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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2130437
there will be hell to pay when outsiders manages to steal one of the sacred bears
As guardian of the forest there are three main duties I must fulfill. First and for most it is my duty to protect there mythic bears from those who would harm them. Second, it is my duty to watch over the forest they reside in and finally, to ensure that outsiders who come to these woods never leave. In the past many have come in search of the bears. They come to steal the great power lock within each of their hides. Some have brought armies while others have only brought hunters. All have failed in their attempts to claim even a hair off my bears. I have stopped all these attempts and punish these outsiders for their arrogance. I evoke the godly power within my bears to become the colossal bear god that once roam these lands. I then use the beast’s magic to bind these outsider’s to my body as jewelry. I then torture them to the bone flexing my body stretching their till they tear then feed their meat to my furry family. Those bonded to my soles or to the ground however are repeatedly trampled until they are reduced to bloody smears between my clawed toes.

I myself am a beast of a warrior and will challenge these fools in duel if I think there are worth my time. They come here with advance weaponry like swords of steel, horse mounts even canons. These days come wielding small pellet launchers called guns, yet no matter the weapon I always defeat them. My skin is brown like the fur of my bears. My hair is black and braided. My body is actually shorter then most of these outsiders some times by a whole foot and to some this means I’ll be easy to fight and kill but after I chop their knees, suddenly we find ourselves meeting eye to eye. My body has little fat except in the winter. My muscles are strong but not bulging making me agile and nimble. My staff is my weapon of choice. It’s made from a hardwood and capped with a bear skull of one of the ancients. I also wear a necklace of their teeth with a center gem of emerald. This gem allows me to conjure the magic that turns me into the bear god. It also lets me do simple spells such as summon gust of wind, or form a shield to protect me, and even allows me to process an outsider making them my slaves. I'll have me bears surround us as we fight to the death. For fun and theirs a group of them I usually let one or two of them fight me and if they beat me their party is free to go but I have yet to fight anyone who can last more than a few minutes.

No one has ever escape and no one has ever succeeded in taking a bear however as the outside world continues to expend its territory their attempts are getting harder to forth off. Already I have had to punish three groups of outsiders in the past two months and today my senses were telling me another group has once again entered the forest. The eyes of the forest showed me the group of only five but well packed with guns, knives, and many other dangerous toys from the outside. Soon they spotted a group of bears wondering the forest floor. A trap was spun minutes later capturing two of them in electric nets. Their cries alerted me instantly and I ran as fast as I could to save them. I then heard a gunshot fallowed by the groans of third bear. I watched him collapsed before me just as I had arrived. The man who senselessly shot him smiled joyously holding a burning stick between his teeth. He wore blacken glasses and a black vest under and cameo jacket. I kneeled to the bear’s quivering body comforting him assure him his shooter would pay. I knew the magic within him would save him from death but his cries of pain still pierce my heart igniting a fire of rage. I rose looking towards the man who shot him with vengeance in my eyes. I ready my staff. I then charge toward him eager to tear him apart when suddenly a great gust of wind blows over us. Above a huge metal bird with spinning wings appeared from behind the trees. The beat of its wings buffer the ground below blind me in a cloud of dust and dirt. The black bird then flies towards the captured bears. It lowered it's talons and I watched the outsiders work quickly to attach them to the nets. The flying machine then began to climb into the sky lifting both bears with ease. I quickly reach for my daggers and throw them at the nets however their blades only managed to cut one bear free. He falls but only a few feet as I raise my staff towards the metal bird the rage within me nearly erupting into fury as I try to fuse my spirit to the bear’s great power when suddenly I felt my back catch fire. I screamed as bullets pierce my flesh and then collapsed. The hunter behind me chuckles and I watch helplessly as the black bird returns to picks him up. The metal beast then soars into the sunlight leaving my forest behind. The captured bear cries out for me to save him but I for the first time cannot answer.

City Zoo

The bear wake from a long sleep. The cave although cool felt usually small and had an odd scent of freshness to it unlike the ones he and his brethren normally sleep in. He stumbles to his feet and wobbles out the cave like the first days of spring. The light blinds him but when his eyes adjust. He gasps in horror. In front of him is a tall smooth wall of crushed stone. Above the wall and looking down at him with curious eyes are humans. Lots of humans more than the bear has ever seen in his life. He stands on his hinds and roars at them but rather than coward and run they remain unmoved some even pull out small devices that flash bright pulses of light blinding him once more. Anger by these flashes the bear charges toward the wall smashing into the foundation causing a few scream and run but most remain even after he roars a second time. He continues pounding against the wall until his neck suddenly goes numb and his whole body collapses. The bear feels his whole body shake uncontrollably. When the shaking stops he at last feels the collar around his neck and suddenly it all becomes clear to him. He was captured and put into this cage to entertain these humans. Sadden by this he slowly rises to his feet and limbs back to the cave entrance. He settles down at the mouth of the cave with his back to their eyes and starts making a sadden groan calling to his guardian to rescue him.

Bob’s diner

After an insanely busy morning Frank at last settles down and enjoys his lunch inside his favorite diner. He sits at the window reading the paper while eating his burger. The 12 a clock News just finished talking about the new bear exhibit at the zoo.  Supposedly the beast is the largest brown bear ever found at 13ft tall weighing nearly a ton in a half however Frank showed little interest as this news story and just kept reading the paper. He pauses and takes a few moments to look out the window when suddenly notices his cup shake. He looks towards it unsure if he just imagining it but sure enough the cup shook again only this time with ripples in the coffee. The cup shakes a third time but this time the whole diner shakes.  Everyone inside now notices the shaken and outside the air erupts with screams as people began to panic and run. The ground shakes again even more violently fallowed by the rumbling of buildings collapsing. The shaking becomes a low rhythm of booms almost sounding like footsteps. Frank gets to his feet still uncertain what is happening. The TV goes out along with the lights then ground shakes again but with such force the whole diner rattles itself to pieces. The quake knocks everyone off their feet sending plates and napkins holders to the floor. The windows shatter and clouds of dust spill into diner from the outside. When Frank gets to his feet the dust settles allowing him to see the devastation that has taken place. Cars have crashed and piled up at the intersection, the road itself has crumbled and broken into sections of tire swallowing crevasses, across the street the bank now lays in rubble. The building had exploded but the more he looked the more he come to realize that it wasn’t an explosion that destroyed the bank. He couldn’t believe his eyes but there was no debating it what had destroyed the bank was in fact a giant beast like foot. The foot was covered in thick brown fur and was many times bigger than bank it now rest on or in fact anything around it. Its clawed toes were big enough to carve out a house with just one swipe and as his eyes followed up he could see the massive foot was attach to even more massive leg. Soon his eyes joined many others as people looked up and pointing to the beast now looming over Main Street USA. When the sunlight suddenly vanished and the sky now filled with the colossal mass of the beast other foot, people then all screamed and coward. Outside Frank saw the sky suddenly blacken and felt the creature once again move. He then felt an enormous presence now hovering above the diner. A few bits of rubble pounded the roof above furthering the man’s fears. The roof then explodes down on top of him crushing him and everyone else instantly as my giant bear paw flattens the tiny building like sledge hammer to a pebble.

Transformed I felt the strength of all my bears fueling my body. The power is godly nothing can stop me. My paws smash through their tiny buildings as if they were made from sand. Their cars are flatted like old leaves on a trail and when their tiny bodies get caught under my leather pads, I’m rewarded with the great pleasure of feeling their bodies pop like berries across my soles. The transformation removes all that is human and turns me into the god bear that once carved the valleys and built the mountains we see now. My hide is a thick brown fur; my muscles are a master piece of strength and bulge with godly force waiting to be unleashed. I now wear the head of a grizzle bear with large teeth to poke out my lips, a wet nose, and solid emerald green eyes. Like my bears my ears are curved and very sensitive especially to the screams of the tiny people below me. I also share my bear’s mighty gut which is a great mound of harden muscle that roars for the tiny meats of the city. This was the power the outsiders sought and now I’m using it to hunt down the fools that stole my bear from me.

Nothing shall stop me and all who fall beneath my bear paws shall feel my wrath and become smears for my beast to clean off. Their city is but a playground to me. Their paved pathways crumble beneath my great weight leaving behind massive foot prints filled with flatten cars and crushed bodies. Their buildings though equal in height, topple in just one hit of my mighty fist. Even when I roar their buildings shatter. In their numbers I am 253ft tall but soon I meet the guardians of this realm. They arrive in white cars with blue lights atop their roofs. They park these cars in a line blocking the road making this their stand to stop me. I can only laugh as they point their guns and waste their bullets as they are simply lost in my thick hide. Amused I roar once again shattering their ears making them drop their guns. I then wave my hand to wrap them in magic. Their tiny bodies rise and now come to me. I grin flashing my teeth bring my hand to my chest. I then moan as I feel their bodies becoming my jewelry. Each of my nipples gets two of them to tease their tips while they bodies squirm. Two more are bonded against my massive gut making it growl even louder for their meats. I bond one to each ear so I may hear their screams and pleas. The most unfortunate however has to be the fools bonded to the soles of my merciless paws. They get the pleasure of getting trampled again and again until I feel the bodies tear away from their bonds. Finally for added pleasure I have bonded the remaining two warriors to my loins and bum to humiliate them as my arousal grows from their fellow man’s torture.

While their torture does amuse and even arouses me I mustn’t lose sight of my purpose here. I must find my captured bear and now take a moment to sniff the air for his scent. A flood of smells then fill my nose and while most of these smells are of the burning wreckage behind me and The horrid stench of their forest killing factories in the distance. I can still smell the powder scents that these outsiders cover themselves with to attract a mate. I also can smell the sweet mouthwatering scent of their foods sits low to the ground making my belly rumble. I eventually do find my bear’s scent and shortly after I hear his cry.

My connection to the bears is strongest when they are scare or excited and when I focus my thoughts I can actually see from their eyes the world around them. From his eyes I witness his horrible fate. He has been put in a cage not even big enough for two of them let a long him. All around him humans point and laugh flashing their cameras at him and jumping for joy when he roars. Such visions enrage me even more. I ball my fist and release a roar of my own causing my bonded prisoners to shriek in terror. The entire city is rattled and his lips form a smile as his tormentor’s laughter suddenly fades.

Journey To The Zoo

I continue my path towards his prison. My stomps fall carelessly into the masses causing buildings and cars to explode on impact. The tiny fools bonded to my soles when been already crushed and flatten after just a few steps. Only their blood smears and hands still shackled to my soles remain. I add to their smears with more of their fellow man and soon my paws are stained red with blood and littered with the crushed remains of their city. The rest of my squirming jewelry continues to give me pleasure especially those bond to nipples and soon my rod rises to attention stretching the poor fool who arms were bonded to its head and legs to my sacks to be stretched beyond what his little legs could handle tearing him in half. The one bonded to my bum however is constantly being taken in between my hairy canyons with each step I take. I feel his head grinding against my flesh and chuckle every time his head nears my shit hole. Soon his head will be caught between it allowing him to smell the shits of his people after my belly has finish with them.

I marched onward as my bear’s prison comes into view. The only thing standing in my way now is a river of concrete filled with more tiny cars for my paws to flatten. I step on to this causeway my paws now covering the whole river of concrete. I chuckled as their tiny cars crashed into feet piling up around my claws. They stumbled out of the bellies of these round footed beast then look up to see my foot rise over their puny heads and come down like a boulder to a patch of flowers. Their tiny bodies splatter so quickly beneath my thick pads that I barely have time to enjoy their deaths despite my rod still oozes out droplets of seed down on top the wreckage. I snarled in pleasure and again become distracted by my arousal. I take a few moments to trample as many outsiders as I could. I slowly marched alone the causeway aiming my massive paws to flatten every car I saw. I then spotted a much larger car in the distance. It was serial times bigger the ones around it yet it too had people inside its belly. It was in fact packed full of them and now all were panicking as I approached. The lumbering beast huff and grunted desperately trying back its mighty garth away as I was but a few steps away. My shadow soon engulfs the beast and with one fair stride I cut off the beast’s escape and chuckle feeling its backside crash into my right paw. I grin lifting my left paw over it. I wiggle my clawed toes chuckling as drops of blood and bits rubble fall on to tiny people carrier’s roof. My paw falls on top the middle of the warm metal roof making me quiver when I felt my leather pads touch it. The windows shatter with just a flex of my heel. The metal frame then crumbles and collapses causing even more panicking inside as I tune my ears to listen to their finally moments. The hulk beast bowed upward as its middle caves in. I hear the sweet crunch of bones snapping fallowed by the wet oozing of guts bursting out. I then feel my heel kiss concrete and when I lifted my paw, I snicker at the flatten pancake of people carrier’s middle. Amazingly however there were still live ones on either side.
“OH NOW THAT WON’T DO!” I snickered turning my foot to now cover the entire length of the beast.

The remaining front and back would be flattened under the leather pads of my soles; its head beneath the balls of my foot while my heel would again get to play this time with its backside. Both sections started crumbling with just a flex of my foot. The tires then burst when they were pushed into the concrete. Inside I actually can feel their tiny hands pushing up futilely to hold up my massive weight in the end though; they lost the battle and are pancaked in between the metal. The sound of their death was a wet, squishy, crunch much like stepping in a patch of melons. I licked my lips and moaned with a snarl. My loin nearly spilt its seed as I wriggled my toes feeling they blood oozes out. Thankfully it was the cries of my bear that pull me out of lusting trance and quickly return me to the task of rescuing him.

Entering The Prison

Leaving the causeway behind its lanes now filled with my colossal foot prints and flattened wreckage. I enter a blackened nest of parked cars. It was the only thing now standing in my way before I could reach the walls of my bear’s prison. Here the tiny cars gather and rest while there human masters go in torment the beast beyond those walls and while most of their bellies were empty, I still made an effort to crush as many as possible with each step.

At last I reach the gated prison and smile with amusement seeing the crowd of tormentors clawing at each other at the other end of the prison despite to escape. I step over the tiny gate that was no higher than my toes. I waved my hands towards the crowd and from my body three of my bear spirits shoot out towards them. They landed behind the gates as their spirits became flesh then burst forth sending a great number of them backwards. They then tore apart the one closest to them. Afterwards they merely backed the remaining morsels back towards their colossal master. I licked my teeth rubbing my belly as now I would fill it with these tormentors. My living jewelry would had a front row seat to my feast. I reached out snatching up handfuls and tossed them into my drooling maul. My tongue suddenly tasted an orgasm of favor and delicious meats all squirming between my gums. I chewed once or twice before swallowing them all down as another handful was tossed into my mauls. When these tiny morsels realize what awaited them they try to run but my bears pounced and kept them in reaching distance. Soon their numbers dropped to only a few. I rubbed my now heavy belly. Its two living jewels screamed as my claws tore into them with each rub until I ripped them away from their shackles. I tossed them into my maul like the rest and chewed them to bits to be reunited with their fellow man. My belly grunted and gurgle quickly digesting their flesh. I let my bears feast on the remaining strays. While they feasted I now took time to examine this prison. Everywhere I looked there were hundreds of enslaved animals imprisoned to entertain humanity from the lions of the Mother land, to the monkeys of the east, the colorful birds of the southern isles, they even had the gators of the lagoons. So many creatures it’s a wonder why I am the first guardian to come to their rescue regardless I ripped open their cages and command them to leave this city and return to their homes. They all obeyed even the stubbing gators of the lagoons and were gone within a few minutes.

After freeing my fellow beast of the wild I take a sit around the pit of my bear’s cage assuring my beast he is now safe. I chuckled as I found him snacking own his latest victim. He’s claws have torn the woman’s body into shreds and now he feasts on her guts. Leaning back I let the sun now bathe me. The city around me burns and its people run in terror. My belly gurgles loudly and after a deep burp my bears now climb on top their guardian to feast of his jeweled prisoners. Their claws make quick work of their clothes and the teeth do tear and take great chunks out of their bodies. I look down and chuckle watching my beast play. When they reach the two bonded to my ears my join in the fun teasing them moving their prey away just in time avoiding their claws but soon their claws taste blood and successful pulled them from their shackles. Below I see the little camera resting by his meals torn arm. It still flashes  capturing her demise as my beast eats. When he feast finishes I held out my palm and lift him into my lips. We muzzle one another glad to be finally reunited. I then lower him to my chest as his fellow brothering welcome him back to the clan. I then absorb his body along with the others into my own colossal form. His strength refuels my body and I suddenly felt myself growing again and become much stronger.

My body felt even more godly as I reached new heights. His former prison could barely contain me as I rose to my feet. My feet were now resting at either side of the puny gates. My muscles felt tense and ready to toss their puny buildings into the next town. The tiny men that had become my jewelry have all been torn from their bonds. The only one still live is now struggling inside my shit hole but soon he too will die under the pile of crap that once was his people. I flex and pose taking the time to admire my new body. My fur has become even thicker yet my muscle can still be seen and are even more bulging. The god bear was said to have the strength to pick up whole mountains and more them across whole continents and I feel just as strong. Even my loins feel transformed. The journey cross the city has already hardened my rod between my legs. Now once again it is nearly ready to burst after my punishing of my bear’s tormentors. My sacks hang low and swollen brimming with god seed. As I flex my body my rod begins to pulse pealing its foreskin revealing it dripping pink head. I smile and gentle rub its length while give my arm a lick. I raise my arm high to sniff my own pits finding their raw savage musk intoxicating. My stokes become more furious and I now wish left a few alive to be grounded into lube but my lust will not be stopped and I continue to stroke. I moan as I worship myself thanking the Great Spirit for this wonderful gift. I hear my bears all cheer me on and soon my god seed spills forth. The torrent floods the prison a fitting end I think. It’s almost like I’m purifying it after whole so many creature captive for who knows how long.

I gasp milking the last of my seed out my rod’s slit. I then rise to my feet and look to the skies. After a while, the cool winds of the sacred forest soon blow around me and whist my colossal form away from this ruin that now is their city. I'm returned to the forest of Mozar our home. releasing my bears’ spirits I return to my human self allowing them to once again roam free without worry as their guardian resumes his duties as their protector.
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