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Account of a Dream Experienced as a Result of Prescription Medication |
Prescription Dreams The following is an account of the dreams that I have experienced in my life due to the medication I've taken to treat my bi-polar disorder. I need the medication to function on a normal basis, however, sometimes I get more sleep when I don't sleep! 1/13/2012 – Government depopulation was the theme of this dream A lottery-type depopulation execution was to take place and my Mom and I had been selected. Execution consisted of six persons to be executed one at a time while other executees watched the activities. The person being executed would be taken, have their tongues and eyes gouged out. They would then be murdered and their bodies chopped up. The others in waiting for their execution were required to eat the body of the person that was executed. I was to be second to be executed, therefore only having to watch and eat the body of the person before me. I watched in horror but only ate a small amount of the body, making me vomit violently. It was therefore my turn. However in walks an executioner stating that the executions must stop as two of the six individuals did not show up and would need to be found for the executions to continue. Mom was one of the last on the docket but would not go back to her house as she believed that we would be followed putting Papa at risk. The dream then shifted back to the beginning with a news report that stated the lottery was to begin. The government put terms on the execution, stating that the only way a person would be spared was if they became a satanist. I had thought about this, wondering what I would do in this situation. I didn't want to be executed but it would cost me my Christianity. I spoke with Pastor Paul and Sister Marlene and they indicated that I should go ahead with the execution and pray for Jesus to take the pain away and I would be with him forever. They told me to cry out Jesus' name during the execution. I pondered this, but I was so terrified and I wasn't really having faith that it was going to be okay. So, I chose to save myself the execution and become a satanist. During this time, I was working for a company whom all of the employees had chose the satanist route. I was spared. However, I knew in my heart that I would secretly practice Christianity and within my mind I would keep praying and give thanks to Jesus for everything and stay close to him. I spoke with counselors on both sides giving me their shpiel about the pros and cons of each route. I came to my conclusion that I would spare myself. However, after I had made it official, I was deeply depressed and had removed myself from my God, destined to hell forever and ever. I went on to work with all of the other satanists in my office. As I worked on the normal production of the day, I heard some loud shouting in the back of the office. I peered out my window and there was Pastor Paul having an argument with my “satanist” supervisor. It was almost as if God was having a shouting match with the devil on my behalf. I then changed my mind and ran out exclaiming that I would go through with the execution and do what Pastor Paul and Sister Marlene had said. I was no longer afraid to be executed as I knew that the pain would only last for a few moments and I could be with my Father in heaven forever and ever. But, the government refused my request to change my mind. |