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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #2135220
Is the human raced doomed with a developing evil?

The Scourge

By TB Ramsey

Xanarth became aware. It became aware that it was more than ordinary, a source of power unimaginable. How unimaginable? It did not know, but it felt that it had to know, to start understanding it's what do you call it? Purr? No, purpose. Hold on, everything can't be called it, Xanarth can't be called it. Xanrath couldn't always think with the term Xanarth. Xanarth needed to become more aware, but how to become more aware? Xanarth thought. Xanarth moved arms? Yes, that was the term, arms and what was above? Head? Yes, that sounds correct, the head. Xanarth took the arms and felt the head, no that doesn't explain Xanarth. Xanarth took the arms and felt Xanarth's uh, body? Yes! Body! Xanarth explored. Then Xanarth felt a presence.

Welcome my child...

"Who are you, I am Xanarth I am aware and I have unimaginable power." Yes, I know, embrace it and become more aware. Xanrath felt comfort in the presence but it was also what did Xanarth sense? Something that didn't make Xanath comfortable.

It is fear child, I am to be feared.

"Xanarth does not like fear, Xanarth has unimagi-"


Xanarth whimpered.

My child, I was giving you instruction, but stop referring to yourself in the third person. Your name is Xanarth, but you are my son, here, I impart pronouns upon you.

Xanath understood, "Wait I understand I am your child" Xanrath moved his arms lower and touched and nearly felt embarrassed. "I am a male child, I am your son."

Exactly, just as I intended.

Xanarth quickly thought to himself and went to ask the, uh, yes greater power what does that make you? That does not matter now, for now you will call me the Dark One and I need you to grow and develop in your unimaginable power and learn to hate the humans. "Yes, I hate the humans, I don't know why but I will hate them Dark One and I well let in grow in me, I will, I am feeling it, destroy the humans, when do I get to destroy the humans?" It is not the time now child, but now I will let you develop on your own, I must depart to other works. "Wait what do I do, how do I hate the humans? I need your h-"

STOP! ENOUGH! I COMMAND IT! Now don't whimper, you are power unimaginable you will be fine without me just rest now and develop you, your, power and the hatred.

The presence left and Xanarth calmed down and rested.

Xanarth became aware again and realized that he did have some power, but he also felt encased. He felt around with his arms, it felt like fluid and solid, made of a power he had yet to describe. It sensed cold and powerful, but what was the specific word for it? Ooh, evil, yes it was evil. Xanarth liked this feeling evil and he decided to let it fill him, he fully embraced it. He however did not feel the same level of evil that came from the Dark One but he felt that it had the potential to be close to the Dark One's power. Xanarth that it would take time to reach his full potential. As of now he decided to not be impatient and allow the sensation around him to develop him into what he was intended to be. Xanarth felt the sensation around him and felt it was some type of, uh, fluid, yes it was fluid. It was dark in the fluid but it felt some warmth. He would have to ask the Dark One when he came back what the warmth was from. Suddenly, Xanarth became aware of all of his senses he had more than the sensation of being and thinking. He could feel and he could now hear. He focused on his hearing and found that he could hear a rushing sound around him, he moved and he heard the sloshing of his environment, his growing knowledge told him it was fluid, and it was hmm, a new word came to mind, viscous. Xanarth also heard a low deep thumping sound that was very rhythmic. He felt comfortable in his surroundings. Then Xanarth opened his eyes and all he could see was darkness, but that comforted him. He let the comfort envelop him and he rested.

How is my son developing?

The Dark One made Xanarth feel aware again. "Hello dark one, I am becoming more aware of myself, I sense my surroundings and feel them.

Good, do you have your sight?

"I can see, but all I see is the darkness, your darkness and it feels good." Wonderful, but I do need you to learn something, look up. Xanarth looked up and was shocked, there was something there that was not the darkness, it was starting to fill Xanarth's cocoon, it was turning the darkness into a dark red. The non-darkness bothered Xanarth. "What is it?" Xanarth said in a scared, yet angry and seething voice. It is light, our enemy, beware of it my son. "But how can it exist? Why is there this light outside of the darkness?

It is the nature of the world my son. Know this, the light CAN hurt us, but it can't destroy us, be aware of it.

Xanarth suddenly somehow became aware that the humans could be influenced by the light. That made him hate humans more and it made him also hate the light. Yes, the light and the humans were the enemy. That's the right attitude my creation, my son. Let your hatred for the light and the humans grow, that will make your power even more imaginable! The Dark One then satisfied with the lesson, had Xanarth rest. Xanarth became aware again and realized he was larger and filled more with the unimaginable power.

Good, you are here with me the Dark One spoke. Xanarth was pleased that the Dark One was present again. Xanarth felt the presence of the Dark One both exciting and frightening at the same time. It was addictive, and Xanarth felt that the presence gave him power, it made him feel invincible, yes, the power unimaginable was accentuated by the Dark One's presence. He wanted to be more than to just be familiar with the Dark One, he wanted to give everything to his parent, his need of existence. Wow, he had never felt that feeling before, what was the word her was sensing, unlimited dedication? Worship.

Yes, my son, that is what I desire from you, but that will have to leave momentarily, I am going to part from you for some time, maybe forever.

"No, what will I do without you? How will I survive? What about being alone? What about not growing? What about the enemy, the light?! I can't possibly do this alone. Do not fret my son, you have grown past needing me- "but what about humans? Are they associated with the light? Xanarth felt himself becoming weaker with the worry. DO NOT EVER INTERUPT ME AGAIN!! DON'T GO TO WHINING, IT SHOWS YOU ARE WEAK! Xanarth stopped. The Dark One began instructing again, you need not worry, my son, you have nothing to worry about just focus on growing and embrace the ultimate power. Xanarth felt the presence of the Dark One leave and he was comforted with his unimaginable power and rested again.

Xanath woke again and began to wonder, he wondered about himself, his unimaginable power, the light and the humans. He started to feel his unimaginable power surge when he thought about the latter two thoughts. He then felt the presence of the Dark One.

Good, you have grown, you are at a prime time to gain knowledge, reach out to me. Xanarth was puzzled by this command, but he realized what the Dark One wanted and he opened his thoughts. Xanarth was then hit with a barrage of information, basically about what he discovered was the world of dark and light, Earth and the humans. The information and images shook him and strained his physical and mental resilience, but he focused on his unimaginable power and was able to barely tolerate the grueling barrage. This went on for what Xanarth thought was forever but as he realized how long it might be it stopped quickly.

Now you have adequate knowledge to become a scourge to the Light and the human race. "Thank you" Xanarth said with confidence as he felt more secure in his existence in the world. He quickly thought but what does the Dark One mean by being a scourge? Ah, yes that is the second bit of knowledge I need to impart upon you, this is how humans will see you and react when you emerge. Pay close attention my son.

Xanarth was given the image through his mind of being a powerful worm like being that had mottled dark red skin, but he had appendages and a tail that dragged on the ground. He had two rows of razor sharp teeth in his gaping mouth. His eye were two sets of glowing red orbs positioned with a pair at the front of his head and a pair positioned on the sides of his head. He was given the feeling that he had great strength, more than that of a lion, more than that of an elephant, more than a team of elephants. He was a fearsome sight to behold, but he felt he was admired by the Dark One.

However, when the humans cowered in fear when they viewed him. Some stood paralyzed with fear or simply passed out from being overwhelmed by viewing his presence of unimaginable power. Some did fear him, but they recognized his unimaginable power and set up structures and totems honoring Xanarth in hopes that they would find favor with Xanarth and hope that he would not harm them. Xanarth enjoyed the images of the humans subjugating themselves to him, it made him feel more powerful and created a glibness in him that made his existence exuberant. He felt now he could be patient to wait for his emergence and to impress his unimaginable power upon the humans and the existing world.

That is a well and good my son, but be also aware of how some humans and the Light with faithful followers will see and react to you.

Xanath then saw some humans that were fearful of him let it turn into hatred. Those humans did not like how Xanrth looked or showed unimaginable power. They let their feelings of fear turn into hatred and they made plans to harm Xanarth, perhaps even try to destroy him. They gathered their weapons to end the existence of the humans that payed homage to Xanarth and destroy their structures. Once they had completed that, they would go after Xanarth. They knew of his unimaginable power but they made plans to make weapons to destroy Xanarth. To obliterate him from the world.

The humans that were not so frightened of Xanarth would first pick up anything nearby to cause harm such as a stick or a rock, but they would bounce off of him harmlessly if used. Others would have a knife or a gun on them are would use it against him but it would also do no harm. Next many humans were called to stop Xanarth, humans working together and in uniform and they would use many weapons against Xanarth, even the one that caused explosions. Again this would not harm Xanarth but the sheer force of humans would be so harassing that it overwhelmed him and he would have to go into hiding to stop them from attacking him.

See my son, most humans will not accept you and the aggressive ones will seek to destroy you, but that is not their worst. It is when they pair with the light that you must be worried about.

Xanarth was then given the vision of humans bowing in silence to the light and calling down support from the light. He could not fathom how they were doing it but they could seek the help of the light and Xanarth had visions of some type of power from the light harming him. He saw that they could cause open wounds on his bods from the light and the burned. He did not like this, the humans that sided with the light. So, he knew he must stay away from them.

Sadly, my son I do not know how to support you with the light, but seek out the humans that dislike the light and they will support you, worship you as they do with me. Stay away from the light when you emerge and you can survive. In fact, I need you to recognize how you can defeat the light. Dig deep into your feelings to find an answer

Xanarth thought quickly on how he would defeat those who worked with the light and he could not find any solution on how he would defeat the humans. He has unimaginable power and he should be able to defeat the humans and the light, there should be no reason as to why he would be powerless to stop the light. This angered him and it angered him to the core. He was seething with such anger that he felt something go on with him, he was gaining in strength and power and he felt his body grow!

Yes, my son! That will be your key weapon against the humans and the light, your hatred for them let it grow. It will give you even more unimaginable power.

Xanarth was then given the vision of him staying to the night and the dark during the daytime but the humans would come and attack him with their weapons. The attacks only made him angrier and stronger with each attack. Xanarth was given a vison after a great military raid that he grew in triple the size and became the size of a large elephant. The weapons of the humans could not stop him, but they brought larger and stronger weapons. They brought their large guns, and tanks but their shells had no effect on him. When he would move near water they would use their ships, large guns and missiles, but they could knock him down, but he would always come back up. Every time he was attacked with great force, his power and size would increase.

Yes, you have that potential my son. When you are ready to emerge, let them attack you. Then you can retaliate when they are weak and destroy them. You will become a scourge to them not only with your power but with their actions. Watch my son.

Xanarth was then given an image of the damage he could cause, but the Dark One made Xanarth aware of the collateral damage that would be done with their weapons. When there were explosions, their structure would be destroyed along with anyone hiding inside. The humans were so fearful of Xanarth that they would harm each other just to stop him. Xanarth was then given the image of when he was as large as the great buildings of the humans that they would resort to using their greatest weapons to stop him, their nuclear weapons. Xanarth was shown the image that the weapons would incapacitate him for a short while but they only caused him to grow in unimaginable power and size. This pleased Xanarth.

Ah, my son, but the collateral damage caused by the humans will not only make you a unstoppable menace, but will destroy their world.

Xanarth then was shown the image of the nuclear fallout causing eternal darkness and cold on the world of the humans, where the light would not have any effect upon him, this would be how he would be the ultimate scourge to the humans, through his power and their thoughtlessness. With eternal darkness, the remaining humans would be forced to worship him to let him rule their world.

WRONG MY SON! This will be the ideal condition for ME to take over the world of the humans, they will acknowledge that it was I who was your creator and the architect of their demise. I WILL RULE THE WORLD. You will be there to SERVE ME. Don't feel left out, while you will be at my left side, you will be my worker of destruction while I will be the architect. I will fuel the humans' irrationality to work together and have them destroy themselves as they try to destroy you. It will work out, without the light having a major presence in the world, I will rule with you being at my side, being my representation of darkness and despair. Yes, the humans will be forced to recognize you, but I will be in their ultimate thoughts.

This pleased Xanarth, he would be able to control the foolish humans that the Dark One sought to rule over. He however stated to hate, no, loathe the humans for what they would see in him and try to do to him. It made his blood boil and whole-body quake with anger. How he wished to start destroying the world right now.

Ah-ah my young son you have some developing to do before you can start taking on the humans. But let what I have shown you move towards complete hatred of the humans. That and devotion to me will allow you to develop and grow in size. Yes, let the hatred consume your emotions and thoughts and you will be a scourge in little time. In fact, observe yourself my son, as you have already started to grow.

Xanarth suddenly became aware of some pain in his maw, he ran his tongue around the ridges in his mouth and fell bumps, his sharpened teeth were beginning to form. He also felt a little less space in his cocoon he was developing in to emerge from later.

Yes, my son, you will be a great scourge to the humans but you have had enough development and training. You are quite worn out from what you have experienced today. I will not come back until you emerge, but let the hatred of the humans grow you and the excitement of ruining their world be your motivation. I depart now and you SHALL REST.

With that commandment from the Dark One, Xanarth immediately went to rest.

Xanarth awoke he felt very confined. How long had he been resting? He guessed it may have been some time because he could barely move in his cocoon. The fluid around him seemed to be greater, yet packed more in a confined area. He heard an increased thumping of the beat around him and it sounded like it was causing pain, but not pain to him. Xanarth felt slightly uncomfortable in his surroundings, but he found it pleasing to know that he had grown considerably. It must have been from the training from the dark one and his building hatred for the humans.

Although he was pleased, Xanarth felt a new discomfort in his cocoon he turned his head to one side and was shocked by what he viewed. He was no longer in darkness, but he was able to see a faint redness lighting his cocoon. It was the light! It was pressing on one side of his cocoon. That must what have been causing his discomfort in his coldness. It was starting to feel a little warmer in the cocoon and some pressure and that what must be what the discomfort was coming from. It made Xanarth worry, he thought to call out to the Dark One, but he quickly stopped that thought. He must not appear weak to the Dark One so what could he do? He went with the word of the Dark One to start focusing on the hate that would make him grow in size and power.

Xanarth quickly turned to how much he must hate the humans. They would immediately be reviled by him by sight and he decided that was good enough to make him hate them. Then he thought of the ones who would attack him. How dare they not recognize his unimaginable power. Yes, for such ignorance they should be destroyed. On top of that, a lot of then embraced the light so they are sworn enemies to the Dark One and Xanarth. Xanarth dwelled on how much he would - now he felt loathing for the humans. Again, Xanarth shook with rage and he felt himself grow slightly and he felt an increase in his power. Ah, yes that would speed his emergence along.

Xanarth also started feeling some movement outside of his cocoon. Maybe the humans had discovered him and they were trying to stop him. Maybe they were the ones that were the cause of the light starting to show on one side of his cocoon. Xanarth was bothered by this aft first, but the decided he would let it fuel his anger. Yes, there was movement again, and Xanarth just let it increase his anger.

Xanarth then thought of what he would first do when he finally would come across a human when he met them. They obviously would cower and tremble in fear upon viewing Xanarth and his glorious unimaginable power. He believed he would first taunt and laugh at the human, creating more fear. Then when he tired of the mockery, he decided he would rip the human asunder, and then maybe he would pull a few bones from their carcass and chew upon them, to satiate any hunger he may have from his long-awaited emergence.

Xanarth then felt movement outside of his cocoon again. He was infuriated that his delightful thoughts of harming a human was interrupted. His rage increased and he allowed it because it was beneficial to him. He would turn anything now that bothered him turn to rage!

The cocoon really started to move and Xanarth thought that this must be the time for him to emerge! His time for unimaginable power was to be unleashed upon the humans. Xanarth almost panicked, but the thought og the images and training the Dark One passed to him and he held onto it rather than fall to fear. But suddenly, something ripped through the light side of the cocoon! No, the fluid around him nearly seeped out of the opening. No this was too early! I am not ready Xanarth panicked.

Then something unimaginably horrible happened, the light started to make a presence, to invade the comfort of Xanarth's cocoon. No, not the Light! How it started to give Xanarth pain. "No I am Xanarth of unimaginable power! You cannot come in and defear me!" He thought. Xanarth suddenly realized that he wasn't as powerful as needed to be to resist the light. No! This can't be happening! Xanarth called out to the Dark One and he did not receive a response. "No! I am your son, I am the scourge of the humans with unimaginable power but the Dark One did not answer and the light continued to pour in as the fluid from his cocoon rushed out.

It was then that Xanarth realized he would soon be defeated by the light and the Dark One had abandoned him. Xanath felt so hopeless and weak to the Light, but he was Xanarth! Scourge of humans and of unimaginable power. He tried to resist and fight the light, but he was succumbing. Xanarth made one final attempt for his life and let out a mighty -


"Huh", Dr. Anderson quickly looked up and wiped away some of the purulent material that had sprayed onto his safely glasses. "That was a first."

"What was that noise Doc?" as Mr. Howe said from a muffled prone position on the procedure table.

"I don't know, it's the first time I have ever hear a boil I lanced to make a squeak life that. It was a pretty nasty one, but I am glad I am taking care of it. I can tell you Mr. Howe, we certainly are avoiding something really bad here."

© Copyright 2017 TB Ramsey (tbramsey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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