Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2126486-The-World-Keeps-Spinning
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #2126486
Disappointments in love can often lead to future joy - a poem.
Around the times we most want the treasures
Of love, romance, and its utmost pleasures,
The seeking of those, despite that great length 
Gets riled and withered, invoking new strength.

We become hurt, and filled with indifference;
For popularity worships a congenial reference.
The space throughout time remains fixed in the hype,
Lays that firm rationale, "You're just not my type."

But the world keeps on turning, for God's house has wheels -
The simple truths locate, stay close to our heels.
'Cause the more ties we structure, the further we get;
The answer's most certain - the mighty just let.

Our trust implies theory, involves great belief;
God's mercy, quite simple - His reliance is chief.
Stay tuned for the message - His tried and true plan
Distinctly rewards every woman and man. 

© Copyright 2017 Tim Chiu (mirtx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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