Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2132503-KAOS
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2132503
Random people of Earth instantly teleport to an alternate dimension to fight in an arena.
         The stadium is filled with viewers from across the realms and dimensions. The outside looks similar to the coliseum, the ground inside is sand, and the sky is an orange, yellow color. Creatures are still flying into the arena and landing in their seats, and some are teleporting into their seats to prepare for the next four newcomers to the arena. The ruler of the matches stands and raises his hands to silence everyone and gain their attention. He speaks, “Welcome, visitors! I know you have come a long way to witness the champions from the mortal earth realm battle to their deaths! I shall give you fair warning, don't expect a fair fight! Before we summon our champions though, allow me to share a bit of advice to each of you: do not jump into the arena or you will die. Now I say, let the KAOS reign!” The crowd cheers for a moment, but when four glowing lights pour down from the sky, the crowd grows silent. Four humans lie on the ground in confusion, but each of them stand to their feet, frightened. "Welcome, champions of mortal Earth! I do not expect you to understand, but you are here to fight for me! You are here to fight each other to the death! You will not get a choice, for any resistance and you will feel absolute pain until you die. Do not question me, just pick from these chests to obtain your battle equipment. You will receive weapons and armor to fight with that your world couldn't imagine. Pick your chest and go back to your positions," the ruler addresses the humans like they should know what to do. They don't understand what is happening, but they are slightly too afraid to resist. From the sky comes down 50 beams of light. When the lights dissipate, wooden chests are left in their places.
         The four strangers walk in circles around the chests, picking the one they think may have something most useful inside. One of the men pick first. When he opens the chest, he is absorbed in a bright light that covers his body and changes the size and shape. When the light dissipates, he appears to be in some kind of a mechanical suit. The ruler says, "Ah, yes. The Colossus. A very strong character indeed." He refers to the man's armor as if they are just people playing a game. The suit has all kinds of weapons on it, and he walks back to where he was and prepares for battle. Next, one of the women pick a chest. When she picks her chest, she is also absorbed in light that changes her body structure and appearance to something like an Egyptian woman. The ruler calls her, the Pharaoh. The other woman picks a chest for her, changing into a character known as, the Warrior of Jupiter. This character is a giant, humanoid rock creature from the planet Jupiter, sworn to protect it as their champion. The women return to their positions and prepare to fight. The last man picks a chest, revealing this one to be called, the Ranger. This character wields a bow with two steel daggers. Each of the chests are then absorbed into the air by the same beams of light that brought them there. As the chests disappear, the humans then receive telepathic knowledge about their characters and their abilities. The ruler speaks again, "You are ready for your first battle. This is a battle to the death, and you will not hold back. Now, reign KAOS!"
         As the ruler commands it, the battle begins. First, the walls of the arena fade away like a mirage, and the warriors are in a desert area, surrounded by ancient ruins that are blocking them from firing any long-ranged attacks at one another. The Colossus un-holsters a minigun from behind his back and holds down the trigger. Lasers start firing through the pillars and old stone walls, crumbling to the ground. As he turns with his gun, plowing the ruins down, an arrow flies straight at him, sticking in his helmet. He catches a glimpse of the Ranger, but the Ranger tucked away behind the wall too fast and disappeared. The Colossus turns in that direction and blasts the walls down with the lasers, but no one is behind it. On the other side of the arena, the Warrior of Jupiter is blasting through the walls with his five-shot, flaming revolver in an attempt to hit the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh, however, is not really there, but she is using her mirage ability to fool the Warrior to think that she is truly there. Then the Warrior sees her run around a pillar and charge at him, unsheathing her two khopesh swords and jumping into the air to stab him. When the warrior shoots into the air, the mirage of her vanishes as she is actually behind him and pierces his back with her blades. He throws her off his back with one arm, slamming her into a wall and cracking it a little. He aims his gun at her and pulls the trigger, but it is overheated, so he sheathes it and takes out his electric-powered spear, charged by the energies of Jupiter's storm. He storms up to her, and just before he impales her on his double-bladed spear, she rolls out the way, causing him to destroy the pillar instead. When she stands, she gestures her hands in a way that makes the sand and sandstone pillars start swirling in the air. Then, after creating a small sandstorm tornado, she throws it all at the Warrior, throwing him through some of the ruins before she runs for a hiding place.
         As the Pharaoh is running through the ruins in search of a hiding spot, an arrow grazes her shoulder as she turns the corner. The Ranger is slowly approaching the Pharaoh while aiming his bow at her. She stands up and immediately starts throwing sand at him. He evades and rolls out of the way when she throws sand, and he starts firing arrows at her when he gets the chance, hitting her in the stomach twice and once in the leg. She falls to the ground after enough blood loss and loses consciousness. The Ranger reclaims his arrows from her body before sticking one of his daggers through her heart and leaving her body there. When he turns the corner, the Colossus is standing there with his rocket launcher aimed in the Ranger's face. The Ranger rolls between his legs before the Colossus blows a hole in the ground and starts shooting arrows into his back. The Colossus turns with an electric long sword drawn, nearly decapitating the Ranger. The Ranger dodges each attack before firing another shot into his helmet. The glass of the visor is severely cracked, but the Colossus keeps coming. He then uses the jetpack to blast himself forward and grab the Ranger, still rocketing forward until they hit a wall. The Ranger is crushed and dazed, but still breathing. The Colossus tries to stab him with his sword, but the Ranger quickly stabs his daggers into the ground and draws a circle around himself. As the Colossus's sword comes around, it clashes into an invisible force field that is protecting the Ranger for a short period of time to recuperate from the deadly injuries.
         The Colossus stands and waits for a moment before a wave of lightning comes flying at him from the Warrior's spear. The Warrior charges him and they get into an extreme melee combat fight. While the two of them exchange electric blasts from their melee weapons, the Ranger climbs to one knee as his invisible barrier deactivates. He begins firing arrows at the Colossus, hoping to penetrate his helmet's visor and achieving a headshot. While he is distracted, the Pharaoh comes up from behind and slices open his arm and a leg. The Ranger drops his bow and pulls out his daggers. They begin to fight with their blades as the Pharaoh's eyes begin to glow a bright purple color along with the amethyst stone on her necklace. Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet begin to shake as mummies are climbing up from the sand. The Ranger kicks the Pharaoh back to give himself a chance to defend himself from her undead horde. As he slices through her small army, the Colossus is walking in their direction with his minigun drawn, seeming victorious. He then starts firing his lasers through the crowd of mummies from one side to the other. Before reaching the Ranger or the Pharaoh with his bullets, a spear goes flying through his back, impaling his heart as he falls to the ground. The Warrior is standing behind him with his revolver drawn and is immediately firing shots. The Pharaoh takes a hit in the chest, throwing her into the wall and knocking her unconscious. The Ranger rolls on the ground, crossing the path of the bow, standing with it drawn back and firing arrows immediately. The Warrior starts taking hits in the arms, legs and torso. When the Warrior's gun overheats, he switches to his spear again and starts swinging it from a distance to send electrical impulses at the Ranger.
         The Ranger's arrows don't match the force of the lightning, breaking his arrows as he shoots. The Ranger fires another arrow that is split in half by the lightning, then he gets hit by the same lightning impulse and his thrown to the ground. Before standing, the Pharaoh gets up from beside him and stabs through his heart with her sword. She then starts to run toward the Warrior with her swords, but the Warrior turns around with his spear and impales the real Pharaoh, making the mirage fade away. He then slams her into the ground and steps on her body to hold her down. Then he stabs the spear up through her neck, ensuring her death. The Ranger then comes sliding from behind the Warrior between his legs and shoots two arrows from his bow, both hitting his eyes and blinding him. As the Warrior stumbles back, the Ranger grabs the Warrior's spear and goes running full force toward him. The Warrior is impaled by his own weapon before falling to the ground. Then suddenly, the ground starts to shake beneath the Ranger's feet. The sand splits in two, sucking everything around him in. The sand sweeps his feet, causing him to fall into the canyon. Everything goes black, but when he opens his eyes, he is on top of a giant statue. A statue of him was built for his victory in the middle of the stadium. The crowd cheers, but as the man's character and gear fade away, he is still confused. None of what he just did meant anything. He looks down at the floor of the arena and the other three people he was teleported here with are standing there clapping in an unenthusiastic manner. The ruler speaks, "Congratulations, Earth mortal. You have won yourself a ticket to the next round and the first victory against your opponents. Are you ready to face your next challenge?" The man's eyes widen as he thinks to himself, "next?"
Word Count: 1,887 Words
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