Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2122620-Revenge-of-Princess-Peach---Chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2122620
Enter Ludwig von Koopa. Bowser's Second-in-Command General.
Within the fortress of Bowser exists a room with several monitors viewing almost every section of it. In front of the largest one is a another turtle beast. This one was smaller and had a spiked shell of blue. His hair was like a large blue bush and he has a single tooth on his mouth.

He sees within the monitor Princess Peach and Toadette escaping the castle. He punches the monitor, destroying it.

“NO! If Bowser knows that Peach has escaped, he will surely throw me in the lava pit!”, He turns around on his office chair and sees a tall koopa with a purple shell and long arms.

“General Ludwig!”, the koopa said, “I must report you that-”

“Yes! I know that!”, Ludwig interrupted, “We must capture the princess again before Bowser returns!”

“How do we do that, sir!?”

“We must obviously find her again! Meet me at the airship hangar!” Ludwig walks out the exit as the koopa follows. They enter a large room with several wooden airships that were seen when the Mushroom Kingdom was attacked. All of them have Bowser’s image on them. Ludwig and his army enter one of these massive, wooden fortresses and enters the control room where they all listen to him.

“Alright, soldiers! This is our mission! We will find the princess, wherever she is and bring her back into the castle.”

One of the troops, a blue-shelled koopa, steps forward and speaks to him. “But sir, we don’t know where she is! She could be anywhere!”

Ludwig walks to the koopa and punches him down the floor. “Idiot! Do not interrupt my speech! Besides, we are on an airship of all things! We’ll find her easily.”

Princess Peach and Toadette ran through the volcanic wasteland; through lava pools, cannons, and monsters. They head into a military camp where they see various koopas and a few other races. They hide behind a rock as a rocky wrench jumps out of one of the various tanks made of iron.

“This is it, Toadette” Peach whispered, “If we can get inside that tank, we can be out of this dump in minutes.”

“But what if we get caught?” Toadette looks at the various soldiers walking about.

“All we have to do is wait until no one’s near the tank.”

The wait for them to be as far away from the nearst tank as possible. Once the coast is clear, they jumped out of the rock and ran inside the military vehicle. Peach takes the wheel and orders Toadette to look through the tank’s periscope.

She pulls a lever which activates it. She recklessly drives the tank into the fence, knocking it down. The tank speeds through the rough and rigged terrain and dodges the molten boulders from the erupting volcanoes. It then reaches a vast lake of lava and turns right, driving alongside it.

Then, a rumbling sound occured. From there, a giant monstrosity made entirely out of lava and magma emereged from the lava lake. It had a gigantic neck and an equally sized mouth with two large eyes over it.

Toadette screams as the monster bended its body onto the ground. Peach accelerates the tank out of the way. She climbs outside the tank to see the rock beast ready to attack.

“P-Peach!” Toadette walked to her, “Wh-what is that!?”

“It’s a Magmaargh! Get out of the way!” Peach hurries back to the wheel and starts the tank again. She points the tank’s cannon at it fires a cannonball at it. It hits the beast’s neck as it makes a loud roar. It then bended its body again and hits the ground. It brings most of it into its mouth; the ground within turns into more lava. The tank is driven far from the lake as possible.

Toadette, looking through the periscope, sees the clouds clearing and volcanoes becoming less and less present. But the ground was still, rough, rock. Now there were more protruding stones in the way as the tank swerves away from them.

The ground becomes more and more bumpy. Eventually, the tank becomes unsteerable; it then gets closer to a cliff, which alarms Toadette.

“PEACH! Watch out! We’re heading into a cliff!”

Peach turns her head fast at her, “You DON’T have to be so LOUD, you know!”

The tank falls off the cliff and heads downwards fast. Peach picks up Toadette and jumps out of the vehicle. She floats temperarly to see the tank be engulfed in an explosion. They land on the ground again and being walking on the barren badlands.

“Because of you.” Peach yelled at Toadette, “The tank is destroyed! Who knows how far the Mushroom Kingdom is from here!?”

“I was just trying to warn you about the cliff! At least we’re not DEAD!”

“Yeah, but that was the only means of fast, reliable, transportation! It could take MONTHS before we get there!”

“Can’t you just thank me for once! I got you out of Bowser’s Castle and I got you out of that falling, exploding tank!”

Peach stops walking and looks at her directly and then says, “You should thank ME! I saved YOUR ass from that tank!”

Toadette, in her anger, jumps on Peach’s head and the princess begans running all over the rocky region. Peach struggles to get the enraged Toadette from her head; she runs into a large stone which gets Toadette off of her head. But the fighting doesn’t stop there. They began throwing fists at eachother. Punching one and the other at any part of their body.

“This never would’ve been like this if it wasn’t for YOU!” Peach screamed.

“No way!” Toadette walks towards her, “This is all your fault for us being stranded here! We’re never going back to the Mushroom Kingdom!”

“Exactly! What do you think is going to happen, a miracle!?”

As soon as she said that word, an immense, flying object hovers over them. But this miracle was actually a curse. A hatch from the bottom of the ship opens and a tall, purple-shelled koopa drops onto the ground, causing an quake that brings the two girls down. He brings his body upward and begins speaking to them.

“They call me the ‘Earthstrike Koopa’. I am able to pound my fists into the ground to unleash an earthquake. And I will pound you all to the ground!”

Earthstrike Koopa attacks. He throws one of his arms at the princess. She dodges and it hits the rock behind her; it is destroyed in an instant. He then looks at Toadette.

“You must be an ally of Peach!” the koopa turns around, “I’ll make sure you won’t get in the way in our plans!” he then dashes forward and raises his arms high in the sky. Toadette jumps out of the way as he slams the ground, forming a large hole in the process.

Toadette then runs as the turtle warrior gives chase; Peach runs after them. The earthstriker slams one fist after the other, but Toadette dodges all of them while shivering at the fear of being killed. They run into a wall of stone, a dead end. Toadette turns around and shreeks when the koopa lifts her up from the ground. Earthstrike Koopa then moves the arm holding her an inch away from the wall. He focuses at the wall, then he thrusts the arm, heading into the wall. But then, he is hit in the head by a large stone and is knocked out, preventing Toadette from being smashed into the wall.

Toadette releases herself from the koopa’s hand and sees Princess Peach, holding another massive stone. Toadette steps back, but the princess puts it down on the ground.

“Come on, Toadette.” Peach said as she beings walking again, “Let’s get out of here.”
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