Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2134985-Back-From-Irma-Geddon
by Tanith
Rated: E · Article · Other · #2134985
A brief ramble on the after-effects of last week's unpleasant visitor, Irma.
Back from Irma-geddon!

(Dedicated to all who spent this weekend putting their Irma-addled households back in order)

Darkened lights blinking back on, one by one. Stilled hard drive spinning back up, silent cell phone coming alive to chirp a string of missed texts at me.

In the kitchen, the distinctive WHOONK WHOONK WHOONK of the washer catching up the neglected laundry, while the Atlanta TV stations return from electronic exile with a thousand and one pictures of fallen trees, snapped power poles, cables draped helter-skelter across roads. And in the freezer, yours truly, sorting through partly thawed foodstuffs to see what can be saved and what is beyond recall. My only commentary is that of everyone who encounters unlabeled vittles buried in the freezer: "What the hell is THIS?"

Ah, it's good to get back to civilization.

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