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Just a little bit about what spring brings to me. |
Spring reminds me of a new slate, a new beginning that is accompanied by blooming flowers, trees, and bushes, birds chirping and the ring of wind chimes. The fresh clean scents, early morning dew, and the sun rising draw me into day dreams. Dreams of walking through a big, beautiful garden at a mansion or castle. It’s also a great time to fly a kite, although I’ve never really enjoyed that activity. Spring also makes me think about what goals I’d like to accomplish in the coming year. I think more about this now than in January. It’s a time to refocus and imagine what will be. I like to take the time to reflect on where I am in life and where I want to be. What do I need to get to that point? Today is the first day of spring in my neck of the woods and its forecast to be approximately eighty-two degrees. Tomorrow’s forecast is about fifty-eight degrees. That’s the Midwest for you. I saw one pink tulip in my flower garden yesterday. Just one, and it was the most beautiful thing. I love tulips and was surprised that only one came in. I was a bit disappointed that there weren’t more, but it made that one more enjoyable. I like lilacs, too, and my husband will surprise me with a bundle of them in the house when they bloom. He’s allergic to fragrances so it’s always a sacrifice. We had a dead tree cut down in our front yard last week. I was so happy to see it down when I came home from work. I was afraid that it was going to fall in one of the spring storms that we’re sure to get. It would have caused a lot of damage if it hit our or our neighbor’s house. My husband and I worked hard to cut it up and trek it to the backyard. We’ll enjoy some nice fires on some of these spring nights. Spring also reminds me of a not so fun responsibility—filing taxes. It has to be done by April 15th. I believe that’s the worst thing I can think of about spring. I look forward to camping with my family and riding bikes and going for walks and admiring flower beds. There are spring break festivals all over but I believe these are taken in by more college students rather than families. Pastel colors remind me of spring and Easter. The Easter Bunny still arrives at our house even though the teenager knows who he really is; my younger daughter hasn’t figured it out yet. One thing that happens in the spring that most people don’t like are storms. I love storms. I like to hear the thunder rumble, the wind gust, and the rain pour. It makes for great sleeping weather. It’s also fun to sit inside and listen to it while I drink a cup of coffee and write. I feel warm, comfortable, and hopeful even during the storms. It can be a bit scary sometimes, but since that tree has been cut down, I have no worries. ![]() ![]() It’s also a time to renew your wardrobe, although I’ve never had the money to do so. Hopefully, I’ll be able to buy at least one new dress and a pants outfit. We’ll see. Another thing we like to do is go to the park and feed the ducks. My husband likes to fish but I don’t care for it too much. I’ll go, but he stays there forever. Maybe I’ll bring my computer the next time I go and just type. My youngest daughter likes to play on the swings and slides. She usually wants me to play with her and I don’t really want to, but then I think that it will be all too soon when she won’t want to have much to do with her mom. |