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A character list for my story. |
Measurements Ranking (Ascending Order) Hips: Small, Small-average, Average, Large-average, Large, Giant, Enormous Bust: Flat, Small, Small-average, Average, Large-average, Large, Giant, Enormous __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Metroville Sylvia Age: 18 Role: Robotics Team Captain, Mascot Manager, Science Team Captain Ethnicity: Korean Hips: Small-average Bust: Average Description: The captain of the robotics team, Sylvia has a modest build, with comparatively mediocre breasts and a butt that is on the smaller side of average. As she is the one in charge of getting the tiny mascots for the school, she tries to keep them around for as long as possible, though it's not clear whether she intends for the mascots to be treated kindly or if she just doesn't want a debilitating injury to befall them. Her brown hair is tied up in a short ponytail. Josie Age: 18 Role: Cheer Captain Ethnicity: Greek Hips: Enormous Bust: Enormous Description: Leader of the cheerleaders, Josie is the most well-endowed girl in the school, with massive breasts and an enormous butt. As she is your crush, and her family comes from Greece, you have occasionally thought of her as an idealized Olympian goddess. Unfortunately, Josie is not inclined to want worship, and prefers to torment tiny people with her body. She has long brown hair that is kept in a ponytail. Her friends include Emma, Amy, and Alexa. Olivia Age: 18 Role: Student Ethnicity: Persian Hips: Giant Bust: Large Description: One of your acquaintances, Olivia is a girl with big breasts and a big butt, and is not afraid to do anything, especially when 'anything' means showing off her assets. More than a little flirty, she wears skintight shirts and shorts stuffed all the way in her butt crack. She is a generous person, though so nearsighted she needs glasses an inch thick just to see the board in class. She has shoulder-length black hair. Amy Age: 18 Role: Cheerleader Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Large-average Bust: Large-average Description: Amy is one of Josie's friends and her second-in-command on the cheer team. Her attitudes towards the mascots depend on who she's with, as she generally just goes along with what anyone else says. However, she secretly envies Josie for her physique, though she is not lacking either. Friends include Josie, Emma, and Alexa. Alexa Age: 18 Role: Student Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Average Bust: Large-average Description: Alexa is a quiet, shy girl who, in the minds of her friends, needs to get out more. Her actual attitude towards the mascots is ambiguous, as she has never actually had one in her power before. She is overall a nice person who is just a bit of a stickler for the rules, but if she gets a taste of power she may reveal some hidden desires of hers... Emma Age: 18 Role: Student Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Large-average Bust: Large-average Description: She is a short girl who wears black-rimmed glasses, blue jeans, sneakers, purple lipstick and a purple t-shirt, and has long straight brown hair. She has larger-than-average breasts and backside. A fan of dares, she will do practically anything for one. Woe betide a tiny mascot if she thinks they're a bug... Jamie Age: 18 Role: Cross-country Team Ethnicity: Caucasian (Irish) Hips: Average Bust: Small-average Description: A gossip girl on the cross country team, whose love of talking is matched only by her love of running. After she saw the cross country team's "traditional" use of the mascot, she was motivated to become the best runner on the team. She has red hair, small breasts, and a muscular butt. April Age: 18 Role: Soccer Team Ethnicity: Korean Hips: Large-average Bust: Large Description: Sylvia's sister, April is a member of the soccer team. She is much better endowed, with large breasts and a sizable behind, but she is also cruel to the mascots, and several times her sister had to take them back from her before she went too far with her games... Maria Age: 15 Role: Student Ethnicity: Hispanic Hips: Small Bust: Average Description: A freshman, Maria shares few classes with you. She lacks the body of most of your classmates, and you most often see her at lunch a few tables away, where she always brings a large lunch. As she has never been to any games yet, she is one of the few students who are unaware that Metroville even has a physical mascot. Katherine Age: 18 Role: Star Soccer Player, Soccer Team Captain Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Large-average Bust: Small-average Description: Katherine is a girl you know little about, except that she is one of the most (perhaps the only) dedicated athletes in the school. She constantly practices hard, and thus is almost always sweating at practice and at games, and thus is rarely found without an open water bottle nearby. As the star soccer player, she gets to decide what she wants to with the mascot if/when the team receives it, and she has had constant problem with the teams' cleats... Chadwell Tanya Age: 18 Role: Chadwell Basketball Captain Ethnicity: African-American Hips: Average Bust: Small-average Description: An amazonian African American woman from Chadwell with dark ebony skin and a muscular, athletic frame. She isn't very well endowed, but she makes up for it with a very toned ass and a set of perky B-cup breasts. Her black hair is pulled back into a single long braid. She's captain of the Cats basketball team and an incredibly driven woman. She works hard, working out everyday, and pushes herself and others to win. Her best friend is Patty. Selina Age: 18 Role: Chadwell Mascot Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Average Bust: Large-average Description: A rather pale girl from Chadwell with black hair done in a pixie cut. She's a highly attractive woman with C-cup breasts, a tone ass, and a supermodel's face. Despite all her looks, Selina is a bit of an loveable oddball in her school and a terror in Metroville. This has everything to do with the fact that she's the Cats mascot, a job which she takes very seriously. In addition to wearing a very tight cat costume, complete with ears, a tail, and facepaint, Selina likes to get into character, by acting notably cat-like. Patty Age: 16 Role: Chadwell Cheerleader (Initiate) Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Average Bust: Large Description: A natural blonde from Chadwell, with very long and curly hair, and a constant smile. She's rather short, which clashes with her utterly massive D-cup breasts, which bounce with every step she takes. Beyond her chest, Patty is a rather normal looking girl. She's a slight bit forgetful, but less likely to want to torment a shrunken person. Of course, since she wants to join the Cats cheerleaders, who have their own initiation rituals, she might have to do that and more. She is friends with Faith and Tanya. Yumi Age: 18 Role: Chadwell Science Team Captain Ethnicity: Japanese Hips: Large Bust: Small-average Description: Chadwell's science nerd, Yumi is an Asian girl with dark skin, messy jet black hair, and almond-colored eyes. She's what one might consider chubby, though arguably in a cute sort of way, and much of her weight seems to go to her butt as opposed to her breasts. She tends to wear nicer clothes and is never without her thick glasses, without which she is practically blind. Though timid around other people, she tends to find confidence in explaining scientific facts and information. Despite her timidness, she is rather cold and logical, and would treat a shrunken person as little more than a test subject. She is working on a science project with Nina and Faith. Faith Age: 18 Role: Chadwell Gymnast Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Enormous Bust: Flat Description: Faith is a gymnast for the Cats. Possibly due to a developmental issue with her pituitary gland, possibly due to genetics, she retains much of the appearance of someone almost a decade younger than her actual age. This extends to her face (which has childlike roundness), her height (short), her chest (flat), and her mentality (kindness to a fault), but oddly not her rear, which is disproportionately large. Another peculiarity of Faith is that she suffers from constant flatulence, and has to consciously hold it in during gymnastic events. This has earned her the moniker "Farting Faith", to her immense embarrassment. If she encountered a tiny Metroville Mascot, she would treat it as a cute pet, but she is very susceptible to peer pressure. She is friends with Donna and Patty, and is working with Nina and Yumi on a science project. Donna Age: 18 Role: Chadwell Student Ethnicity: Polish Hips: Small-Average Bust: Average Description: Donna is a student from Chadwell. A very lazy girl, she avoids work wherever possible, and often spends her weekends in just a t-shirt and panties playing video games. Even when someone else comes over she just puts on a pair of shorts and remains braless. However, in public she refuses to wear anything but jeans, sneakers, and a shirt with sleeves. This combination often causes her to sweat a good bit more than she wants to admit, and her feet are especially bad-smelling. If she found a mascot, she'd probably find some menial task for them to do, like cleaning all the hard-to-reach spots on her body when she showers. Her best friend is Faith. Cathy Age: 18 Role: Chadwell Foreign Exchange Student Ethnicity: Han Chinese Hips: Giant Bust: Large Description: Cathy is a foreign exchange student at Chadwell. She speaks no English at all, and uses her bilingual friend Nina to help navigate the school. She is very well-endowed, and once participated in a trend where a small, cute toy would be placed between a girl's breasts and was carried around as a pet. Having never really encountered the Metroville mascots before, she would most likely mistake one of them for one of those toys. Her best friend is Nina. Nina Age: 18 Role: Chadwell Cross-Country Team, Track Team Ethnicity: Han Chinese Hips: Average Bust: Large-average Description: Nina is billingual, understanding and speaking both English and Mandarin Chinese, as she comes from a family of Chinese immigrants. She guides Cathy around school, and also competes in track and cross-country. If she found a Metroville mascot, she would probably do something more torturous, such as shove them under her breasts, use them as a sweat rag, or tape them to a chair and leave them there. Her best friend is Cathy, and she's working on a science project with Faith and Yumi. Prattville Shannab Age: 18 Role: Prattville Track Team Captain Ethnicity: Indian Hips: Small-average Bust: Small-average Description: Shannab is the captain of the Prattville track team, which trains with the track team for Chadwell on weekends. She has a fit, muscular frame and black hair tied back in a ponytail. If she found a mascot, she'd probably have her team take turns with the mascot in their shoe, or if she was alone, she'd eat the mascot. She is friends with Sarah. Sarah Age: 18 Role: Prattville Student Ethnicity: Caucasian Hips: Large Bust: Large-average Description: Sarah is a shy, bookish brunette who goes to Prattville. She is generally very kind, and under most circumstances would be willing to help a mascot if she found one. She is friends with Shannab. Prattville University Sumati Age: 21 Role: Prattville College Student Ethnicity: Indian Hips: Giant Bust: Giant Description: Sumati is a student at Prattville University and went to high school in that town, but she has friends from both Metroville and Chadwell. Not one for sports, Sumati is a math nerd, and sits in her dorm at her desk for hours at a time working on her classes. However, she occasionally gets dragged by her friends to sports games at their former high schools, where she gets lost easily. If she encounters a Metroville mascot, she'll probably think it's just memorabilia bought by her friends, or, if she realizes it's a person, try to return them discreetly. But, if she can't find someone to turn them over to, she'll have to keep them away from her dorm mate, Julia. Julia Age: 21 Role: Prattville College Student Ethnicity: African-American Hips: Large Bust: Large Description: Julia is a party animal, and a former member and die-hard fan of the Prattville High School. As her dorm mate can work well with loud noises in a small area, and because they both feel cleaning up at this point is counter-productive, the dorm they share is a mess. After events that get them both out of town, she usually insists on bringing a drink back to the dorm. If she encounters the mascot while sober, she'll probably toy around with them, and might get a little more violent if she's drunk. She also occasionally offers drinks to dorm mate, despite knowing she gets drunk very fast. Her dorm mate is Sumati. |