Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2132708-Cassiopeia-Chapter-one
by Sami
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2132708
A girl who knows more than she should, reveals the secrets we've been dying to know.
The boy who lived is on my front doorstep. Crazy, I know. But I'm mad. Five months. Five months was how long it took for him to come see me?! Boy, has he got some nerve. I peer through the peep-hole on the door, watching his face as he rings the doorbell repeatedly. He needs to leave. Not for my sake, but for his own. He knows who my family is, and let me tell you... They don't get along. He's putting himself in danger by coming to see me. He'll get killed! He'll be imprisoned. Locked away. Tortured. If my family were to find out who I was associating myself with, they'd disown me. And the dark lord would kill me. I can't let that happen. In my haste, I run to the kitchen to find Trilly, our house elf. "Trilly!" I call. "Trilly where are you?!" She appears beside me with a crack.
"You called, Miss?" She asks.
"I did. Can you please tell the boy at the door that I left town for the holidays? And please don't tell Mother and Father! Or my brother for that matter." I said. She nods and leaves, supposedly appearing outside the front door. I run to the door and watch through the peep-hole as Trilly tells him the fake news. He looks sad, almost pained. But it's for the best.
My name is Cassiopeia Rosemary Malfoy. And I am the granddaughter of Tom Riddle.
Before you place the book down, please let me explain. My Grandmother was a huge supporter of Lord Voldemort, and tricked him into having an affair with her. How she managed to do that, I will never know. When her husband discovered the truth behind her lies, she ran away, starting a new life on her own, with only the family fortune to keep her company. Voldemort had no idea that she was pregnant, if he had, he'd have surely killed her. My grandmother met her second husband, Abraxas Malfoy, in London. She convinced him that she was pregnant with his child, letting my father grow up thinking he was of Malfoy blood. But, he is Lord Voldemort's son. Leaving Draco and I as the grandchildren. I was twelve when my grandmother told me. She said that only I was to know the truth, if anyone else were to find out, there would be dyer consequences.
And things took a turn for the worst when my stupid heart decided "I'm feeling crap today! Let's fall in love with Harry Potter! My Grandfather's sworn enemy!" My life is over. Done. I should just leave the country! My grandfather will kill me either way. What could I have possibly been thinking? But in the end... I wouldn't have it any other way.
Well, I guess I should start this story where it all truly begun. It all started back in fifth year when Harry, Ron and Hermione started up Dumbledore's army. I was sitting in the room of requirement, watching Potter. I still couldn't believe that I had agreed to come. What would Mother and Father say when they found out? What would Draco say? Nonetheless, I came. I was best friends with Luna, and I felt the need to come. To protect her. She wasn't my only friend, but she was my best friend. She was special. No matter what people said about her. That sounds completely unlike a Malfoy, but I guess I can be different in some ways. I was the Slytherin Princess, as some people liked to claim, and she was Ravenclaw's most intelligent student.
It was around this point in time that my hatred of the golden trio was at its peak. I couldn't stand talking to them, let alone be in the same room as them. But today was an exception, it was for a friend. Potter was currently teaching us the patronas charm. The one spell I couldn't master. So, you can imagine how frustrated I was. Potter would keep telling me to think happy thoughts, when, I was, and failing miserably. It had been half an hour and I was struggling majorly. Why couldn't I perform the damn spell?! I was frustrated to the point of throwing my wand across the room. But I couldn't look weak in front of my peers. "You're doing wonderfully, Cassy." Luna told me from beside me. Bless her, but right now wasn't the time for fake praise.
"Thanks, Luna." I smiled. "Have you managed to do it yet?" She shook her head. At least I wasn't the only one. When the session was over, we all stealthily headed back to our common rooms. Luna bid me goodnight and walked dreamily up to Ravenclaw Tower. I, on the other hand, stayed behind. I hid in the back of the room as everyone was vacated, until all that was left was the sound of Potter shuffling around in his bag. "Why can't I do it?" I asked from across the room where I was sitting. I watched with pleasure as Potter jumped in fright and pulled out his wand, ready for battle. "Relax, Scarhead. I was only asking you a question." He visibly relaxed, and went to put his wand in his muggle sweater.
"Where's Luna?" He asked.
"Hopefully in her common room." I said. "Why?"
"Well, you seem pretty taken with her."
"If you hadn't noticed, Potter, Luna is my best friend." I spat. "You still haven't answered my question."
"Lots of people didn't get it, Malfoy." He told me.
"Don't call me that!" I sneered through my teeth.
"What? Malfoy?" He asked, surprised at my sudden reaction. "That's your name, isn't it?" I faltered. I wasn't ready for this question.
"Well, yeah. But I don't appreciate being addressed by it!"
"Then what shall I call you?" He got me there. There was no way I would let him use my first name, people would think we were friends! In the end, I had to give in.
"I guess Malfoy will suffice for now." I said defeated. "Now answer my question."
"Why can't you do the spell?" I nodded. "It may have something to do with the fact that you weren't thinking of a strong enough thought."
"I was." I said hastily. "I was." And in fact, I had. I was thinking about the time when Draco and I were children, playing in the garden of Malfoy Manor, playing with miniature broomsticks. Mother had come out to join us that day. We had fun then. But that was before all this Deatheater stuff came about. "Maybe your methods of teaching weren't good enough." I said as I stood from my seat with my arms crossed, walking towards the training dummy.
"Lots of other people got it. It's not a crime to not be able to perform a patronas." Potter said as he slung his bag over his shoulder.
"But I need to know!"
"Then have some patience! You'll get there eventually."
"I hate you." I sneered.
"No. No you don't. You don't even know me." He said calmly. "You just hate the idea of me." I pretended to think about it.
"No, I definitely hate you." I said. "I hate the way you think you rule the school. I hate the way you say you know everything. And I especially hate the way you can stay so calm under immense pressure!" I was now fuming. I could feel the smoke seeping through my ears. My face, if there were a mirror in front of me, would have been bright red. I was mad.
"I'm calm because I'm used to pressure." He stated, then walked out of the room, leaving me to think things over, punching the training dummy in anger.
A week passed after our first encounter, and I still couldn't get my head around it. He was a complete jerk. And I had now promised myself that I would have nothing to do with him whatsoever. I hated him. And thankfully my brother agreed. "Draco!" I called to him from down the corridor. "Wait up!" He turned around and smiled at me as I approached. I smiled back, glad he was in a good mood.
"Where have you been?" He asked. Luckily, I had a cover story planned.
"With Luna in her common room." I smiled innocently. He scoffed as we walked down to the dungeons. 'What's so wrong with Luna?!" I said angrily. "She's nice!"
"She's looney."
"She's caring!"
"She's weird."
"She's a good friend!"
"What did Mother and Father say when you started hanging out with her?" Draco asked, looking me dead in the eye when we stopped outside the Slytherin common room. "He said that Malfoys should never associate with people like them. They don't understand the ways of Purebloods."
"Can you chill? It's not I've gone and snogged Potter! Why are you acting like a jerk to my friend?"
"I'm just stating the obvious." He shrugged. "Why are you getting so defensive?" I glared at him through my bleach-blonde bangs. He was really pissing me off. How dare he talk about my best friend like that?!
"I'm going to find Luna." I said as I walked away. I love my brother, but I wished that he would open his eyes to more important things than blood-purity.

"Have you seen Luna?" I asked Cho Chang at breakfast the next day. She didn't look at me, but shook her head indicating that she heard me. "If you see her can you tell me?" I asked before I walked back to the Slytherin table. As I sat down, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned my head and locked eyes with none other than Scarhead himself. He smiled at me carefully, probably seeing how I'll react. I grimaced at him, then turning my head to talk to Daphne Greengrass.
"What did Potter want?" My brother asked as he took the vacant seat beside me. "He looked scarily happy with himself." He sneered whilst glaring up at him.
"Just being the inconsiderate jerk that he is." I replied coolly. "Don't worry about a thing big brother, I can handle myself." I smirked. Draco nodded and began eating his sausages and eggs.

© Copyright 2017 Sami (sami.writes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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