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quite a lot happens here |
I woke up submerged in red liquid. My first breath filled my lungs with fruit punch. I surfaced, and had a coughing fit, but I was able to clear my lungs. “Snowflake?” I heard a girl’s voice ask. “What are you doing in my lunch?” I looked up. “A-ambre?” I asked. “I-is that you?” Ambre smiled, and plucked me out of the glass. I was starting to suspect what Sonja’s curse was. “Hey, cutie. What were you doing in there?” “I-I’m not sure,” I said. “I died, then I came back to life, but in Felarya, then I got eaten, and now I’m back here,” I explained. “A demoness put a curse on me.” I started to cry. I really needed to work on suppressing my emotions. “I’m not sure why I was in your fruit punch. I’m sorry.” “Oh, it’s not your fault, buddy!” Ambre said gently as she picked me up. “To be honest, I kind of missed you.” “I-I missed you, too,” I said softly. “Hey, Ambre!” a girl’s voice called from the other room. “Can you bring me something to eat?” “Squee!” I yelped as I ran up Ambre’s arm. “Who is that?” I asked as I hid behind her hair. “Oh, that’s just Alex, my new roommate,” Ambre explained. “She’s a neko.” “N-neko?” I whimpered. “That’s right, tasty!” Alex said as she snatched me from Ambre’s shoulder. “Mmmm, thanks, roomie,” she said to Ambre. “Just what I wanted!” She tossed me into the air and caught me in her mouth. I was too stunned to respond, but I had found my voice after I had been swallowed. “Alex!” Ambre shouted. “Spit him out!” “No way!” Alex laughed. “He’s too tasty! Hope you enjoy your digestion, little snack!” I felt the all-too-familiar sensation of the acid burning away my body. I cried myself to sleep. I woke up again in Felarya. But this time I was falling. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” I shrieked as I fell towards the ground. Fortunately, there happened to be a dryad sleeping below me. I landed on her head, and managed to grab a branch. “Ow!” she cried, glaring at me as I hung in front of her face. “What’d you do that for?” she asked as she reached up and plucked me out of the air. “S-sorry, miss,” I apologized. “I-I didn’t mean to wake you up.” The dryad sighed. “Oh, well. I had to wake up anyway. My friend Frankie is coming to visit. You’ll make a nice gift,” the dryad said. “I’m Conifer, but you can call me Connie,” she said. “Everyone does.” “Huh? But you’re not a pine tree. Why is your name Conifer?” I asked. “You look more like a Willow to me.” “Look, kid. I didn’t choose my name. The other dryads gave it to me when I was just a sapling. I guess none of them could see what I looked like,” the dryad said. “You’re very talkative, you know that?” she asked. She licked her lips. “You know, I might just have to eat you now,” she said. “You look yummy……..” I started to panic. “Wait, did you say Frankie?” I asked. “I know her!” I shouted. “I’m Snowflake!” “Hey, Connie!” Frankie shouted as she slithered over. “How’s it going?” Then she froze when she saw me. “Wait….Snowflake? Is that you?” “Yep,” I said as Connie handed me over. “Nice to see you again,” I said. “I’m sorry I ran away from you. I was just freaked out.” Frankie kissed my forehead. “Aww, it’s okay, sweetie. I’m just glad you’re okay,” she said. “Yeah, well, running away didn’t work out too well,” I explained. “I got eaten by a mermaid within five minutes. Then I went back to my dimension where I got eaten by a neko. So now I’m back here.” “Well, I won’t eat you, honey,” Frankie said gently. “Are you hungry?” “Yeah!” I cried. “I haven’t eaten in days!” “Well then, what would you like to eat?” Frankie asked. “Is there any fruit you like?” “I do like strawberries,” I said. My stomach growled. “Aw, sweetheart, let’s get you some strawberries, then!” Frankie carried me to the edge of the forest where there were massive strawberry plants. She picked a berry and handed it to me. They were just as big to me as they were when I was two inches tall. I sank my teeth in. “Ohhh, man!” I said as I took another bite. “That’s so good!” 30 seconds later, I had eaten the entire thing, leaves and all. “Can I have another, please?” I asked Frankie. She laughed as she handed me another. I scarfed it down. “Snowflake, slow down!” Frankie chuckled. “You’re going to get a tummy ache!” “Pshhh,” I scoffed. “I’m a neera. I never get an upset stomach. I have to eat anything I can.” “Well, I could have taken the leaves and stems off for you…” “But those are the best parts!” I cried. “Most nutritious, I mean.” I looked down at my hands. They were covered in strawberry juice. “Oh, hon, you’re covered in strawberry!” Frankie said with a giggle. “Here, let me clean you off….” She stuck out her tongue and licked my face. “Yum, strawberry flavor,” she sighed. “I don’t like this, Frankie!” I cried. “Pth! Spoo!” I spat as I got a mouthful of saliva. And not my own. “Please stop! I think I’m all clean!” “Huh.” Frankie stopped mid-lick. “I guess you are,” she observed. “That felt nice, though, didn’t it?” she asked. “N-not really,” I said. Oh, who are you fooling, Snowflake? a voice said inside my head. You loved it. And Frankie knows it. “S-sorry. I guess I didn’t like it as much as you did.” “Oh, that’s okay!” Frankie laughed. “After all, I am like a hundred times your size!” BEEYOOOWLLL! “Ooh, excuse me!” Frankie said. “I’ve gotta get something to eat myself!” She set me on a tree branch. “You stay there. I’ll be right back!” She slithered away. I laid back on the branch. I was so tired I didn’t even hear the fairy coming. “Hello, there!” she said excitedly. “Waaugh!” I screamed as I lost my balance and fell off. “Noooooooo!!” I cried as I plummeted toward the ground. “Gotcha!” the fairy exclaimed as she caught me in her palm. “Are you okay, little one?” she asked, bringing me up to her eye. “Oh my gosh!” she cried. “Y-you’re a neera! How did you get so big?” I sighed. “A succubus put a curse on me,” I explained. “In my own dimension, I’m normal neera-size, but here I’m human-size.” “Why don’t you come home with me?” the fairy said as she opened her mouth wide. “No! I mean, my friend is gonna be back any minute!” I cried. “She’ll be wondering where I am!!” I flailed my arms around as the fairy held me by the tail over her open mouth. “Oh, pshaw,” the fairy said as she lowered me in. “You’ll be safer with me than with that naga,” she said. “Now stay still. I don’t want to swallow you by accident.” I stopped struggling. “Good boy! Now welcome to the finest room in the Tophia Inn!” She dropped me in and closed her mouth. I felt her start to fly away. I tried to get comfortable as she took me to her home. Then she started playing with me. I was tossed around by her tongue and almost knocked myself out on one of her teeth. She sighed with pleasure as her tongue ran over my body. “Mmmmmmm, youwe sho ummy, wittew meewa!” she said. Eventually she spat me out on a table. I stood up covered in saliva. “Oops!” Tophia giggled as I tried to shake the spit off. “Sorry, honey!” The next thing I knew, she was standing in front of me, just a few inches taller and stark naked. She was incredibly attractive, but my conscience made me look away. “You-you’re naked!!” I cried as I covered my eyes. “Yeah, so what?” Tophia snapped. “What, you care?” she laughed. “Oh, gods, you do care!!” She walked toward me. “So I guess you would be embarrassed if I did this?” She pulled me closer and grew enough so that I was eye-level with her breasts. I turned beet red and turned away. “Please stop!” I wailed. “I can’t take it!” I sobbed. “Aw, sweetie!” Tophia said as she shrank back down to her previous size. “You’re such a gentleman! I’ll go put some clothes on!” “Thank you…” I whimpered. When I opened my eyes, she was standing in front of me in a revealing top and short, short skirt. “Eeep!” I cried. “W-well, I guess it’s better than nothing.” Tophia smiled. “C’mere, you!” she said as she motioned for me to come closer. “Let’s see if you taste as good from the inside.” She pulled me into a kiss. A looooong kiss. With tongue. I couldn’t pull away. It was like I almost didn’t want to. I started to kiss her back. “Mmmmmmmmm,” she moaned as her tongue grabbed hold of mine. Suddenly her tongue started to grow. It wasn’t just her tongue, I realized. Her whole body was growing, until I was half her size. She finally pulled away, and returned to human height. “Ohhh, that was amazing!” she sighed. “I know you enjoyed it, too.” I blushed. “Y-yeah,” I stammered. “It-it was nice.” Tophia smiled. “Well, I better get you back to your friend,” she said. She grew to the height she had captured me at. She put her head on the table and stuck out her tongue. “Ell? Eht ing!” “Y-you want me to-” I was unable to finish my sentence, as she pushed me into her cavernous maw and closed her jaws behind me. I felt myself move toward the back of her throat. “Wait! What are you-” GULP! “Nooooooo!!!” I shrieked as the fairy swallowed me whole. “Noo!!” I cried as I slid down her throat. Soon I found myself in her stomach, which immediately started to digest me. “I-I thought we were friends!” I sobbed. “Well, ya thought wrong, tasty!” Tophia laughed. “I’ve been waiting to eat you since I first tasted you!” I collapsed from the pain. “Goodbye, little snack!!” she called as I lost consciousness. |