Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/212765-A-Day-Like-This
by Bex
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #212765
Roswell FanFic.Michael kidnaps Maria and gives her a bit of a surprise.
Maria wiped her tired eyes and brushed a thick coating of mascara over her lashes. Pulling a comb through her tangled blonde tresses she thought about the dream she had just surfaced from. Michael was everywhere now. He was no longer just a boy at school- he was at the Crashdown, with her friends, in her dreams and the boy at school. It was becoming more and more difficult to avoid him, the thought of him.

Sometimes Maria thought her head would explode with how much she remembered about the way they used to be- their kisses, the way he held her hand, the look he gave her that told her what his words couldn’t. She loved him so much it burnt a hole in her chest, it had developed from a wanting to a need that was so great that she couldn’t recall what life had been like without him.

Maria pulled on a light sundress made of marine blue, flimsy material. It fluttered against her mid thighs as she walked and she knew if anything was gonna get Michael to notice her it had to be this dress. She twisted her hair into a feathery knot and secured it with a clutch. Gently she lifted the lid of her jewellery box and selected earrings and rings. She had just finished decorating her fingers when she heard a faint tap on the window.

Maria whirled round and came face to face with Michael. Her first instinct was the dash forward and let him in. What if something has happened? What if Liz has been hurt? Her second reaction told her to stay away from the window. Its Michael- reality tells you he isn’t here to discuss the price of eggs. He’s probably here to steal her heart, cut it up and jump up and down on it several times. Her head told her to tell him to take a walk.

But something stopped her. There was something almost unrecognisable, something almost soft in his eyes that told her he wasn’t going to break her heart just yet. Fingering the neckline of the dress she padded slowly over to the window and lifted it. Raising a questioning eyebrow she waited for him to speak.


“Hey yourself.”

A long lingering silence followed. It killed Maria not knowing what he was thinking, not knowing what was stopping him from speaking. Finally she could take it no longer.

“So, if it’s a lift you’re after you’ll have to give me five, I haven’t had breakfast.”

Michael didn’t answer. He just turned and pointed down the street, whispering, “Look”. Maria bent her head round the frame but couldn’t see anything of particular interest.


“Look further, right down in the distance.”

Vexed by his sudden interest in the scenery she leant out over the window ledge, as far as she could reach and craned her neck, looking for anything.

“I don’t know what you’re playing.....Woah!”

Part Two

Michael slid his arms around Maria’s waist and in one swift movement pulled her through the window and threw her over his shoulder, her legs kicked wildly.

“Michael, what in the name of God are you doing”, Maria screeched, banging her fists on his back, “Have you finally gone mad or what?” She felt his chest moving against her thighs as he chuckled at her.

“Well well well this is a compromising situation Little Miss Chaste, in this position you almost become agreeable.”

Maria tried not to smile at his little comeback as he walked her down to the street, where Max’ Jeep was parked. He pulled her round to face him and gave her a long intense look, cupping her in his brawny arms. Just as she thought there might be a kiss coming her way he dropped her into the passenger’s seat and walked to the other side of the vehicle.

Getting in beside her he indicated the belts. “Buckle up young lady, I ain’t going down for your criminal offences.”

As she pulled her strap on Maria turned to face Michael. “Are you gonna tell me what is going on and why the hell I couldn’t have made my entrance in a more civilised fashion?”

Michael smirked as he pulled away from the curb. “I wanted to make this kidnapping as real as possible. I could hardly have let you walk to the car, it isn’t very James Bond now is it?” Maria laughed and nodded her head in agreement.

“Oh God wait I forgot my bag, we have to go back”.

“You still don’t get it do you? Why would I be kidnapping you, in Max’ sacred Jeep no less, if I had any intention of going to school? For all you half-wits out there we aren’t going to school, alright? we are going on Michael’s Mystery Tour.”

Maria looked at him, uncertain if he was just having fun or if all this alien stuff had finally pushed him too far. “So you are kidnapping me and taking me on some wild, fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants kinda day is that it?” Michael nodded. “Okay”, Maria agreed, crossing her long legs and getting comfortable, “Just as long as we aren’t going camping”.

Part Three

The drove for what seemed like an age. Roswell zipped by in a blur of colours as the Jeep headed out onto the desert roads. They didn’t speak much. Maria stared idly out of the window and tried not the think about the possibility of Michael’s lips suddenly coming into contact with hers. Michael, meanwhile, stared straight ahead, physically forcing his eyes not to slip to a more comfortable view i.e. Maria’s toned legs, barely hidden by that little dress. Damn she looked good in that dress. But, thought Michael wickedly, she would look a lot better out of it.

He slammed his hand against the steering wheel as he cursed his thoughts. Maria watched him, wondering if some strange alien spasm had just taken him over. These Czechoslovakians are so difficult to understand, she thought absently, I never know what Michael is thinking. Then again, her head told her as she watched him bang the wheel for the second time, maybe you really don’t want to know.

They drove through the desert until they reached a junction with four possible routes. Michael pulled a map out of his leather jacket and took a long look at it. Maria drummed her fingers on the dash and waited.

“Are we lost then or what?”

“We aren’t lost, it’s good practice to check the map. Just to be sure”.

Maria snorted her disbelief. “Gimme a look and maybe I can find where we’re headed.

“Like I’m gonna fall for that one. Michael will find the way because it is Michael’s Mystery Tour. Now sit your ass back down and keep that trap of yours shut.” He folded the map and got back into the car. The Jeep shuddered to life and he swept into the far right road. ‘This better be right,’ he thought as they drove, ‘Cos I’ll never hear the end of it if we end up in the rear of nowhere’.

They drove for another fifteen minutes until finally they reached civilisation. The little blue plaque read ‘Welcome to Robison Population 823’. Maria cast doubtful eyes over the neat little bungalows and white picket fences. Where the hell where they? What was Michael playing at?

She slid a look at Michael, who looked relieved. Without looking at her he said, “Here at last.”

“And where may I ask is here Michael? Have we ended up in Brady Bunch Land by accident or is this all part of your cunning plan?” She crossed her arms, starting to sense someone was being set up here. And it felt remarkably like her.

Michael smiled, relaxing after a tense period of not exactly knowing where they were going but knowing he would get earache if they didn’t get there. “Honestly you can’t just keep quiet can you? You always have plenty to say. Just calm down. Everything is going as planned and the Mystery Tour is on schedule.”

Maria fidgeted in her seat. She knew he was right, she did have a lot to say, sometimes too much in fact, but she also knew she was too stubborn to let him claim victory over her. “Don’t try to make me out to be the awkward one here alright Michael,” she started, trying to stay angry but finding it difficult,” I am not the kidnapper here, I am the innocent...”

Just at that moment Michael pulled the Jeep violently off the road. He turned off the engine, counted to ten and twisted to face Maria, who looked at him alarmed. “Maria DARLING will you relax? God! You aren’t making this easy you know. Today is going to be fun if I have to gag you and tie you up. Oh by the way I have something for you.” Maria’s eyes widened. ‘He’s bought me a gift, she thought excitedly, I knew he loved me really.’ Michael reached across her legs, trying to ignore how smooth they were under his touch, and popped the cabinet under the dash. He pulled out a length of black satin material.

Maria looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “Whatever you may think Michael I am not into bondage so save your kinky games for someone else.”

“It isn’t to tie you up, although I’m beginning to wish I had thought of bringing something to gag that mouth of yours. Come here.” He beckoned her closer and slid the material around her head, tying it at the back. “There.”

Maria reached up and fingered the black cloth over her eyes. “What is this for,” she , trying to look puzzled under the fabric. They pulled onto the road again.

“You can’t see where we’re going next. That’s the mystery part.” Michael sat back in his seat and watched Maria, enjoying the fact that he could do so without her knowing. She sat very still, probably feeling a little ridiculous with the blindfold on, with her hands in her lap. She twisted a silver ring around her finger in anticipation. Or was it nerves?

Michael saw the signpost ahead and turned off onto the track. The piny smell of the forest hit him in a wave and he breathed it in, feeling refreshed and cleaner somehow. He drove further down the track, glad he had borrowed the Jeep. The terrain was rough at best and the Jeddah wasn’t up to much after everything he had subjected it to. He drove on until he found what he had been looking for. Michael turned to the still silent Maria and said “We’re here”.

She swivelled round to his voice and replied, “So can I take this thing off then or what cos it’s hot under here”. Michael laughed quietly. That was his Maria, always complained about something. His little princess.

“Not yet, give me five minutes. I just have to do something”. He jumped out of the car, got what he needed from the trunk and began setting everything up. Maria sat obediently in the car and waited. ‘What in the name of goodness is he doing? she wondered, itching to take the blindfold off but restraining herself. She heard clattering and cursing as Michael dropped something but she couldn’t make any sense of the noises. The only thing she was half certain of was the faint tinkling of a stream or river nearby. But even then it was hard to tell. After ten minutes or so the clattering stopped and she heard Michael sigh. He walked back to the Jeep and opened the door, taking her hand.

“Now don’t look,” he warned, softly, “Just walk where I lead.” Maria nodded and began walking blindly beside Michael. Suddenly he stopped. “Okay I’m gonna count to three and take off your blindfold alright?” Again she nodded. “One.......two....three!” He whipped away the material and watched Maria’s face as she registered what was in front of her.

Part Four

Michael had done a perfect job. It was the most wonderful picnic Maria had ever seen. There was a huge blue checked blanket laid neatly over the ground covered with every sort of food imaginable. Sandwiches and cake and strawberries and trifle. In the middle a single red rose had been placed on its side, next to a pair of champagne flutes.

Maria’s hand rushed to her mouth and she gasped, so overcome by everything. Michael stood and silently waited for her to say something. But Maria didn’t say a thing. She simply turned and pulled him to her, melding his lips with hers. Michael cupped his hands around her head and ran his fingers through her hair. He loved that she had grown it long, every time she wore it loose he could smell a very faint hint of raspberries from her shampoo.

Maria broke away first and ran a hand through her tousled locks. She couldn’t prevent a smile forming on her lips, it was all so wonderful. Like a dream coming true.

“I can’t believe you did this Michael. I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Gee thanks Maria,” he replied, trying to look shocked, “I know I’m not a contender for the World’s Best Boyfriend but give me some credit.”

Laughing, Maria dropped to her knees and plucked one of the strawberries from the bowl. Popping it into her mouth she exclaimed delightedly, “I just know today is going to perfect.”

She was right, of course. The early spring sun shone strong and warm throughout the day, never faltering once and the tall forest trees provided just enough refreshing shade. Michael stayed sweet and gentlemanly the entire day, serving food and listening patiently as Maria went off on one of her many rants. They talked like they had never before, as though they had been allotted this time to get everything out in the open. Maria explained her fears about her future and all the plans she had. Michael shared his feelings about his real home and tried to help Maria understand the way he felt about his alien family.

The sun had dipped low in the sky by the time they were thinking about going home. Maria was rested against Michael’s chest, dozing slightly. Michael was watching the light melt from a garish yellow into a creamy orange glow. He rotated his hand in circles on Maria’s back, lulling her into light sleep. Michael’s watch beeped the hour and Maria roused herself, suddenly aware her mother was probably wondering where on earth she was.

Scratching the back of her neck she yawned and murmured, “We should be getting back space boy. Lord only knows what my mom is thinking right now.”

Michael sat up and nodded. He put his hand on Maria’s shoulder to stop her from getting up and replied, “Wait. There’s something I wanna show you first.”

He took her hand and began to lead her through the forest. They hadn’t got very far when they ducked under a low branch and came upon Michael’s little secret. The tiny waterfall could only have had a two-metre drop but it was so breathtaking to find in the middle of the woods that size didn’t matter. Maria bent to her knees and pulled off her trainers and baby pink socks. Dangling her feet in the soft rush of water she glanced up at Michael. “I think you must have brought me to paradise Mister Guerin. I can’t remember ever being in such a perfect place.”

“It’s good that you said that Maria”, Michael whispered, sitting next to her, “cos there’s something I want you to hear and I want you to keep your mouth shut until I’ve finished.” Maria nodded and urged him to say what he wanted to.

“Since I can remember I’ve sort of felt incomplete. Like a puzzle that’s missing a bit. I’ve never really felt a part of Max and Isabel, they have their own little world, they’re their own family. I was always the loner, I had no one. I always thought that someday I would go home and know what it felt like to be complete. Know what it was to be loved. But I was so preoccupied with searching the stars for the love that I missed what was there, what had always been there, for me. You’ve never left me Maria, never. You’ve stuck by me and supported me and helped me sort myself out. You’re like the lighthouse in the storm, you saved me.”

“Sometimes it feels like Roswell is too small for me and you. Too small for everything we’ve shared. That’s why I brought you out here, they have all the space in the world out here and I thought if you were going to hear all this you would need the space. The way I feel about you is like nothing I’ve ever experienced and I just wanted you to know that. I wanted you to know that I will never stop being thankful for what you’ve done for me, for all the love you’ve given so willingly. You give so much and you get so little in return and I’m sorry for that. But I’m making a pledge to you here and now that I will devote my life to makin it up to you. I promise.”

Michael took a deep breath and watched Maria’s reaction. She sat back, pulling her knees in to her chest. Hr mind was reeling. She had been waiting for this moment forever and now it had finally come she didn’t know what to say. Everything she had practised in her head went out the window. All she could say was how she felt at that moment.

“You don’t owe me anything Michael,” she said, turning to face him and taking his hands in hers, “You think that you’ve given me nothing but you’ve given me everything. I’ll always be grateful I met you Michael, you are so important to me. I have shown you all that love and support only because I know it’s reciprocated. You don’t have to tell me care about me, I can see it every time I look into your eyes. It’s there, looking back.”

She lifted her hands to his cheek and wiped away a warm tear that fell fresh from his glistening eyes. She pulled Michael to her and rested his head on her lap, the way she did when Liz got upset. Then she slowly stroked his hair, soothing him from his tears.

They stayed like that for a long time, watching the crimson light speckle the water. Maria began to hum an old song to herself, still stroking Michael’s head, and finally broke into the words.

‘Well it’s not always rainin
There’ll be days like this.
When there’s no-one complainin
There’ll be days like this.
When all the parts of the puzzle
Start to look like they fit.
Well my momma told me
There’ll be days like this.’
© Copyright 2001 Bex (waterbaby275 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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