Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2120441-Euraia
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2120441
When a discovery that Adam finds goes downhill with him and his friends, things get crazy.

(Chapter One, Part One)

Waters splashing, Sun shining, wind blowing. All these things were occurring as Cameron sunbathed on his beach chair that burned his back so fiercely that anyone looking would think his skin color was much darker than it actually was. He let out a sigh as he enjoyed the wonders of the beach that would've been missed should he have stayed home playing video games.

"Well? What did I tell ya?" The girl next to him said, giving off that "I told you so" look. Cameron rolled his eyes as he put down the metal sunbather and responded.

"Yeah, yeah. You were right, Mad. Maybe it was a good idea to come out here today."

"Damn straight, it was! Even on a Tuesday, the beach is perfect, especially nowadays, since the global warming thing brought the temperature up."

"Jeez, your a nerd." Cameron punched Maddie's arm lightly, smiling with a little laugh as he did so. She looked back at him, straight into his brownish-gray eyes.

"Well, at least I actually have friends." She stuck her tongue out acting in a childish manner, despite her age of 15.

"Oh, come on! Since when do your internet friends count?"

They continued to throw retorts at each other, until a buzz in Cameron's pocket goes off, most likely his phone. 'Great, who's calling me now?' He contemplated as he reluctantly pulled out his phone. It was Adam, Cameron's best friend.

"Who's Callin' ya?" Maddie curiously asked as she leaned over from her seat to see, resting her arms on Cameron's leg while keeping hers on her chair. Why she does this and not simply get up to see, or even ask, Cameron will never understand.

"Adam. Probably has another thing to show me that he thinks is 'fascinating'." Cameron answered, showing her the phone screen. He quoted with his two fingers on what Adam normally says. Maddie pushed on Cameron's leg, propelling herself back onto her chair.

"Mhmm, sure. Don't take too long, though."

Cameron walked a few feet away, and picked up the call from his friend. He put it up to his ear, sighing while raising it.

"Yo, Cameron! I've found something really friggin' awesome! Meet me by my house in 5." Adam practically yelled through the phone's speaker and into the poor blonde's eardrum before he could even say hello. Sometimes, Cameron swears Adam is the reason his ears feel as if they were impaired.

"Again? Look, maybe later. I'm with Maddie, and-"

"Good! You can bring her too! You'll both want to see this. Trust me, it's not like before, this one cannot be described by anything other than intriguing!"

"You mean whatever your going on about isn't 'fascinating'?" He chuckled lightly after that one.

"S-shut up, just get over here! And quick, it's probably gonna vanish soon, from the looks of it! If you don't come, that favor you owe me is gonna become double!" Adam hung up shortly after that. Cameron debated his options. Should he continue to feed this belief of all these make-believe things, or stay here with Maddie, and probably have the time of his life with her? Naturally, Cameron's first want is to choose the latter, but that favor Adam did for him was a weight in the factor... he walked back over to Maddie, seeking consolation from her as well.

"Welcome back to the world of the living and sane. What'd Mr. Fascinating see this time?"

"Eh, as usual, something that will blow our minds. I'm gonna go check it out, I owe him a favor."

Just as Cameron walked away, Maddie wrapped her skinny, but somehow silky arms around his, her feet dragging off her chair. Cameron looked back at her, to be greeted by eyes that were almost as big as his face. Her bottom lip, quivering violently.

"Don't goo...we were having so much fun, and I finally got you to come outside." She clenched harder to his already red arm from the amount of pressure she was applying, her face explaining it all, making the argument needless.

"It'll be quick, don't worry. Adam's house is right around the corner from here, plus we brought our bikes. Why don't you just come with me? It'll be quicker, and we'll still be together throughout it. I guarantee this will take less than ten minutes." She sighed. Cameron often set his mind out to things, and didn't stop until they were done. A blessing as well as a curse, Maddie took it as.

"And your not changing your mind?" Cameron nodded his head confidently.

"Alright, alright. But promise me we'll be back in ten minutes."

"Ma'am yes ma'am!" He saluted, raising his left hand to his forehead, stretching it across in a diagonal direction. Maddie laughed at this sad attempt of saluting. She hopped on his back, expecting Cameron to carry her. Unfortunately, he didn't pick up on that. The blonde dolt lot his balance and tripped. This wasn't nearly as bad for him as it was for her. Maddie was absolutely crushed by Cameron, since her body was so much slimmer compared to his chubby one. As he got off, she could of sworn she heard a couple of bones crack.

"S-sorry!" Cameron pleaded, helping Maddie get up. She took his hand, gathering her bearings as he swooped her up on her feet.

"No, no, my fault. Should have told you."

"Here, try again." He lowered down onto the ground, crouching without allowing his knees to touch the sand. Maddie got on and he ran out of the beach.

Maddie looked behind her, admiring the beach one last time before she left it. 'Goodbye, beach. Be back soon,' She thought to herself, reaching back with the hand that didn't feel crushed as the same man dashed as fast as his portly body would carry the both of them.

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