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An old story I wrote |
Taylor’s Timeless Tales Teaser trailer “Are we there yet mooooom?” Taylor’s little brother Aiden asked for the 20th time. “Oh my gosh shut up Aiden!” “No sassy sissy” “You two stop fighting we are five minutes away from the hotel” Taylor’s mom said. “Oh thank goodness, five minutes away from him stopping his whining” “ I got to take a dump now!” Aiden screamed. “You are so gross!” Then he let off a huge fart and stunk up the whole car. “AIDEN HOW MANY ROTTING RATS DID YOU EAT?!” “BECAUSE YOU SURE DID CRACK ONE!” After a while they get to the hotel. Aiden bolts to the bathroom holding the back of his pants. “Whew these bags are heavy.” Taylor said as she dropped the bags onto the bed she was going to sleep in. “Ok lets unpack now, thanks for helping Taylor,” her mom said. “I'm going straight to bed after this, I’ve been driving five hours and I'm tired it's 7:00 anyway,” Said her dad. The next day they went to the see what they had come for, to see the Grand Canyon. They arrive at the park and start walking. “Me and your mother are going to get some water for us all, because your mother insists that it was my fault we left it at the hotel,” “Derrick!” “I'm just kidding I love you.” “Your in charge of Aiden, Taylor.” “Got it.” “Meet you back here in 5 minutes.” “Got it.” “Come on Aiden lets go see the scenery.” “Why is it so hot?” “Because Aiden, its Arizona and that's just the climate.” “Know-it-all sassy sissy, why do I have to be stuck with you?” “First of all you asked what it was. I gave you the answer.” “Second of all that's rude, it's dad's birthday and you don't need to spoil it for him, this is his birthday present, he always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon,” “It seems dumb that we are supposed to look at holes in the ground all day.” “Could you be anymore of a brat?” Then Aiden kicked her in the shin. “Haha I'm not stuck with you, I can go by myself see?” “Stupid siss-“ “AIDEN!!!” Taylor screeched in horror as the railing broke from running into it because he wasn't paying attention, it was almost in slow motion watching him fall off the edge. She lifted her hand up and closed her eyes, “NOOO!” She opened them and there was Aiden right where he was a couple seconds ago, and so was everyone else… what was happening?” Aiden was running again and she saw him fall over the edge again, “WAIT!” Then he was back in position running towards the edge again, was time reversing? No, that's impossible. She jumped in front of him and caught him, as they collided she was knocked backwards. She was on the ground and her foot touched the railing, and the railing fell off. They got back up and Aiden started crying realizing what almost happened. Or rather, what did happen? He hugged her. Everyone was staring, wide eyed and in disbelief. “What the **** just happened?!” She thought. Little did she know that her life would be changed from this point till forever. Her parents ran over to them. “Aiden! Taylor!” “Are you to alright? Oh my gosh, I saw that railing fall off with you two almost falling down!” “Thank god your safe!” Her mom kept on. “TAYLOR SHEY SMITH!” “WHY WERE YOU NOT SUPERVISING HIM, HE ALMOST DIED AND IT WAS YOUR FAULT!” Her Dad screeched. “Wha-” “I caught him before he fell.” “Yeah Tay didn't do anything wrong Daddy.” “TAYLOR GET IN THE CAR BEFORE I THROW YOU STRAIGHT INTO IT!” “But daddy!” Aiden said. “Not now Aiden.” “You have always been a disappointment to me…” her dad muttered. She walked to the car with a tear in her eye. She knew her dad wasn't her biggest fan, a few years ago her mom married her dad Derrick, her real dad died right before she was born. Her dad had Aiden, so they weren't related by blood. Her dad never liked her that much, but Aiden, Aiden was his world. Taylor had accepted this but it still wasn't exactly preferable. She sat in the car alone, trying to figure out what happened. How did she keep living the same moment over and over? It just didn't make any sense. Then she was sad. But she was mostly confused about everything. She grabbed the Mountain Dew that had been baking on the dashboard, she didn't care if it was hot, she was thirsty. She picked it up and brought it up to her mouth. She put her mouth on the opening of the bottle and nothing happened when she lifted the bottle up. She looks over and the soda is still on the dashboard. “What…” She picked it up and it went right back to the dashboard. “Ok… if I am stuck in this moment then I may as well mess around.” She shook the bottle up and sprayed it on the drivers seat, and instead of returning to the dashboard it just sat there. “Wait no!” “Let me focus…” then slowly, the bottle went backwards from its starting position. “What?” Then she lost control and it dropped back on the seat. “Well I am going to get punished now if I don't clean this up…” so she opened the glove box to get some napkins. She wiped up the soda but it didn't have any momentum and it only moved when she moved it. That is very strange... She shrugged it off, it was probably just her imagination, then again, this day wasn't making any sense. After the napkin got too damp to be used further, she tried to throw it in the floor. But it just sat there, suspended from the point at which she let go of it, unmoving. Then it fell to the floor and the Mountain Dew puddle flowed together. That was weird. “I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I am not CRAZY!” “I'm freaking out!” “Did somebody drug me?” “Am I dreaming!?” “This is weird!” “Ok, ok, let's just continue cleaning up the Mountain Dew.” She cleaned it up. Then she took all the wet napkins to a nearby trash can, then she dropped them in. Then they kept falling in over and over again, the past few seconds kept repeating. Then everything continued. “Is my reality fading from existence, the other way around, or something else?” She got freaked out and scared. She got back in the car. Then Aiden showed up. “Hey Tay! Are you ok? You saved me thank you.” “Doesn't Dad want me away from you?” “Um…” “I don't think Daddy meant it.” “Hey Aiden? You want to know something really weird?” “I like Gravity Falls and that's weird so sure.” “I saw you die twice.” “What do you mean? Like you imagined it?” “No.” “But time went backwards every time you fell. Didn't you see I wasn't beside you when you got mad and ran? I was already at the fence.” “Woaaah… You can time travel… cool…” “Wait, I believe you but what number am I thinking of?” “7?” “No, its 4. Go back in time and change your answer.” “Ok I will try” She focused very hard. “I believe you, but what number am I thinking of?” “4” “Wow! You can time travel!” “Keep it secret though. If everyone knew they may think I am crazy.” “Ok my lips are seeleled” “Haha you mean sealed Aiden.” “Yeah.” |