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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2135168
Not my first try at novel but oh well. Hope ya'll like it. Btw any feedback is appreciated
As Alex was heading to the store, she saw something strange in the parking lot. A beam of light coming out on nowhere. She got closer to the strange thing and before she could touch it, it's stopped. She was in shock. Alex didn't believe what she saw. Her face was screaming in fear. "Just pretend that never happened" she told herself. Before she could turn around a woman appeared from the place the beam was from. "Don't do it, whatever you do don't do it" said the woman.

A few hours earlier ....
"God, I hate having to wake up in the morning" Alex taught. "Is probably one of the worst feelings, am in my bed, chilling having a blast in my dreams and.....BOOM the stupid alarm sounds and am already in a bad mood" She went to her bathroom to change and do her "thing" like she says. Once Alex was dressed and everything she head down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. "Aghh who am a kidding, I cant cook jack, I'll just eat some of those cereals that taste like a full meal. Mmm I wonder how healthy they actually are...what do you think?" she taught. "Mhe who cares just eat it so we can leave to a place where where we gonna be bored for 8+ hours" "Yeah you right...wow I talked to my self way to much it's getting quite pathetic". Alex talk to her self a lot, reason being her mom was always busy and never around and well she really doesn't have friends. Alex had a bus stop a few blocks away from her house. There was this seat she always sat in. It was almost as old as her. Time to time she went there to think, think about life and her choices.

She first sat there when her father died at the age of five. She was young but even then, the way that her brain worked was different and more complex that of a normal five year old kid. "Why?" She asked herself "Why did this happened to me, from all the people in the world, why why why why!!!!" She started to cry as her young mind tried to understand the cruelty of this world, she couldn't understand. A reason, she wanted to find a reason, her mom was of any help either. As she felt in depression and completely forgot about her for days. She lost any sign of hope any sign of happiness she once held.

Few days passed and little Alex sat down once again in the seat, it was late night. The seat had a little lamp post there, it barely produced any light whatsoever. She sat there, tears dropping from her eyes, she felt anger and sadness at the same time, her poor soul was going through something that no one should ever experience. "This world, so cold and cruel, it's not fair..for anyone" her eyes....there's was something with her eyes. She had dark brown eyes. "Beautiful" or at least that's was what her father said. Those brown eyes they where changing, they started to go gray.

Alex felt pain an incredible pain but she didn't care she just stare at the light as her eyes where changing with an expression in her face. Anger, she felt more anger that sadness, than pain. "Hatred, against what?" She asked. "Against my mom, my dad.....me? No. Against everyone. Against the world, life, time, dad mom, me. Against everyone, against everyone....." The child stood up and head home with new ideals in her head. Ideals of suffering, of hatred, feelings that aren't normal to a kid her age. This kid's heart was tainted, corrode. Scared by the hatred of this world. She wanted to fight but she just didn't had the strength to do it. She wanted to believe in greater things but her mind wouldn't let her, she wanted to fight, she wanted to fight.

The bus arrived. "Get in" said the driver. "On my way Jerald" she answered in a mean tone. They didn't get along much. Him and his dad once where friends according to mom, but apparently something happened, she never says anything about that topic. She sat in the back of the bus like she always does. To keep herself away from people. She's never been the social type. In the way to school she laid her head in the window as she juts ignored everything and everyone. Alex didn't like school in fact she hated it. Perhaps the thing she hated the most. She slowly fall asleep and got lost in her own dreams. She dreamed of a better life a life with her whole family, with her mom by her side and her in the middle, happy enjoying life.

But she knew the truth, she knew that wasn't reality, and in every dream a black mist tamed her father and entered in her mothers mind causing her eyes to bleed and scream in despair in was horrible, but Alex got used to it, to the pain, the suffering it was all normal to her. "Beeeeep" she heard. It was the sound of a car honking at her her. "What, where, what where the hell am I?!!" She was laying in the middle of the road. "Kid get out the way!" A men yelled at her. "Oh sorry I....how....am so sorry." She head to a near seven eleven. "How...what the hell, I thought I was in the school bus, no this is not happening, am still dreaming, WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP." "Wait where am I?" She looked around to try and locate herself. For her luck she recognized a little thrift shop that was across the road. "Well at least am still in my town." "What happened, is not possible for me to just teleport to places....or is it." "Holy crap do I have powers, o my god I have powers!" She was getting excited, thinking she had developed some kind of unknown abilities. "Activate!" She said. "Activate, activate, activate. Ahh there's no point. If I have no powers or abilities, how in the world did I ended in the middle of the street?" She headed to the store to buy something to eat since she was starving. But before entering she notice a weird beam of light. "What is that?" "Oh God what now?" The beam was expanding and a lady came out of it. "Alex don't do it whatever yo do don't do it". Alex stood there in shock.

She couldn't comprehend what was going on and the lady wasn't of much help either. "Alex don't please don't Alex you have to understand, Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex" "Shut the fuck up" she screamed at her, "What the fuck are you taking about? Who are you? And what in the world do you want?" The lady went from crying to smiling. "I guess he was right, you are one with an attitude". "Ok am done, a freaking beam portal whatever that was, brought a God damn lady that's warning me of some weird shit or something that I don't even know!" "I am here for only one thing, and that is to tell you that whatever, whatever you do, you must resist it". "Resist what?! Look I was in my way to school then randomly appeared in the middle of the street and now a lady popped out a light beam in the fucking parking lot of a fucking SEVEN ELEVEN!" Alex yelled.

I already warned you, there's nothing else I can do, that anyone can do, it is up to you. As soon as the old lady said that, Alex passed away. And while she was unconscious she had a nightmare, the same one she always does. She sees her dad and her mother together, in the backyard. They seem happy, maybe too happy, she looks at herself. It's her but younger, five to be exact. And like always she starts running at them. As fast as she can, with all the strength she has but the black mist always catches her, grabs her by the feet and puts her in the ground as she watches how their parents are killed and thorn apart in front of her by the black mist.

"Oh God!" Alex woke up and she was at her home, in bed. She takes a look at her clock, 8:00 am. "What....didn't I went to school? Was all of it a dream?" alex thought. "I swear I was on my way to school" Alex went to her bathroom, wash her face. "What is going on?" It was all too real for her to accept it as just a dream, she knew it sounded impossible in her head but the memories, she knew it couldn't be a dream and the warning what the hell was that. She looked at her calendar it was the same day has yesterday or was it, she didn't knew.

Her mom was coming home today so she was excited. Alex doesn't get to see her mom too much, and every time she stayed home for more than a day, she gets excited. "Maybe it was all just a dream, maybe that never happened but...it's just a maybe" "Oh c'mon Alex you really believe that ever happened". "Well who knows really, I mean it felt all too real as it did happened but it's just..... no you right" "Am always right". "You do realize am talking to myself and it's quite pathetic" "Yes I am, you asshole" "What?! it is kinda pathetic I mean I just said am awesome to myself" "Hey that was you am just your consciousness girl" "Should I go to school or nha?" "Nha take a day off, you need it". Alex went to her room and took a nap. She took a pill to sleep since she didn't want to experience any nightmares. "Alex, Alex wake up, wake up" a woman said. "Mom...MOOM" Alex shouted in happiness. "You arrived" "Of course darling, I needed to see you" her mom said "I missed you so much" "I missed you too honey". "How long are you staying?" Alex asked. "A month" "Are you serious?!" "Positive, I have a job here and it would take a while to solve, I won't be here all day but I'll be in town"

Her mom kissed her in the forehead and head downstairs. Alex continued to sleep, she was tired.... very tired for some weird reason. "Something weird is happening to me" Alex though. "You in your period?" "What? No you idiot, this has nothing to do with that" "Lol you just called yourself an idiot" "You know,it's hard to believe you are my consciousness". "It ain't easy, but yeah I feel like something is not right". Alex felt lucky since her mom didn't mention anything about her not being at school. She head down to the kitchen for some more cereal.

She was feeling weak. To the point when she barely could hold the spoon. "What is this?" She stopped eating and took another nap. "You forgot your pills" as she felt asleep. A few hours passed and her mom went up her room. "Alex you ok" her mom said. "Uh, yeah why" she said while still waking up. "This is your second nap in a day" her mom sounded worried. "Am just, I don't know I feel tired" "You need to eat, you won't feel any better by just sleeping all day" "It's ok mom" Alex said. Her mom gave her a kiss and went downstairs. Tears drop form her eye, her mom was never this long in the house, it was her and her mind all the time. This little bit of love and affection made her extremely happy. She cried and cried until she slowly closed her eyes.
"Beep beep beep" the alarm sounded. "God I hate this" and again the morning routine. Her mom made her breakfast and left her a note. "Am going to teach you how to cook soon". Alex smiled. After she finished the meal she quickly rushed her teeth and head to school. "She was happy, for the first time in a long time. "Wait a minute, the pain is gone, the weird feeling" "Yes I noticed" "That was really creepy" "Ah whatever it was probably just temporal".

She waited at the buss stop. And waited, but the buss never arrived. "It's already 30 mins pass 9:00" "I know what the hell" "A fuck it I'll walk". She started walking to school, suddenly the pain stroked. "What the hell" "Its worst than before" "I know". Alex couldn't stand still so she slowly felt to the ground. "What is this" she though. Her thoughts became screams as she couldn't handle the pain, it was to much. "A hospital I need a God damn hospital!" "Wait are you sure" "YES am fucking sure!" Alex sounded nervous. "Jeez calm down". The pain made her hit the ground. "Please.....I need help...".

She opened her eyes, gray beautiful eyes. Light shined from them, but oh no it wasn't a light you wanted to see. Her face, body, it was all covered in black, a black mist. She slowly stood up. She look like a demon. Alex looked around like if she was knew to this world. She calmly commenced to explore the world around her. It was bright daylight. She stared at a bird, for a few minutes, the animal seemed to not notice her or whatever she was. Shortly she extended her finger and killed it slowly, as the bird was suffering she cracked a smile. "So you have emotions? I wasn't expecting that from a demon" a man said.
The beast turned around violently. She lowered her upper body as if she was getting ready to attack him. "Oh so you wanna fight". She launched at Jarold. He quickly pulled the sword he was carrying in his back. Alex's fist turned sharp as Jarold's sword, both of their attacks collide. A little smiled cracked from Jacob but he quickly realized this was no easy fight. Alex hit him with tremendous force that he went flying to a near by building. "I wasn't expecting that" The demon didn't waist no time as she quickly rushed at Jacob for another attack. Again his sword blocked the attack but this time he broke through the wall. It seemed that he landed at a mall or something becouse there were lots of people watching him. "Sorry folks" he said as he laughed.

Jarold sprinted to Alex, she throw a right punch at him but he slide under it, jumping in the air and with a brutal right leg kick smashed her in the ground so hard the floor shattered. Alex retaliated with a quick left punch as she was turning around. He catch it and used to impulse himself to the air in which he utilized gravity to make his heel kick a lot stronger. The demon stood and took the hit with her head. "

What's this, it coused nothing!?" Jacobs kick didn't even made Alex flinch. She smiled, and in an attempt to speak she said "Pathetic". Jarold used his feet to push her away and gained some distance. But Alex wasn't going to let him get away easily, as he was in mid air she grabbed his left leg and pulled him towards her and hit him with a right punch so hard he spilled blood from his mouth. He felled down as he tried to regain his tried to regain his strength. The demon showed no mercy, she charged a right punch and throw it at Jarold. He dashed away and started to run around her. He was fast, very fast, she could barely see him.
He started to make attacks with his sword while running, he was hitting her so hard and so fast she didn't knew what to do. Jarold kept dashing at her. Then he charged with an rotating right kick. The kick was so strong that the demons eyes for the first time in the fight showed fear. He intercepted her course with an horizontal kick that sent her to the skye and in mid air he said "Pathetic uh" and with a powerful hit from his sword she hit the ground.

The monster roared as she was enraged. "Shit I might have to use it or she's going to kill me" he said worried. As he turned to get his whip, Alex got in front of him, and stared at him with the her grey eyes. "Shi...". She punched him with an upper jab. Then kick him in the stomach si brutal he broke a couple of trees in his trajectory. The park was completely destroyed, luckily everyone got away. Jarold quickly rushed at Alex with his sword, and once again she made her fist sharp as a blade and both of them started clashing in a magnificent duel.

But Jarolds skilled as a swordsman outskilled her. It was an outstanding fight, Jarold took the offensive as he started to outmatched her. He used his left leg to support as he made a spinning kick to smashed her to the ground. "I need to use it now". He pulled some sort of whip, it started shining, a yellow light spouted from it. He whipped it at Alex trying to tied her up but the monster, managed to evade hitting Jarold with an left punch. He blocked it with his sword and quickly tied her up and kicked her away from him.
She landed on some trees. She couldn't move. Jarold slammed his hands in the ground and yelled "Seal". Yellow chains surged from the ground with swords in them. They went right in Alex's body. The monster screamed in pain as she was being sedated. "Jejje I won" as Jarolds said those words he started to lose strength and balance. "Jeez this was a harder fight than I expected and she hasn't yet developed her full skills". Alex was laying in the ground unconscious. Most of Alex's clothes weird torn appart and her body didn't seem to have suffered any damage, but how come her clothes were destroyed. "She might be in pain the whole time in this form". He picked her up and took her to his place.

"All you do is sleep uh?" "Jarold!?" She screamed. "Um yeah I am Jerald" "What are you doing here, wait where am I?" "So you don't remember uh". Jacob had black eyes with brown hair. "Cute" as Alex put it, even tho he was an asshole all the time. "What you mean I don't remember?" She look down and notice her clothes were about to disappear. "What, why are my...you pervert!" she blushed and slapped Jarold. "Hey what the hell" he yelled. Alex cover herself with the sheets. "Explain yourself NOW". He saw those menacing eyes again. "Is better if I show you" he said. Jarold touched Alex's forehead and showed her everything. Her transformation, the fight everything.

"That's me....how, and wait what the fuck, aren't you a school bus driver? How you know how to fight and...." She didn't manage to finish the sentence as she passed away.

Alex started to wake up. "You gonna passed out again or I can explain you" he said in mean way. "Are you always an asshole?" "Okay start by telling me who the fuck are you" "Well my name is indeed Jarold, but am not from here" "What you mean you are not form here?" Alex asked. "Yes, there's different dimensions, earths, each one with their own history and time. Am from what's called earth 0. It's the mother of all earths, the first ever one." "Mmmm ok yeah I call bullshit" she said. "Am not lying you idiot". "Ok let's say the earth dimensions and Mother Earth is real. I still don't know what are you here and how did you know how to fight like that". "That's easy Alex, your earth is the first one to experience this soectrals and powerful beings". "What you mean beings?" Alex wondered. "God, is that what you called him?" Jarold asked. "Um yes but what does that has to do with this?" "Well you see this God has never shown on any other earth before not even in Mother Earth."

"Hahha what? Ok now you lost me" she said with disbelieve. "Hear me out, this God seems to have personally created this earth, this dimension while on past earths they just originate, spontaneously. At first we didn't believe it but when we send one of our guys to qinvestigate he returned with this idea of faith on our God and savior. So we kept sending more and more and everytime they returned the same. Until one day one said to have seen some type of beings, spectrals. Here they called them angels and demons". "Bro am leaving the fuck out of here" as she tried to leave she was stopped by some chains. "You kidding me right now?" Alex was pist.

"Jarold get me the fuck out of this chains!" "Am not finished yet, so like I was saying, these angels and demons have been showing more and more but never have we seen one, until now. You, well you are half one" "Mmm cool now let me go" she demanded. "Didn't you heard what I said, you a half fucking demon you crazy if am letting you go" "Jarold get me out of here" she screamed. Some black mist started to pored form her eyes si Jarold quickly grabbed a syringe and dozed her. "We have still much to do.

End of chapter one.

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