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how mission impossible started |
Short summer It was winter. “February 9th, 1967. “ mom, can I go outside?” her answer was no. So I was a little upset, and went in front of that stove, wearing the snow suit. It was getting pretty hot, but that stove kept us warm through the winter months. It was June 6, 2010. The sun was out, but there was this cloud that seemed to follow me around. All of a sudden I heard this voice, assuming that it came from the thick low cloud that was hovering low. “Today’s weather forecast will be hot and humid”, the voice said, seeming to come from the cloud that zoomed up to the sky out of sight. I ran and told my, boss, who was a meteorologist. Frank Dickerson was from a small town, in Maine. He use to give weather forecast to the farmers, casually dressed, going on television, wearing coveralls, and a beat up straw hat. Some one, in Schenectady, New York saw him on television Maine , and signed him to do the local towns’ daily weather forecast. “Hey Frank, guess what I saw”, I told him with a bit of enthusiasm. “Just give me the reading from the report from yesterday. I have a feeling that it might rain in Chicago. I have a sister that’s petrified of the rain, and she says if she doesn’t get the forecast she won’t go, and she needs to be out of my house. My wife is driving me crazy”, Frank says, huffing and buffing. “Never mind about that. I saw a low cloud in the sky, and I don’t know if it was talking or what, but it gave me the forecast for today. Hot and humid… that’s what it said, hot and humid”, he says, cautiously, because of the mysteriousness. “Maybe you better check with your insurance policy, to see if they cover psychiatric treatment. Just get me the Chicago weather forecast”, he said looking at me, as though I were crazy.”O.K., if you don’t believe me let’s wait and see.” I said looking out the window at the mist on the lawn, thinking about the cloud that disappeared from the atmosphere and then looking at the clock that showed 5:00 a.m. It was 6:00 a.m. Frank gave the weather forecast, and he says”… today will be windy, with a chance of some showers later in the evening, enjoy a beautiful humid free day. This is Frank Dickerson reporting from news WRBG 6. Have a pleasant day.” After the weather forecast, I just stared at the credits, watching my name, on the monitor, clerical assistant, Eddy Smith, wondering if I was losing my mind. That particular morning, I did have a few drinks, but I don’t think my mind was that far away from the reality of me, just being a clerk. It was 10:00a.m. The humidity kicked in, like the cloud said. “come in hear. Now I want to know the truth. How did you know that it was going to be a humid day”, he said, practically pulling on his shirt. “Like I said, there was this cloud. It was about 3:00a.m., and it hovered over me, and I heard a voice that told me that it would be a hot and humid day”, he said, sweating, because of the low air conditionined office, Frank kept. He then says,” Well I want you to do exactly what you did, that morning, and check back with me to see if… whatever it was occurs again”, Frank said, not really being sure of the whole thing, which he couldn’t believe anyway. Eddy went out, and did everything that he did, the night before. It was 3:00a.m., in the morning when the cloud reappeared, and he heard the voice again. “Today the weather will be rainy, with clearing at 6:00p.m.” The cloud then raced off out of Eddy’s sight, out of the earth’s atmosphere. “The morning weather. Rain all day, and through the night. It will taper off early morning, with clear skies, “Frank said, not checking with Eddy about the phenomenal cloud. Eddy knocks on Franks’ office door, and opens it, walks in. Alice Peterson was a beautiful woman. She was the star anchor of the evening news. She was on Franks’ lap, kissing him several times on the cheek, which was her way to say goodbye, after other intensed sexual acts she did to Frank .“Oh excuse me”, Eddy said stepping out of the office, closing the door. Alice came out right after, adjusting her dress, as she passed Eddy with a smile on her face. Eddy looked at her curiously. Frank then says, “come in Eddy. Is there something you need? “It was the cloud again. It said there would be rain, and that it would stop by 6:00p.m.”, Eddy said with uncertainty in his voice, and eyes. Well, will just have to wait and see what happens, but I’m not going to broadcast your information, I have to go by the National Weather Bureaus’ forecast. But if you’re right, one more time, again I will be going with you to see for myself,” Frank said, not really convinced about the mysterious cloud.. It was 6:00 p.m., and the cloud had been right again. The rain stopped exactly at 6:00p.m. The telephones wouldn’t stop ringing. Just about everyone, in Schenectady, called the station, to find out whyWRBG had been wrong about the weather for two days straight. This time Frank went with Eddy. They went to a bar that Eddy would go to, just about every night after work reenacting his moves the mornings when he heard the predictions of the weather, from the mysterious cloud. Eddy was a graduate of Ohio State. He also was a meteorologist, and he went to school for it. He was very much into computers; in fact some people thought he was a genius. If he choose to do so, he could’ve been a brilliant computer hacker. He could even manipulate computers at NASA, The White House, and nuclear power plants. The bar was close at 2:00a.m. For some reason Frank felt woozy. It was uncommon for him to feel that way, because he was known for his drinking. They got into Eddy’s car, and drove to the sight where Eddy saw the cloud. There it was, in the windshield. The cloud swooped down in front of Franks eyes. Eddy then says, “roll down your window”, he says anxiously. Frank rolled down the window, and heard the low pitched voice say, “there will be a tornado storm touching down in Schenectady, New York at 6:00p.m. tomorrow. You must have your town evacuate as soon as possible”, the cloud appeared to be saying. Frank too assumed that’s where the voice was coming from. Frank was amazed. He then thought about the choices he had to deal with. Giving The National Weather bureaus’ forecast, or going out on a limb, and giving the tornado warning forecast, that he heard from the mysterious cloud. It was 4:00a.m. Frank was walking back, and forth, in his small office, trying to think of away out of his dilemma. He got the report from the National Weather Bureau, and it said that it would be sunny and clear all day. The sky was clear that morning, as Frank peaked out his office window. “Attention; there will be a tornado storm coming to Schenectady. Everyone should pack up necessities, and make it out of town as soon as possible,” Frank said on the news broadcast for the whole town to see, and hear. However, frank couldn’t give details about what direction the tornado was coming from or anything about its arrival time. Frank was off the air and the phones were ringing like crazy. People wantingto confirm his weather alert forecast, about the tornado storm. He but a voice mail message out with the something he said on his weather forecast, on the air. People were in a panic by 12:00 noon. There were looters, fights, and rapes. Frank was nervous. “Frank, what the hell is the matter with you”, the General Manager Of WRBG Channel 6 says, bursting Franks’ office door open. “I can’t explain but you know the weather forecast had been wrong for two days straight. I found a way to predict the weather more accurately. You just have to trust me on this one. “Trust; the whole town is going crazy and your asking me to trust you? You‘re not even a license meteorologist. I picked you because of your sense of humor, but know your not god damn funny no more!” the general manger said, now standing in Franks’ face, while his nostrils flared up, and his face turned bright red. “your contract is due to be reviewed, next week, if your wrong about this you’d better think about getting yourself a good attorney, and you can’t use the companies attorney, because your contract would be obsolete”, The general manger said backing away from Frank calmly, as he gently closed the door behind him. It was 6:00p.m. There was no tornado storm in sight. The sky was as clear as day. You could almost see the stars, before dusk approached. Epilogue Eddy and his girlfriend, from Ohio State, had pulled it off. There never was a mysterious cloud that Eddy saw, but there was one that Frank Dickerson saw. Eddy’s’ windshield, on his car, was rigged with a projectile Filmed screen, that could be placed perfectly, on the windshield. It could show images of anything. In this case, a white cloud, magnifying, to look as though it was getting closer, and dissipating, appearing to go out of the atmosphere. When Frank was in the bar Alice was there, wearing dark shades, and a wig, so she wouldn’t be recognized, by Frank. During the night she slept a mild semi paralyzing drug in his drink. This drug took affect, making most of Franks’ body still, but he could open the car window. Eddy and Alice did this to prevent Frank from getting out of the car or leaning to look out the window. The voice came from an audio machine that Alice had, up in a tree that she climbed she monitor the machine just in case something went wrong. Frank was clearing out his desk. The door to the office, that was once his,was open, when he saw the general manager smiling and talking to Eddy, who would be the successor to anchoring the morning weather forecast for WRBG channel 6 Morning wake up. |