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by MDJ
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2135277
A Picori village wanted to pay back Link for all that he has done...in a bizarre way.
A Minish Hero's Reward

There was something weird going on with the whole Picori population in the small forest village, and Link knows it. Ever since the final battle with Vaati and Hyrule getting saved, the boy has been receiving weird reactions from the tiny creatures that range from a blush from some of the Picori after a casual greeting from him, to getting his measurements taken by the local clothing store owner as he was browsing around, while muttering "he'll be one of us" rather happily to himself. Those words that Link heard had confused and crept him out at the same time, due to the meaning behind them. Just what did that shopkeeper mean by "be one of us" anyway?

Link was taking a walk through the grass outside the village in his third visit to the Picori world. Reasons behind the gate to the world being open permanently were due to the efforts of Princess Zelda and Link showing how much gratitude they feel to the tiny beings in helping rescue Hyrule from total destruction, and how they deserve to have their connections with the large world around them improve. After hearing about the gate staying open forever, the Picori from all over Hyrule cried out in joy. More so for the young hero due to his dedication and heroism as he saved them.

But later their behaviors have started becoming weird towards him as already stated. The Picori were planning something in store for Link, but he does not know what. It isn't anything bad, right?

Link was still in his thoughts when he heard someone call his name. Turning his head to the direction of the voice, he saw that the owner of the voice was a small Picori boy running over to him in an excited manner. "Hey there, Zukanabo. What's up?" Link asks the Picori. Zukanabo was a small male Picori that looked to be the age of a 6-year-old Hylian child. The kid wears the usual uniform of a forest Picori, ending with the long red cap. Only thing that was different and unique about the little guy were the rings on his toes. First time the Hylian hero saw them, he was a bit surprised as to the accessories that the kid has. After asking him about them one time, Zukanabo smiled and replied with "I like to feel special and cool with these on." Understanding the decision, Link chooses to not ask that question again.

"I just came by to tell you that Vaati would like to have a chat," the little Picori says. "He wanted to thank you for saving him from the Wishing Cap's power." Link frowned at the mention of the Wishing Cap, since it was mostly responsible for the near destruction of Hyrule in the first place. If it wasn't for that thing, Vaati wouldn't have been bad and tried to destroy everything. Of course that is all in the past, as the odd Picori has become a bit more kindhearted since then.

"I'll be there right away," Link says a bit happily. "But question is, where is he anyway?" "He's at Master Ezlo's place, and he sincerely wishes that you'd be there right away." Hearing what the little kid said immediately got the Hyrulian boy's attention. How long has it been since he's last heard from Ezlo? Has he come back from his trip to the mountains yet? It would be highly unlikely though, since it would be a month-long trip, according to Festari when he asked him about it. "I sure hope that he doesn't wait for too long," Link says as he runs to the village. "Really am glad that he's not going to lose it like he did the last time."

When the little hero reaches Ezlo's house, he notice Festari waiting near the front entrance rocking back and forth on his feet. What exactly was the young priest doing here? He must have a reason for coming. Shrugging his shoulders, Link went over to the priest who then greeted him. "Hello there Link, how are you doing today?" "Oh I'm doing just fine, thank for asking Festari." Link responded "But why are you here anyway? I thought that only Vaati was supposed to meet me here." Festari smiled warmly to the boy as he put an arm on his shoulder. "He and I have been planning on something that was going to surprise you a whole lot. I'll explain when we go in."

As the two went inside the house, Link and Festari were a bit excited on how things with Vaati are going to go. When they go inside, waiting for them was none other than the purple clad Picori himself. He's currently reading a book on legends of Hyrule when he heard the two come in. "Hey guy," Vaati says as he turns to them. "I was wondering when you were gonna show up." Festari walked up to him as he whispered into his ear, explaining the reason behind them coming. "Well that's great to hear," the odd Picori says happily. "We might as well get started then. All that we need to do is to get Link over here." The both of them looked over to the Hero of Hyrule, who was looking at a few of the things stacked on the shelf, before looking at each other and nodded their heads. It's time to get it started right away.

"What were you guys whispering to each other about?" Link asked Festari and Vaati when he was done looking at the shelves. But the only response that he got from them were small smiles. Albeit creepy ones at that. "Okay... I should probably wait outside if whatever you two were talking about was a surprise." Right as he was about to take a step back, the bot witnessed Vaati raise an arm towards him with the palm of the hand out in front. Is he casting a spell or something along the line? If so, which spell is it? "Blissful Dreamland" were the words that came out of the odd Picori's mouth and were the last words that the boy ever heard before blacking out.

Festari walked over to the boy's body as he taps him with his foot. "Puppetry Ensnarement" Vaati chanted out. Link opens his eyes, which are blank white, and stands up in a soldier-like pose. An equally blank expression is also etched on his face. "Oh Link, you look so great and majestic in the pose you're in right now," Vaati says in admiration. "How about without your boots on next? I would love to see your feet." The entranced human reached down and took off his boots. Now nothing is covering his feet as they are shown for the two Picori in the room to see. "Perfect." Vaati whispers in admiration. "Absolutely perfect." The young Picori priest couldn't help but smirk at the foot fetish that Ezlo's apprentice has. After discovering it by witnessing him sniffing the mage's toes while taking a nap one day. It must've been a coincidence that the young priest also has a foot fetish that matches his enthusiasm for humans. The one thing that the two Picoris have in common with their fetishes is that they're mainly attracted to male feet more.

Getting out of the trip down memory lane, Festari went to the now barefooted and mindless Link and prepared a spell of his own. Having dabbled in some magic of his own, the young priest started chanting quietly at first but it eventually got a little more louder and clearer until one could make out the words "By the powers of the Minish from days of yore, turn this Hylian boy into something more."

Seconds after declaring these words aloud, sparks of lightning appeared from his hands and spread towards the entranced boy while circling around him. Once a ring of blue lightning has been formed, the next part of the spell began to play its role.

Link's face pushed a little with his nose moving more and more until its fully a Picori muzzle like face. Bones were heard popping in the process. The next thing to happen were the ears stretching up to the length of usual Picori ears, doubling his former ones. To ensure better hearing in case of anything coming his way.

One of the strangest effects around the spell being used, was the clothes being affected as well. Their designs were changing to look like they were tailor-made by a Picori instead of by a Hylian. The pants were being puffed up at the thighs, like a Picori's would. Even the usual feather tail grew out of Link's behind.

The next change to occur would be Link's hands, with one of the fingers merging with another on each hand. In other words, he now has 4 fingers instead of 5 originally. His hands then grew claws and became more mouse-like. His feet followed the same process as his hands, with one toe merging with another and turn more mouse-like, with claws growing in.

Standing in place of the Hero of Hyrule as a Hylian boy, was a Picori that resembles him in almost every way. Not a single trace of Link's original form could be seen anywhere on him. And that is something that Festari and Vaati are going to keep that way.

"It worked. It worked!" Festari said in his delight. "Hooray!" Vaati chimed in, also delighted. Both of them jumped in the air. They were doing this for about a minute and a half, before calming down.

"Now that we're done with making our hero one of us, it's now time for him to sleep." Vaati says. "Alrighty then young Link, it is time for you to sleep. Because once you awaken later on, you will forget all about your human life and will believe that you have always been a Minish your whole life. And most importantly, you will go by the name Linkoro. Do you understand?" The transformed Link, now Linkoro, nodded slowly. Vaati and Festari smile before the former snapped his fingers.

The third Picori in the room fell to the ground, asleep. As the other two Picori stood over the prone body, still wearing those smiles on their faces. Why would they, exactly? Because they, along with the other villagers, would be so excited to officially repay their debt to the Hero of Hyrule in their own way. Which is turning him into one of them, obviously.

The world of Hyrule is a rather unpredictable place to live in. There's no telling what could happen next.

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