Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2125554-Sarena-Olivia-Benson
by Lily
Rated: E · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #2125554
Olivia finds her daughters after years from them being in care
SUMMERY: "Olivia sat in her room reading a book that her best friend Alex had bought her for her birthday last month she took the book everywhere with her she even took it to work on day and this is where our story begins, but when she left work the next night as the got a case involving a six-year-old girl who watches her mom and sister be killed in front of her, and when the SVU team were investigating Olivia fond the little girl hiding under her bed and because Olivia found the little girl whose name was also Olivia took to Olivia more than anyone on the team."

It was an early Monday morning when Olivia got her at six to ready for work once she was dressed she grabbed her bag, book, badge, and her gun and her keys as she got outside Elliot had just pulled her "Morning Liv" Elliot said as she opened the car door and got in "Morning El" she said then got her book out and started reading it when she realized she and Elliot were outside their work she marked the page she was on and got out the car with Elliot just behind and when they got to the lift Elliot said "hey Liv so how was your birthday last week and sorry I couldn't make it" "it was okay El Alex gave me the book I was reading on the ride here and it's really good so far" "really what's it about", but before Olivia had a chance to answer they were on their floor so they got off the lift and walked into the squad room.
"4}Morning guys Cap" Olivia said as sat down at her desk and took out her book and put it on her desk next to her paper work as she started her paper work Cragen came out of his office with a case file in hand and handed it to Olivia "we have a case everyone" he said and looked at Olivia as for to read it out "six year old Olivia's mother and sister found dead mother found on the bed in a nightgown which was ripped and the little sister name Ruby was found in her and her sisters room same as the mother but it also says they looked everywhere for Olivia but couldn't find her Cap why does this sound so formal to me"
"I don't Liv but what I do know is that we have to find that little girl before something bad happens to her"
"Okay come o El and I'll drive you can drive back okay with you"
"Yeah that's fine with me but o the way back I need to stop off at my house to cheek something out"
"Um okay that's fine with me now come on I know the place we going to"
"How do you know where we are going to might I ask you"
"My mom and I used to live in the same neighbourhood and just right next door to the house we are going to, that and it's also in the file"
"Okay that's far enough "was all Elliot said for the rest of the ride.
About 5 minute later (thanks to Olivia's driving) the where at the house 2 minutes before everyone else "wow Liv what was with your driving back there usually it takes about an hour to get to Queens from Brooklyn but when you drive you don't half" Elliot said as he got out of the car just as the ME and the rest of the squad arrived at the crime scene and they all walked up to the house but Olivia was still in the car 'you'll never be good enough for him your just like your father and your nothing but a whore' Olivia was in her day dream till she heard a small tap on the car window and it made her jump she look at the window to see her Captain stand there with a look says 'you okay Liv' and all Olivia could do was nod as she didn't trust her voice till she got out the car and walk with her Captain up and into the house, once inside Olivia looked around and found lots of pictures of two little girl that looked about the same age and a woman that looked so much like Olivia herself then she found a picture of one of the little girls draw for their mom, as Olivia was looking around she would hear a small cry coming from one of the bed rooms upstairs.
When she heard it again she was already upstairs in the two girls bedroom when she heard he small cry again Olivia looked up and looked at Elliot as he was looking around the same room, when Olivia stop just by one of the beds she got down on her knees and looked under the bed just as she was looking under a small arm came out and scratched her, Olivia pulled back then she saw the little girl crying looking right at Olivia.
"Please help me" the girl whispered
"It's okay sweaty no one's going to hurt you can you come out here and tell me your name" Olivia said as she got up and moved away from the bed so the little girl could come out, when the little girl was out her little eyes went right to her sisters bed and she went to run but Elliot had grab hold of her before she could get to the bed where her dead sister was laying
"No let me go, let me go Ruby, Ruby" she screamed as Elliot had hold of her and because he wouldn't let go she turned and kicked him on his shin "Right little miss that's enough" Elliot said to the little girl by the time he had said that the little girl had got out of his grip and ran behind Olivia and she would come out from behind Olivia till had got out side.
Once they were outside Olivia carried the little girl out to the car and put in the back seat then she went to close the door but the little girl would not let go of Olivia's hand "sweaty you're going to have to let go of my hand"
"Okay can you tell me your name?"
"My name is Olivia"
"Well now that I know your name you'll have to know ours my name also Olivia and this Elliot Stable my partner"
Okay I can let go now but please don't leave"
"Sweaty I'm not going anywhere okay" Olivia said to the young girl who gave a short nod of her head and then let go of Olivia's hand, Once Olivia had let go of young Olivia's hand she gave a look to Elliot as she got in the front next to Elliot and they all drove back to the Precinct when they got there Olivia walk into the building while Elliot and young Olivia walked in behind her.
"So how old are you Olivia"
"I'm five and a half I'll be six next week so would my sister but Ruby's not going to see her next birthday is she"
"I'm afraid not Lidia"
when they got to the squad room and Elliot sat the young girl down next to his and his partners desk but when they both sat down Olivia wasn't there or anywhere to be seen "hey Fin you seen Liv anywhere"
"Um yeah she's up in the cribs and says she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now"
"Um yeah okay"
An hour later Cragen came out of his office and walked over to Elliot and the young girl "Elliot where's your partner" he said as looked at the young girl and could see how much she looks like Olivia "I'm right here Capt. I was just up in the laying down for a bit I wasn't feeling to good when we came back from the crime scene" Olivia said as she walked down the from the cribs and sat at her desk but before she could sit and work on her paper work "Liv can I see you in my office just now before you sit and finish off your paper work" Cragen said as he walked backed to his office, Olivia gave a look to Elliot then got up and followed her Captain into his office.
"Liv close the door and sit down I want to ask you something"
"Um okay what is that you want to talk about Capt.?"
"Liv have you notice that, that young girl looks like you at all"
"Yes Capt. I have noticed it that's why when we got back here I went straight up to the cribs to think about something that I did a long time ago"
"Liv you can tell me and trust me"
Olivia sat down and took a deep breath and sigh but before she could say anything the door to the office opened and John Munch walked with a folder in his but before he handed the folder to our Captain he looked at with eyes of disbelief then shook his head and handed the folder to Cragen when he walked out Olivia didn't look at her Captain, when Cragen opened the folder there was gasp Olivia looked up at her Captain with tears in her eyes
"Liv why does this folder say that you are the young girl's mother"
"Because I am her mother her name is Serena Olivia Benson but everyone likes to call her Olivia when she was just a day old my mother told me to give her up like I did with twin sister Ruby Jessica Benson"
"But why did you tell anyone that you had two daughters that are twins why didn't you tell me when you first started working here"
"I was going to but it didn't seem like the right time I'm sorry Capt. but Serena thinks her mom is dead and she also thinks that girl in that house at the crime scene is her sister Ruby is still alive and Serena know she is"
"But how does she know that her sister is still alive and how can you be sure it's your daughter"
"just trust me on this now if that is all may I go back to my desk and help the others with the case" Olivia asked as she stood up from her set and went over to the window in her Captain's office and watched her youngest daughter playing with a toy that Elliot gave her
"Yes that's all and Liv maybe you should tell the girl who her real mother is and tell Elliot and Fin as well" Cragen said as he got up and gave her a hug then Olivia left the office she waked over to desk and looked at Elliot young Olivia and Fin and smiled as she sat down but then looked at Cragen who gave her a look they said 'tell them or I will, then he walked back to his office Olivia sighed as she looked down then back up "Elliot, Fin and Olivia can I speak with for a moment" she said as she got up and walked upstairs Fin and Elliot looked at each other then followed with young Olivia upstairs to find Olivia sitting in one of the chairs that was in the comfort bit. "Hey guys hey sweaty have a seat" she said young Olivia Elliot and fin sat down next to each other "Liv is everything okay what did Cragen want to talk to you about" "Um uh just um my daughter" said but the last bit was so quiet that the two Detective didn't hear her "what was that Liv"
Olivia looks at her friends and then to the little girl that she had given up when she was a week old she then looks back her friends and sigh "Cragen wanted to know my daughters who I gave up when they were just a week and half old my daughter's names were and are Serena Olivia Benson and Ruby Jessica Benson but the family I gave my girl's to change Serena's name around they made Serena her middle name and Olivia her first name" Olivia said as she looked away
"wait what are you trying to tell me Olivia" the young girl said to Olivia, Liv looked at her daughter and sighed she then got up and walked away "I'm sorry I can't do this" she said as she looked at her young daughter "Mom wait I know your my mother I have known for a long time Ruby and I use to ask about all the time"
"But how the last thing I gave you and your sister Ruby was a ......"
"A heart shaped locket" said a voice that was hiding behind the Captain of the Precinct Olivia turned to the voice and her eyes grew wide as she saw her other daughter Ruby is that you" "Yes mom it's me Serena little sis are you okay"
"Ruby I missed you but I thought the guy that came to the house where we stayed killed you"
"No they didn't and I am so, so very sorry that I had to leave you there to see what happened if I knew they were going to kill Jodie and Eric I would have taken you with me"
"Mom I know who you are looking for" Ruby said as she walked over to her mother and sister and gave them a hug. Ruby was a tall girl her hair was the same colour as her mother's same with her eye's she was wearing a black jeans with a long slaves top and on the it said 'no angel'
When they pulled away from they're hug a gun went off outside the Precinct and bullets went flying into the room the Detectives where standing "Ruby take your sister and get out" "no I'm not leaving you again mommy Serena go downstairs and hide I'm staying to help mom"
"NO you are not Ruby I'm not going to lose you or your sister I lost you once I will not let that happen again now go" "I love you mommy" "I love to you girls now go" Olivia said as another bullet went flying pass her head when she turned around a break was thrown through the window and landed at Olivia's feet there was also a note attached to it
If you ever get in the way of our kids again I will not only kill the people they stay with and their daughter but I will find them and kill them then I will kill you and there is nothing you can do to stop me you should have gotten rid of the little brats when I told you to and no of this would have happened hope you enjoy it why you
You can never hide from me
Your lover .... 'Olivia looked at the note then she ran down stairs with her friends behind her "Olivia wait where are you going" Elliot said as he chased after her and grabbed her hand and turned her towards him when he looked at her eyes he could see the tears that where threatening to fall but she wouldn't let them "El let go, Elliot let go of me" "no not until you tell me and the guys what's going on and what..." he was cut off by a heart breaking scream "MOM HELP,MOMMY"
Olivia pulled her arm away from Elliot and ran down the stairs into the squad room to see her two girl protecting each other Ruby, Serena over here quick both girls ran over to their mother just as they got to her their so called father walked out "OLIVIA GIVE THE GIRLS BACK TO ME AND NO-ONE HAS TO GET HURT" said Olivia ex-boyfriend Jake Johnston "NO AND HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND WHERE I WORK OR EVEN STAY FOR THAT MATTER" by this time everyone was back in the squad room to see the man that was arguing with Olivia
"I HAVE MY WAYS OLIVIA NOW GIVE ME MY GIRLS OR YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND HERE IS GOING TO HAVE A BULLET IN HIS LEG NOW YOU WOULD WANT THAT NOW WOULD WE" he said as he pulled out a gun from his back pocket "you leave my friends out of this Jake they have nothing to do with this now put your gun down and leave before I change my mind" she said as she looked around and saw that her Captain, Elliot, Fin and John where all standing next to her and her two girl where standing behind them.
Sorry I'm not really good with my stories but I how you all like this one please read and review and comment but please let them be nice and I will try and update soon
Chapter 2
"Olivia if you ever want to see your friends and family again you do as you are told and give me my daughter's" Jake said as he moved towards Olivia and pointed his gun to her head by this time Elliot Fin John and Cragen had all their guns out aiming at Olivia's ex-boyfriend "I'll never hand my and I mean MY DAUGHTER'S to a man that calls himself a father your nothing of the sort Jack you left when you found out I was going to have them and told me to get rid of them their own father didn't want them so NO I will not let you take my daughter's"
"you'll be sorry Olivia bee my mother and father will help me and make sure that I get custody of the girls and that you'll never see them again you understand me" Jake said as he left the 16 Precinct as soon as he had left Liv let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding she turned around and her two girls ran over to her "Mom don't make us go with him please, please do not make us go" both girls said at the same time.
"Girls I would never ever let you go with him I will do everything I can to him from taking you away I promise you I love you both and that's why I going to have stay with a friend of mine tell everything is sorted out okay"
"NO I'M NOT GOING BACK INTO FOSTER CARE MOM AND YOUR NOT GOING TO MAKE ME" Ruby said as she pulled away from her mother "Ruby I have no choice please just do this for me" Olivia said then she looked at her Captain and said "I guess you want me to explain everything all that just happened just now" all the Captain did was nod his head.
"Okay where would you like me to start from and I'll try my best to tell it from the begging".
"Well I would like to know how you met this guy that's try to take these to beautiful girls who are so much like their mother away from her".
"Um I met him through a friend when I was in the police academy she brought him to our shared apartment that I had at the time he was nice at first but then he became controlling with me he would never let me out to meet with my friends so when I was two months with Ruby I told him to get lost but he never got the message"
"then when I was ready to have my Ruby it was then I found out that I was having twins and when Jake found out he wanted me to give him full custody because I was not fit enough to look after them as I moved back in with my mother and she had started drinking again and I couldn't have my girl around that so the only thing I could think of at the time was to put them in care to protect them" Olivia said as she hide her face in her hands
"Wow Mom I just thought you put us in care because you didn't want us I didn't know it was to protect us from our dad or Granma" Ruby said as she sat next to her sister on the couch in my mom's bosses office
"Of course I always wanted you girls you where my world but I did what I did to keep you from my mother and growing up with a childhood that I had and to stop your father from talking you from me."
"Right how do you want help with Jake so that he stays away from Serena and Ruby." Elliot said as he stood next Fin and John who were by the door
"El no a fence but I can handle Jake I don't want you or any of you for that matter getting involved I can handle it but first Capt here have my gun and badge because I don't want to do anything studied that could make me lose my job that I love." Olivia said as she stood ad took off her badge and gun and put them on Cragen's desk Ruby look after your sister and stay here where you are around the only people that are like family to me okay I love you girls more than life itself"
"Okay and mom be careful okay"

"I will I promise" she said as she walked out of the office and over to her desk to grab her bag then walked to the squad room doors when she felt a hand in hers she looked down the up and saw Elliot standing next to her "El what are you doing" "I coming with you we're partners and family and both partners and family stay together and watch each other's back no matter what"
"He's right baby girl we are family" Fin said as he came out of the office and walked over to his desk before sitting down he opened his top desk drawer and pulled something out Serena why don't you give his to your mommy for me" he said as he handed her a letter and a gift
"Okay" Serena said in her little voice as she walked slowly over to Fin and took the piece of paper and the gift that was wrapped up tight then ran over to her mom "here you go mommy"
"Fin what's this" she said as she looked at the gift that was wrapped up she placed the gift down then looked at the piece of paper that had her name out she opened the letter up and looked at it as she read it said
"Dear Olivia
This special gift that I had specially made for you after came into the squad room and became one of the most amazing detectives in the squad for New York and became like family to us". The letter said Olivia looked at the letter then picked up the gift and looked up at everyone in the squad room then back at her gift and decided to open it up so she could see what was inside and there sat a beautiful gold locket and another necklace underneath it with the words 'fearless' on it.
"Oh Fin their beautiful thank you but why are you giving them to me now"
"Because baby girl last week was it not your birthday"
"Um uh yeah it was but you didn't have to get me anything I really don't deserve it and I really need to go girls look after each other okay" Olivia said as she walked out of the Squad room and walked towards the parking lot to get in her car but before she got near the car someone came up behind her and put a cloth filled with chloroform and put it over her mouth "Ummm hum" as she moved back her left foot heel went in the guy's foot as that happened Olivia let out a scream.
Olivia turned around and went to go for her gun when she remembered she gave it to her Captain, but then she felt her cell phone in her pocket as she started to run back to the stairs, she pulled out the cell phone and pressed speed dial 1 for Elliot's number
"Stabler" Elliot said he answered his phone
"El thank god you have to help me there's someone in the carpark"
"Okay I'm on my way find somewhere to hide where are right now"
By the lift and the stairs, El I'm scared"
"I'm on my way down now," Elliot said as he ended the call and explained to the Captain about what Olivia had told him over the phone after that he ran out to the lift as it was coming back up from the car park.
When the doors to the lift opened there stood Olivia and a guy with a mask covering his face.
© Copyright 2017 Lily (lilyrose20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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