversary wasn’t a common foe. Fully hitted by the Archangel, his war tunic exploded in a shower of silvery fragments, as the Chosen of the Father moved against the Renegades Leader. He tried to stand up once more, to assist his commander but, the wound had been too strong and he fell into darkness, as he lost his senses. When he next opened his eyes, he saw a shower of sparks coming from the two generals fighting each other, exchanging blows that would have killed a lesser being but, for every minute that passed, Lucipher seemed to be tiring down. As Gabriel seemed to never feel tired. Soon, even the strong Renegade leader fell to the ground, his sword falling on the floor with the sound of a funereal bell, as the Archangel prepared himself to take his life. The glint of savage joy in the eyes of the Servant of God was so unusual that Ezekiel couldn’t see anymore the purity that had always been the meaning of the word Angel. The hall in which the fight had been brought was flooded with the blood and the corpses of the rebels, as hundreds of Angels in golden suit of armor, awaited their commander orders as this took his time to finish Lucipher. The Fallen Angel, last survivor of the renegades troops, tried to move to assist his brother in arms, and commander but, was too slow. The enflamed sword of Gabriel collided against Lucipher’s neck, cutting off his head. The body of the Renegade leader, stood still for a few moment, as the Archangel began turning away. Suddenly, though, a vermillion tide began to fall from the headless neck, until a strange vibration resounded in the entire hall, a trembling that spread fear in all the presents hearts. Even Gabriel had to look around in fear as he heard a sound coming from his just defeated enemy. Turning around he saw a new head emerge from the severed neck of Lucipher, a feral face with a pair of mean looking horns, as evil glinting eyes began to rotate until they stopped on the figure of the Archangel. Lucipher stood back from the ground, as his skin seemed to be absorbing his blood, taking a deep red pigmentation, while two additional wings emerged with the sound of tearing flesh. Gabriel moved back, until he was in touch with the bodies of his soldier. All of them looking in horror and terror to the monster in front of them. The voice of the Fallen Commander was cruel and harsh, as it traveled toward his own killer. "You dare define yourself as a Servant of the Benevolent God? Dare you say that it was we who betrayed?" With a furious movement, Lucipher rose in the air, his four wings beating. His fiery stare swept the faces of those still alive in the Hall, until it moved back toward his nemesis, Gabriel. “The maker…he betrayed Us. Reneging the ideals and the Laws he had given Us. It is him the Betrayer…And I shall have his head, just as I’m going to have yours!” Gabriel moved forward, freeing his flaming sword from its scabbard, as he pointed a finger against the corrupted angel. “Ha! You’re just a rebel, Lucipher. A monster in need to be put out of its misery. The Father want’s it!” At those words, hundreds of throats answered back to that call, as the Golden Ones cheered their commander. “Then, Come forward, Gabriel. Fight me and show me how strong is the maker, now.” Gabriel stood still, stuttering words only to explode in a roaring fit of laughter, as he flailed his flaming sword toward the reborn renegade. "I’ve already killed you once, Lucipher. Second time won’t be any different!” Ezekiel was still on the ground, his body trembling as he cried for his Commander, once a creature of the skies, pure and gentle. But as he looked at him he could see what future he would have brought had he won. He saw the violence, the destruction, the depravation that would have followed him as he moved to create his utopia. In a moment he saw himself, horrendous transfiguration of his own figure, fighting alongside Lucipher, helping him in his plan bringing death and destruction to all. As the vision came, so it was gone, the Fallen Angel can do nothing more than cry in despair. The dream, the utopia that Lucipher wanted to create was going to be only another nightmare. Could he really let his Commander to reach that end? Could he let himself be called ’Brother’ if he was ready to turn his back to his most trusted friend? Slowly, Ezekiel, managed to stand, as it began to crawl at a snail pace toward the two unholy beings that were locked in a confrontation of such proportions that all the presents were too astonished to intervene. Every movement,every action of the two warriors was a lethal blow that tried to definitively kill the enemy. And even though the two were masters in the art of warfare, the fight carried on, with no victor. Until Ezekiel intervened. In a moment that the two champions were separated, the Fallen managed to reach his commander, hugging him as he invoked the Celestial powers to banish away what had been his only, true, family. “Forgive me, Brother, but I can’t let your Utopia become a new nightmare. ” Gabriel couldn’t believe his own eyes. Lucipher, the bastard that had managed to stop and parry each and every of his attacks, grinning savagely, had just been betrayed by his most loyal companion. It was the most magnificent sight that the Archangel could imagine, the stare of betrayed loyalty in the eyes of Lucipher, as he was banished and imprisoned in a freezingly cold astral plane. But to see the figure of Ezekiel, once Warrior of the Holy Father, standing while handling the ceremonial dagger, still soaked in the celestial blood of his own Commander, was a sight, thousands of times better. “So, Ezekiel. You truly are a Betrayer. What? Do you think to come back in the grace of the Father?” “No, Gabriel. You and the…father, are corrupted. I’ve only protected my most trusted friend form your evil clutches and schemes. Now, come on. That this farce end as it has started…With my or your blood on the cold floor.” The Fallen returned to his body, finding himself still chained, as the pool of his blood at his feet still grows larger from his open wounds, a reddish mist start to form around him as his blood touches more and more of the freezing stone floor. Ezekiel remember for a moment the laughter of Gabriel, as he stood victoriously over his body, laughing as he said to him that all of that rebellion was going to be forgotten, as it was the Victor duty to write the histories of his own past. It didn’t matter to him, let the human believed whatever they wanted, let the lies of the Corrupted be taken as truth. All it mattered to him was that his Brother was safe. Ezekiel began to feel his body weakening and, as the darkness surrounds him one last time, he smiled in the knowledge that he shall never again remember those sad memories. The chains rattle one last time, as the body of the Fallen Angel cease all movements, his eyes close for the last time as a smile appear on his face, giving him back the serenity for which his species is widely known. |