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The following articles discuss contacts with ETs |
Roswell, reverse-engineering and Project Serpo: information vs. disinformation Posted by: Umberto Visani June 3, 2014 7 Comments If you examine recent history, even without particular attention, you should notice pretty soon that in the last fifty years there has been a technological breakthrough that has led to impressive inventions that were absolutely unimaginable just a few years earlier. In many cases, moreover, we haven’t witnessed a step by step evolution due to a series of progressive achievements but, on the contrary, a lot of discoveries seemingly have come out of nowhere. Thinking about these inventions as something 100% terrestrial would be totally legitimate, if only the former head of the Foreign Technology Division at the Pentagon, U.S. Army Colonel Philip J. Corso, had not related a completely different story that not only showed in a plausible way how it was possible to make these outstanding discoveries, but also fitted perfectly the overall framework of the Roswell affair. Col. Philip J. Corso’s background and story General Arthur Trudeau General Arthur Trudeau After hearing claims of that kind, the first aspect that must be taken into consideration is whether the source of such claims is reliable or not. In this regard, the American researcher Larry Bryant, through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, was able to get Philip J. Corso’s Department of the Army Form 66, Officer Qualification Record, which summarizes his military career. In a nutshell, he served 21 years in the Army, from 1942 to 1963, he was awarded the Legion of Merit and, besides being a member of the National Security Council, on June 20, 1961, he was assigned to the Foreign Technology Division as a Staff officer and then, on July 18, 1962, he was assigned as Staff officer in the Plans Division, Office of the Chief of Research and Development (OCRD). In 1997, Colonel Corso took the field with a series of deflagrating statements: the Roswell UFO crash did really happen, the craft was a biological spaceship that worked in conjunction with a crew of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) who drove it through a particular neural interface. Corso said that, executing General Arthur Trudeau’s orders at the Pentagon, he was responsible for handing the parts of the recovered flying saucer to several U.S. companies connected to the U.S. Army in a reverse engineering operation. The connection between Colonel Corso and the Roswell case dates back long before the Sixties. In his autobiographical book “The Day After Roswell”, Colonel Corso reports that, in early July 1947, when he was assigned to Fort Riley (Kansas), five trucks of 25 tons and some semitrailers entered the base, coming from Fort Bliss, Texas, and headed to the Air Material Command at Wright Field, Ohio. That night Corso was patrolling the base and, when he approached the medical facilities, was called by Sergeant Brown who, in an altered voice, urged him to come in and have a look. Since he had a security clearance, Corso entered the building and saw a series of boxes stacked along the wall; Sergeant Brown told him that the drivers of the trucks had claimed that they were the remains of an air-crash. Corso came close to a box and then lifted the lid after loosening the nails. By using a flashlight, he saw that there was a thick glass container with a blue liquid where a strange figure was suspended.For a moment, he thought it was a child, but soon realized that he was wrong: it was a humanoid, about four feet high, four-fingered hands and a disproportioned bulb-shaped head, with eyes without irises, huge orbits, elongated thin lips and a small nose. Taken by utmost amazement, Corso looked for the delivery note and found a document stating the creature had been retrieved on a craft which had crashed near Roswell at the beginning of the week and had had to be taken to the pathology department of the Walter Reed Military Hospital. Corso closed the box carefully, still upset by what he had seen. Walter Reed Military Hospital Walter Reed Military Hospital With a little help from my (alien) friends The memory of that day, despite being always vivid, was set aside in the following years, since he had not the opportunity to know further details about that alien corpse. This until he was assigned to the Foreign Technology Division at the Pentagon, under the orders of General Arthur G.Trudeau, where his job was that of sending several unknown items to companies and scientists whose fields of specialization were more suitable in order to try to unravel the secrets behind alien technology. It did not take long to see the results of this reverse engineering operation: night goggles, image intensifiers, fiber optics, aligned molecules used in the manufacture of bulletproof vests (i.e. kevlar), transistors, lasers, all discoveries that, perhaps, without a “little” help from an extraterrestrial civilization would have been made in a remote future. The testimony of Colonel Philip J. Corso is very important not only because it comes from a highly decorated military man, but also because it fits perfectly in a precise framework of events, providing further credibility to the case that, to date, is no doubt the most convincing one with regards to the presence of alien activity on our planet. Indeed, Corso not only provided a direct confirmation to the recovery of extraterrestrial entities in the desert of New Mexico in 1947, but he also made us understand how the technological leap of the latest decades had been possible all of a sudden. It would be very easy to say that he was crazy, but his credentials are visible to all. From Roswell to Serpo The Roswell affair, however, besides Corso’s testimony, presents a series of interesting side events that are quite difficult to judge considering that in many cases the evidences supporting them are, unlike the well grounded core of the Roswell UFO crash, just rumors and odd coincidences. Anyway, given the importance of the Roswell affair, every story somehow related to it must be duly regarded with much more attention, since there may be another piece to add to a mosaic whose global look is already well defined. One of the most intriguing and, at the same time, hotly debated side event is the so-called Project Serpo, an alleged exchange program between the United States of America and an extraterrestrial race that would have taken place between 1965 and 1978. After hearing a claim like this, it is essential to investigate thoroughly the source from which the information has come out.The first vague reference to an exchange program between the U.S. government and an extraterrestrial civilization was made in 1983, when the famous researcher Linda Moulton Howe – who was producing for HBO a documentary called The ET Factor – was approached by Richard C. Doty, special agent of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), who told her that he had obtained a security clearance that enabled him to provide her with official documents, photographs and videos concerning a human-alien exchange program: it would have begun in 1964, when an alien spaceship would have taken off from Holloman Air Force Base, with a human crew on board, heading to Zeta Reticuli. Later, however, Doty sat back and said that his clearance had been revoked and that, therefore, he could no longer release any information. But who is Richard C. Doty? In the transcript of a telephone interview with Philip Klass, Doty says that his father, Edward Doty, was in the Air Force, and was at Holloman AFB from 1962 to 1964. It seems that Richard worked at Kirtland AFB in 1980, since that is when the Bennewitz affair took place. In the early 1980s, Paul Bennewitz started to report strange lights over the Manzano area of Kirtland Air Force Base, and claimed to have recorded unusual signals emanating from the base that he believed being of extraterrestrial origin. According to Doty, he tried and managed to convince Bennewitz that he was actually experiencing extraterrestrial phenomena and that there was an alien base under nearby Archuleta Mountain, the so-called Dulce base. According to famous researcher William Moore, by the time he was sent to investigate Bennewitz’s claims in 1982, Doty had been feeding the man disinformation for two years. As you can see, Doty’s background is totally compromised and leaves room to think that he is a disinformation agent. Holloman-Air-Force-Base Holloman Air Force Base (Credit: U.S. Air Force) The Serpo affair In 2005 the Serpo affair was brought in broad daylight on a private UFO email list moderated by Victor Martinez, a former employee of several U.S. federal agencies. On November 2, 2005, a retired senior official within the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) who called himself “Request Anonymous” started to release information about said exchange program on that UFO email list. All of the information presented to Victor Martinez by “Request Anonymous” – as proved beyond any reasonable doubt – came in fact from Richard C. Doty. Doty denied any involvement in the story, despite the massive amount of evidence to the contrary. These data are strictly connected to the Roswell incident: Anonymous claimed that one crew member had survived after the crash and had been brought, along with several other corpses, to Los Alamos National Laboratory. There some scientists allegedly managed to establish a form of communication with the alien being which gave indications about the planet from where he had come: Serpo, in the Zeta Reticuli system. After a reverse engineering operation aimed at repairing a transmission device, the US government managed to get in contact with Serpo. In 1952, according to Anonymous, the alien died, but both humans and aliens had already started to plan an exchange program. However, especially after the death of the extraterrestrial entity, the problems of mutual understanding reached their peak, and that’s why it took so long to get the exchange program started. First with the approval of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and then on behalf of President Johnson, a meeting was held on April 24, 1964, near the Holloman Air Force Base in order to examine the details of the exchange that would have begun in July the year after and would have seen the departure of twelve human astronauts to Serpo on an alien spacecraft. Anonymous provided detailed information as regards the training that was given to those who were supposed to leave for Serpo: astronomy, physics, psychology, nutrition, biology, linguistics, sessions at zero gravity in low oxygen conditions, questioning under psychological stress, prolonged periods of isolation, survival techniques in hostile environments. However, the composition of the team gave birth to strong skepticism: Anonymous reported that there were ten men and two women in the team, each of them from the Armed Forces. According to some researchers, the presence of female staff is highly unlikely: in fact, at that time there were women in the Air Force, as well as in the Navy and in the Army, but their presence was limited to medical, administrative and logistical support.Consequently, there were no women with a technical and tactical preparation that could have been adequate to that operation, not to mention the fact that there were no female astronauts at that time. Alleged image from Serpo. Alleged image from Serpo. According to Anonymous, in July 1965, as agreed, an alien spaceship which had previously landed in Nevada took off with twelve human crewmen.Anonymous has even shown some parts of the captain’s diary, where you can read that immediately after the departure he felt a strong sense of disorientation, since the instruments for measuring time did not work anymore. Then Anonymous provided a series of data about Serpo’s culture and society that strongly resemble Tommaso Campanella’s and Francis Bacon’s utopias. The information given by Anonymous with regards to Serpo’s orbit and distance from the two stars of Zeta Reticuli system are totally wrong, since these two factors would not match Kepler’s Third Law. Anonymous replied that even the scientists on board had been baffled by this data and they had come to the conclusion that Kepler’s laws were not applicable in the Zeta Reticuli system. According to further releases by Anonymous, the program was to expire in 1975 but, for unknown reasons, it ended in 1978 and just six team members came back to Earth, since two had died on Serpo and four had decided to stay there. In December 2006, Anonymous sent Victor Martinez some photographs of the expedition but they were fake. Then Anonymous vanished and did not post any further comment. Conclusions There is no direct evidence of the existence of an exchange program with an alien civilization, there are only rumors and data given by Richard C. Doty, who has proven himself to be a disinformation agent. So, here we get straight to the crucial point: when a person whose trustworthiness is nil provides a lot of information about an alleged exchange program that was somehow connected to the Roswell UFO crash as well as the subsequent reverse engineering, everybody could be induced to assume that even the Roswell crash and the reverse engineering operation are silly fancies.This is exactly the intent of many fictitious deep-throats: debunk the phenomenon, undermining its foundations.This strategy is certainly more subtle because it becomes very hard to distinguish what is real from what is plausible or totally invented to discredit the truth. Project Serpo is certainly a topic of great interest but it is totally ungrounded. There are only elements given by a fraudster whose credibility cannot be compared to the credibility of Colonel Corso (who, among other things, has never mentioned such project). So one needs to separate the Roswell case as well as Colonel Corso’s claims, remembering that for a few hours, on July 8, 1947, the lid on the UFO phenomenon was off and it was possible to take a peek inside the mystery. The press release distributed that morning by the Public Information Office at the Roswell Army Air Field on the direct orders of base Commander Col. William Blanchard was clear and shocking at the same time, and its importance will never die down: <<The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the Intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eight Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff’s office of Chaves County. The flying object landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week. Not having phone facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the sheriff’s office, who in turn notified Maj. Jesse A. Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office. Action was immediately taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher’s home. It was inspected at the Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Marcel to higher headquarters>>. BIBLIOGRAPHY: BERLITZ, Charles, MOORE, William L., Accadde a Roswell, Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano, 1996. BOURDAIS Gildas, Il caso Roswell, Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma, 1997. CORSO, Philip J., L’Alba di una Nuova Era, Pendragon Edizioni, Bologna 2003. CORSO, Philip J., BIRNES, William J., Il giorno dopo Roswell, Futuro Edizioni, Roma, 1998. DOTY, Richard, Introduction, in www.serpo.org FRIEDMAN, Stanton, BERLINER Don, Crash at Corona, Paraview, New York, 2004. HASTINGS, Robert, The MJ-12 Saga Continues: Operation Bird Droppings, 2009 RANDLE, Kevin, SCHMITT, Donald, UFO Crash at Roswell, Avon Books, New York, 1991. ROJAS, Alejandro, Open letter to the U.S. Air Force regarding allegations of UFO disinformation, http://www.openminds.tv/open-letter-u-s-air-force-allegations-ufo-disinformation... SWARTZ, Tim, Project Serpo: Fact or Fiction?, in www.serpo.org. News on ‘Project SERPO’ deceptions takes researchers, public on complex paths to truth by Steve Hammons CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND This week, new information related to the so-called “Project SERPO” was posted on a Web site involved in this story. The information describes a new angle of deception and disinformation about this alleged U.S. Government project. Project SERPO refers to claims that a top secret exchange program in the 1960s and ‘70s involved sending an American team of 12 military personnel to another planet, similar to the depictions in parts of the 1977 Steven Spielberg film CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. The newly released information may provide additional clarification, and confusion, on some of the factors involved in the Project SERPO story that surfaced for the general public in late 2005 and has been presented on the Web site serpo.org. The new information appears on the Web site lucianarchy.proboards21.com, a discussion forum and research site that has become one of the online platforms for Project SERPO information. Several months ago, serpo.org coordinator Bill Ryan chose the lucianarchy.proboards21.com site to participate in online discussions about this alleged program. This site is the online home of the Open Minds Research Team. According to the Open Minds Research Team Web site administrator and a report directly from their confidential sources posted this week, previous information provided to them about Project SERPO was false – at least partially false. A TANGLED WEB Watch an alleged government video discussing Project Serpo. New information given to the Open Minds Research Team from their sources, known has the “TC Group,” was partially related to a method used by government authorities to track leaks, identify leakers and monitor the way such information is disseminated over the Internet, according to the site administrator. Starting in March 2006, the Open Minds Research Team had reported on their Web site that the TC Group had contacted them. This group allegedly had inside knowledge about the Project SERPO story and been trying to follow up on the authenticity of various aspects it. The TC Group is reportedly one of several groups involved in investigating and disclosing information on this and related topics. From what were believed to be reliable sources providing information to the TC Group, the Open Minds Research Team received and posted information from this group that claimed Project SERPO was, in part, a false cover story. Sources told the TC Group that the Project SERPO story was released within the military and intelligence communities to protect other real information about related activities within those communities. The source for the TC Group had claimed that the cover story was actually called SERPONIA, not SERPO, and that the alleged visitors’ planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system was referred to in English as “Seinu,” not “Serpo.” Other accounts have claimed the planet was referred to as “Sieu” in English. These accounts were posted on the Open Minds Research Team Web site as “The Seinu Disclosures.” RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Now, the TC Group has reported to the Open Minds Research Team that this information was, at least in part, false and part of a strategy to plant information, see who leaks it, identify leakers and analyze how the information spreads. Below is the verbatim report from the TC Group source acting as liaison with the Open Minds Research Team, posted this week on the lucianarchy.proboards21.com site under the category “Seinu disclosure” and subcategory “T.C. Group – The Seinu Disclosures:” - - - “I’m saddened to inform you that Serpo, Serponia, Seinu and anything else you want to call it has turned out to be a test of sorts by the dark side. We were given an audience with a former high-ranking official and for more than two hours he explained the purpose and the feedback it has given this group. As we had figured out before, the higher your clearance the more truth you were allowed to receive. Unfortunately, the dark side also had a suspicion, this started during the early ‘60s, that a few people with high clearances were divulging secrets, by word of mouth or acts of treason by screening classified material. To counter it, they would allow ‘employees’ to learn of a false top-secret project or information. Depending on where the ‘employee’ was working, he/she learned of this particular project/information and if a leak occurred, it could be traced back to that group of ‘employees’ only. They devised a setup that was two-fold in its release. 1 - would show how the material was leaked to the outside and by whom. 2 - once the material was released, track the flow and study where it may lead. It was a bonus to them when these projects hit the Internet and they learned the identities of those viewing the information and for study in the near future tests. Now, notice I said near future. This is in part due to more of these types of setups that are going on at this time and more to come. There is truth n all this and it will be explained below. Some members of the Bird group [the so-called Aviary] are involved and were told of these tests. Please note: the rest of these birds are innocent and just as clueless. We don’t know who fits into which category and he would not divulge this information. Damn, he would only smile and it P'd us off. The reason we asked for a meeting with him was due to us catching an asset trying to pass off a third story, which we knew to be fake. We put 2 and 2 together and realized what was happening, but we wanted to verify this revelation and regrettably it has been proven true. Now, the good news that you may know by now is that in all this comes some truth, at least in ‘J’s’ case. This was not told to us, but rather he would smile if our question was confirmed and not if it was negative or false. It took us a minute or two to figure out what he was attempting and again this P'd us off regarding the game, but we needed his responses. After about 5 minutes of questions he halted the proceedings, wished us the best and escorted us to the front door. The questions and responses are listed here.” - - - A list of the questions and apparent responses from a source for the TC Group is posted on the site. These questions relate directly to the previous “Seinu Disclosures.” The source smiles in response to some questions, reportedly indicating a “yes.” The Open Minds Research Team site administrator has posted his assessment of events on the site in the “T.C. Group – The Seinu Disclosures” section. Below are some of his comments: “The latest from TC Group resolving the current "disclosure' regarding Serponia/Seinu as a 'test' of sorts, brings the circle to a close once again. What did come out of this was some confirmation that, again, the core contains some truth, but splashed all over with disinfo-juice!” “They allude to some of the machinations going on behind the scenes which relate to the disclosure process. And I can confirm that the penultimate communique from the TC Group did contain some extraordinary information regarding recent events… As soon as they give permission to release the full details, you will see it here first. I am bound by their instructions – and given how the 'Seinu disclosures’ developed – by giving them a free platform and compartmented and protected media – we were all able to watch the story unfold free from sabotage and meddling from outside forces.” “…As long as we 'play by the rules,' we can expect further and more intriguing disclosures as time progresses. You, the reader, contributor, are part of this historic process, and how you react/ respond is up to you. However, please be mindful of the responsibilities which come with any involvement and hopefully we can progress away from suspicion, mistrust, meddling and deception and into a brighter future which should shed light about life through the cosmos, and, hopefully, in peace.” Story continues on page 2 Related Links: • Remote viewing in Everyday Life • New information about 'Project SERPO' • Project SERPO’ part of a changing world • Cautious approach on ‘Project SERPO’ |