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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2121490
This is Day Twelve of the Promptly Potter challenge. It's another SpaceWizards mystery.
(Another SpaceWizards Action/Adventure Mystery)

Everyone has at least one secret in their lives. Most of us have more than one. Some have a lot more. That is especially true when it comes to SpaceWizards. Most of them have a lot of them. This team of SpaceWizards does. They all do. But Yena has the biggest secret of them all. What is it? That’s what the others want to know. Whatever it is it’s kept in the Secrets Chamber on their spaceship aka The Chamber of Secrets. This is the story about that secret and how it’s revealed.

“The Chamber of Secrets”

A Short Story

Remembered By


     All seven SpaceWizards continued firing one Fire Ball after another at a building. The dead trying to protect it did it by throwing Long Blades at the SpaceWizards. After throwing them, another one appeared in their hand to be thrown. Most of them disappeared by the centimeter as it struck a Fire Ball. But several got through to strike the SpaceWizards.

     The Fire Balls exploded when they touched one or more of the dead or the building behind them. Most of the Fire Balls struck the dead. But a lot hit the building too. When after only a few minutes of constant fighting on both sides, all the dead were truly dead now, and the building was completely destroyed. All that was left was a large gold figurine hovering in what little was left of that building.

     A few hours later that figurine materialized in the Transport Tube. Mairon pulled it out of the tube so that the others six could join him. After the others were there, they slowly started walking down the corridors of their spaceship with the figurine floating between them.

     “Even when it’s hovering it’s hard to move.” Angoria kept looking at it every few seconds. She kept bumping into Stavon who was walking in front of her. “No wonder it has taken us several hours to get back here.”

     “I still don’t like us bringing it on board our spaceship.” Pacill also kept glancing over at it. “This could be another trick like the egg and the eye were a few months ago.”

     “We really didn’t have much choice about it, did we?” Yena was one of them following behind the figurine. “It has to be returned to where Horrald stole it from.”

     Mairon led the others and the figurine. “We know why he stole it. It looks just like his true love Tonnie. But we don’t know why Horrald told us where to find it.”

     “I agree with Pacill.” Jacci walked next to Yena. “It’s too dangerous bringing it on board. We should have found another was to get it back to ZeQue.”

     “There isn’t any other way to get it there that’s any safer.” Borrele walked behind Pacill. “This is the safest way to do it.”

     “True, doing it this way is dangerous. That’s why we are putting it in the Secrets Chamber this time.” Mairon glanced back at the others but kept walking. “It will be safe with us until we can get it back to ZeQue if this is another one of Horrald’s tricks.”

     “I don’t think it is this time, though.” Stavon looked back at Angoria who just bumped into him again. “He wouldn’t want to take the chance of it getting damaged or destroyed.


     No one said anything for several minutes. They just continued their slow walk down the corridors. Then Mairon sudden stopped in front of a dark entrance. Mairon mumbled something, and the entrance slid open. The split second after Mairon entered it closed again.

     The other six SpaceWizards formed a line with the figurine in the middle of them. Each one mumbled something, and the entrance slid open briefly so they could enter The Secrets Chamber aka The Chamber of Secrets.

     Angoria mumbled something different from the others so that the entrance stayed open a few seconds longer. That way Stavon, Pacill, and Yena could push the figurine past it before it slid shut again. Then they each mumbled something and entered the chamber too.

     Once everyone got inside that chamber, Mairon led them down a long corridor with about ten entrances on both sides of it. They continued walking in a straight line. There were eight side corridors there too. Each one separated by two entrances. No seemed to notice when Yena took one of those side corridors.

     It only took them a couple of minutes to get to a large room filled with things. Most of them floated in clear box-shaped boxes. But there a lot that wasn't. Mairon guided the others through the slight clutter to a big open space. “This should be a big enough area to hold it.”

     The figurine was placed in the center of that open area, and the SpaceWizards formed a circle around it. They held hands, closed their eyes, and then mumbled something. A few seconds later a clear box appeared around the figurine.

     Mairon opened his eyes and broke his hand connected with the others. The others did the same thing. First, they opened their eyes. Then they broke the connection. Mairon looked at them one at a time. “Where is Yena. She did come in here with the rest of us, didn’t she?”

     “Yena came in with us,” said Pacill. “She was right behind me. But after we came in here I don’t know what happened to her.”

     “I do,” said Jacci. “Why, I don’t know. But she comes in here every time we finish an encounter with Horrald.”

     “Why does she do that? Does anyone know why she does it?” Maison asked.


     Pacill ran to catch up to Yena who was walking down the corridor. “Can I ask you something?”

     “Of course, you can. You can ask me anything.” Yena smiled at Pacill but kept walking. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to answer it.”

     “Why do you go to your Personal Secrets Chamber after we have an encounter with Horrald?” Pacill asked.

     Yena’s smile faded. “That’s one of the questions I’m not going to answer.”


     Angoria walked up and tapped Yena’s shoulder in The Control Chamber. “It’s my turn at the controls.”

     “Thanks, you can have them. It’s very boring up here right now.”

     “I was wondering something,” said Angoria as she took Yena’s place behind the controls. “What are you keeping that’s so secret from the rest of us?”

     “Not you too.” Yena just sighed and walked away.


     Stavon was in the Practice Chamber practicing with his Fire Balls and his electrical strings when Yena walked in. “Can I join you? I sure could some practice, especially with my spells.”

     “Sure, you can join me.” They practiced for about fifteen minutes. Mumbling spells one after another at each other. Then suddenly stavon stopped. “What spell do you use to get into your Personal Secrets Chamber?”


     Borrele ran into Yena as she came out the Secrets Chamber. “What are you doing in there? We haven’t had an encounter with Horrald in weeks.”

     “I don’t just in there because of Horrald.” Yena looked shocked. “There are other reasons why I go in there. One of them is to think as I look at all the things we have stored there in the last eleven years. I am allowed to think, aren’t I?”


     Mairon walked into the Communications Chamber as Yena finished talking to someone. “Who were you talking to just now?”

     Yena swiveled to face Mairon in shock as he walked toward her. “I was contacting my family if you must know.”

     “I have been looking for you.” Mairon sat down in the chair next to Yena.

     “Let me guess why. You want to ask me some questions about what my big secret is that I’m hiding from all of you.”

     “Yes, it is. In fact, I have several questions. I am worried about you. We are starting to think your big secret is that you are one of Horrald’s Followers.”


     Jacci closed her eyes and mumbled something. Came I come in.

     That depends on why you are here. If it regards my big secret, then no you can’t.

     That’s one of the reasons why I’m here. But the main one is because I want to help you.

     I don’t need any help because I don’t have any problems. You the ones with the problem.

     Before Jacci could respond, Yena continued. I’m getting tired of all this. I want you to tell all the others out there to leave alone. I’ve been asked hundred of question over the last few weeks. And they have all been different, but the same. You want to know what my big secret is. I’m not going to tell you. I am never going to tell you. So, quit asking.


     Yena mumbled something just after she entered the Secrets Chamber. Then she took the same side corridor she always takes. She looked rundown as she turned three corners before she stopped in the front of her entrance. Yena mumbled something else.

     The entrance to her Personal Secrets Chamber slid open. It slid close after she entered. Yena walked up to a large yellow glowing something and put her hands on it. That glow started with her hands and covered her whole body within seconds.

     A few seconds later the glow disappeared, and she removed her hands from it. Yena no longer looked rundown. She was perky again.

     “Thanks, I needed that. I just finished another practice routine with Stavon and Pacill. It was brutal. Thanks, again.”

     Yena turned and left her Personal Secrets Chamber a few seconds later. Just as she left, she ran into Mairon as the entrance slid shut behind her. They fell to the floor. The other SpaceWizards helped them up.

     That shouldn’t have happened. You can see me now, can’t you? I forgot to put on my invisibility spell before I left my Personal Secrets Chamber.

     “So, this is where you have hidden your Personal Secrets Chamber. Want to tell us your spell to get in there?” Mairon asked.


     The entrance to Yena’s Personal Secrets Chamber slid open, and Yena entered it. Yena continued to mumble something continuously until the other six SpaceWizards had entered too. Then she stopped, and the entrance slid shut again.

     “Thank you for letting us know your big secret.” Mairon started looking around that room. But there wasn’t much to look at. There was only one thing there.

     “I really didn’t have much choice about it, did I? If I hadn’t, you would have found a way to yourself. Maybe a spell of your own or you would just continue to follow me until you could get in that way.”

     “Wow, that’s what I call a huge secret.” Everyone stared at it. But it was Angoria who spoke first. “That’s the biggest SpaceGem I have ever seen.”

     “It’s the biggest one anyone has ever seen.” Yena stepped in front of the others between them and her SpaceGem.

     A few seconds later Yena continued. “Legend has it that this SpaceGem was the Core of Gammic before it blew itself up sending trillions of trillions of SpaceGems into the universe.”

     “So, this is like the mother of every SpaceGem in the universe. Where did you find it?” Pacill asked.

     “If I understand what you are saying about a mother, then yes he is. As for where I found it, I didn’t. It found me.”

     A few seconds later Yena continued. “I was practicing hard on getting ready for my third, and final try, at becoming a SpaceWizard. And I was feeling really weak. But I wasn’t going to give up. Suddenly this SpaceGem appeared and gave me back my strength. We have been together ever since then.”

     “You’re not a Natural Wizard, are you?” Mairon asked.

     “No, I wasn’t born a wizard. I’m what most wizards and especially SpaceWizards call a Wizard Pretender.”

     “Does that mean I’m no longer a SpaceWizard?” Yena asked a few seconds later.

     “Of course, you’re still a member of our team.” Mairon had looked at the other five SpaceWizards before he answered that question. They all nodded ‘yes' to his unasked question. “Just because you’re not a Natural Born Wizard doesn’t mean you aren’t one. It just means it was a lot harder for you to become one.”

     “That’s one thing we have figured out,” said Stavon. “We still don’t know why Horrald told us about that figurine, though.”

     “I’ve been thinking about that for the last few weeks,” said Borrele. “And I don’t think he told us about it. I don’t know who, and I don’t care, but I think it was someone else who told.”

Word Count = 2,010

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