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Research Assignment - Persuasive Writing
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June 20, 2017
Dear League Organizations,
I am composing this letter to you today, to draw your attention to the long-term effects of concussions incurred by players in your league and also, to evidence the importance of your contribution in spreading awareness about the severity of head traumas. Physicians are increasingly studying the long-term effects of concussions and their impact to the health and well-being of our athletes. Your positive contribution and participation in the prevention of head injuries, as well as adherence to concussion protocol, secures your recognition, as a responsible organization, within the sporting community and protects you from potential lawsuits.
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Soccer, according to Chris Nowinski (executive director-Sports Legacy Institute), is the number one cause of concussions among female athletes. Nowinski, states that players who suffer repeat impacts to their heads can receive brain damage. My research on this subject, lead me to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website, specifically, the section within the website, identified as, HEADS UP. HEADS UP raises awareness of the necessity for improvements in the areas of prevention of and response to brain injuries. According to HEADS UP, the long-term effects of head injuries include: interrupted thinking; memory; learning; coordination and balance; speech; hearing or vision; and emotional response processes. Brain injury can affect every aspect of a person's life, including their relationships, as well as their ability to function in the work place, academic environment, or even affect their performance of household chores, operation of a vehicle, or other normal everyday tasks. As a responsible owner/organizer, take the time to visit the HEADS UP site, to familiarize yourself, with the concussion signs and symptoms, as well as the suggested protocols post injury and the potential danger signs of brain trauma.
The media portrays many who play through injury, as tough and courageous individuals, or as warriors playing through adversity. Inspirational quotes , such as this one by Chad Pennington, American football quarterback, are seen often throughout the sport sections of credible news publications. This portrayal is particularly observed among female athletes. Often, to gain respect, in a sport dominated by men, women will down play injuries, so as not appear as a lower calibre athlete in comparison to their male counterparts. There are numerous video clips of footage on the internet, evidencing female soccer players, registered in the NWSL, involved in serious head impact collisions. These impacts, witnessed by coaches, trainers, officials and organizers and fans, most often result in the player dusting themselves off and deciding to continue playing. In this USA vs GERMANY match , one of the players involved in the collision, Alexandra Popp, played on in the match, blood soaking through her head bandage. In this WASHINGTON vs CHICAGO match the goalkeeper also played on.

I remember, not too long ago, being kicked in the side of the head as I collided, as a goalkeeper with a field player, to collect a shot coming in. My recollection, included coming to my senses while lying on the ground gripping a soccer ball. I had no idea where I was, other than I knew I was playing soccer, but not sure where, or for whom, as I played for multiple teams at that time. My coach, at that time, National "A" License certified , was screaming for me to hurry up and get up and distribute. I will pause here, to inform you that the game I was playing in was a development game. Meaning, it was not a scheduled league game and therefore not instrumental in any competition, from a ranking perspective. It was a scrimmage, a practice. I got up quickly and stumbled, as a result of dizziness and vomited. I was embarrassed to show this perceived sign of weakness, so I held the vomit in and swallowed it and continued playing. At the time of this incident, I was 13 years old. These coaches are working towards preparing young women and equipping them with the skills required to compete and excel in the sport of soccer, so that one day, they might realize a position on a professional team. Setting your bar to include, strict preventative concussion and post concussion protocol has a trickle effect and promotes all coaches to follow the same protocol, as the coaches that inspire them, in their coaching paths.
Blows to the head, put you at risk of developing a type of CTE according to the Boston University CTE Center. This is a neurological, degenerative disease that is caused by obtaining multiple concussions that increase neuron damage and ultimately result in a decrease of certain functions. It's not only the trauma itself that can cause death. Players affected by concussions, have in some cases taken their own lives as a result of head injuries sustained. Players should be made aware of the risks involved in the sport they participate in. Organizers/owners of teams and leagues should be accountable for the safety of their players. It should be your obvious responsibility to incorporate preventative measures in your environments and integrate proven concussion protocols within your organization, to ensure the safety of your players.
Physicians concur that if a player is suspected of sustaining a concussion during an athletic activity, the most import first step is to STOP PLAYING. As a responsible owner/organizer, take the time and read the rest of the physician recommendations as published by Elizabeth Quinn, reviewed by a board-certified physician on March 3, 2016, on the verywell.com website. (Verywell is a website created by a consortium of medical review board members that provides valuable information in virtually every avenue of wellness.)
By doing your part to raise awareness and providing your players, referees, coaches, trainers that operate within your league, with valuable resource information and increasing penalties for those that do not follow the protocols you implement, you will decrease the number of concussion cases, contribute to the well-being of your players present and future and protect your liability, all ensuring the economic survival of the league.
Thank you very much for your time in connection with this serious matter that affects everyone, players, coaches, trainers, officials and owners.

Devon Kerr
Soccer Player & Advocate of Concussion Free Play

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