Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2123606-Untitled
by Cera
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Young Adult · #2123606
Just a start to a possible short story.
What's the point of even telling this story? It's not like getting any of this off my chest would make it all feel any less painful. What's to say you even read it from start to finish? I could be wasting all this time for nothing. My new mental health physician told me it's for the best. She said if I got it all down on paper that it'd ease the pain. Well, I hope she's right. My parents are paying an awfully large sum just to see if this even scratches the surface of solving my problems. What problems may you ask? Well just wait. We'll get to that.
I guess if you wanted a real in depth look at my problems then we'd have to start with my birth. Luckily for me, I'm a kid born in America. Or so I'm told is beneficial. I'd much rather be on an island somewhere in the Atlantic chanting an unknown language and just assuming there wasn't much more to the world than vast waves of the ocean. Sorry, jumping a bit off topic, back to my birth. I tend to be a bit of a nuisance. I think the universe planned this for me at the moment of conception. I guess if you really got down to it I've always been prewired for chaos and conglomerate mass upheaval. If you think I'm exaggerating then you're wrong.
I know people are always going on and on about their favorite quotes, but I still resonate with a few. The most honest in my mind is that we are, "our own worst enemy". I think it speaks volumes about the human mind. It's certainly been the best at explaining the topsy-turvy conundrums I constantly find myself ensued in. I think the real irony in the situations I usually find myself in is that I knew the right answer or means of action and yet chose to act in the opposite fashion, ultimately assuring that mass chaos and upheaval resume. It's a soul mission in life of mine to ensure that I enact as much destruction to the world around me as possible. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm a sociopath or anything, but most of the time I sense my inner subconscious has a knack for devastation. The best analogy would be when a cat notices an object close to the edge of a table and can't help but paw and slap at it until it's teetering on the edge and dropping to its demise. I don't intend to cause pain and misery I just can't help the curiosity of it all.
Now, you may be thinking that was one hell of a tangent to get carried away with because I didn't even tell you the worst part of my birth. That might be because I can't remember much in the way of the events that took place that given day, but I do know that it left my mother lifeless. Yep, how many of you can say your first moments in this world were spent murdering the one for whom you owed your life to? If that's not an omen for bad things to come then I don't quite know what is. After murdering my mother I was boarded in the hospital for several weeks, while nurses kept me on a kind of life support. During this time my father had to drive back and forth between the hospital, home, and his work. It was now that the next stage of terrible events would unfold. This wouldn't be your ordinary day in Southern California. No bright sunshine or tantalizing warm weather. No, it was hectic winds and torrential downpour rain. That's what would ultimately garner my father's life. Not even one month into the life I breathe and I had already been the underlying cause of both my birth parent's deaths. Now, are you starting to see why I believe so heavily in being inherently bad? Before I can even walk I send two people to their graves. How many of you can say you were the root of all evil right off the bat?

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