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Just your average morning for these three roommates: a macro and two micros |
Michael yawned as he began to wake, spotted arms stretched taut over the hyena's head. He let out a groan of annoyance, lamenting over the loss of the dream he'd been having. So many adventures, lost forever. A real shame. He considered trying to go back to bed for the time being... but soon remembered he actually had things to do. The struggles of having roommates who can't do much for themselves. Speaking of such roommates, as Michael pulled the sheets from his torso, he was reminded of just where one of them was. "Ugh... Michael!" the micro wolf on his slightly pudgy belly groaned, eyes clenched shut against the sudden light of day. His small body made a small pocket just around his belly button, tickling Michael as the wolf rolled over in anguish. "Turn the lights off...." he groaned. The hyena chuckled, only further waking Gavin with the bouncing his mirthful laughter created. The wolf tried to grab onto his fur in vain, the hope of going back to sleep dashed for the day. Especially now that his stomach was making a ruckus of growling, the gurgling organ underneath craving food now that the whole body was awake. "No chance, bud," the hyena said, picking the 3 inch tall wolf up by the scruff of his neck. He was still trying in vain to stay asleep, hanging limp in his roommate's fingers until he was dropped off in his paw. The flesh sunk a bit under his small weight while Michael swung his legs from the silk sheets, his footpaws pressing lightly onto the carpet. He stood up with care, not wanting to cause his friend any undue discomfort with huge movements. Meanwhile, Gavin had his head and hind legs hanging off the hyena's paw like a soggy towel, trying to muster the most pitiful expression he could. Michael paid him no mind. "If I have to get up, so do you~" he hummed. "Now where'd Owen get off to?" "Who cares? I want to go back to sleep." Gavin yawned, still lying prone. Michael held him up as he searched the surrounding area of the bed, keeping an eye out for the micro cat. He was always up first, doing who knows what really. And he was always found in the strangest of places. Like that time Michael had found the feline wrapped up in a stray thread in the sheets. It was always a mystery how he'd even gotten to the other end of the bed. Sighing, Michael decided to give up the search. He would find Owen when he turned up. He always did. For now, he had to get dressed. He always slept in the nude, which was great for soft, warm sheets, but not so much for a house in the middle of a northern winter. He made his way for the underwear drawer, soon pulling out a somewhat tight pair of briefs. He placed the lazy wolf on the dresser for the time being, and pulled the underwear on without a second thought. What he didn't know was that Owen did turn up. Just not as far away as he assumed. He had spent the better part of the night in the underwear drawer, pursuing a rather lewd interest of his. Michael was a bit of a slob at times, and often mixed up his clean and used briefs. So, many of the dirty ones ended up in the drawer again. And Owen loved the smell of Michael's crotch. Unfortunately, he tended to wake up when they went spelunking in his sheath... or playing with his morning wood... or his balls... or asshole. They'd trained him to wake up at the slightest disturbance by accident! So climbing up here to sniff his boxers was their best bet. At least the hyena tended to get pretty sweaty throughout the day, so his underwear was nice and musky. Owen had crawled around in there for hours, sniffing every crotch he could find, getting off quite a few times. Gavin had joined him as well, but left to sleep at around 3 am, hence his tiredness now. But Owen? He wanted to stay all night. Unfortunately, he'd fallen asleep while sniffing a particularly fresh pair. Which just so happened to be the one that GMichael picked out for the day, not at all noticing the 3 inch black cat in them. After all, he blended in quite nicely to the fabric. Owen awoke with a start as he felt a tremor shake his world. He saw light brown fingers enter his sleeping place and lift it up by the edges, throwing him down into the center. He rolled and rolled down the musky fabric, coming to rest right as a brown, furry tree slammed down right beside him. It was soon followed by another on the other side. In his sleep-deprived state, he failed to comprehend what was happening. At least until he gazed upward. High above was a fuzzy pair of hefty balls, each with a 5 inch diameter. He realized what was happening with wide eyes. "Sweet~" Owen was suddenly thrust upward, pinned to the fabric by just the force of Michael lifting up his briefs. His sack rushed closer and closer, growing larger and larger. Until at last he was shoved up against them. No space was left as he was pushed against those musky orbs. The fur around them tickled his face and body, and he couldn't resist licking the flesh that was so much bigger than him. "What the...?" Michael muttered. A strange... lump was in his boxers. He tried adjusting them, thinking it was just a wrinkle in the fabric... but no dice. But it felt... really good. Great even. He could feel his sheath plumping up as his arousal grew in his boxers. Good thing Owen isn't here... wait. Suddenly a bit annoyed, Michael plunged his hand into his briefs, fingers probing for the disturbance. It didn't take him long to find the fuzzy form of his second micro friend. He gripped the micro's body with his paw and dragged him out, opening his palm to see the cat staring sheepishly up at him. Even from here, the cat reeked of his musk. "Were you in my underwear drawer again?" He asked, eyes narrowed. "Told ya you should have left when I did," Gavin yawned from the drawer. He was promptly shot a look as well. "You too? What is wrong with you guys?" "Incredibly horny?" Owen suggested. "Impulsive as hell?" Gavin added. Michael sighed, holding his free paw up to his face. "What am I going to do with you two?" He suddenly became aware of the tightness in his pants once again. All of his groping around seemed to have helped Owen's work along. His cock was already starting to poke out of his plump sheath, making a sizeable bulge in his underwear. A dark spot grew from the tip, as pre began to pump out. "And this..." Almost right then, his stomach let out a loud growl. Great, another thing to take care of. The hyena sighed again, and looked down at the two micros with a sly grin as an idea came to him.. "Alright Owen. Since you obviously want to spend some time around my cock today... that's what you're going to do." Glancing at Gavin, he suddenly snatched him up in his free paw, earning a yelp from the startled canine. "And if you want to nap all day, I know a nice comfy place for you to stay while I tide myself over." He licked his lips, showing off his huge fangs. Michael made his way back to the bed, two micros in his clutches. One looking excited... the other not so much. Even after all of that he still hadn't seemed to have woken up all the way. But that didn't matter to the hyena. Asleep or awake, Gavin was taking a trip into his pudgy belly. He sat down on his bed once again, lowering his two roommates to the bed. They had to stand on the somewhat squishy surface while Michael worked off his underwear once again, his movements bouncing them up and down. But soon enough, a wave of hyena musk hit them both like a train, making the two of them swoon. Owen was already rock hard, while Gavin's own length was just starting to peek out. But Michael dwarfed both of them. His cock loomed overhead, 9 inches in length and over three times as tall as the two of them. The tip leaked pre already, a steady drip of it falling to the sheets in thick droplets. "Well, Owen?" Michael said with a predatory grin. "Get to it." His voice held a dominant edge to it. Gone was their protective big friend. Now he was the alpha male. And he demanded satisfaction. Owen was all too happy to comply, racing forward to press his body up against Michael's balls. He inhaled deeply, the masculine scent even stronger, driving him wild. He gripped the soft flesh of the hyena's right ball, pulling himself up to his real prize. His tiny cock pressed up against the side of the mountain, rubbing against it and causing the mini kitty to moan in pleasure. Meanwhile, Michael's stomach growled again, louder than ever. His eyes fell upon Gavin, who stared up at his huge cock in a sleepy daze. He licked his lips again, drool already starting to form from how hungry he was. Without warning, he snatched up the micro wolf once again, quickly bringing him up to his face. The wolf didn't look all too thrilled about this, though he would usually be pretty excited about such a turn of events. He really was exhausted. Not that Michael cared. He just wanted live prey. Michael's broad tongue suddenly came out and licked all the way up Gavin's front, slathering the tasty wolf in drool. He lingered on his groin, rubbing the little nub of a cock with the tip of his tongue. He earned a bead of pre for his efforts, and quickly swallowed down all the drool he had produced already. Gavin tasted amazing, if not a little like Michael's own crotch. In other words, the perfect snack for a horny hyena. Without further ado, Michael opened his mouth wide and dangled Gavin over it. His breath washed over the wolf, waking him up just a bit. He looked down and saw the writhing tongue stretched out below him like a pink carpet, lined by sharp teeth that could easily tear him apart. Despite that knowledge, he merely closed his eyes and attempted to drift back off to sleep. He knew he was just in for a ride. He was suddenly dropped the few inches, but relatively 10 feet to Michael's maw. The warmth is what hit him first, heating up his entire body with the heat of Michael's. He landed upon the squishy tongue half a second later. The muscles sagged just a bit under his weight for a moment, before curling around him. He was drawn straight into the hyena's maw, rolled around and tasted thoroughly. His fur was soon soaked as Michael attempted to suck all of the flavor out from this tasty morsel. At the same time, Owen was busy with Michael's cock. He had finally reached the organ proper, and was currently straddling the pulsing cock like a bucking bronco, licking the shaft with his tiny tongue and rubbing it with his soft paws. Michael felt every touch, and moaned around Gavin. He couldn't help but bring a paw down, wrapping both Owen and his cock in his hand. He squeezed just a bit too tight in his eagerness, as Owen soon found out. That paw pinned him down to the hot flesh, forcing him cheek down to it. His own dick was up against the organ, rubbing up against it to the point where he felt he was going to blow his load right then and there. Michael began to stroke, dragging Owen up and down his pre-soaked member. Owen was soon covered in the stuff, and licked everywhere to try and taste as much of it as he could. His small body was dragged up and down the long shaft, bringing him and Michael closer to climax. Suddenly, his paw was pulled away. Owen looked up in confusion, still practically glued to the shaft by all of the pre matting him down. What he saw above was surprising, even for him. Rapidly approaching was Michael's open mouth, Gavin stuffed safely into a cheek. Owen was right at the tip of his cock, so he got a front row seat as Michael blew himself. Owen was suddenly thrust into a tight, humid space as Michael's tongue licked over both the cat and his own cock. The hyena's cock took up most of the space, so Owen and Gavin were forced up against the hot organ as it spilled pre into his mouth. Michael swallowed every drop, careful not to swallow his friends. For now anyway. He thrust into his mouth bit by bit, every time ramming either Owen or Gavin with the tip. It soaked them in precum that was almost immediately drained out of their fur by Michael's licking. Somewhere in the middle of it all, both micros loosed their pent up loads in the mix of hormones and stimulation. Soon, Michael picked up speed. His thrusting became more desperate. His licking more wild. His cock twitched under the two micros. Before they could even react, Michael suddenly moaned around them, the sound piercing their eardrums like a gong. And immediately after, a huge blob of goo shot out of Michael's cock and into his maw. It struck Owen first, smacking him right in the face and sending him to the back of the throat. Without a second thought, he was swallowed, a loud gulp sealing his fate in the hyena's flabby gut. Gavin was a bit luckier, only getting soaked in the cumshots that followed. The musky goo covered him, even more so than the saliva that filled the maw. After nearly a minute, Michael's orgasm finally ceased. His cock retreated from his maw and the hyena righted himself. Gavin was trapped floating in a mouth full of unswallowed hyena cum and drool. And suddenly, he and the cum were pressed up against a wall of muscle. He could see nothing, but knew exactly where he was. The muscles opened up, and he was forced down into the throat face first. Cum rushed past him in the first gulp, apparently much more eager to make its way to the stomach. Gavin however was given the full experience, forced through every muscle contraction. He made a sizable bulge in Michael's throat, soon disappearing into his belly. Gavin landed with a squelch inside Michael's somewhat cramped stomach, pressing Owen even tighter against the squishy walls. The cat squealed at his arrival, not expecting him so soon after the load of cum that splashed him like a giant bucket. Not even thirty seconds later in the tight organ, Gavin had returned to sleep, not at all noticing that his still hard cock was pressed up against the cat's rear. On the outside, Michael let out a satisfied belch, pounding his chest for effect. The pudgy hyena pulled his now cumstained boxers back up, imagining that Owen would certainly like to stay in them now. He focused on the weight in his stomach for a moment, rubbing the soft fleshy with a paw. The two micros in there were very filling. Of course he'd get them back out later, but he still had work to do for the morning. He could feel some odd squirming though. Almost as if one of them were humping the other. But knowing them, there was a good chance. |