Fears: The closer i get to the edge the more I panic The sweat pours off my back, my hands shaking with fear, my heart pounding, my head saying i'm going to die I'm standing on the edge looking down into the valley, frozen still unable to move I'm lost by the fear of death I want to move away but I can't i'm stuck I start to tremble and close my eyes to make it go away I want to face the fear at its game But it has still got me firmly in its grip, I try again now with determination to let it not take me over I calmly move closer bit by bit Sweat pours off my hands, tears are dropping off my face I hear the voices in my head telling me what could happen if i get close The sweat pours off my head, i start to tremble and shake I move closer and closer with every step enhancing the fear inside me, the feeling i want to be sick, the feeling I want to die than stand on that edge I get to the edge the feeling of the wind howling scares me The sick feeling in my stomach makes me want chunder I see the edge only a metre away, i can do this I get to the ledge with a hand holding me at ease, i made it without falling to my death I'm going to be ok I've expelled my fear that overpowered me |