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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Supernatural · #2123212
Taiga has lost her parents, so an organization named Flare has taken a liking to her.
Flare Guns and Magic

[Book ONE]

Teen Fiction/Paranormal


Copyright 2013 All Right Reserved

This books trailer is @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylYk87sea-M

Playlist for this is @ http://8tracks.com/bambimall/haze

Warning: This book contains mature content.

FGM Story Description -
(Flare Guns and Magic)

A girl named Taiga Sabatini has lost her parents, so an organization named Flare has taken a liking into her well being. When she joins she wonders who is the real Flare or if there are other Flares to accompany her since it gets quite lonesome in the missions that they give her.

Taiga is like the serial killer longed to find out who killed her family, fighting to earn her own justice. She can use magic and special kinds of knives that are given to her by her client and demon, Hei. As she meets six other powerful Flare girls on the way of her journey. Taiga learns that she has to join a Flare War to find out the deep secrets in her life that she doesn't know just yet. As she trains for the war she wonders who will be the winner and become a True Flare, will she?

Taiga will have to team up with six old Flare girls who call themselves The Resistance. Six Flare girls who take no participant in the Flare Wars and only want to help Taiga along her way. As she goes on her journey to find out the mystery behind her parents death, and she might find intimate love with her client and demon Hei.

A story about supernatural beings coming together to help the people who they love, a story about war and grace...

© Copyright All work is property of LadySra any duplication or reproduction of all or part of the work without explicit permission by the author is illegal.

All RIGHTS RESERVED, this story is completely mine so please DO NOT claim that this is your story because it is not. All rights are reserved to LadySra and I have the right to pursue action against those that infringe upon my rights.

No part of this publication maybe reproduced, or transmitted in an form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. All Rights Reserved.

Enjoy my sweets!




Oh yes!

Babes... don't stop.

Show me those bloody teeth!

Those were exactly my thoughts of sex.

My client Hei and I came home from a fancy dinner and he took me to the spirit world. It was a bit creepy but he held onto me the entire time. Hei is my client and actually a demon so if I had to go on a date with him tonight then I also had to go to work with him. Even though it was creepy in the spirit world I was still glad that I was with him.

After he morphed us back to the human world he decided that I stay over at his rich apartment, where he engulfed me with jewels and spoiled me non-stop. And just as he was mentally tiring me out-he made a suggestion that I take a bath with him and that got me going.

We were inside his huge bathroom where he attempted to shower me and make me feel relaxed-but failed in the long run by my breathtaking body.

Which was good enough to eat, or should I say for him.

We were laid on the bathrooms warm shiny beige tile floor that had bathwater splashed on it almost everywhere from what Hei and I were doing.

His hands softly smoothed down my back as he whispered sweet cotton words inside my ear. "Oh princess your skin-so soft," his hands raked up and down my back and I couldn't stop my mouth from making sounds of enjoyment. As he pumped into me one more time, I screamed.

"Hum, scream for me just like that princess." I moaned as he sucked onto my left nipple, pumping in and out of me. The way he said princess to me drove me crazy and his crazy demon self knew it. He was playing The Party and The After Party by The Weeknd, probably to match with our intimate moment and I loved it. With the way he was ramming into me made the song he was playing match with our own movements in sync. Even when he decided to lift me up and press me up against the wall, fucking me faster.

I licked the side of his neck while he bit down on mine harshly, I did the same and we both groaned at the contact. Screaming even louder for him when I came from my release and he the same. We were held in each other's arms just staring at each other, taking in deep quick breaths. I stared into his grayish blue eyes as he stared in my gray ones. Tracing a finger along his strong jaw while his hands reached out for my long pale blonde hair-running his hands through it. I closed my eyes at the peaceful feeling around us, and I felt his moist lips touch mine softly.

The Monster In A Sabatini

Having to leave Hei made me frown at how busy I was now.

After Hei and I intimate session he told me that I had another job to do. And that job was to kill another one of my targets.

It was irritating to leave, but when his hungry eyes raked all over my body when he watched me get dressed in my illusionist clothes-I got over it. That perverted fool. I giggled as always about thoughts concerning him.

I continued my slow steady walk throughout my targets hallway.

The hallways were dark and narrow, and the tiles were designed with creativity. The walls had portraits of all cultures, as the people drawn onto them looked into your soul. It was as if they knew I was here and they were simply watching me. My fine tap shoes were clicking and clacking, making its rhythms across the floor. I had on my black cloak, a white button down t-shirt, and lingerie panties on. They covered most of my butt and the front of me so it was fine and kind of appropriate. I blended in with the dark hallway just how I wanted it. I put my head down, staring at the floor and listening to the whispers of my full name, Taiga Sabatini.

The people painted on the portraits were whispering my name. They were just wasted spirits that still lingered around inside this house and they were curt. Always making sure they break you down somehow doing it deliberately. The hallways were long and it took forever for me to get to Hillary Clinton's room. I adored Hillary Clinton because the way she looked at society was as if she was representing a strong woman. And when she wanted to run for president, every woman was happy to see her. We all anticipated that she would win, she showed us that women were capable to do anything. But when she stepped down from her position everything else just became even more difficult.

Hei, he was my client. A dark demon with a strange black Chinese name, I always chuckle at that thought. I only trusted him because he was just like me a supernatural being. Little did I know that he had feelings for me and I the same. Since I trusted him I did what he said and I met a few Flare Queens who told me about my powers, but they didn't tell me why I had to kill people who are also known as targets. A Flare member in the Flare organization has to kill targets. Targets are people who sin all too much and it's just time for them to go.

But aren't all people sinners, even me? I never questioned them on that because the magic energy that they were giving off felt incredibly powerful. I wouldn't think for a second that one of them would snap my neck off if I questioned their authority.

Although during the meeting of me joining the Flare organization, I could tell that one of them guessed what I was thinking. She was telling me:

Don't worry you're not capable of sin, you contain the energy of dark.

Maybe thats why I had an enjoyable side for murder?

Although the Flare Queens didn't exactly explain to me if other supernatural beings were in their organization, I did feel quite alone.... Maybe there were other Flares and more supernatural people too. The only ones I knew were angels, demons, vampires, illusionist, and Flare Queens. The Flare Queens didn't specifically tell me what they were and what different powers filled them-so they kept that a secret. There was a magical dimension that Hei took me to, I saw mostly women there displaying their powers. I was ignorant as to what they were and what mysteries lay inside them and what was expressed with it.

Maybe Hei will tell me one day or soon about my kind and the other magical beings around us. And maybe there will be an explanation for me about killing targets. All I knew was that I was an illusionist with the powers of vision and imagery. My kind possessed the dark and our powers never expressed a light calming figure. Instead it was hallucinations, a cold breath against your neck that screamed danger and a wonder of who could be watching you.

The only reason why Hillary Clinton was my target was because she stopped her righteousness and after that she became a sinner. I personally don't know when, how, or why she became a sinner but that's just how it is in the Flare organization. You get a mission from your client and you're expected to do it stealthily. It is very important to do your mission with stealth because if you're caught during your mission then you might have to deal with catching the targets. All the more reason it just takes up your time to chase the same target over and over again.

I started to hum at one of Lady Gaga's songs called "Bloody Mary." It blended in with this dark evening of me trespassing Hillary Clinton's house. A big mansion designed well with so much creativity. I heard rumors about Christina Aguilera coming here to work with Ms. Clinton. It would be a pity to see her here because then she would be a witness and I'd have to kill her too. I chuckled darkly to myself; I didn't want to kill anyone that's the stupid thing about it.

I hated that about myself, I acted evil and sinister when I was ordered to kill. It's only when I'm taken by surprise or when someone deserves to die-then I act like my normal bold and courageous figure. Although right now my game face was on and everything was a joke to me, I was smiling and keeping myself away in the dark shadows of Ms. Clinton's house. I held my illusionist crystal ball in my hand. Maybe Ms. Clinton wasn't in today, but it still didn't matter I'd just have to make her house a gas chamber with my crystal ball...

My smile stayed sinister and Hillary Clinton's room was coming closer to my way. I swayed toward the room, making a nice tapping beat with my tap shoes. I had tips placed on top of my nails from the nail salon. The Chinese woman said that a shiny black and gold color really brought out my skin.

If Ms. Clinton is actually here then she'd hear my presence and feel my cold aura. After all I did walk all over this place just to find her so my energy must be filling the air drastically. That was one of the conveniences of being a person filled with power. I slammed one of my hands on the walls of her long hallway. Then I placed my tips on the wall as I made a nasty scratching sound that wasn't easy on the ears. It excited me and the screeching sound I made with my fake nails beings placed on the wall. I did a heavy laugh which could probably be mistaken for a mans voice, and the way it echoed throughout the hallway. I wanted Hillary to know that someone was here. I wanted to see that merciful scowl on her face when she thinks that no one is here. I wanted to crave off her fear.

Even I'm not as cruel and crude like this, it actually scared me. But my mouth watered at the thought of her crumbling on the floor gasping for air and mercy. My crystal ball would bring her down to her pale knees; even my disposition was dark right now. I could always prescience about humans in fear and it filled me with excitement, there were even sometimes when my eyes would roll to the back of my head.

When I approached Ms. Clinton's room door I saw the light on. I could feel her breath against the door, her aura felt as if it were breaking and it was ice cold. I wanted to scare her more and make a cryptic noise that would have ones breaths heaving faster. The Grudge was the one and only movie that had me thinking of new ways to terrorize a target. So I opened my mouth and made the same ear crunching noise that the pale white girl with black long hair made in the movie. When I finally closed my mouth I suddenly heard a thump, it was as if someone dropped to floor because it vibrated a bit on the ground.

Pulling out the contacts that were on my right eye, I used my illusionist powers: "Hypnotic Eye." Once I whispered the gifted words-my illusionist powers let me see through the door. It was as I expected, to see Hillary on the floor trembling in fear. A grin crept on my face at her cowardice act. My powers of the hypnotic eyes were my most favorite and they never really failed me.

I could see through things and make people limp before me with it, and the color that my right pupil would turn because of it, oh what a glorious color! It would turn a dark violet with the shade of blood red mixed in. The color was unique and it reminded me of a rotten fruit. I licked my red plumped lips and kicked Hillary Clinton's door down. She yelped and I could see her whimpering continuously, crouching down to her level I whispered in her ear breathlessly, "I'm a Flare." I stood and her eyes searched my face frantically and she started to mumble to herself. "No, I'm a sinner...it's not my time to go. You must have a heart..."

I grabbed a chair from her coffee table and placed it in front of her. She looked up at me teary eyed and I gave her a cold stare.

"Sit down."

My target started to shake uncontrollably and I just narrowed my eyes at her for not listening to my orders. My eyes rolled at the back of my head and my smile grew wider. Ms. Clinton started to cry out, sobbing loudly at the sight of me. I started to make a nasty wheezing sound and my eyes rolled back to normal. I deliberately grabbed her by the hair and slammed her on the coffee tables chair.

"Good you're finally able to sit down." My hands ran through her blonde hair as I blew a cold breath down her neck. I continued to speak by whispering in her blood red ears. "You know what it means when a Flare approaches?" I inquired and she nodded her head slowly. She wasn't whispering nonsense to herself now so I could fully understand her body language a bit more now.

"When a Flare approaches it means death of the sin, so it's my time to go..." her voice broke and it sounded a bit hoarse. "And I broke away from the path of righteousness," she continued and I felt the aura of numbness reach her. My hands gripped her shoulders as I forced my nails down into her skin and her body stiffened against the chair. "Would you like me to make this less painful and heart wrenching than it already is?" I inquired again. She let out a shaky breath and said, "It doesn't matter, I just have to atone for my own sins."

I hid my crystal ball deep into my pocket and pulled out one of my mini knives. It'd be boring to use my crystal ball on her because she just wanted to die anyway. I wasn't one to deal with simple deaths that held no fun. "Hum," I said to myself and I held the mini knife close to her neck and slashed her across the neck. I waited a couple moments for her numbness to die down and when her head started to shake uncontrollably I just knew this was painful for her. After two long minute her head dropped and I heard no heart beat after that.

"Well that was quite a show." I heard a voice that was all too familiar. When I turned my head I saw him, my lover, my demon, my protector, my client. I saw Hei, a man who only belonged to my sick twisted dark heart.

I strolled over to him seductively and I still had my evil game face on. "Oh, so you were watching me, hum?" I grinned at him teasingly. He raised an eyebrow at me and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I like how you used your powers and that hypnotic eye makes me even more glad that you're mine," he growled possessively and I felt his cold breath against my neck. I smiled to myself.

To others it seemed like we were one of those evil villain couples but we weren't. Hei and I just did what we were ordered to do. Even my side over other supernatural beings were dark but it didn't necessarily mean that we were all evil. Unless someone kills innocents then that's a different story. Hei hugged me and then kissed my cheek, I melted into his arms as he teleported us back home.

Check out the rest of my stories on wattpad.com @ my account LadySra
© Copyright 2017 LadySra (ladysra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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