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A man wanting to get away from his old life is thrust back into the arms of destiny |
A woman, dressed in a black gown, with long flowing hair of the same color. Skin as pale as ice. She beckons out to me. I can hear her voice, calling my name. Joining her side, we look onward, at a city consumed in flames. Hundreds dying under the onslaught of shadowy figures. She hands me a blade black as midnight, and I leap into the fray. I meet many of the city’s defenders, all clad in dark red. I dispatch of them easily. More follow, but they will not stand in my way. I was sure the last person had fell. But then I heard the faint sounds of someone crying. I turn the corner, and I see a hooded figure holding her daughter close to herself. At the sound of my footsteps she raises her head, and pleads with me to stop. Deaf to her pleas, I step forward. The girl stands her ground, paralyzed with fear. I raise my blade, just as the figure dashes over and pushes the girl away. Blood splashes over me as the steel sinks into her body. I reach out with a hand to pull back her cloak. And I scream. I screamed harder than I have in ages. ---------------- Nero awoke, covered in sweat. Taking a moment to compose himself, he rose from his bed and opened the windows, feeling the cool breeze through him. Living in the countryside was definitely a change. That dream again…he thought. It had been four years since that battle, yet fragments of those moments still remained in his mind, unforgotten. Glancing at the mark on his right hand, he remembered his last moments with Evelyn, the Queen of Ergon. Dying from a mortal blow inflicted by Faith, who had awakened her powers, she revealed to him that she desired the light too, before giving what was left of her power to him. The mark’s symbol had changed, from the emblem of Ergon to something cross-shaped in nature. Nero had the feeling he encountered this somewhere before, but he wasn't sure. “Nero, Breakfast is ready!” a familiar voice called out. Pushing aside his thoughts for the moment, Nero proceeded to the kitchen where his meal awaited him. There was fish soup, sashimi and some vegetables. Taking a seat, a pair of hands placed a bowl of rice in front of him. The man glanced up, as his lips met Ambeon's. “Good morning, Nero. Hope today’s dishes are to your liking.” Smiling sweetly, the girl took her place beside her lover at the table. “You know I’ll always like your cooking.” Nero said, as he started eating. They ate in silence for a moment, before Ambeon touched Nero's arm. “You seem troubled lately..is something bothering you?” She asked. At this, Nero swallowed the rice he had been chewing, and glanced at her. “It’s nothing. Just having some bad dreams.” He said and Ambeon's eyes narrowed. “I don’t think they’re just mere nightmares, Nero. For the past month or so you've been acting a little strange. You mumble strange things in your sleep and wake up exhausted. The vegetable fields can’t be tended to with your current state.” “I know. Perhaps I just need some rest.” Ambeon turned Nero's body to face her and looked him directly in the eye. “This isn't a simple matter that can be resolved with just rest alone. I’ve known you since we were together in high school. Your eyes betray a growing unease. It has to do with that mark on your hand, doesn't it?” Nero instinctively his arm but Ambeon took hold of it. “Evelyn. You kept mentioning her name, every night you sleep.” she said, with something like a sad expression on her face. “I….I’m…sorry.” Nero lowered his head, guilty. He had tried to deny this fact for some time but couldn't hide it in his sleep. “What for? It’s over. If something from the past is still haunting you, you should have let it go already. Indeed, I cannot deny that I was mad at you for entering a brief relationship with her at that time. I cannot deny you took the lives of innocents. But you have already redeemed yourself and I have forgiven you. Strip the hatred and sorrow from our hearts and what’s left? Evelyn threw away everything and tried to change the world.” Nero paused to let her words settle in. The beginnings of a smile appeared on his face as he nodded in acknowledgement. “Come on. Let’s finish our meal and get to work.” ---------------- Hours later, as the sun set, Nero and Ambeon were done with planting their crops. They both congratulated themselves on a job well done, as they returned to their house. An old woman, recognizing them, trotted over. “My, if it isn’t the lovely young couple looking as lively as ever.” “Mrs. Sen! You’ve already recovered?” Nero asked and the lady gave out a lighthearted chuckle. “A fever’s nothing to this old woman. Thanks to the medicine that Ambeon got for me.” She said as she bowed to Yuki who, hastily, returned the favor. “It’s my pleasure. After all, you were the one who helped us settle here four years ago when we had difficulties.” “Humble as always! In that case, I actually have something to request of you..” Mrs. Sen coughed and Ambeon went to her side. “You see, one of the villagers’ son, Riku, hasn’t returned for a long time since going into the forest to gather herbs. His father is worried for his safety. If you could help him in locating the boy it'd put me at ease.” “Certainly," Nero said. "Ambeon, you stay here and look after Mrs. Sen. I’ll give a hand in look for Riku.” “I’m fine with that, but will you be okay? I mean, you don’t have…” “I may have not fought for some time but that doesn't mean I've forgotten how. It’ll be fine.” Nero assured her by giving a thumbs up and heading out. ----------------------------- Trudging into the dense undergrowth, Nero immediately put his aura abilities to work. The sun was already setting so if Riku was nearby, he would know. He gave thanks that it had not rained, for if it did, his progress would be severely hampered. Sweeping his torchlight, Nero called out Riku’s name several times, but no response. Just then, he stepped on something soft. Lifting his foot, he saw that it was a bag, and upon loosening the string, found some herbs in it, all shredded apart. Examining it and the surroundings more closely, Nero saw patches of blood leading to the east. Seizing upon this lead, Nero quickened his footsteps. The blood trail continued into a clearing, where a small boy laid. Nero guessed it was the missing boy and was about to go over, when he noticed strange marks on the ground beside him. It was like those magic runes used in demonic rituals. Sensing someone’s presence, Nero crouched behind a bush a figure came into view. They walked over to Riku and knelt as if waiting for something. Then, a second figure came into view and pointed his arm at the boy. A wisp of energy came out from his mouth and Riku twitched in agony before his body started to rise. He’s absorbing the boy’s life force?! Nero immediately conjured and tossed a fireball at the figure holding Riku captive and it smashed into him. Riku collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. Nero quickly grabbed the boy and retreated back before either of the unknown assailants could retaliate. Yet they stood, looking at the new intruder through their darkness. “Just who are you…and what do you want with this child?!” Nero demanded. The figures remained silent. One of them dissipated into the air leaving the first one Nero saw. I have what I came for. You would do wise not to interfere with us…Nero Rayne. A woman's voice whispered in Nero's mind, to his shock. The woman, then, started to fade. “HOLD IT!” Nero shouted, but the figure was gone. He blew out a breath and returned his attention to Riku. Nero sprinted back to the village, healing the boy as best as he could. This encounter had left him with more questions than answers… |