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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Religious · #2132280
Can a random visitor save an unknowing temple?
The hum of praying monks and nuns emanated from the front of the temple. The abbot led everyone into a chant, and sensing a new presence, he quietly stood from his kneeling position to greet the visitor.

"Hello, welcome to our temple. How may I help you?"

"You need to get out, now," her voice was rushed and nearly incoherent.

"My apologies, I do not believe we have met before. I am Abbot Lama Dalapathi; I run this temple when our high monk is away," he bowed. "We are currently in the middle of our prayers."

"I know. And you all need to leave, as soon as you can." Her wild eyes matched her hand gestures as she spoke.

"Ma'am, what is going on?"

"I- I'm not allowed to say," she admitted, "I'm not even supposed to be here, but I couldn't just stand by and watch your place go down in ruins without anyone of you even having a chance to escape."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but your efforts are wasted here, today. Our temple is very safe here. We have community support, and like I said, we are still doing our prayers right now, so if you would excuse me, I need to get back and finish those. It would be immoral not to do so."

"Look, just listen to me, please! I know someone and they told me- oh never mind what they told me, but they said you would be in trouble- and it's not with the community, trust me. The community knows nothing about this," she shook her head, and whispered, just barely audibly, "it's the government."

The abbot frowned. "I apologize again, Miss, but we have good relations with the government. Perhaps you have the wrong temple?"

She looked around. "Do you have anywhere private we could talk?"

"Miss, we are a Buddhist temple. We value the separation of genders. Men and women are not to be alone in a room, together."

"Stuff your morals. We're the good guys. At least, I am," the visitor exclaimed.

"If you value saving others, you are more than welcome to join our temple," the confused abbot replied. "However, if you are here just to cause trouble for us, I would politely invite you to find your way out of here," Lama Dalapathi motioned to the hallway leading back to the front door.

"They are out to get you. Why won't you believe me?" she shook her head in disbelief.

"There is no proof, no nothing, that would suggest what you are saying is indeed true." The abbot replied, his voice as calm as hers was frantic.

"That's why I wanted to talk with you in private! But noooo, you can't put aside your beliefs for one minute just to listen to me!" Her voice became increasingly shrill.

"Miss, please, calm down. We may not be praying, but the others are still purifying their souls, so if you really wish to talk with somebody, I can refer you to one of the female Panditas. However, if that will not suffice, it is all I can do."

"Fine," she snapped. "I'll talk to the female, if that is how it needs to be."

"Very well," the abbot turned around and retreated to the front of the room again, whispering something to Pandita Fazeela.

Vice-Abbot Pandita Fazeela prostrated to the statue before leaving her position and making her way to the visitor with Abbot Lama Dalapathi.

"This is Vice-Abbot Pandita Fazeela," Lama Dalapathi introduced the Vice-Abbot to the visitor. "I do not believe you ever shared your name," he looked at the visitor.

"No, I didn't, but I need to talk to Pandita Fazeela," her voice leveled out as she spoke. "Privately."

"Very well, please follow me to our office," Pandita Fazeela instructed, as she proceeded to lead the way through a series of corridors.

Lama Dalapathi returned to leading the prayers.

"This place is much bigger than it looks on the outside," the mystery visitor commented, as she followed the Pandita around various corners and up a flight of stairs.

Pandita Fazeela smiled at the comment. "Here we are," she opened a door. "Now, what was it that you wanted to share?"

The lady's hand shook as she passed over a smartphone. "This," she whispered. "It's got all the information you'll need."

Pandita Fazeela frowned. "I'm sorry, but we do not use technology like this in the temple; that is why we do not subscribe to cell services here."

"No, it doesn't need cell service or internet service to use." She pulled out a pair of latex gloves to handle the phone again. "Here," she input the passcode and opened the Camera Roll, to show a series of email exchanges between high-profile governmental agents.

The Pandita read the exchange, noting the important details. "Agent Jwala and Agent Takshak... They plan to storm the temple in-" she gasped, looking up from the phone. "How did you get this?"

"Never mind how I got this, you all need to leave, NOW!" the visitor exclaimed. "Please, tell the abbot. Make him do something!"

"If it is not too late already," Pandita Fazeela murmured. "This is very serious, indeed. Going rogue like this, for a mission like this, it is not a decision one makes lightly."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I do need to leave before they find me, too." She stood up, nearly knocking over the chair. "Thank you for listening to me. I knew I wasn't crazy."

"Yes, yes," Pandita Fazeela's face looked deep in thought, until a foreign voice outside the door came through.


The door opened, and two men entered. "Bhavika Rana, you are under arrest for espionage and treason. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you."

"GO! NOW!" Bhavika yelled as they dragged her away. "BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!"

WC: 999
Note: A "Lama" is a Buddhist Dharma teacher in Tibet, and a "Pandita" is a Buddhist honorary rank.
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