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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Women's · #2129225
I am comfy in my womanhood/sisterhood..My selfhood...myself- Through Jesus
I guess you guys know I am a woman, a female right? LOL. And this feminine side has been here since Eve. As far as the "awakening" and "resurgence"?, I am NOT impressed. They just seem to be an angry,confused bunch of men-haters, and self-haters too. How is it being enlightened and empowered when they are wearing a p**** hat and screaming that it's Trump's fault they have a period? ...ugh. And what is with the witchy-woman trend? I am not a witch, and have no interest in finding the "goddess" within, also known as "demons" to those who know better. That's just the Jezebel Spirit hiding under another mask. I am not with them.. they are just a collective bunch of confused women, huddled in the public perception of that arena making a horrible impression. They can get angry, call me "Stupid", etc., but I know better.

I am comfy in my sisterhood,womanhood, motherhood,grandmahood,..My selfhood...myself. I never felt suppressed by it. I never had to make a public statement about breast-feeding, I just did it. When I had a total hysterectomy?...I didn't have to write a sonnet and get all Shania on people and sing how I STILL feel like a woman...Because I am. When I got my first bra, my first period, birthed my first child and then the other two, miscarried one child...all this "happened" and it was a divine thing. I didn't have time to, or felt the need to "analyze" it all, because I was living in it,experiencing it, enjoying it. I don't have to attend rallies or protests or wear pink ribbons and yell about abortion rights to be a "real" woman. Abortion isn't a right... it's murder and witchcraft. . And no media covered event is going to make or break my femininity. My mind influences that. If someone opens a door for me? I say "thank you" and walk through, I don't take it as an insult to my "strong" side. Because, first of all, I am not ego-driven, I don't always think about my position. The world does not revolve around me. If someone likes or doesn't like me?...That's not my problem. Which is what all the social justice warriors need to get into their noggins. We have the free will to NOT like someone, so deal with it.

When I was raising my daughter and two sons?...I didn't wonder if they were gay or gender confused. Are you kidding me? I was up to my eyeballs in poopy diapers, bottles, toys, and was enjoying watching them teaching me about me about the truths of life as it unfolded between us. I taught my children respect, kindness, compassion,empathy...I did not teach my children a bunch of liberal globalist hooey that would only enslave them to question themselves and the motives of all around them their entire lives.

Even if our government was stupid enough to give in to these radical,insecure,confused feminists and others such as the angry LGBTQ folks?...These folks don't even know what they want! All they know is they're angry, and don't know why.

I don't hate men collectively or blame them for "female oppression", because that is bunk and done. Women are CEOs and head corporations now so get over it. The only oppression facing women now are the lies put in their heads by globalists who want to destroy the framework of humanity.

I don't think racism is an issue any longer, but the self-aggrandizement that prevails in all who are ego-driven This globalist shadow government infiltrated colleges, public schools, churches, community, and they seek to make us doubt who we are. They promise we will have power and respect if we disown our confidence in who we intuitively and really are, making us think it is just a perception. But the reality is that who they want us to believe we are is the lie.
Whenever a "social change issue" pops up, It is for the purpose of causing doubt,chaos,strife,and :reforming: into an enslaved society ruled by the few elite in charge, Whom I believe are driven by demonic influence. It is the Serpent and Eve in the Garden all over again, on a larger scale. "Did God say?"...Satan's modus operandi is to get people to do the following..
-to doubt themselves and their position
-to doubt anyone in authority
-to feel entitled over everyone else
Sound familiar?...It should, Satan did it himself first.

The powers that be are puppets of unseen powers, and that is where all the social/gender/political fight stems from. So while some can't see the forest for the feminist trees? or whatever tree is in question?...Those of us who know better are just enjoying the experience of who God made us to be, and it is His voice that we let speak to our hearts if any change within ourselves is needed. If God Himself calls for changes, it is accompanied by peace,order, and the fruits of that change when it is followed create more fruit of peace.
Notice that the more you give in to radical groups that no matter what you give to them, their needs are NEVER satisfied? Because you cannot meet a pseudo-need, it's impossible. What they really need is Jesus, who supplies all our needs. I feel pity for those marching for validation when all they need is to accept Jesus Christ, then he can create change from within them that will flow outward. It's a continual change, every day he creates newness in us, it never gets stale or "outdated", Jesus is revolutionary and yet timeless. He honors the Law, fulfills it, and yet keeps us free from oppression and enslavement within ourselves.

I don't know about you, But I am weary of all the bickering and rioting amongst ourselves. One day soon, when Jesus parts the clouds and appears, all this will be over. until then, I am sticking with him, and not getting caught up in the demonic "social change" garbage. For those who think being a follower of Jesus is oppressive?...Some facts...
-Jesus challenged the conventional patriarchy of his culture.
-Jesus depended upon the ministry of women and he wasn’t ashamed of receiving their ministry in public.
-Jesus redefined the ways humans relate to one another by receiving cultural outcasts into his community.
Jesus, said it best. “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”....If only mankind (and that means male and female) would all come to get that into their noggins.
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