Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2123838-Party-unknowing
Rated: GC · Fiction · Dark · #2123838
Party goers get a special treat for their children's party.
I was still wrapped in a sheet when they pulled me from the trunk. They carried me, for what seemed like an eternity. I tried screaming. I couldn't. For whatever reason, fear, something inside. I could not move. I was paralyzed. They set me down on the ground and I could feel the heat from the sun. I could hear more voices gathering. All adding their opinions on what they believe the best way to deal with me was. The only thing they seemed to agree on was to hang me from the sturdiest branch. I tried to scream...nothing. One of the voices said I would be the first for a few of the children. First what? What were they going to do? You always hear, in the grocery store, about hate crimes involving kids, but I never thought. The sun burns my eyes when they remove the sheet. The children gawk and laugh. One says I am bigger than the last one. A group of men argues on how to hang. One man says his father taught him to tie a noose. If I had tears, I would shed them. After I was hung, I was still conscious. I hoped it would be quick or I would black out. They gave the kids sticks. They took turns beating me. A few broken ribs from the smaller kids. The bigger kids did more damage. One, with a lucky swing, broke my right eye socket. Again I tried to scream as everyone cheered. One of the parents said, Let me show you how it's done, and took a stick. The children all gathered in a circle around me as he swung, splitting my side. The kids screamed with joy as they ran and jumped under me, getting theirs before someone else could. After they got everything, I was finally cut down and put in a large black bag. As the light finally began to fade, the last words I ever heard echoed through my head. 'Daddy, can I get a piƱata for my next party?
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