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About blogging, activities, and encouragement to get started. |
Just write and get the ideas down which is my first approach. If you can do this then blogging is a breeze, and entering NaNoWriMo is a good successful fit. When you take this approach often much of personality and the person comes through in a genuine conversational face to face talk which is what people do regularly. Blogs do not need to be long and elaborate. They need to be you the person behind the word art. This is what attracts people to reading blogs. The other main attraction bring readers to blogs if finding information of interest. When your personality shows through, you have something interesting to share, and also have a great place to host your blog, then you have the best possible situation. WDC is in my opinion a wonder place to start and maintain a blog. There are many places which offer insights to blogging and have regular activities. "Blog Harbor" "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum" "Blog City Prompt Forum" "30-Day Bloggers Group" "Chris' Christian Blog group" "Invalid Item" "Welcome To My Reality Forum" Have a go for a great writing adventure which may take you to places you wouldn’t expect and give you insight into many other writing and reading talents which have not yet been resurrected. Get out of the rut and stretch your writing muscles. Safe travels and many blessings. |