Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2130010-GoT-challenge-Week-1--House-GreyJoy
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2130010
P1: You're on an deserted island with another person, a tool, and what else? What happens?

The bitter taste of iron teases my taste buds, and for a few blessed minutes I am completely oblivious as to how I came to be at this strange place. I sit up, move my head to and fro in an attempt to dislodge the fuzziness. What happened here? My brain is clumsy in its attempt to piece together what happened. Someone is to my right, eyeing me as if he's afraid that some kind of harm will befall me. He says in a strange monotone "There was a crash, and we are all that's left." At his words, I notice our surroundings. The remembrance of how I came to be here drifted through my consciousness in fragmented pieces.

An explosion towards the back of the plane, and a perilous plunge towards the earth. My fingers groping for something to hold on to, and then finally landing on something, no not something, but someone! Fingers clutching my own in a tight clasp, the plane comes to a bone jarring stop. The pain of something hot and burning on my leg is almost too much to bear as black spots dance before my eyes. A man is standing over me, and I reach for him. I manage to whisper, "Plea..." The words were too thick to come out little more than a whisper. I lick my lips and after several attempts I am able to painfully whisper, "Please stay, please stay." The man with the startling Grey eyes says with a look that I cannot discern, "I have nowhere to go." The darkness begins to take me as I fling my hand out, but before I am plunged into its greedy depths a warm palm clasps my hand.

The fuzziness starts to clear and I don’t feel quite like I’m on the verge of passing out anymore. The words the stranger spoke still bounce around in my head. A crash and we’re all that’s left. What are we going to do? I want to break down and cry but the tears refuse to come. I may be in shock. I need to get up; we have to find a way to leave this place. We have to go home. I make an attempt to stand, but my right leg is a mass of flames and my vision is graying around the edges. I close and then slowly open my eyes hoping that eventually my equilibrium will balance itself. My struggles seem to influence Grey eyes because he comes to my aid, offering his body for me to use for balance. I grimace, my leg is on fire. Grey eyes bites his lip and I can sense some internal battle going on. Finally, he reaches a decision and scoops me into his arms. Apparently I was the decision. He holds me firmly against his chest. He smells of sweat, smoke, and an aftershave that I can’t identify. The smell is oddly comforting and I grip him harder. Tears come then, soft and quiet. I don’t know what to do. I was soon to see my parents in Africa, and now...now I am in a strange place with a leg that barely works. I’m with someone who’s barely able to speak. I want to go home. My cries become louder at that last thought.


I try to comfort the woman in my lap. I was never good at this sort of thing, just ask my ex-wife. I awkwardly pat her back and hold her tighter against me. If I only hold her tighter it would somehow make this bearable. After a few moments she hiccups and her cries lessen. I don’t know how long I sat there rocking her but the sun has set. I lean her away from me to question her mental stability. She seems fine, I think.
“So, a fine day to be lost at sea eh?”

I don’t know what prompted me to make that lame joke but I did anyway. She smiles at me; a slightly wobbly smile but a smile all the same. “We will be home in no time. I have my watch…” I decide to leave off the fact that it is the only item to survive the crash. “And it’s just after five o’ clock. I’m sure someone has noticed that we are missing if that’s any consolation. The captain, right after the crash, was able to call in our coordinates. I’m sure the search and rescue team is looking for us.”

The girl snuggled further into me. She’d need medical attention soon. I gazed down at the bright red bloom on her pants leg. I was worried about the insects that would soon leave their hidey-holes in search of food. I’d already heard a few disturbing sounds off in the distance, but then I hear a distinct sound that almost sounds like… No it can’t be.

I pause, listening for something that I wasn't sure I’d heard... off in the distance. But then I hear it once more. Without a thought, I run with the girl held tightly against me. I shout waving my hands high! The girl pushes against me to get to her own feet and joins me, screaming at the top of her lungs and waving her arms frantically back and forth. The plane sees us, thank God. The girl falls to her knees utterly exhausted, and I wince in sympathy for her leg. I lose the battle with my emotions as a tear slides down my cheek. Then another and another. I thought we’re trapped on this island forever! She smiles and reaches for my hand.
“Hi, I’m Nicole. It’s nice to meet you.”
I smile back, and squeeze her hand in return.
“Hi, I’m Adam, and it’s nice to meet you too.”

Word Count: 966

House Greyjoy - "Game of Thrones
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