Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2121037-Closer-Than-You-Think
by K98
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Friendship · #2121037
Isabelle is quirky and trying to be on top, Alex is stubborn and unsure of everything.
Closer Than You Think


You know that moment in your life where you take on a new chapter. It seems like you've been waiting forever to flip the page but the paragraph hasn't ended, well it finally has. Junior High is over and High School is awaiting, and for those of you wondering no I don't have a sob story about how middle school was some terrible experienced, and I got picked on. I had the exact opposite experience, people flocked to me, and I hate sounding conceited but let's face it I was the Queen to the students of James Arver Middle, and High School would be no different, I would have to work my way up the food chain. Kelly Swan would be my mentor, she was graduating this year, and would be looking for a lower classman to fill her shoes. Competition included Bailey Harp, and Faith Everett a junior and sophomore respectively who both had, what I saw as an unfair advantage over me, and previous knowledge of Queen Kelly's tricks of the trade.

"Isabelle Marie, up and at'em kiddo"

But I'm confident, although it's only the first day I'm absolutely positive I will become the future queen of Liberty High.

"I won't say it again Isabelle!"

"Dad calm your tits I'm coming!"

"Language, young lady"

I could mentally picture the scowl on his face as he wiped his forever sweating forehead. One last glance over I exited my bedroom and descended the brown wooden steps.

"It's your first day of high school Izzy-bear you don't want to be late"

Cringing at the childhood nickname, I grabbed my blue water bottle and my lunch money, thanking the heavens dad had ditched the "packed lunch" approach and had decided to entrust me with five dollars.

"Where are the twins?" I muttered completely ignoring his nagging.

"Your mother picked them up an hour ago... she wants you to come over this weekend, I told her I'd ask"

Before you assume anything, no I don't hate my mother we just don't get along, and I find myself having frequent anxiety attacks when I'm around her, and Matthew, my step-dad.

"No commitment..." I mumbled

"No." He answered while discarding of the morning breakfast he'd made.

"Okay" I managed through a mouthful of cheesy toast and eggs.

With a small grimace, he left the kitchen leaving me to finish off my toast and orange juice.

"Love you too!" I hollered through a smirk.

I settled for a muffled grunt, and began to discard of my now empty dishes. My dad was a simple man that didn't require much, and didn't ask for anything. He just wanted my brothers and I to be happy.

"You ready" He grumbled as he wrestled with his tie, a task he would always before leave to my mother.

"Dad, YouTube probably has great tutorials on how to put on a tie" I snickered while dodging his glare

He turned back to the blue and white striped tie with puzzlement, before finally dropping his hands in defeat and slowly allowing his two crinkled brown eyes to gaze at me pleading for help.

"I thought you'd never ask Mark"

"Isabelle Marie!"

Letting out a small chuckle I quickly assisted my father with his tie, feeling quite lucky I knew how to do it, and mentally noting that my future husband would be in good, capable hands.

"Okay all done!" I smiled patting his shoulder as he passed me a thank-you smile and grabbed his suit jacket and briefcase.

"These are going to be the best four years of your life Izzy"

I sighed before giving a behind the back eye roll.

"Yeah dad, I got the same slogan at the student orientation"

He chuckled slightly as he walked to the white BMW, I then turned to grab my car keys and my official Liberty High I.D. off the front table.

"I'm just parroting then" he smiled as he opened my car door.

Sliding into the driver's seat, I buckled up as my dad proceeded to close my door. Rolling down the window I prepared myself for his "drive safe" speech.

"No speeding, if you think you can surpass a yellow light... DON'T! Everybody is a reckless driver so stay aware of your surroundings and for goodness sake Izzy-"

"Don't text and drive, yeah dad I've got it" I grumbled before tuning my radio to 95.1.

"I mean it Isabelle" he hollered as he made his way to his red Lexus.

Shaking my head at his helicopter parent ways I dropped my phone into the cup holder then proceeded to back out of the driveway of my suburban home. My dad did the same only turning in the opposite direction to head into his 9-5 accountant job. Fixing my rear-view mirror, I then continued to turn Sia: Cheap Thrills up maximum volume.


I don't think I ever enjoyed school. My mom said I was such a terrible kindergartener she decided to homeschool me. Then she got married to my step dad and he didn't believe in children staying home, because according to him "education is key" even though he was an assistant manager at Subway. So, I was dumped into Anderson Elementary at the start of 1st grade, and that's when I realized school sucked.

"Alex! Get up! Mom wants you to make us breakfast!" screamed Sammy

Kicking my black comforter to the floor I managed to make my way out of my bedroom and down the beaten stairs.

"Everybody sit down, and shut the hell up"

"I'm telling Daddy you cussed!" chirped David

The smugness oozed from his face at the thought of me getting in trouble.

"Shut the hell up, and sit down"

His almond colored eyes turned into slits as he slid down into the kitchen chair. Sammy and Ethan laughing at his predicament. Rubbing the rest of the sleep from my eyes I progressed to prepare six bowls of Lucky Charms the only cereal my mom and Andy managed to keep stocked in the house.

"We had lucky charms yesterday" voiced Reagan

"More like icky charms" chuckled Sammy

"You're gonna eat it regardless" I muttered

I didn't dislike my siblings but then again, I didn't really know them. When I was forced by my step dad to attend public school my biological father got ear of it and took the opportunity to claim neglect and he surprisingly got full custody, then he overdosed and died but that happened later down the line but in between him getting custody and his fatal overdose my mother had managed to have two children with my ex-stepdad and three with my current stepdad Andy. She isn't a whore, she was just lonely.

"Alex said hell daddy" yelled David who then covered his own mouth realizing his mistake.

A 5-year-old is a shitty excuse for a snitch in my opinion.

"Well I'll be damned David, you just said it to" Andy bellowed before scooping a prepared bowl of cereal up into his calloused brown hands.

"I didn't mean to daddy" he whimpered, so upset that he'd been bad.

Through a mouthful of marshmallows Andy attempted a smile which then caused blue milk to ooze from his mouth then he swallowed and shouted, "Hush that whining"

"Yes sir" David mumbled, slouching further into his chair.

Holding back laughs, the three other children kept their heads buried into their shoulders as if they were watching their cereal dance around.

"First day of school mis beb!" mom chirped as she placed Henry in his high chair.

Cheers and claps sounded throughout the kitchen, most of them from Andy, a contractor who during summertime didn't "get off work" until the tiny monsters were fast asleep.

"High school mi primer amor" she whispered in my ear before slightly shaking my shoulders, the smile on her face radiating happiness.

"Yay" I mumbled continuing to cook my pancakes

"I wanted pancakes!" David shouted while attempting his sour face, brown curls falling in his doe-shaped eyes.

"Well boo-hoo" I snickered

"Alex" mom eased her voice dripping with disapproval

I watched as he quickly stuck his tongue out at me before dropping his bowl into the sink and running off to put on his shoes. David was the worst of them all.

"He loves you the most you know" mom spoke as she fed spoonsful of oatmeal to Henry.

Leaving her without a response I sat down at the table and ate my pancakes with the mistakenly purchased sugar-free syrup, and chased the semi-terrible taste with a cup of water.

"Are you excited mi rayo de sol"

My mother never experienced school, being that she was taking care of my grandparents up until she was 16, and had me at 18 the chance never presented itself. I don't see why it's so important, but then again, I did because my mother can only work retail or fast food, and Andy is only making 12.50 an hour for a job that could very much kill him.

"Alex, what's the matter" she questioned, her green eyes filled with concern.

"Mom it's high school, meaning it's just like middle school but with bigger people and bigger problems to face."

Rising from the kitchen table I advanced to the sink to clean the dishes left by my siblings.

"When you've got that diploma baby you'll see why it's so life fulfilling... but I just want you to enjoy every moment."

Hated when she pulled the sappy approach, the whole "do better than I did" lecture.

"I got it mom, don't be a dropout"

With a sigh of exasperation and a small eye roll she lifted Henry out of his high chair, propped him on her lap and begin wiping the leftover oats from his cheeks.

"Emmie! Where my boots at!" Andy called from the living room

"Check the hall closet baby" she replied, lifting from the kitchen table and simultaneously propping Henry on her hip to go and assist his father.

"You'll love it... I promise" she said through a smile before heading into the living room.

I knew I wouldn't, school had always been this bad dream for me. I finished cleaning the kitchen and carried myself up to the second story to my bedroom to tackle what I would wear. Ambling down the hallway that held clothes and crayon colored walls I could hear Sammy and Reagan discussing where they would meet after each period. Now that Reagan was 12 she would be entering middle school with Sammy, and that put them both over the moon. Ethan, and David didn't quite care for friendships and pacts like the girls, and besides elementary school didn't determine anything for you like middle and high school did.

"I'm leaving in 5 minutes if you aren't in the car you'll be riding with your father" mom hollered to the monsters

"Nooo! His car smells like burnt wood and paint" Sammy groused

Holding in my laugh I slid into my bedroom where a pile of jeans, shirts, and jackets lay. Glancing over at the clock I realized I had an hour to waste so I chose to lounge in my underwear before deciding on what I'd wear today. A knock on my door and a faint "mi amor" told me my mom wasn't finished marveling at the realization I was going to high school.

"MamI'm trying to get dress I don't need you breathing down my neck" I grumbled

Opening the door, I was greeted with her holding a box containing the shoes I'd been begging for since the beginning of the year. Our money situation had prevented me from getting them.

"Mom! Seriously" it'd been awhile since I smiled so I assumed that's why she teared up, not because she'd spent a hundred dollars on a pair of sneakers.

"I want to make sure you look "muy bueno" on your first day mi amor" she beamed, as she placed the box, which held red Nike Huaraches, in my hands.

My life wasn't perfect, but I sure did have some pretty perfect moments

"Thanks mom, it really does mean the world."

Pulling me in for her signature bone-crushing hug, she told me she loved me and was off to help Ethan or maybe David find their other shoe. Closing my bedroom door again I decided on an outfit to match my new kicks, and then prepared my Black Jansport backpack filling it with two notebooks, a pen, headphones, a hoodie, and lunch money. Another knock broke me from my train of thought, and with an aggravated sigh I opened the door to find Andy staring down at his work boots.

"Yeah?" I mumbled unsure of what he of all people were doing at my door voluntarily.

"Good luck today... don't let anybody intimidate you... You're a really smart kid, and no fights this year... Boxing is for the ring, not the streets." His brown eyes flew over everything but my face as he gave his "fatherly advice" probably enforced by my mother because according to her we were all his children not just the younger three.

"I gotcha, thanks I guess"

He forced a nod then proceeded down the creaky white steps. The thing with Andy and I is that we had a mutual understanding of each other he was the closest I'd ever gotten to a father figure, but I was too far grown up unlike Sammy and Reagan to call him Dad. He was cool with me calling him Andy, and he looked out for me like I was his own, so there stood the mutual understanding. Closing my door for the second time, I proceeded to pick up my backpack, and skateboard, turn off the lamp that flickered when you bumped my night table, and made my way down the steps. After another goodbye from mom, and a small smile from Andy I was out the door and on my way to hell itself.


School traffic is a pain, but I'd sit through this before allowing myself to be a "public school bus" rider. The bus in my opinion screamed future drop-outs, and teen parent aspirants I on the other hand was aspiring to be a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner while also balancing 2.5 kids and a working husband.

Beep. beep.

Looking up into my mirror there behind me hand still fully pressed on their horn was THE Kelly Swan, and I came to the horrific realization she was bumping her horn at me! So much for good first impressions, realizing I'm preventing traffic from flowing accordingly I apply a little gas and head into the parking lot of Liberty High. Instead of thinking about how I'm going to make my first year my best year ever, I can't get the image of Kelly Swan with furrowed eyebrows staring at the back of my white BMW probably heavily judging the "I love puppies" bumper sticker.

"Belle!" screamed Maggie, my feisty brown haired bestie who's been by my side since 6th grade at Walter Dawes Elementary.

I managed to push the Queen Kelly situation to the back of my mind in order to give her my best smile and the biggest hug.

"Magnolia Jean, how are you!" I shrieked

Pulling back from the hug she glared at me with gray eyes, her caramel colored skin glistening in the sun.

"Stop that Isabelle Marie" she retorted

Given that we both hated our given names, we constantly made jabs at each other's predicament.

"I can't believe we survived Miss. Baker's horrendous English PowerPoints, and those repulsive taco Tuesdays"

"You couldn't have read my mind any better" I added

Grabbing my brown, and beige Michael Kors backpack from the back seat, an apology gift from my step-dad, I then grabbed my phone and water bottle.

"I think Kelly Swan hates me" I muttered while attempting to put my phone in the side pocket of my bag, only to look up and find a puzzled Maggie.

" She doesn't even know you Belle" she trailed while eyeing up a red-haired boy grabbing his backpack from the back trunk of his car.

"Yeah well, I was somewhere off in lala land that I didn't realize the light was green, and the rest is history" I whined

"I don't understand" she countered

"She was behind me, laid down on her horn so long I'm sure it's broken"

The laughter quite literally caught me off guard, and before I could become even the least bit frustrated with her antics she spoke.

"Isabelle, you're having a mental breakdown over your own ability to space out?"

Passing her a small scowl I climbed the stairs and strode through the front doors not allowing the earlier dilemma to ruin my entire first day. Maggie and I decided to part ways in order to locate our assigned lockers, pinpointing locker 248 I discarded of everything I wouldn't need for the time being, and then sent a quick text message to Maggie telling her to meet me in the library. I then took time to soak in my new surroundings, glancing around the large building I gazed over the blue, and white walls plastered with different posters and slogans. Closing my locker door and securing my lock I began my short journey to the library. I didn't care to find out who my locker neighbors were because that was something left for those freshmen eager to make new friends. Internally thanking the student orientation that briefed me on the buildings I could promptly locate the library, and Maggie who'd already found us a study room.

"Sucks we aren't locker buddies... I'm really going to miss that" she verbalized

"Me too, but when we're Juniors will be able to pick our lockers and I'm absolutely positive we will be locker buddies."

She rolled her eyes before turning to glance over our schedules, peering over her shoulder I noted that we had two classes together. Algebra 1 Honors, and Gym.

"We don't have lunch, but I'm pretty sure you have it with Anderson, and Ellie" she mumbled as she continued to compare them.

"So, a pretty good schedule, wouldn't you agree Mags?" I questioned, swiping the creased paper up into my hands to further scrutinize my classes.

"Yeah, I guess, I just hate that I have lunch with the dreadful Baker boys"

She began to fake gag before placing her schedule back in the front of her purple binder.

"Whatever! You've had the biggest crush on BJ since the 7th grade, ever since he asked you to the middle school formal... Sucks that you got the flu the day before though" I couldn't help the bubble of laughter that ensued as she glared me down.

"I think I have the exact opposite feelings for Bentley James, he's very... very-"

"Cute!" I shrieked, receiving another signature scowl.

"More like grotesque"

Laughing I applauded her on the use of one of Miss. Baker's scholar words. Then the first bell rung, and the reality set in.

"Well this is it" I managed through half uncertainty, and giddiness.

Maggie's eyes full of worry, and a hint of optimism.

"Yeah, I'm off to Culinary" she smiled

"And I'm off to Biology"

With one final hug, and a whisper of good luck we exited the study room and parted ways, Maggie taking the west wing out, and I the east.

You ever get a feeling in your stomach like something in your life is going to change or happen, like you're about to embark on the greatest journey ever and it's going to be life altering, that's how I feel in this moment, like I'm embarking on this amazing journey and I don't even know how life-changing it's going to be.


School is like having an extremely boring job that doesn't pay you any money. The principal is your lazy boss who only comes around to pester you about getting your work done and if you don't "you're fired" or in the case of school "failing". The lunchroom is the break room where you have the different co-workers who bunch together in their groups and talk about other groups, the classes your workshops, and meetings that are pretty much useless and don't prepare you for anything but how to better a presentation in order to get a promotion, or again in the case of school all A's on your report card, so you can then take it home to your spouse, my example parents, and be praised for doing such a good job. School is shit, and you don't even get paid to deal with the crap that it creates.


Bringing my skateboard to a stop I glanced down the sidewalk to see Warren on his bike headed my way, his twin brother Walter lagging as he struggled to hold three thick scientific textbooks in his arms.

"Hey bud" I drawled, not sure if he was going to wait on his smarter counterpart or not.

"Hey-o! so high school babes are smokin' I hear... nice kicks you got there" a wide grinned accompanied by his water mustache which held onto the smallest hairs of blonde above his lip. He'd been growing that mustache since 7th grade, and it still resembled peach fuzz.

As I laughed at Warren I glanced back to Walter whose usual slicked blonde hair was beginning to drop and lay flat on his forehead.

"Are we waiting on him, he's gonna make us late" I examined the small pout on Warren's face his green eyes squinting because of the intrusion of the bright sun.

"Yeah I guess... He'd tell mom if I let him, god he's such a bore."

Letting out a small chuckle I glanced to the sun before back at Walter who now stood panting in front of Warren and me.

"You...could've...helped... me.... you...ass" Walter managed through little puffs of air cheeks still full of baby fat a deep rosy red.

"I'm not your slave, just because you're smarter doesn't mean I have to listen to you, plus I'm technically older so it should be the other way around Einstein"

Walter adjusted his books before retorting.

"5 minutes buddy, you were in the world 5 minutes before I the much smarter and handsomer brother arrived." the pompous grin was enough to make any uneducated fool boil. But we knew Walter and he was all brains, no fight.

"Can we go now" I eased, which temporarily stopped the twin feud.

"Yeah, wouldn't want Walter Einstein to miss school, he'd' probably die from failure." Warren quipped, before repositioning his body on his red bike dumping one of the scientific books in the front basket and pedaling off. Shrugging my shoulders, I grabbed a textbook, and rode after Warren, Walter jogging behind us while simultaneously placing the other textbook in his backpack.

"Here we are boys" bellowed Warren

Walter unphased by his brother's loud nature retrieved his books from our hands while receiving a light nudge from Warren, he was then engulfed by the raging hormonal teenagers.

"We've made it to the big leagues Alex... babes all around, with my good looks, and your... whatever, we will have every and any girl we want"

His expectations were very high for a freshman teenage boy, who knew nothing of the female anatomy except what his older more deviant brother told him.

"Where's Richard? Why didn't you two just catch a ride with him?" I pondered now remembering their older more juvenile brother.

"Mom, and Hank sent him to Main to live with Grandpa Louis, Richard cried the whole plane ride"

"Yikes" I mumbled.

Making our way into Liberty High we parted ways to find our lockers. Maneuvering through the crowd of students I located locker 249, and placed my faded skateboard inside, Warren was walking over with Amber, the only girl I can't seem to get along with. I didn't purposely dislike her, she just tried too hard to be everything she wasn't, it was literally a portion of middle school where she had a huge identity crisis and was telling everybody she was a lesbian, then it was bi-sexual, and now she's straight. I didn't agree with people trying on homosexuality like it was a trend, and I told her that which consequently rubbed her the wrong way. I can't help people get butt hurt so easily.

"Amber" I breathed before turning to adjust my skateboard

"Alexandria" she hissed, dark blue eyes filled with displeasure,

"This is high school you guys no more drama" Warren pleaded, his puppy eyes in full affect.

We shook hands creating a silent agreement to leave the past in the past, and Warren gave a toothy grin as he pulled us both under his arms.

"That's more like it'' he mused

Already aware that the first bell has rung and the tardy bell is not far behind we parted ways, Warren, and I off too Biology.

"This year is going to be our best one yet" he whispered close to my ear before fanning his dirty blonde locks out of his eyes.

Pushing him off my shoulder, I let out a small grunt before entering the classroom, Warren hot on my heels as if not to lose me. We settled in two desk located in the back, first plan of action was to locate the clock, I need to know how long this irrelevant class will last for.


High school honors are more difficult than middle school, and yes I know that should've already been established in my mindset but I must admit I was a little naive to the seriousness of the honors meeting which was held by current honor students to in a sense worn the incoming freshman.

"We've already got an essay, and luckily for me Trevor I copied down all the notes" exclaimed Walter Long, an overachiever who could be cute if he didn't only speak nerd, and would trade his bifocals in for contacts.

"Can you believe this guy, it's literally the first day of school, and I hate his guts" seethed Danny who quite possibly was the only cute freshman boy in my Biology Honors class.

"I know right" I added falling into line with his steps.

He allowed his hazel eyes to roam my face before sticking his hand out.

"Danny Swan, it's nice to meet you" he smiled the cutest smile, and I took his hand in mine before we both decided on dropping them. I giggled as I adjusted my backpack strap, and he used his hand to move the brown almost black hair from his eyes.

"Is your sister by any chance-"

"Kelly Swan? Yeah she is" he chuckled

Before I could tell him to put in a good word Maggie was sidled up beside me with a huge grin, and her "Is this what I think it is" look.

"Well see you tomorrow Danny" I spoke, exchanging quick waves then turning to a smug Maggie.

"May I help you Magnolia Jean" I spoke, knowing she'd be to thrown off by the use of her name to even question the relationship budding between Danny and me.

"Not funny Isabelle" she muttered

I quickly tickled her side to emit that ever so bright smile, and then she was happy once again.

"High school is way more intense" Maggie spoke after her small laughing fit.

"Yeah no kidding! Mr. Ramsey, gave us a five-page essay on today's PowerPoint, and he was going so fast I only managed to copy the first four"

"How many slides were left?" Maggie pondered as she placed her Culinary smock in her locker, while concurrently grabbing her Biology book.

"17!" I exclaimed burying my hands into my face attempting to push my eye sockets out, so I could just go home and not have to ever come back to school.

"Oh jeepers Belle, you write really slow" she closed her locker and gave me a small frown.

"I hate sloppy handwriting Mags, I can't help it" I retorted with a slight whine behind each word.

"Well just ask your new boy toy Danny if you can copy his notes" she winked

Opening my locker, I shot her an eye roll before remembering who he was, and what power he held.

"Maggie! He's Kelly's brother! If we become friends it's almost a for sure bet I'll be in there!"

To distracted by her bracelet, she nodded her head and waited for me to exchange my current books for World History.

"Did you hear me!" I voiced loudly which gained a few head turns, and quizzical looks.

"Yes, now pipe down we're looking like those loud obnoxious freshmen." she nagged, before shutting my locker, and motioning me towards the girl's bathroom.

"Sorry, I just can't believe she has a brother our age... How come I've never seen him before?" I pondered not expecting an answer but getting one from Maggie by surprise.

"He was in boarding school, at least that's what I heard from Susie Dean."

I studied this answer for a few minutes and realized it made logical sense because, Susie's father was friends with Dr. Swan or Kelly's Father who also happens to be my Doctor, at least that's what I gathered from the fishing trip picture located on his office wall of him and Mr. Dean.

"Makes sense... well this just might be the answer to my prayers Mags"

I glanced over to Maggie who again was too lost in her own world to make note of my new-found information as well so instead I watched as she adjusted her curly dark brown hair before I turned towards the streaked mirror, and began to reapply my fading lip gloss, re-line my bright blue eyes, and lay down the fly always spouting from my light brown covered head.

"Well Belle, whatever will get you back in the limelight... you deserve every and anything you want my little wooty" she chastised before laughing, and moving into a stall. Shaking my head, I quickly placed my makeup in my makeup bag, and threw it into my backpack. I washed my hands cleared my eyes of any leftover eye boogers, and checked for time.

"You've got three minutes to pee! That leaves us both with two minutes to make it to class on time." before I could begin her countdown she was out and washing her hands, and with a quick hug we parted ways. I'm beginning to understand that signing up for honors classes was a way for me to test my abilities and really strut my stuff for future college applications, but now I'm starting to second guess my decisions.


You ever feel like you're under a microscope at different parts of the day when it comes to school. How when you're in a new classroom for the very first time, and the teacher feels obligated to know each of their students so they use a salty and buttered up game like "popcorn" to get the ball running. So here I stand like a bug under a microscope, eyes of different colors and shades gazing at me waiting for me to indulge in what felt like twenty questions, and with that I gave a deep sigh and a signature eye roll.

"I'm Alex Martinez, I have five siblings, and I'm originally from Brooklyn, New York... I love soccer, and track...um... my favorite subject is English because I love writing... and this summer I hung out with my friends and helped my step dad on his boat."

Slouching back down into the wooden desk, I watched as the eyes turned back to the front of the classroom and waited for the next victims name to be called. I would hate to be a teacher.

"My names Alex, and I love soccer and track" mimicked Warren who added on a silent snicker pushing his head further into the crook of his tan colored arm, the slight lift from his red t-shirt showed off the paler counterpart.

"Shut up asshole" I muttered as I attempted to hold back the smile that almost protruded from my face.

Turning back towards our teacher, Ms. Ivy, a young African-American woman whose hair was long and thick, brown eyes so big they're reminded me of an abyss, and legs that went on for miles and miles. If that wasn't a good description just know goodness damn she's hot.

"You're drooling buddy" whispered Warren his emerald eyes oozing with mischief.

I rolled my pupils and opened my binder, copying every ounce of information on the board internally shaking my head knowing that it would just get pushed to the bottom of my backpack forgotten with everything else I find no se for.

"Class there will be an evaluation of where you are this week and next, please do not stress about it. We only want to see where you are and what would be the best environment for you" Ms. Ivy smiled and as if she knew it would, the bell rung.

"They're just trying to see who's dumb and whose smart" I muttered pushing past my classmates.

"Well I better prepare myself to be placed in the educationally challenged group" Warren voiced, unbothered by the idea of him being placed in a dropout prevention program.

To be completely honest I was unbothered as well. Teachers and administrators are always looking for a way to get rid of the unteachable.

"Who cares anyways, Richard went through it and he said is way more fun than regular classes"

Warren wanted to be just like his older brother, and nobody understood why it wasn't like him and Richard were close. If anything, Richard despised both his younger brothers I recall a time when he would purposely put Warren in messed up situations just to be an asshole.

"I don't know... it would probably kill my mom if I got into that program... she's really under this impression that I'm gonna get out and actually become somebody"

"Sounds wicked boring if you ask me" he added

Shoving his shoulder, we placed ourselves in front of my locker, as I opened it I placed my biology textbook deep inside, and simultaneously grabbed my algebra book.

"Man, I won't see you again until English" I didn't like the idea but it seemed as if Warren were sad. His eyes glazed over.

"Warren you pussy, it's not like I'm leaving forever" I pushed him roughly into the direction of his locker so he could retrieve his books for next period.

"I'm not a pussy" he grumbled wiping his eyes quickly as he opened his locker. I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up and out of me, it didn't help the situation when he sent a scowl my way.

"Uh yeah you are. Crying because our schedules don't match up class for class"

"Shit man I ain't crying" he mumbled, slamming his locker door, and headed in the direction of his World History class.

"Wait up! I'm sorry Ms. Pussy I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" the laughter had come before all my words and I didn't notice his semi-red face and the balled fist.

He sent one good push my way, and down I went with another body under me. It's moments like this one where I realize school just isn't for me, it's the complete stopping of all things. Tweeting, and snapping have ceased and all eyes rest on me and the other culprit who unknowingly has become wrapped up in my shenanigans.

"Get. Off. Me." She hissed

Raising to my feet I adjusted my backpack then extended a hand for her to grab. With a small look of disgust, she fanned my hand and was shortly assisted by a mixed girl whose gray eyes showed worry. Shrugging my shoulders, I proceeded to walk off, high school students of all ages uninterested in the altercation by now falling in suit with each other and carrying on with their day.

"Sorry" Warren managed through his smile, so giddy he'd gotten me back

I couldn't be mad at him, his slightly crooked teeth and large green eyes had me bursting into laughter.

"It's cool, besides that girl is a total bitch"

Warren nodded in agreement before adding

"Yeah she thinks she so great, she's hot in all but her attitude sucks, that I'm better than you cause my parents have money attitude"

Silently agreeing with him, I knocked his shoulder before heading in the direction of my Algebra class. Girls like her were the reason I hated school as well, the vibes they emitted were sour and stale. The whole "you have to be pretty and rich" to hang with me persona.

"See ya later" Warren bellowed before entering the classroom two doors down.

Shaking my head I entered the classroom that was covered in anything and everything math. Poster boards promoting math, and the FUNdamentals it encouraged made me sick. My teacher, an older guy with brown hair and gray roots, and a limp that was only noticeable if you stared, and that I did. His name Mr. Tanks was written sloppily across the board, the slight shake in his hand making his A look like a dysfunctional Q. After giving him my signature once over I maneuvered through the rows of desk finding the perfect one in the far back corner next to the window.

"Good Morning future mathematicians!"

His voice was light and thick, a cough behind every long sentence.

"This year is about everyone finding that love for math they didn't know was nestled deep inside" he glanced over the unenthused freshman before turning to the white board to begin his lesson. Sucks for me that I hate math with every ounce in me because this guy seems cool.


The bell had sounded and in the fifty minutes he was given he hadn't intrigued me at all about the FUNdamentals of math if anything I was more confused than before. Standing outside my classroom I glanced in the direction of Warren's classroom to find the door still closed. He must have a "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do" teacher. Before I could sigh and slide to the floor classroom 126 doors flew opened and out bounded freshman of many backgrounds, Warren was talking to Quincy, a childhood friend who told the best jokes. Walking over we pounded fists and inquired about each other's summer. We said our goodbyes and parted ways Warren and I glided through the hallways.

"Q is the funniest man" Warren breathed a smile so big he could rip his face in half

Shaking my head in agreement we made our way down the hallway. I just want to go home, it was the first day of the next four years of my life and I just wanted to go home.

"I'm skipping" I managed.

Warren stopped dead in his tracks before pulling my shoulder back and looking me in the eye.

"What the hell Alex! I thought we left the kiddie stuff in middle school"

Warren rarely ever got mad, and when he did you kind of felt more bad for making him that way. He was my best friend and I hated to see him upset.

"I just can't man, this sucks. I'm not happy" glancing at the floor instead of into his eyes.

"Alex. Come on it's not that bad you can push through for me, can't you?" His smile was small

Shaking my head, I entered my assigned locker bay and located my locker. Stuffing everything useless to me inside I retrieved my skateboard, and closed the locker door ever so slowly hoping not to see Warren with his puppy dog face in full affect. He was there and the face was still trying to work it's magic.

"Tomorrow I'll stay, and I'll even sleep over"

With a sigh, and a light handshake to seal the deal he said fine, and I was off.

"See you tomorrow okay"

It's not anxiety or depression, I just simply hate it here.


It feels like my first day is bound to be a complete failure, from my incident with Queen Kelly, to some random tomboy pushing to the ground. My first was falling into shambles.

"Hey, you okay" asked a worried Maggie

My mother in the face of all my boo-boos and stumbles.

"Yeah" I turned away from Maggie's worried face to receive the apology I was entitled to, but no one was there the blue-eyed tomboy was gone I caught a small glimpse of short brown curls, and that's all.

"She didn't apologize" I muttered

Turning to Maggie who's faced held a small frown, moving into my personal space to comfort me. She smelt like strawberries, and Victoria Secret perfume, I breathed in her scent and used it to calm me I could t afford to have an anxiety attack not now. Not ever.

"It's okay Belle, don't let it stress you out" Maggie's motherly tone slowly brought me back to reality.

Taking two more giant breaths, I stood back and place my hands over my eyes, forcibly pushing the few tears that had escaped back into my sockets from which they had fell.

"You're right"

With a minuscule smile, and a reassuring wink I headed towards class. World History was probably the easiest class I signed up for people don't expect a blonde hair blue-eyed vixen like myself to be good at anything but dating boys and doing make-up it feels good not be a clich

"See ya" Maggie voiced over her shoulder heading into her Algebra class.

With one final wave, I entered the humid classroom where I was faced with a white male handing out packets as thick as textbooks.


His red hair was brightly illuminated by the above lights, dressed in tan dress pants and a yellow shirt I couldn't help but be taken aback. He slapped the packet down into my hands, and the front read in large bold letters WORLD HISTORY HONORS: MR. JONES.


Searching through the seat I found my name in big blue letters on a sticky note my "next door neighbors" was an African-American girl named Julie, and a Hispanic boy named Andres. Julie was petite with glasses bigger than her perched on her nose, her hair was in braids that fell to her shoulders she was scanning over the syllabus. Andres was a black-haired freshman who looked almost scared to be in Mr. Jones class, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit scared either. Pulling out the binder specifically assigned for this class I begin to write down dates I felt were most important in the calendar located on top of my college ruled paper. At exactly 10:35 the bell sounded in Mr. Jones closed in locked his door, I assumed he cared nothing for the freshman who could possibly be lost on their first day. This was a good assumption when a small knock echoed through the quiet classroom. Proceeding to the door he opened to find a very small boy standing with two books in his hand, and big brown eyes his black hair falling in his eyes.

"Don't make this a habit Mr. Late" was all he said before plopping the thick syllabus down into the pencil thin arms of the shaken boy.

I couldn't help but bite my lip l, nervous at what I could possibly do wrong in the future to be out on the spot like that, and given a horrid nickname. I hoped I would never find out.

A whole class period later, my bladder is full and I'm so mentally exhausted that I can't be bothered to locate Maggie's classroom, and wait on her. I head to my locker where I discard the 20-pound packet and grab my laptop for Spanish 2, the only class of mine that would have seniors all the way down to freshman.

"Thanks for waiting Isabelle Marie"

I turned to find a scowling Maggie with her hands placed firmly on her hips.

"Sorry babe, my teacher from hell had me so flustered I forgot" putting in my "I'm sorry" face I waited to be let off the hook.

"Fine, I have to pee" she spoke adding on the famous potty dance for effect.

"Me too" I urged

Pushing through the crowded hallway we managed to make it into the nearest girl's room where we both handle our personal business.

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