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This is Day Five of the Promptly Potter challenge. it's another SpaceWizard Mystery. |
SpaceWizards (Another SpaceWizards Action/Adventure Mystery) Becoming a SpaceWizard wasn’t an easy thing to do. Just being a great wizard wasn’t good enough. You had to prove yourself in a battle against an already SpaceWizard. It was like a Gym Battle in Pokemon. Only instead of using Pokemon to do your battling, you had to do it yourself. And if you think Gym Leaders are hard to beat, SpaceWizards were ten times harder. Like getting your Driver’s License, you don’t always become a SpaceWizard the first time or even the second time. This is a story about one of those times. “The Beginning” A Short Story Remember By Yena Three Fire Balls and four electrical strings hit Horrald all over him. The Fire Balls struck him in his head, his chest, and just below his stomach while the electrical strings struck his arms and legs. Horrald was pushed back a little after the Fire Balls exploded. But that’s all that happened to him. He smiled evilly toward his attackers. Then he started mumbling. All around the large meeting room, the Quantians started disappearing. I don’t think Horrald is killing these Quantians. Mairon looked down at the twenty rows of seated Quantians as they randomly disappeared. Each row of fifty seats was about half empty. If there not a part of Horrald’s army now, then what did happen to them? Jacci stared at the two rows of ten each Quantians facing the fifty rows. Yena was also looking at the twenty Quantians. None of them had disappeared yet. There’s only one way for us to know what’s really going on here. You’re not going to try something stupid again, are you? Angoria asked. It looks like it’s random. But it’s not. Before anyone could respond, Yena jetted down to an empty seat below. A few seconds later she disappeared too. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== Where am I? I was right about them not dying. But I was wrong why they disappeared. I’m still on Quanti. It’s just a different part of it. Yena stood in a Wooded Area. After a few seconds of just glancing around her, Yena started walking through that Wooded Area. Several minutes later she suddenly stopped just after she walked out of that Wooded Area. Her jaw dropped in shock. No wonder none of you responded to my thoughts a few minutes ago. I was wrong again. I’m not on the planet of Quanti. I’m on my home planet of Gooth. I am at the beginning of my quest to become a SpaceWizard. This was where it all began. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== What happened to Yena? Pacill thought as he looked at the other SpaceWizards. They looked shocked. One second she was here, and the next she wasn’t. do you think she’s dead too? Borrele just stared at the seat that Yena sat in only a few seconds ago. I don’t think that they are dead, either. Mairon glanced over at Borrele. Then he looked back at the empty seat. I don’t know where Yena is at. But she’s not dead. If she were I would feel it. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== Yena started walking toward the center of a large almost oval clearing surrounded by a Wooded Area. “This is where I practiced my wizardry.” “This is the place I created because I didn’t think I would ever become a SpaceWizard. I didn’t want anyone to know that until I became one. And I was going become one, which I did. But that wasn’t an easy journey.” =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== We need to find Yena. Find them all, but Yena most of all. Stavon looked over at Horrald as the disappeared ended. Horrald smiled evilly at the SpaceWizards then disappeared too. Of course, we do. But how are we going to do that? Jacci asked. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== “Why did Horrald send me back here? Was it just to separate me from the others or is there another reason why I’m here?” Yena slowly scanned that clearing. She suddenly turned and shot a Fire Ball at a tree. The Fire Ball exploded when it touched that already damaged tree. “I don’t know why for several reasons. But I think I’m here to re-live me becoming a SpaceWizard.” =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== Pacill mumbled something. A few seconds later all the moving Quantians below froze. What I think we need to do first is find out where the Quantians are really at. Once we do that we can find Yena too. I agree with that thought, said Mairon. let’s separate and find Yena. without another thought, the SpaceWizards separated from each other and started floating down toward the Quantians below them. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== Pointing at a small tree, Yena shot an electrical string at it. That string made another hole in that tree. Yena spun around and fired a small Fire Ball at a tree after she closed her hand into a fist the opening it to fire that Fire Ball. “You are very good with Fire Balls and electrical strings. But how good are you at spells?” Yena spun around, and her jaw dropped in shock when she saw who just spoke to her. It was Horrald. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== Angoria smiled. I think I know what happened to the Quantians. The other SpaceWizards looked at her then ran toward her. Within a few seconds, she was holding three neck ornaments in front of them. The first two showed the images of two Quantians on each side of it. But the third one only showed one female image. A male was seated next to this female before he disappeared. Angoria held up the ornament with the single image in it. I think they have been sent into their past. And they did something different that eliminated them from the present. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== I forgot that it was Horrald that made me a SpaceWizard. How could I forget something like that? Yena thought after she mumbled something. Maybe that’s why he brought me back. He brought me back in time so it would be easier to kill me. Yena raised her hands and fired two Fire Balls out of her palms. Horrald easily slapped them into two different trees where they exploded. “Why did you do that?” Thinking quickly, “You just surprised me. I didn’t think anyone else knew about this place.” “I have been watching you for several weeks. And I think you would make a great SpaceWizard. You do want to become a SpaceWizard, don’t you?” =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== “We still remember Yena. So, she hasn’t changed past yet.” Mairon sat behind the controls of their spaceship. The others sat in chairs right behind them. Stavon leaned forward to speak to Mairon softly. “We might only remember her because we are SpaceWizards. She might have already done something to eliminate herself from ever existing.” “That’s why we are headed for Gooth. We need to find out if she’s still among the living before we can figure out a way to bring her back to us.” Mairon tapped a button on the control panel. And the streaks on the view screen started streaking faster. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== “You have been practicing for the last four months. That’s one hundred and sixty days. Do you think you are ready to become a SpaceWizard?” Horrald by the entrance to a Practice Chamber. Very similar to the one on the spaceship. “Do you think I am ready?” Yena asked. Then she went back to mumbling some spells. Horrald didn’t say anything for about a minute. “You are still a little on spells. But you are very strong on Fire Balls and electrical strings. So, yes, I think you are ready to become a SpaceWizard.” =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== “Now that we know Yena isn’t non-existent yet, what are we going to do about it? How are we going to get her back to the present before she does something in the past?” Angoria asked Mairon as they walked down the corridor of their spaceship. Before Mairon could respond, Angoria continued. “I have encountered several Time spells. But they have only gone back a hundred years or two at the most.” “Mine have gone back that far, either. None of us have. I don’t know how I know it. But she is back there.” A few seconds later Mairon continued. “Jacci is looking for a way to bring her back. But I don’t think we will need her diary, this time. All we have to do is get a message to the Yena back then. And she will bring her back to us. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== “So, you lost the last battle. You’ll do much better this time. You almost won last time.” Horrald and Yena circled around a disaster area that used to be the Practice Chamber. There were still pieces of the chamber that could be seen. “Rules are the same. The first one to fall three times losses. But there is one additional rule, though. You can’t use Fire Balls or electrical strings. All you can use are spells.” Yena mumbled something. That was part of the second SpaceWizard Challenge before. Is this how he’s going to kill me? =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== Someone entered the disaster area and walked up to Yena who sat in a curried state on some broken pieces of that Practice Chamber. “Here, let me help you up.” Yena reached for the hand being offered to you as she looked up. She quickly pulled her hand back. “We can't touch each other. If we do, we are both dead. Is that how Horrald plans on killing me?” “Horrald? What does he have to do with your time travel problem?” Before present day Yena can respond past Yena continued. “Touching isn’t going to kill us. That’s a Universal Myth. I’m not here to kill you. In fact, it’s just the opposite. I am here to sent you back to your time. And touching is how we do that.” =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-===== “How did you send a message to me almost thirty thousand years ago?” Yena asked Mairon as they walked down their spaceship corridor. “That’s an easy spell to do. Sending a Time Message is a lot easier than sending an individual. In fact, sending it told us how Horrald sent you back that far. He sent you the same way.” “Horrald turned you into a message. Then sent you into their past. We still don’t know why he did it to the Quantians. But we think he did it to lure one of us into his Time Trap.” “I want you to tell everything that happened because of me while I was gone. After all, this is my story to tell someday.” Word Count = 1,644 |