Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2127439-True-Love-for-a-Princess
by J
Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #2127439
short story fiction by Janice Goodwin
True Love for a Princess
By Janice Goodwin

Far in the eastern part of the world, lays the Kingdom of Shelatay. The people of Shelatay, three hundred, are very happy and content in there Kingdom. Shelatay is ruled by King Dolph and Queen Anna. They have two daughters, Princess Celina, the oldest at age 19, and Princess Natasia, age 16. Princess Celina was very beautiful with long golden curls, and Princess Nat, as she was called, had long red curly hair, beautiful like her older sister.
The Kingdom was all alit with the wedding of Princess Celina to Prince Raja of Kiya. It was a huge celebration with lots of food, drink, and dancing. The bride and groom were thought to be the golden couple by all from both Kingdoms.
Princess Natasia the younger daughter of King Dolph was a very adventurous, a tomboy of sorts, with a special gift. She could communicate with the animals inside and outside of the kingdom. Nat had a very special friend who was “Nutty,” the squirrel. She had found Nutty when he was just a baby, his mom had disappeared, and she had nursed him with a dropper until he could eat on his own. From that day forward they were inseparable. Nat had spent most of her days running around the forest outside the Kingdom walls playing with the animals. The forest was lush green with sprinkles of bright colors from all the wild flowers.
Shortly after the wedding of Princess Celina to Prince Raja, Nat was feeling very sad. She missed her big sister terribly, and her father was now set on finding the right man of royalty to take place beside Nat at the throne as King and Queen. The King and Queen had not had a son so this duty was left to Nat. This had caused a huge argument between Nat and her father, both exchanging words of defiance. Nat would not have her father pick her husband. She wanted true love, the kind with romance and fireworks. She would decide who she was to marry, and spend the rest of her life with, not her father. With tears flowing Nat relayed the whole argument to her loyal friend Nutty the squirrel. Nat was going to take Nutty and go beyond the walls of the Kingdom to find her Prince Charming to make her dreams come true. Early the next morning just as the sun was rising Nat and Nutty entered the forest starting along the pathway. Defiance overtook any second thoughts she might have had and so with her head held high their journey began. The Princess and her pet had been walking for about two hours when they came upon the Bluebird family. “Good morning Nat, good morning Nutty,” chirped the Bluebird family. Nat returned the greeting needing a bit of a rest, “Good Morning, isn’t it a beautiful day for a walk?” They all chirped in agreement, and Mrs. Bluebird suspecting something more was going on inquired as to why they were going so far into the forest. Nat then sat and relayed the whole story of the planned marriage and how she was off to find her own true love. “Well then if this is what you must do Mr. Bluebird will escort you through the forest making sure no harm comes to you,” Mrs. Bluebird said giving her husband the eye he knew only too well, he would do as she said. So with that they said their goodbyes and Nat and Nutty with Mr. Bluebird set off once again. After several more hours of walking it began to get dark. They were all very tired and hungry when they came upon a family of deer who offered to share their berries and den with them for the night. Nat and Nutty were curled up on a soft bed grass, falling asleep immediately, while Mr. Bluebird settled in a tree with his head buried in his feathers right outside the den.
Meanwhile back at the kingdom there was quite a disturbance. Queen Anna was beside herself with worry as Nat was always back by nightfall. She was so angry with her King for driving their youngest away that she could not even speak with fear of what she might do to him. The King also worried kept pacing feeling awful. The following morning the King gathered his best men and rode out in search of his beautiful daughter. He knew if he did not find her his Queen would never forgive him as he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
At the same time, deep in the forest, with the morning sun shining through the trees, the Princess and her friends thanked the deer and were on their way searching for true love. After a while the group stopped, rested, drank some water and were on their way again. A few hours later they came to the edge of the forest that opened up to a clearing appearing to be a small village. Nat walked out onto the green pasture where there were three horses grazing. Approaching the first horse, he was white with black spots, and introduced himself to Nat as Apple. “Nice to meet you Apple,” said Nat. Before Nat could say anymore a boy came up to the group demanding to know what they were doing on his property. Well Nat having her own temper and being tired and hungry snapped at the boy, “who are you to speak to me that way and who are you anyway?!” Startled the boy who was Thomas took a step back with a look of surprise on his face. He didn’t know what to say to this sassy little red head, he didn’t think he had seen anything more beautiful. He managed to get control of himself and explained that he was Thomas Mason Jr. and lived on this property with his parents, Thomas Sr. and Adele Mason. With that, being exhausted and missing her family Nat began to cry. At this Thomas wasn’t quite sure what to do so he scooped her up in his arms and carried her inside the cabin. Mr. Bluebird and the horse watching all this just smiled, thinking maybe Nat had found her prince after all. Nutty scowled at the two and ran after this boy carrying his Nat. Inside the cabin was toasty warm with a fire in the fireplace and seemed welcoming. As Thomas set her down in front of the fireplace his mother, Adele, and father appeared. Nat explained what she was doing there and how she had gotten there. Mr. and Mrs. Mason excused themselves to get dinner and to discuss among themselves as to what they should do. Nat and Thomas talked together, with Thomas telling Nat he was nineteen years and Nat telling him about her kingdom. They were very comfortable and seemed as if they had known each other forever. Nat was tired and starving and Mr. and Mrs. Mason walked in with a big pot of stew and a loaf of fresh baked bread. Nat thought it was the best meal she had ever eaten. Mrs. Mason then directed Nat to take a nice bath and tucking her in, with Nutty of course, a very soft warm bed. They were a sleep within minutes. Meanwhile Mr. Mason saddled up his horse preparing to ride to the King and Queen to let them know their daughter was safe. Thomas Sr. knew they must have been frantic with worry. Mrs. Mason sent him on his way telling him to be safe.
The following morning after sleeping like a baby, Nat opened her eyes, stretching, remembering where she was and what had happened. She heard muffled voices beyond the room, so she put on the robe laying on the bed and went to the other room. She couldn’t believe her eyes, sitting having coffee with the Mason’s was her father. Tears sprang into her eyes as she ran to his arms. The King was a bit choked up also, as was all who was in the room. Nat apologized to her father and as the Mason’s went to prepare some breakfast, the King apologized to Nat telling her she would be the one to choose who she would marry. He trusted her to make the right choice. After sharing breakfast with the Mason’s, they said their goodbyes, promising to keep in touch. Thomas Jr. watched them trot away with a long away look in his eyes as he knew that someday that beautiful redhead would be his. Nat kept looking back at Thomas as she thought he was the most beautiful boy she had ever seen.
There was a big celebration in the Kingdom upon the return of the Princess. Queen Anna just held on to her little girl so as never to lose her again. The King and Queen smiled and felt all was right with the world again. The next three years Thomas and Nat saw each other often falling in love. On the day Nat turned nineteen Thomas approached the King and Queen asking for their blessing to marry Nat. They were thrilled as were his parents. Thomas and Natasia were married with a weeklong celebration, and the most beautiful bride you ever saw. Shortly after the King and Queen retired, turning the Kingdom over to Thomas and Natasia with great acceptance from the people.
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