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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2130432
Say hello to the "Bear Guardian" protector of the forest and overseer of the War Beast.
We arrived in the village in the heat of the afternoon. The tribal men were surprisingly welcoming and allow us to stay with them and even help resupply our rations. Their were three us myself and my two mercenaries for hire. Daniel and Chun Lee were their names. Daniel was a ex jar head for the war 6'2” 270lbs and as you would expect he is all muscle with very little brains. He always wears an American Pride ball cap and after the war, Daniel brought went in brought his own gun shop where he can always be near his favorite toys. He believes that killing is a sport and that animals were put on this earth as target practice to help us superior beings shoot better. Chun Lee on the other hand was a mercenary for hire and a fugitive from China after Assassinating a low rank official. Through still a muscled gorilla at 5'11” weighing 250lbs, he unlike Dane as he likes to be called, shows restraint and seeks freedom from his crimes.

         I hired these two and only these two as the prizes I'm after is both legendary and deadly. Many have tried but none have succeeded. The power and strength of a god lies within this forest and I must find away to harness it. Such a discovery could change the face of science o even bring peace to the world.  As evening falls upon the village, at last I could speak with their leader and ask him where I could find the legend.
“What beings you to our fare village outsider?” he asked calmly
“We seek the power within your magical bears and the where about of the sacred alter where the may the ritual is down to harness their power.”
         A sudden hush fell upon the villagers. All that could be heard was the crackle of flames in the fire pit. We each look to these people surprise by the shear terror now appearing in their eyes.
“The magic inside the sacred bears is a powerful force and should not be used for selfish gains. Be warned you are not the first to come to us searching for this magic. Many have come in search of this power, some have even brought armies after learning of the one who guards the power.”
“ Bear Guardian? So the legends are true, I knew it. You must tell me about this guardian who is he is he a man or a beast I must know” I demanded almost shouting
         The elder was silent closed his eyes as if morning a lost soul.
“The guardian is one who has delicate his life to the task of watching over the bears as well as caring for their home deep within the forest. He was chosen by the bears and then trained by their former guardian. Now he walks amongst the bears as one of them his new family. What is he you ask? He is unity, the bridge between man in beast.” he preaches
Fascinating and where can we find this guardian?”I ask intrigued.
“Are these all the men you have brought to protect you?” he asked looking to Dane and Chun Lee
“yes both were trained in the art of killing.” I said proudly looking to each of them.
“And what weapons have these two 'killers' brought to aid them when they face the guardian?” The elder asked curious
“Guns, knifes, and some tiny explosives....”
“More than enough to take down a tree huger and a few mingy bears” Dane interrupted boosting
“Fool your mockery shall be your undoing. The guardian has torn apart many men such as yourself” the elder threaten.
“Is that so, well then I guess I'll have to avenge their deaths hehe. A strive for each man before me.” He said pulling out his knife.
“Fool and what of you silent hunter are you prepare to join the others in the grave?” The elder now looks to Chun Lee who hasn't spoke a word since er arrived here.
“This guardian sounds deadly but even a beast can bleed.” He said calmly.
“Wise but still foolish. What of you brave explorer? What shall you do when your protectors are slaughtered and you now garbling at the feet of our guardian. What shall you do then?” He asked again sounding even more threatening.
          His words were ominous and give all of us chills. Was this guardian really this fearsome? The bears certainly will be difficult to take down but with a few bullets they could easily be taken care of.
“Please kind sir if faith should come to such I will accept my punishment but I ask again will you not show us the way to the bears and the alter.” I pleaded.
“...If the power of the bears blinds you that much than I will gladly guide you in fact, he I will give you a map and even take you the entrance.” He smiled.
“Oh thank you. Much praise to your tribe.”

Story of the Legend

         The elder then went silent and his men told us to leave and rest. After sitting up camp one of his guards came to me with the map and left without saying a word. The map itself was old and worn. It's fibers were soaked in mud, grim, and old blood yet the path that would lead us to the alter still could be read with ease. As I study the map I notice Dane and Chun Lee seem somewhat shaken by the elders words and asked me about the legend and the magic within the bears.
         According to legend a great god by the name of Mozar once roam the great forest. He processed an incredible power and with it shaped the land. Legend tells of the god moving mountains with just his hands, craving valleys with his fingers, and even sowed the seed for each tree to stands today like a farmer on a field. Once his forest finished, the god found his forest to be too beautiful to leave and decided to live within it however to avoid damaging it his colossal present he decided to create creatures that would carry his strength and magic allowing him to live in his forest with out worry of harming it. He create the bear, the mightiest of creatures to hold his strength and made them the soul protectors of the forest. Afterward his body decays away giving the forest he created divine nutriment and become luscious with life.
         When these Tribal men discovered this forest the bears grew to love them and welcomed them in. As time went on, a few of the villagers begin to develop special connection with certain bears. It was almost like they had become one with the bears as their bodies could now lift more what the common man could. They could run faster, fight longer, and had gain a sense of the forest around them that few understood.
         What I'm interested in is how these chosen ones are able to harness the magic of the bears. With this map we should be able to reach the sacred alter by noon tomorrow and once there, there should be a stone or marking that tells more of the ability.
“interesting and what shall we do when we encounter the guardian?” Chun Lee asked still feeling uneasy.
“Blow his god damn head off. I know these native types, they're just talk, trying to scare us off so they can continue their satanic rituals. This so called guardian probable just a guy in a bear suit with a blow gun. Well I got something for him. Special order from the 21st century.”Dane boosted reaching into his pocket.
“see this bullet? Its the same bullet they use to pierce body armor and it will shred through his naked body like a saw through wood. Legend or not this so call protector is going down tomorrow.” He praised admiring the bullet.
         We all soon fell as sleep although Chun Lee stay wake just encase the tribe decides to kill us that night. Morning came and soon we were lead to the entrance of the sacred forest. A great gate way marked the entrance and although the elder try once again to scare us off, we marched right in without another thought.

Journey to the Alter

         The forest itself was no different than any other. The trees were tall and thick with brush. The ground cool and soft. Birds still chirped like they always do and as we journeyed deeper into the woods we saw many of the same animals you expect to be in a forest. The only real difference was knowing that some where hidden in these thick woods were bears process with the magic of an god wondering  about. Dane and Chun both held their rifles close to their trigger fingers and often stop when ever a twig snapped. Still no signs of bears. An hour had pass and still no bears. The two of them came closer to me puzzled as I study the map.
“You sure we're going in the right direction” Chun Lee questioned
“Yeah you to us there are hundreds of these bears here yet we been walking for an hours and hadn't seen anything but squirrels and birds” Dane growled.
“Patients we are on the right path and I'm sure we'll see a bear soon.” I assure them and continued a head of them.
         We traveled even further into the forest even crossed a river yet still no bears. Again my men questioned me directions but I knew we were close I could feel the magic getting stronger and pressed on. The bright light from the clear ahead blinding our eyes as sunlight pours through canyon of trees but once we reach the top of the hill at last we had found the alter. I nearly jumped for joy and ran to it  though both hunters ordered me to stay with them. The alter was made of a large stone base with smaller stones lining the border. On the face of the stone was the markings of a giant bear paw. The paw itself was massive  nearly 30ft in diameter. Certainly big enough for three people to walk on top of it. Each toe pointed to a strange series of poles about 20ft away that had two “V” like cross sections at the top. Dane noted the worn bonds on them confirming his thought of satanic worship. Chun lee mean while merely survey the landscape around us. Not only was this an using wide clearing but was also amazingly flat almost a plateau. The ground has literally been compacted into stone something that he says would take a incredible amount of weight and a hell of a lot of time to  achieve. The clearing was also brown almost baring of plant life suggesting a lot of activity but as I remember it the elder told us that only the Guardian travels through here and while I'm sure the bears do gather together from time to time there no way their gathering could leave this land baring like a desert.
marker I ordered.
We search and search but found nothing.
“Hey I found something!” Dane shouted
I rush over to Dane who had found of all thing a small mound of bear droppings.
“That confirms it. I told you I was right. This it the sacred alter of Mozar we found it ha ha. Now we just need to find one of his bears and soon the power of a god shall be mine.” I cheered.
“wonderful your all mighty one but where are we suppose to find these bears we've been searching for hours?” Dane protested
“huh...I don't believe it... look sharp fellows we got company.” Chun lee shouted still standing by the alter looking through his scope
         He came out of the brush like a mystic wind. Beside him was indeed one of the great bears following him like common house pet. In comparison the bear was a giant next to his keeper over 9ft tall yet obey him like a well trained dog. The tribal man wore only a fur cloth around his waist with a bear marking in the center. His body was surprisingly small at 5'9” and no doubt weighing less than 200lbs. Every muscle however was purposely sculptured by the bears he cares for. His wrist and ankles had colorful brackets around them. His feet were bare and draped with a single tribal band of beads. Around his neck he wore a series of necklaces lined with the teeth of bears that have fallen but more importantly he also worn an crystal amulet that shimmered in the light.
“It's him the Bear Guardian.” I gasped
“Look at the size of that bear I bet his hide worth thousands.” Dane pondered pointing his gun at the bear.
          The bear snarled and readied himself to charge us but the guardian instead simply place a hand below the bear's nose and the lumbering giant settled down.
“Incredible the bear obey him with such respect, truly this man is it's master.” Chun lee marvels
“He's a dead bear is what he is.” Dane chuckles cocking his rifle
“wait....” I plead but too late
         The shot was like lightning and before anyone could reacted, the bullet hit the bear in the neck/
“bingo I still got it “ Dane gloated
         Sill the bear remained standing though  now bleeding out the neck. The guardian look to his pet for a moment then back to us and frowned. The bear suddenly rose to his hinds and roared his grizzly call rattling our bones.
“Still got some fight left huh well guess these bears are magical hehe. Oh well you know what the say if the first bullet doesn't kill it, empty the whole cliff.” Dane said racking another bullet into the clamber.
         He fired again this time however this time the guardian did react grabbing his staff and raised it  to the bullets directions. He spoke and the winds suddenly rushed up around the bear creating a shield bouncing the bullet to the ground by the bear's feet.
“Hmmm right...I must kill your protector first before I can kill you.” Dane growled.
“So Mr. guardian let's see how you take a bullet.” he said smiling pointing the gun at the guardian head.
Both rifles were fired that time as Chun lee at last found the will to fight again.
         The bullets scream towards the guardian yet once again with a mere raise of his staff the winds blow the bullets away from him. He had both arms spread high like Moses when he split the Red Sea.
He then brought his arms down and to our displeasure smiling as he eyed the bear then began to laugh. He looked to each other us and at last I could see his eyes, they were inhuman just a pair of white orbs. Grabbing the amulet he closed his eyes and suddenly a great light erupted from his body blinding us. The winds howled through the trees whipping up the dust and compacted dirt around us. Both Dane and Chun Lee dropped their guns as the light consumes us. When the light fades the whole world seems to have transformed. We look ahead of us and at first see nothing not even the bear. Then as our vision clears we once again see the guardian or rather the giant beaded foot of the guardian. It now the size of a bus, the bare foot sinks into the dirt. The smell from it dampens the air with musk and sweat making the air hard to breath as we follow the leg columns up to the colossal form above.
         He stands a true colossus now not even the trees can match his height. I would guess he was  200ft tall and must certainly weigh as mush as a small mountain. His body is now covered in thick bear fur except on his hands, feet, crest, belly, and not surprisingly his uncut cock which now dangle between his legs free. His muscles have taken the bears' strength and now have forge super muscles all over his body. Still he wears the bracelets around his wrist and ankles. The necklace around his neck, and the piecing around his body. Also remain with him only super sized. He amusingly flexes his furry armies above us enjoying his new size and the terror that now chills our bodies.

The Wrath of a Guardian

         With fear coursing through my veins I am the first to run. I never looked back to see what my two protectors were doing just knew I had to escape I was only a few steps away from the edge of the clearing when suddenly a pack of bears leaped out of the woods ahead of me blocking my path. Each one was bigger then the last and fleshed their teeth at me. Two of them stood on their hinds darling me to come closer while the third merely step towards me snarling backing back toward the alter. I then backed into my killers who nearly shrieked like scared children at the sight of the bears. We were slowly backed towards their colossal master who when I turned around, had a devilish grin on his face and was motioning them to bring us to him. We then hear a scream and look behind and see chun Lee get snatch up by the guardians meaty hand. His fingers along were thicker then his body making him look more like tiny doll. We watched in horror as the giant lifts him to face chuckling as he held him. He then moves him to his crest where he uses another magic spell and Chun Lee is engulf in light. Before we can see Chun Lee's faith Dane makes a run for his gun and I see the guardian's soulless eyes follow him. His great hand swoops down grabbing him just as Dane grabs his gun. Bullets rain out as Dane fires shot after shot yet they do nothing to the giant and soon he too sees the guardian eye to eye.  When his gun jams he goes for his knife and though the blade does taste flesh, the giant merely laughs and now squeezes his tiny body. The guardian then as with Chun Lee lower Dane to his crest adding him to his right nipple. I collapse to my knees too horrified to stand the sight above me. His bears surround me their snarls echoing in my ears
         I rest on my knees and shudder every time I look up. Now bonded to his nipples are both Dane and Chun Lee. Stripped of their clothes and dignity they hang below each nipple their hands force to hold his tips while their legs are bonded to the first of his abs' piercings. Their screams echo across the forest as their bodies are stretched from the flexing of his body. Their screams bring me down in all fours pleading for their freedom. I beg like a stray dog in the rain for the all powerful god to release them. He stands before me his two massive feet firmly planted beside me. Over my tears and pleads I began to hear his deep laughter booming above me. I look up and quiver as the guardian now plays with them. Squeezing their tiny hands into his nipples harden them as well as harden the uncut serpent  between his legs. His horrid grin is one I shall never forget and soon the giant moans a deep sigh truly enjoying his new toys. Around me I see all of his sacred bears have come to watch and roar almost like cheering their master on as he plays; some even standing on the hinds to get a better view. For me, it was a living nightmare. I close my hands together now praying to him hoping he would listening.
“ oh mighty Bear Guardian you are truly a god amongst us morals. Please spare me your wrath. I know we have angered you and have trespass on to your land but I beg you show this worm  mercy. Allow him to leave and I vow never to return or even speak of you greatness. Your bears shall never be bother by anyone on the outside and... and... I...” I paused as a great shadow covers me.
         I look up is see with great horror the guardian's colossal sole hoovering over me. It's size fills the sky. The sole itself dirty and worn. It's smell was almost sickening. My lips tremble, my throat dries, yet I still manage to plead to him.
“please great one do not crush me. I have a wife and kids...please don't make your sole the last thing I see....please great one have mercy.”
         All I hear is his chuckle and then the ground blackens even more. I scream as the great soles come crashing down on top of me. My body crumples instantly the moment his sole touches me. A second later and my body then explodes into paste.

“HA HA HA I LOVE IT WHEN THEY BEG FOR ME HEHE MMMMM.” The giant chuckles now grinding his foot into the paste that once was a man.
         The guardian settles down just below the alter and continues to plays with the two mercenaries as his bears gather at his feet. Some immediately begin to lick the paste from his sole while others make the climb to the more lively prey. He holds his hand open for the first bear to climb to his waist. He then lifts the bear to the Asian slave on the left. The bear eager taste the man before clawing open his crest and takes a lung. While the bear feeds in one hand the other continue to squeezing the ex soldier's hands into the giant nipple arousing the guardian even more. His dick begins to swell and soon the fore skin peals back revealing his massive cock head it' slit beginning to drip cum as the the soldier's hands continue to please him.
         He sits the bear down and brings up another that claws into the man's guts. Soon the soldiers torture is too great and the guardian topples over causing a great quake that rattles the entire forest and even the village at it's edge. Now on his back he finally removes his hand revealing the hunter to his hungry pack who now swarm the giants body and maw the trespassers to death as their master rest with his hands behind his head pushing his crest up to allow  his bear more clawing room.

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