Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2118960-Sweet-Breath-of-Gaia
Rated: E · Draft · Nature · #2118960
Gaia protectors celebrating Earth Day every day.
Gaia (also spelled Gaea) is a Greek mythological Greek goddess personifying Earth.

"Sweet Breath of Gaia"

Sweet breath of Gaia,
         nurturing Earth Mother,
we are your forever evolving children,
         the enduring People
         of ancient anthologies.

We honor the harmony of your heartbeat,
         your home's healing hearth for warmth,
         and comfort for all life;
         two-leggeds and four-leggeds,
         creepy crawlies, swimmers,
         and feathered winged creatures.

We celebrate you in song;
         the strength of timeless trees,
         the memory of majestic mountains,
         the wisdom of water warriors,
         the poetry and prose of your
         lyrical paintings describing
         loving landscapes.
         As well as portraits of leafy foods
         and flowers daintily decorated with
         faeries and intimacy of all tiny Spirits
         belonging to the elemental realm.

Sweet breath of Gaia,
         nurturing Earth Mother,
we are your loving, respectful, and
         forever evolving People.



Dear Reader,
With our progressive (world wide) society, new innovative ideas in science and creative means invented to help the "world"
with better, cleaner, and cheaper energy is now ours for the implementation. As well as, many many more jobs to be had
with these endeavors. The use of solar, water, and air energy to run machinery and do other things to make our lives more
comfortable and productive have been around for centuries.

I am concern and alarmed by the "need for greed" in oil and coal to be the end to all means for energy. As an example,
I am greatly disturbed by the pipeline leaks that continue to take place destroying the earth, wildlife, and human lives,
all of which can never be replaced. Did you know that pipeline operations considered safe, actually allow up to 1 % of oil
leakage into the water systems that support life? Did you know that coal is dangerous for the workers who get black lung
and the children get asthma from coal burning? Even though I protest these out-dated and dangerous avenues for acquiring
energy, I do not declare myself as a protester, but rather, I consider myself a "protector" of our most valuable resources.
The quality of life and life itself must be respected and protected. Our earth, and all living things, must be honored as
precious gifts.

There are many ways to harvest good and reliable energy, rather than desecrate our planet and atmosphere with the idea
that pockets must be lined with money for the investors. This grievous act for the pretend purpose of keeping us in energy
is preposterous when other ways are readily available, cleaner, and safer. We are an intelligent society. Shouldn't we invest
in creative ideas and jobs to keep our lives safe for all?

Susan J. Welker
Claire Turtlemoon


"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children."
                                                                     Native American Proverb

"There was once a time when Man took no more than he needed.
That time is gone.
There was once a time when he gave something back.
That time is gone.
There was once a time when he worshiped the Creator and honored creation.
That time too is gone.
And now the waters are polluted. Our natural resources are all but gone.
And creation is dying. It is time to find our way back to the earth."
                                                                     Kevin Thunderhorse Wright

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