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Relation between health and lifestyle. |
According to Greek philosopher Plato, “The part can never be well unless the whole is well” Plato beautifully explained that a person cannot work efficiently unless he possesses good health. Health of a person depends upon the way he lives his everyday life. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capacities. Health of a person does not depend only on healthy eating but it also depends upon how you divide your time in such a way that your body gets what it requires, for example a sound body require at least an hour of physical exercise and 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and less stress. Recent research have shown that 75% of our life style that include nutrition, physical activity, free living and working in a healthy environment contribute towards aging process. This shows that whatever you do ultimately affects your health. Healthy choices help in longer life, decreased inability and improvement in mental health. Our present lifestyle is one of the common problems that causes major diseases and contribute towards irrational behavior. The increased trend of smoking among youngsters causes lung cancer and respiratory disorders. Obesity, that is increase in weight, is mostly due to late night fast food eating, sleeping late and skipping meals. Fast food is the meal that has more calories and less nutrition. Consuming a lot of fast food results in increased weight, cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and various digestive disorders such as diarrhea, gastritis, diabetes and stroke. The unhygienic condition through which food is prepared in restaurants and hotels affects our gastro intestinal track. Unhealthy meat and vegetables contains various micro organisms such as Salmonella and Clostridium. Weight gain due to consecutive eating of fats that contain cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases. Apart from your choices parents play a significant role in health of their children. Now days working parents don’t have time to pay full attention towards health of their children, they mostly prefer ready to eat foods and canned food. They may be fresh but they do not contain the nutrients that provide proper nourishment for their body. Like powdered milk can contain calcium and other nutrients but it may not be digested by some children, which can lead to lactose intolerance. Life style of parents contributes towards the behavior and health of their children. For instance alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to facial abnormalities and improper neural development in the infants. If we compare past and present lifestyle we will notice a prominent alteration which may be due to the increase in work load or due to the advancement in technology. In the previous years as there was no television people went to bed early, woke up early and used to start their day by morning walk but now the increased trend of late night movies has changed the concept of early rising. If we look at student life in the previous era, the students went to bed early and woke up early to memorize their lesson this way they would spent a fresh day in school and learn more but students of this generation are so lazy and their body is so exhausted that they cannot pay proper attention towards their teacher. This shows that they are physically and mentally too tired to concentrate on studies. These days’ media play a significant role in our lifestyle, adults, children and newborn babies are addicted towards television for their everyday activities such as eating. In fact media has become a part of our lives. Restaurants and hotels advertise their products in such a way that their side effects are over seen by the public. This excessive consumption of fast food causes weight gain and heart and digestive problems. Due this addiction children are skipping and ignoring meals, for instance when we start watching program we wait for it to end hence ignoring food and health. Parents should watch with their children so that they can tell the adverse effects of fast food. Health of a person needs to be closely monitored for this purpose health camps across city are set up but due to less awareness and ignorance people prefer to go to doctor after they get sick. These camps tell your current nutritional status, standard limit of weight and height so that if there is any deficiency in your diet it may be covered by supplements and proper food so that diseases and disorders may not occur in future life. As quoted by Thomas Fuller “Health is not valued till sickness comes” |