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This is an EU of a project i'm working on , please be patient as i work on ch. 2 |
"Can't you land this thing any faster?" The shuttle began to lower into the Canadian wilderness.Sky felt like a twelve year old arriving at an amusement park. He hasn't been back to Athena since he got injected and left to join the GAMERS, and that was almost five years ago.Now that they all had a little time between missions, Pan, one of his friends from the group, invited them to the unveiling of the new gaming room. "im landing as fast as I can, calm down," Mark shouted from the cockpit "im suprised that they invited you back for the unveiling after you left so suddenly," John said pushing his hair out of his eyes. "yeah," Laura said pulling up her mess of red hair into a pony tail, and then taking John's hand, " and why the game room?" Sky jumped up as he felt the shuttle touch down," The understood it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and to answer the second, because Athena Blues dont game like normal people." after exiting the shuttle,The group started down the path, Sky leading the way, with their mentors, Josh and Marcus, followed by the leader of the group, Nate, then the love birds John and Laura, holding hands, and lastly , Matt and Kat watching their tail. as they got closer to their destination a large concrete building started to appear through the trees. About four stories tall, and as long as a football field.Sky looked in awe as the blue and red paint still shone in the sun. when they reached the building there was some steps up to an office looking area about the size of a trailer. When they reached the door Nate noticed the weird symbol above the door. A blue circle with three lines running to different lengths, the longest ending almost to the other side,all the lines ending with a smaller circle, giving it a microchip look. "Hello,"Sky said the symbol rolled back into the wall and revealed a camera which pointed at him. "Personal password,"a computer asked "Chrgehardt" the computer thenscanned his face and retracted into the wall "Welcome Skywatch" "Wait," Jack said "Sky isnt yer real name?" "No, that's just my Gamer name from the Blues" As the door opened and they all stepped into the small empty room, Sky typed something in on his wrist pad and he was covered in a 3D grid, when the grid disapeared he was in his full horror themed cloak and armor. "I recommend putting yours on too." he opened the door and they all heard some sort of commotion. Sky smiled,"the party's already started," if you dont want to jump in , then just stay back and get under cover." The rest of them looked at him confused, Matt scratching his dagger on his head "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Athena Blue" It was chaos. In what looked like a lounge there was a group of about twenty people in blue armor in an all out brawl. "DUCK",Sky shouted as a woman went flying towards them "Dammit Dante!" she screamed as she hit the wall. "Shit!" Nate said",is she okay?" The Woman got up and flipped, her brown pony tail back, and charged at the man who threw her and tackled him to the ground. "Yeah, that's her husband" The rest of them looked in shock as the blue group punched, kicked and threw each other . "they're not hurting each other," Laura said as she scanned thier surroundings,"theyre trying to only punching the armored parts of the body." Sky waded through the chaos to one of the girls in the back, who was in mid throw of a large dark skinned man. "hey Pan, hey Ape . Whats up sky , other than me ," Ape greeted "Sky", Pan Shouted as she threw Ape cussing across the room. and hugged him "so glad you made it , " She walked over with him to the rest of the GAMERs. "Im Lovely Murder , but you can call me Pan or Murder" she greeted all of them " question, " Mark asked as he ducked over another fly woman. "Bloody Hell," she said getting up and pushing her blonde hair back behind her head. "Lou," Pan said " can you break it up now Sky's here with his team, and I think we've shocked them to the max. "No problem dear," Lou said in her British accent they didnt notice in the volley of cussing that followed her to the wall. Mark continued,"So do you guys have names?" "of course", Pan laughed,"we just prefer using our game names,it sounds cooler and easy to remember." "So, your'e in charge?" John said snapping out of his trance "well me and a couple others, but Mae is our main person, she said pointing at one of the couches. a light skinned woman was sitting at the end, talking to Lou about getting everyone settled down. Mae got up on a little stage and grabbed the intercom mic. "I'd recomend covering your ears"Pan said plugging in some earbuds. the team quickly covered their ears with their hands as Mae lifted a megaphone to the mic. The siren shot across the room like a shockwave, causing the people in the fight to cover their ears in pain "Dammit Mae, why can't you just tell us to stop," one of the men said. "Because" she said as she stepped down,"last time i did, I ended fly across the room onto one of the couches." she smacked him in the back of the head. "You can tell theyre a couple," John whispered to Matt and the both snickered. Laura proceeded to slap John mimicking Mae. The other men had to hide their grins as Mae walked up to the group "Welcome to The Athena Blue Gaming team,im Ma3lee, everyone just calls me Mea," She turned to face the once brawlers "Blues, welcome back Skywatch and welcome his team." They all walked up and greeted the group. Sky introduced them as they came up. First was Princess who came up and shook hands "Wanna join me and Pan for some sulimulator tonight, im trying to work on some of my schythe moves" "I'll be there,"Sky answered As the next two walked up the team recognized themas the couple that they first saw fly across the room. "You guys have already met Tabs and Dante" Sky said with a smirk "Are you alright?" Laura asked Tabs. "Yeah, this happens more than you think" She responded in a cheery voice," usually about what to play." the next few walked up introducing , Proxy , Ape, SpaceCat, Doctor, Hana,Maple,Doge" down the line till they got to the last woman,"and this here is MamaMercy." She walked up and shook everyone's hands "nice to meet you all,you can call me Little Mama , or Mercy." "This girl here is our little fanfiction writer." Mark looked suspiciosly at her,"and by that he means-" "yes,THAT kind of fiction" she responded After mingling for a while and grabbing a drink from the bar in the back, Mae called everyone down a hall to a large garage door. she got up on a small platform on one side "thank you all for coming to the unveiling of the new game room, its great to see some old faces looking over at Sky and his group along with a few others,"along with our brand new recruits."she paused and looked at the front line. this has been a year in the making , and we have worked hard and long to asure you have the best gaming experience you can." she turned to push the doorlock "and now, without further ado i present the renovated and updated Athena Blue Holographic Gaming Room!"-END CH1 excuse the shortness of this ch. im running on monster and adrenaline |