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a girl who wants to find herself and goes on a adventure and discovers who she is |
The Girl One. I'm just a regular seventeen year old girl , That is wanting more from life, And i dont mean more money or more friends i mean more excitment more adventure . The only adventure I've had all summer long was listening to my parents fighting. Every night its about something new,finaly my parents got a divorce in the summer. My mom one custedy but i have to go to my dads house on the weekends witch suck casue then i cant work on art, All i want is to just escape from it all you know , Go to Europe see London or the Effile tower. but so far the closest i've come to that is buying a minie verson of the effile tower in a gas station next to the highway.I just want more from life. My older brother, Mitchel Got to escape, he went to a nice collage in a small little town called The university of Aleckdria for four years, Became a cheriff, found the love of his life, Kandace, had a gorgeous wedding , And bought a nice town house right in the middle of Aleckdria . The closest I've ever gotten to finding true love is locking eyes with my crush in eleventh grade. Oh and did I forget. My name is Kendra Gibbs. Two. People say the first day of school is always the hardest , for me its the opposite, I mean i still hate school but its not like the worlds own saitan dungeon. At least i have my best friend, Penolope Hendrick . Me and Penn (Short for penelope) Have been best friends since ninth grade, Sure we hade those dumb little fights but in the end we always made up. Pen's like one of those girls who have so much confidence it practically glows on them, Penn has long brown slightly blonde hair down to her waist, Dark green eyes, And a tall and slime figure. Shes always there for me. "Hey Kendra'' I turn around to see one of my former friends calling for me. "Hi Noah" i said. Noah was my chemistry partner in eleventh grade, Or in more fermiliar words he is the boy i locked eyes with. "So i was thinking since we were chem partners last year why not be study budys for math" Noah said. "Sure why not" "Cool, well see you later" "Bye" i say back. As i turn around i notice a boy staring a me. It wasnt like a 'that girls hot' stare it was more like a mysterious who is she, stare."weirdo" I thought to my self as i turned the corner to head to hour one, Art. In art we were learning about Mrs.parders rules and expectations. My phone starts vibrating and i look at the screen, "Hey ken whats your first class mines boring Literature... From penelope "If you think literature's so boring y did you sign up for it"-me "Cause i heard zach's in it" Zach is penn's former crush they have been friends since eleventh grade. ''Ohh and Art Mrs.Parders" "I Heard sh.. "Young lady in the back with the grey sweater" I look up to notice everyone looking at me including Mrs.Parders. "What is so import that you cant wait till end of class" Mrs.parders says. "Um I was just um...Looking" "Stop there and bring up your phone" As i stood up everyone watched me walking to the front but then i noticed him, The boy who was staring at me in the hall earlier, I sat back down but didnt take my eyes of him. He had dark brown hair that curved at the top, Dark blue eyes, He was wearing a navy blue shirt with cakies and black vans. He had this face features i never seen before, Before i could finish my gaze at him the bell rang. There were two classes left of the day, I havent seen penn or noah yet, Oh yell i thought to myself as i gathered my books and headed to Biology. When i walked in to biology and Picked my desk in the back i heard a familiar voice coming from the front. "KENDRA!" I turn to notice penn Walking towards me. "Hey penn" "Im so happy we have biology together " "Me too" "So did you finally pick a collge" Asks penn, Since im in tweth grade i'm suppose to start looking at colleges i haven't found any with a good art program. "No how bout you" "Yes im going to the university of St.Thomas" "In Saint cloud" "Yep" Penn says Then i notice noah walk in but not by himself. "Mindy?" Penn asks Noah "Hi Penelope" say mindy. Mindy was me and penn's best friend until she dumped us in tenth to become popular. "Penn This is mindy" Says noah "I know who she is" Penn says with a mad voice. "Well then ill leave you guys im going to go find a seat for me and mindy" Noah says as he walks away. "look penelope im sorry for what happened in tenth grade but that was two years ago cant we get over it and become good friends again penn" "Ill have to think about it ok" Penn says and walks away to go sit in the front. As the bell rang everyone sat down next to there shoulder partner except me i didnt have anyone sit by me, But then he walked in, The boy. "And why are you late Mister" Says Ms.Willsburg "My locker wouldnt open" "Go take a sit please" I notice theres only one sit left and its right next to me. "So everyone welcome to my class, For the rest of the year you will be partners with the person next to you introduce yourselfes". "Im Alex" He says "Kendra gibbs" Alex i thought to myself. "your the girl in art that was texting right?" "Yeah friend emergencie" I say with a little giggle. I turn to look at his face, He has this little smirk like inside his mind he keeps replaying the same hilarious joke, And i couldnt help but smile at how cute he looked. For the rest of the day i worked on my introduction presentation Ms.willsburg assigned. when it came time to leave i went to kendras locker, she had her drivers licsences, I dont get mine till i finish the driving test which is in 2 weeks exact, I was fine with saving the enviroment by carpooling but my mom said i have to cause in college i cant carpool to the store or take a cab cause i wont have a job or money to pay for a cab. |