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by Ashes
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2134884
Fantasy sample of chapters
Child of Fire Special she told me

I arrived at a resting cottage at the base of the hill. It would be a long journey so I decided to stop inside to rest my heart, gather my thoughts and garner some courage. The foul stench of lizard filled my nostrils coming from somewhere within the dimly lit room but it would not hinder me today. I had other things to distract me from the foul habits of witches and ogres.
In the corner of the room, a fire burned. Even as a young girl fire has intrigued me. It was pure beauty and supplied warmth to everyone near. THough if you cross fire then you are burned. There is an intense passion that grows within the fire and strength to protect itself from those who do wrong, this resonated with my heart. As I pondered my journey, a small statured woman approached me. Her green eyes open wide searched me, I wonder if she could see every little thing I have hidden.
The green eyed lady walked to the window by my side and spoke.
"Hello excuse me, you who are lovely, hear my vision of what I've seen. It isnt easy for one such as you to hear so listen closely, lend me your ear for what I have to say may fill you with fear. Let me be clear, you will want to be near the river by the time four moons have cycled from this evening, dear."
I looked at the floor for a moment, I would not want to be seen by infidels while I conversed with a mystic, God knows how the creatures around the cavern feel about mystics. Well, I am intriqued mystic. I whispered. Though let us seek refuge in the hills away from prying eyes and filthy ears. Fate influencers like you are used to the risks of your craft but I cannot risk my mission with the dangers of your kind. Besides, I prefer to have my throat remain uncut so if you would like to continue this conversation meet me due north five miles outside of town in an hour. Now leave me to my thoughts, mystic.
The mystic nodded and without saying a word left me to the fire that burned brightly at my feet.
Special: She told me.
I awoke on in the wilderness, alone. What happened to me I do not know. Though the sun had risen I could not recall what day it was. The cold bitter wind sliced through me, it appears I no longer was wearing a traveling cloak. Dazed, I could not even remember my name. I was unhurt physically but the mental state I was in would lead anyone to panic. Rocks and hills, where was I? This must be the mountain country, how in the hell did I end up in the mountain country?
I was not comfortable being alone in the mountain country. There was something eerie about how the folk of the land were masters of disguise. Even though the ground looked like solid rock, and the hills appeared to be empty I knew that all around me could be homes filled with unknown eyes watching intently.
Well, I must make the best of the situation. The one thing that I know is that I must survive. To accomplish this my first step must be careful, I must clear my mind and focus, I must call someone as a guide out of this land. I collected some branches and controlled a small simmer as to attract anyone who may be very close yet remain elusive from threats in the distance. Breath, breath, breath and wait, it is a matter of time, someone will help me out of this land.
Many hours passed. My eyes remained open and all my attention lay on the land for the slightest change. My eyes started to water, I swear I just saw a glimmer to the north. Clouds covered the sun and produced shadows everywhere. I was tired perhaps the glimmer was my imagination. Time ticked on and rain started to fall, no not now, please not now. The simmering flame is my only way to safely signal those around me. Despite my protests, the rain fell freely from the sky and my fire was no more.
I ran to an oak tree for shelter from the storm. As the rain soaked me I could not tell the difference from my tears and the rain. They say you should hang onto hope in situations that are dire to stay strong. Once I could say I was strong, once I could say that I knew my name, long ago I could say that I had hope but tonight, as the storm blanketed the land and drew the heat from my bones, I knew I was weak. The weather raged on throughout the night. I was dejected and afraid, while feeling certain that death would greet me here, I fell asleep in the freezing rain.
"Hey, I see you. Do you remember me lady? Lately I have been thinking of you. How could you face them alone? Why would you leave the comfort of your village for this? "
The earth quaked around me, the surface cracked and I was swallowed down and down a huge hole far away from the unknown voice. I landed on soft ground. I saw only darkness and I felt nothing. I stood still in the suffocating room. Then lightning lit up the sky, I heard thunder speak, "Do you think that you are ok? Get up, wake up, girl move from where you are, why do you rest when the world needs you?"
I sprung up from my slumber. I screamed until I could scream no more. I cried and cried, as it was no longer rain that fell from the sky. Snow had built up on the ground. How could I survive this? The perils of life perhaps had overcome me. I could just give in, and die in the lonely frost mountains. And then a thought occurred to me. Flames all around, I could hear my own heartbeat again, and though I was freezing, I remembered fire burning, though I could not see fire and I couldn't create fire here, I could feel fire was alive somewhere calling my name.
"Hello traveller. "
I jumped to the voice coming from the hills. I called out in the direction of sound, "Help me, guide me out of this place and I will reward you." Silence followed. Nervously I awaited for a response to my request. And then I saw motion to the east. " I see you child, come out of the space where you hide and answer my question. "
A boy no more than 10 years of age appeared out of the stone and walked towards me.
He shook his head yes.
Sometimes your eyes can deceive you, for a moment I doubted what had become of me. Was I still here in the mountain country? Was I freezing without much hope with no idea of who I was, where I was and how long I was going to be alive or had my guide to freedom truly arrived? Moments passed in unbelief but I decided to follow this child who appeared before me, I decided to believe that my prayers had been answered and I could clearly see that I had found a slight chance to be free.
Chapter 2: Jeremy Of Fire
How nice it was to have company. Just moments ago I was alone without my memory in a very dangerous country. The child in front of me looked exactly like me, though I had smokey black long hair and he had spiky red hair. I Felt close to him which put me on guard for the child had not spoken a single word. What is your name, child? No answer. Where do you come from? How do you know the country? Are we friends? Silence followed my every question. I studied his face, it was like reading stone he gave nothing away. One thing he could not hide from me though, was the sparkle in his eyes, it was beyond his control to silence the dancing torch that circled around his pupil. We walked carefully around the edges of the mountain terrain. Every once in awhile he held up his hand to signal me to stop moving. Maneuvering in the Mountain country was a painstaking task that required great patience and knowledge of the land. I always kept this boy in my sight, looking for any signs that he was leading me into a trap. I will have to try and grow close to this child, if only to draw him out from the dark cave where he had hidden all of himself.
The snow had built up to a foot deep, we trudged along through the snow and ice, I felt miserable. "Child, we must seek shelter, I am freezing and you, a skinny thing of such a delicate age will freeze out here in the frost." After my request he still ignored me but now his hand signals had a tinge of urgency as if there was frustration in the task in which he had undertaken. Me, a vessel to him, a charge that would be a burden through this child's journey had now upset him with pointless words. We continued on and I reflected on my situation. I think I know why the child will not speak to me. How could I complain when this child for no benefit of his own was taking the chill in stride and guiding me out from danger? I wonder what he thought of me now that I said such a silly thing, a cry baby he must believe, how sad it was that I required a hero so desperately to carry my emotions. How stupid of me, I cried out to the hero standing beside me: a boy of a mere ten years of age. What a weak person I seem to be, I wonder if my memory will ever show up again, hopefully to declare that I once was a courageous girl who needed no one to travel the land.
"Child, stop and let me explain myself. Thank you for guiding me out of this place, I will forever be in your debt, and anything you need I will provide within my means. Though this I know is not what you need to hear. I am sorry that you do not believe me worthy to speak to . I understand why you feel that way as a coward you must think me to be. So I will not bug you to speak with me beyond this conversation but one thing must be done before we take another step under the moon. I do not remember my name, and since you refuse to talk I will give you a name as a sign of respect to you and a great comfort to me. What name will suit such a caring guide? Your eyes seem to light up the night so I will call you, Jeremy of Fire." Jeremy afforded me a slight nod of approval when he heard his new name. This was a start, and it put a smile on my face for a few fleeting nights.
The pace of the journey picked up over the next week of travel. Jeremy avoided invisible cliffs by throwing pebbles ahead of our path to warn us of any danger. Whenever a thrown pebble made the air ripple, we knew that we found a tribe of invisible bandits who had traps laid out for unsuspecting intruders. How Jeremy knew where to throw the pebbles was not known to me yet but I assume he had a lot of experience as a guide. "Jeremy, are you a paid guide through this land?" My words were left to die out in the air and I wondered if Jeremy cared that as each day passes by without hearing his reply it was killing me inside. He may not ever know because I will never show my fears again, but I was terrified of the frost mountains, I was worried that I would never remember my past life and I would simply die out here in this forsaken winter place.
Travelling in the days with a silent guide was a bad experience but even so, the nights were worse still. I would sit in a corner and he would have his back turned to me in another. The disdain he showed me was painful, I dont remember my past at all but I think I am someone that desires a connection with those who are close to her. I was feeling very cold, the winter chill was eating away at my bones, I required a fire. "Jeremy, can you bring me some sticks? I desire a fire to cool for the night if that is permissible." As Jeremy collected sticks for my campfire I wondered what would bring me more warmth, him being close to my side when he hands the sticks to me or the fire when it was lit. How scary it was that I had a developed a growing attachment to someone who could easily betray me. I must distance myself from this feeling, if he cannot show me the same trust that I have given him than I must not offer a way for him to take advantage of me.
The fire was lit, the stars sparkled above the mountain country, the moon was a perfect crescent and Jeremy slept far away from me. Sleep was approaching and I thought of the fire burning next to me and how I knew Jeremy would love to be here by the fire if not for my repulsive presence. I wanted to run away. I wanted to leave the child to his own life. In my situation, not having to carry the burden that was leading a clueless girl through a land where she didn't belong would be the best blessing I could offer Jeremy. But where would I go? What could I do that didn't end in immediate death? What choice do I have other than blindly following a child who does not speak? I will have hope that I will find someone who loves me enough to search for me, who loves me enough to remind me who I am, who loves me enough to save me. I fell asleep never realizing that there was someone resting a few feet away from me who loved me more than I could ever dream of. I could never have known what this child thought that night, but in the fickle ways that fate operates, perhaps things would have ended differently within the intricate destiny surrounding our lives if someone had told me what the child of fire was feeling.
Chapter 3: Your Name
"You mustn't be so forgiving of his faults. You are a growing girl and you put trust in everyone so easily. People will take you for a loser. Do you want us to be banished? Do you wish me to shame you in front of everyone? Better that you willingly suffer within my home than out in the world, approach me silently and accept these fifty lashes for your actions."
Time stopped, a knife was thrown at my heart, I ran and ran from the objects, from the sound of the voice, from the place in which brought me great anguish. I ran straight into a wooden door, I fell back and desperately tried to find a handle to grasp, though there was none to be found. Beyond the door, a voice bellowed,
"Lady, move from the place where you lay, danger is incoming, do you want to die all alone, without knowing your name?"
Bells rang out, the sound of trumpets played, my eyes snapped open and all I could see was Jeremy of Fire standing over me. The sun had risen and I knew it was morning and time to move on.

Days dragged on as I followed my silent companion. I was beginning to dread walking a path with this child. I was suffering from dreams that haunted me and I had no one to ease my withered soul. "Jeremy, how long have you been guiding me now? Speak to me child, tell me something, don't allow me to go crazy from lack of communication, you may enjoy the silence or are content with only hearing me, but I beg you to say something." His face did not even appear concerned, this child just moved on ahead in the snow. I felt helpless and I wondered how much more of this immaturity I could handle from this child before I explode. Screw it, no one should treat me like this, let alone a ten year old child. I sprinted in front of my guide and stopped him, Jeremy looked beyond surprised but I had committed to this, I would say my mind to this child o' fire.
"If you plan on staying silent, keeping your distance from me then I will just lose it, can you imagine how it feels to be me right now? Travelling with a silent child who holds your future in the palm of his hand yet I am supposed to entirely trust you in this journey when you can't even be bothered to open up your mouth? I talk to you, I care about you, I tried to tell you what I am going through and what do I get in return? Silence. The audacity in your actions child o' fire irks me more than anything. I can't help but decipher you shunning me to mean that you believe me to be a useless woman, not worth a moment of your time, destined to be a burden to your path. Well I am sick of it, and I am sick of you, Jeremy. Now look at my back in silence for a change and try to feel some kind of empathy for someone who might be gone soon."
I began my trek away from the child. My cheeks were flushed and my eyes were filled with moisture, love is sometimes only shown in acts of desperate hate. If Jeremy looked at me closely he would know I was deciding to leave him, to throw every care that I had for him away and replacing them with feelings full of nothing but emptiness. A starved love is worse than any amount of hatred because no one truly returns from the bottom of the canyon created by a love drained dry. I was ready to tell him goodbye, I had courage and would roam around alone among the mountains until I returned to those who knew me, wherever that may lie.
My supplies were in hand. I approached Jeremy.
I jumped at the sound. Did the child o fire speak for the first time seconds before I declared him dead to me?
"Excuse me, Jeremy?"
"Don't leave, your name is Sunny."
"What are you talking about, how would you know my name?"
"Sunny, I have always known you."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the child had stunned me breathless. I had a name, still no memories but I had a name. Shocked at the sudden occurrence, I babbled some words that were supposed to come off as a strong retort,
"So you gave me a name as well? I appreciate it but it's pretty late to mimic my friendship..."
"Sunny, I didn't give you this name. This is your name given to you by your family. I know some things about your past life, I am sorry I cannot tell you much more than your name. I have already gone to far in saying that. Despite my better judgement I will say one more thing, there is a lot going on here besides a child who ignores you and holds secrets about your life. Sunny, please dont think I hate you, and I cant live this life if you truly hate me. I have been travelling alone for so long, if you leave me and I am alone again it will crush me."
"Child o fire, I imagined your voice to be commanding like your brilliant guidance through the mountains but as I focus on how you sound I can only say that you fall short of the hardened warrior I imagined. You sound weak and this is the great complication in placing trust in another. I welcome it Jeremy, I respect you more than I ever have. I dont have any memories, any little hint about my life is sacred, thank you for telling me my name, it renews my soul more than you could know."
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