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Chapter 6 of my project. |
Utsu turned around and was getting ready to leave. -"I don't want to hurt you Shiina , just forget it." He heard sound of rapid footsteps behind him coming in his direction, he barely got time to look behind to see Shiina sword above her head ready to strike. Dodging at the last second Utsu felled on the ground rolling around. -"Are you fuckin' crazy?!" -"Show me how invincible you are Utsu, i wanna see it with my own eyes" She ran in his direction again. -"Invincible huh? I can do that..." Hitting the ground with his feet , a layer of rock solid aura appeared around his chest and arms. -"That should be enough." Said Utsu , starting to grin again. Shiina attacked again, this time Utsu's arm protected he grabbed the sword by the blade without effort. -"Works a little less right now huh?" Said Utsu, smiling. Shiina didn't answered she jumped and gave him an astonishing returned kick in the face, Utsu let go of the sword surprised by the power of kick. Shiina took advantage of this and tried to slash him in the chest.Fortunately Utsu got time to place his arms in front of his body to protect himself but the hit was so powerful that Utsu flew away across the room finishing his course on the nearby wall. Without even enough time to get his composure back Utsu saw a sword flying straight for his face, tilting his head on the side he barely dodged it.Looking around Utsu didn't see Shiina anywhere, he just got time to raise his head and saw Shiina falling down on him at great speed. Unfortunately it was too late to dodge, Shiina's foot shoved itself deep into Utsu's stomach, he tried to scream in pain but no sound was getting out of his mouth. Shiina crouched next to him. -Ok now repeat after me.I'm not..." Utsu's fist closed around Shiina's neck , and he bringed her closer, a devilish smile on his face. -"...Invincible." His armor shined intensely for an instant before detonating in a huge explosion of aura, Shiina was launched away, she did a graceful back flip and landed on her feet.A thick fog was covering the area where Utsu's armor exploded when suddenly a dozen of black blades leaved the fog running straight for her.Doing all sort of dodging and spinning she dodged every single one getting to the other side of the room in the same movement.Picking up a spear from the wall she started to walk looking at Utsu who was now on his feet again. -"Bring it on,Shiina!" Said Utsu blood running on his face, apparently his explosion had him more to hurt than Shiina. He started running toward her, Shiina kept on walking calmly toward Utsu. Launching his fist for Shiina's face Utsu tried to summon some aura as well but failed as Shiina dodged without effort. -"Your skills are inferior." She said grabbing her spear firmly. She threw the spear horizontally in the air toward Utsu, who grabbed it ,suprised. Shiina gave him a magnificent kick in the shin making the spear fly in the air. Utsu, stunned by the choc stayed there looking at the ceiling ,looking down after a little while he only saw Shiina grabbing the spear again and launching it toward his chest he barely got time to activate his aura armor again , clutching the spear just before it pierced trough his skin and flesh. Utsu grabbed the spear to keep it from getting deeper in the armor. -"Ok ok you win ,you win!" Shiina let the spear go and crossed her arms. -"Can i finish what i was saying now?" Utsu deactivate his armor and the spear felled to the ground. -"Yeah, yeah." -"You're not invincible Utsu!" She said loudly, slapping him in the process. -"Ouch! Was that really necessary?" -"Yes because you acted like a complete retard with that soldier, are you going insane? You're starting to become even worse than Raƫlians." -"What?! Don't you think you're exaggeratin' a little bit there? You should remember what this peoples did to our town and families.{/i} -"I don't care right now, talk to your friend the crazy spirit bitch and tell her to calm down with her mind control power on you or i'll come calm her down personally." -"What?" Shiina went to grab her sword and leaved the room. -"Oy Indis, you there?" -"Yeeeeees?" -"Are you mind controlling me with your demonic powers or some shit?" -"Well not really." -"What the fuck does that mean?!" -"The Declension is taking effect on the way you're acting passively, i'm not changing the way you act and feel myself, but yeah it's because of me that you're becoming more aggressive and dark looking, although you're so hot when you're like that i wouldn't consider that as a bad thing." -"Is there any way to not get this kind of effect?" -'Yes , but i don't wanna tell you." -"Ok in that case you can forget our little arrangement." -"Jesus Christ, are you gonna threaten me with that every time you want something, gosh." -"Of course i will, we're not friend, you stole my fucking soul, remember?" -"Are you fucking kidding me? Does "I offer my heart and soul to this ritual , may they become this ritual entire property." ring any bell?" Utsu stayed silent. He went to the corner of the room and sat down looking at the wall. -"What are you doing?" Asked Indis. -"If you don't want to help me, i'll stay there till i die." -"That's pretty childish of you also i got all the time in the world, if you die i'll still be there , i'm freaking immortal you can't annoy me by making me lose time Cutie." -"Ok forget about that , you want me to become strong for whatever reason so fucking help me! Stop being a smartass and start cooperating, we're in the same boat here." -"Ok i'll try showing you." Utsu's vision became blurry and his head started to spin when suddenly he fell down into a deep coma. |