Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2128141-Mahadhrista
by Medjay
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2128141
Set in Vedic India
Mahadrishta stared at the open field in front of him. The field enveloped a great city, with bulging colorful temples and huge palaces. The King had summoned him for a mission that he had not been told. Ten years he had devoted his life to the Kingdom of Shisha, and soon he would be given his freedom, and his desire to marry Deepika. This mission was to be his last. As he walked down the open field and into the city, the city's huge walls made him look like a tiny ant. Guards stood at the gates as they inspected goods being carried from other kingdoms.
Freedom. The very word felt like chains being finally removed. No more orders, no more obeying. A free man at last. He would forever be grateful to King Shishagugna, but he had his own life now. Settling upon the River Ganges, he would raise a family with Deepika and train them to become warriors or Rishis. In his heart, however, he knew that the benefits he had gained would stop. The wealth that would be granted would be dried up quick and fast. He would need to find other ways of finding wealth, despite his worship of Kubera and Shiva. His Guru had not been happy with his decision to leave the Kingdom. Their fight had involved over the fact that he was destined to become a King.
He could not accept such a role, for he had been an orphan as a young street urchin. No one had ever bothered him, and he had never known his father or mother. The young King at that time had taken him under his bode. Now he had been called for one last mission. To retrieve Mehura, the immortal weapon of Lord Shiva. It was said that the weapon granted such powers that an entire Kingdom could be forged from it. The rival of Shisagugna, the Purana Kingdom wished to destroy them.
Mahadrishta had made up his mind. Find the weapon and give it to the King. That way Shishagugna would be protected. He made his way through the bustling markets and the chanting prayers that were heard in the temples, the Pooja bells ringing through his ears. Wrestling matches occurred between chickens and men, as the sounds of roars could be heard. The scent of Tulsi could be smelled everywhere. No one recognized him for he disguised himself with his turban covering his face. Advancing to the main palace, the guards stopped him. Shuffling from his shirt, he retrieved the royal symbol, a gold statue of Lord Ganesh. The guards glanced and let him through.
Mahadrishta made his way through the immense spacing of the corridors, filled with decorations of Lord Rama and Hanuman burning the city of Lanka. Immortal warriors were paved into the walls with their legendary stories. One day his tale would be etched in here. Grandparents would tell stories of his exploits. He had to admit, it certainly didn’t hurt at all when you became famous. Walking his way through the door, he removed his turban as the guards bowed in front of him. They scurried to open it. The huge doors opened as a ray of light hit Mahadrishta’s face. As he entered, the crowd in the court screamed in delight and elation.
Mahadrishta ki Jai ho!
Jai Mahadrishta!
He saw the King’s beaming smile and Mahadrishta felt an upsurge of confidence rising through him. Deepika stood, slim and beautiful to the core, with long flowing hair and her eyes, large and captivating with a sharp nose, dressed in a beautiful golden sari, decked in golden jewelry. Mahadrishta had loved her since they were teenagers and would do everything he could to marry her. He had always felt they were like an old couple. Deepika smiled at her, and Mahadrishta could only beam back, her smile melting his heart. He had to admit, having beautiful women at your side that supported and loved you was the best thing any man could experience in the world.
The King raised his hand as the crowd went silenced. Mahadhrista saw the smirking glances of the ministers from both sides, “Mahadhrista, you have served Shishigugna valiantly. Legends tell of your exploits, your name is considered to be a household name. Mothers praise you, Fathers glorify you. You are feared in all the Kingdoms that exist. Now is the time to call you on your final mission before I marry you to Deepika,”
Mahadhrista bowed. “Haji, your majesty. Your wish is my command. Your rule is my justice,”
The King laughed. “No need for formalities, you are like a son to me,"
“Then what is the mission, sire? What should I do?”
The King nodded as a golden trident was passed on by a guard. The Royal Astrologers arrived as they seated around the King. “My astrologers told me dark times are approaching our Kingdom. The King of Maharia will send a large army to destroy us. We cannot afford such numbers. Shishigunga must be protected. There is talk of Shri Ram’s weapon, the sword of Shiva. It is said that whoever takes it will become a mighty warrior. Not even Kings or armies can stand against it. Bring it to me,”
Mahadhrista bowed once more. “It shall be my honor, sire,”
The King nodded deeply to acknowledge the wise presence of a skilled warrior. “In the realm of Kali Yug, which is millennia away, someone of your skill will not be needed. The sword will become useless as it is written in the Puranas. So learn everything now that in Kal Yug your life might be easier. Now, if you fail to bring that weapon you will be exiled from the Kingdom. You will not marry my daughter. Bring her and you will reap the benefit.”
Mahadhrishta sighed, almost wanting to rage. While he and the King had a son-father relationship, he sometimes felt like punching the King, for his sense of justice made him oblivious to what was around him. Many times he had tried to woo Deepika, but her father had always come in. Always.
“Father, you cannot make decisions me. I am a woman, I know what needs to be doing,”
The King turned to his daughter. “It is not that I wish you harm, my daughter. But as a father, I do not wish to see you harmed either. What if Mahadhrista fails? What then? Will you become a pauper in front of our people? That life is not for you. I have an announcement to make,” the king rose as everyone did. He took off his golden crown and walked towards Mahadhrista. He placed it on top of him.
Gasps rippled through the crowd. Roars of encouragement came from the crowd of peasants while angry rumblings erupted through the ranks of ministers.
“Him? A slave? How can he become King?” A minister bellowed.
“Better we should-“The King cut off an impatient minister as he walked towards him. “Mahadhrista is to be King. He can only govern Shishigunga better than I could. My only heir is my adopted daughter. My wife no longer lives…but I feel her presence in me every day. And I feel she has made me make the right decision,”
The sounds of Mahadahrista’s name echoed through the chamber of the halls.
“And this is why I have made the perils hard for him. If he intends to marry my daughter, he must show what a true Kyshtria is. What a true man is. Do you accept?” the king said turning to face.
Mahadrishta was lost for words. He had not intended to become King. He was a slave. It was impossible for him to accept the crown. “I thank you, sire…but I cannot be King. I am a slave,” The King placed his hand on his shoulder as he smiled before a cry ripped the air.“And the great warrior is right! He is a slave after all,” said the Prince of Kuru, Harichandra. Decked in a red and purple dress, he gripped his sword as he arrived with a grand procession of elite guards dressed in golden Armor. Mahadhrista scowled. The idiot had always hated him for no reason.
The King raged. “And what is the meaning of this? Prince Harichandra, you should stay in your limits,”
Harichandra grinned, before bowing. “I fully agree. But surely, you shouldn’t entrust the crown to a lowly slave. He may be brave, he might be a grand warrior, but he is not fit to be King,”
“And how do you know that Harichandra? They tell tales of your incompetence with women,” The King smiled back as a ripple of laughter echoed through the chamber. Harichandra glanced nervously as his loyal procession of ministers glanced back with glaring eyes. “Yes…sire. But I am not here for that. I wish to ask your hand in marriage for your daughter,” He said, grinning like a wild fox.
Mahadhrista grabbed Harichandra’s throat as he laughed back. “Go on, Mahadhrista. Like you seized everything away from me, I will too. I should have been crowned King. I should have had Deepika. Not you, a lowly pathetic slave,” Mahadhrista literally felt like punching him to the realms of the earth. He would not lose Deepika to a bastard that never could deliver her any happiness.
The King raised his hand. “Leave him Mahadhrista. I will leave it to my daughter to decide,”
Deepika arose and walked to Mahadhrista and Harichandra as the two tried to tidy themselves. She looked at them with a fiery glance and nodded. “If they truly wish to marry me, then I will accompany them on their journey to find the sword of Shiva. The one who proven his worth, I will marry. They must show it to me,”
“Is that what you wish daughter?” The King asked.
Deepika took both of the two men’s hands. “Yes. That is my wish,”
The King grinned. “Your mother was exactly like that. Always daring me…well then. If that is your wish, then so be it!”.
The names went on both sides of the crowds. The peasants shouted for Mahadhrista, while the Ministers shouted for Harichandra, intent on making sure that they would never see a slave on the throne.
Mahadrishta stared at Harichandra’s grinning face with such fury that he could have finished him there and then as they travelled on their horses. Deepika had long gone ahead of them and had camped to the river as they made their way to Hastinapur, the city of gold and Kings. Harichandra and Mahadrishta were once the best of friends, before Yudishtra, the Prime Minister of Shishigana who had always coveted the throne broke them up with Harichandra’s lover.
“Tell me why for the last time you’ve decided to come to Harichandra?” Mahadhrista sighed.
“Because you stole everything for me. Look at you, a great big warrior, having fought so many battles. And what am I? A Prince! A lowly prince that hasn’t done much…really,” Harichandra replied.
“She is the love of my life. I will not let her go to a coward like you. Only idiots can become princes, especially when they are like you,” Mahadhrista replied back.
“And you didn’t mind stealing Avantika from me did you? You took her away. Slaves are not destined to marry beautiful princesses,”
Mahadrishtra should have felt outraged at the response. But he didn’t. He only felt sadness at what had been lost. “You know Harichandra, I never intended to sleep with Avantika. She tried to seduce me. She had no interest in you despite my warning,”
“And? I saw her with you slave,”
“And where is she now?”
Harichandra stopped, unable to respond. “With…the King of Maharia’s son, Mahesh,”
“My point was proven. But she could never satisfy herself nor you. What makes you think you’ll keep Deepika happy?” Mahadrishtra grinned.
Harichandra fumbled to respond before he stopped. Mahadhrista froze as he saw Deepika’s glare.
“Deepika…I..er…” He was lost for words.
Deepika sighed. “That’s enough the two of you. Remember the pledge I made. Your arrogance will not help you Mahadhrista. Granted that Harichandra may judge you wrongly, but even you are doing the same in front of him. Does that make you right as well Mahadhrista?”
“No,” Mahadhrista replied.
“You’re like children the two of you. Come, I’ve made food. I hope you’ll like it,” She said with a small smile. Mahadhrista and Harichandra sighed, glad that they had not met her temper. Deepika’s temper was the worst. But her food was the best in the world. They couldn’t be gladder than that.
The warrior, the prince, and the princess arrived into the city of Hastinapur. The weapon of Shiva had been rumored to be discovered at an abandoned temple deep in the heart of Hastinapur's palace. The King of Hastinapur had welcomed them with open arms instead of arresting them. Reports had reached his ears that people had disappeared around the abandoned temple in the heart of the palace courtyard. Mahadhrista stared at the broken temple, a huge imposing structure that was covered in huge green vines. The guards stood outside, but no one dared enter the temple. There had been cries echoing through the chambers, and no one could do a thing to stop it.
"Do you think we'll find the weapon?" Harichandra asked.
"We will, but if we won't we will not get anywhere," Mahadhrista replied.
"Well what are you waiting for? I'm going in. Remember your pledge you two children," she said as she smiled, before pushing the rock. A ray of light burst in as she went. Harichandra looked in shock while Mahadhrista shrugged, grinning back. The two warriors entered the temple door. Mahadhrista saw Deepika unsheathing her sword as she observed the landscape.
"Where are we?" Harichandra asked.
"This is the place where Lord Shiva placed the weapon after Lord Rama arrived from Lanka. I don't know where he put it, but there is a beast guarding this place. And he was told by Shiva to stay there," Deepika replied.
"This? This place is crazy," Harichandra said.
"And you wanted to marry me," Deepika replied with a blank expression as Mahadhrista stifled a laugh.
"No, no, that's not-" Deepika raised her hand as she saw an opening in the forest. She gestured to them as they made their way a path that extended upwards. As they descended the steep cliff, the path became narrower and narrower. By the time they arrived, Mahadhrista could barely stand without trying to balance his feet on the rock. They stopped as Deepika saw the vast distance beyond the edge of the rock and the large rock below it. She jumped. Mahadhrista grabbed Harichandra's arm as they landed, albeit with a few injuries.
Mahadrhista arose as they entered the temple. The huge Shivling stood in front of them decked in gold. Armour, trinkets and all sorts of treasures were assembled around it. The sword stood at the edge. There it stood, proud and glorious. It was so tempting that not even Mahadhrista could stop looking at it. He froze. The sight of mutilated corpses and tortured souls were chained to the altar. On the inscription, it read, 'Those who use this weapon for lust, will be destroyed. Those who use this weapon for good, will be blessed. Harichandra ignored it before Mahadhrista stopped him and turned to face him.
"That weapon is the destiny of our Kingdom, Harichandra. Don't waste your life, " Mahadhirsta is right. I will not marry a man that is so laden with glory." Deepika said.
"Mahadhirsta is right. I will not marry a man that is so laden with glory," Deepika said.
A Rishi emerged as the three mortals bowed. The Rishi smiled, sitting on the altar. "You seem to be having a joyful discussion. But you must be warned. Kings have taken this sword and become powerful, and the lust for war has destroyed them. You are destined for more than this Mahadhrista,"
"And me? What about me?" Harichandra eagerly asked.
"And you are just destined to be a King and that's all," The Rishi replied.
Harichandra grabbed the golden cup in rage and threw it on the floor. The Rishi transformed into Lord Shiva, wearing a massive beard and holding a trishul in his hands. Shiva stared at him as Harichandra dropped to the floor. Deepika bowed with Mahadhrista.
"You have passed my test. This weapon can help you become a great warrior Mahadhrista. You are Lord Brahama's son after all. Take it,"
Mahadhrista rose, seeing the sword at his feet. His hands went to grasp it, but something stopped him. Taking the sword would be a curse either way. The possibility of becoming the most feared King in the world, however, stood like dripping honey in front of his ears. It was all or none. He grabbed the sword and threw it to the ground. Shiva laughed back in response. "I am impressed with your devotion. I shall grant you a boon. A boon that will help you raise a healthy child and ensure a happy marriage. But you must leave as your Kingdom is under attack. Take this trident," He said passing the trident over to Mahadhrista.
"You will be victorious against Mahira."
Mahadhrista bowed. "Thank...you," He said as he stared at the opening scene. The Kingdom was under attack. Mahadhrista took the spear, holding Deepika's hands as Harichandra crossed with them, into the void. They landed back into the capital. The city burned as people fled, crying and screaming at the hands of the enemy. "Deepika, find the soliders and tell them to rally at the gate. Harichandra, with me!" He said as he stared at the army of Mahira destroying his city.
He would destroy them all.
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