Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2114349-Chartreuse-Moose
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #2114349
Short Story
The blank screen gleamed. The dark keys contrasting starkly with the white glow. My fingers hovered over the keyboard. Gently the tickle of letters under my finger tips taunted my creativity. An intriguing scene teased the edges of my mind while my foot tapped the wooden chair restlessly.

The image of a foggy marsh hazily drifted into my mind. Abruptly, it was blown apart by a sharp wind rushing into the coffee shop. The tinkling door chimes dispersed the image’s remnants completely. The cool air caused goosebumps to shiver along my arms. The task of describing a place is becoming even challenging with the constant interruptions. The heavy scent of mud was blown away by the fresh air. Chasing it further away, the rich, complex scent of freshly roasted coffee beans pervaded my nostrils. Frustration tugged at me, never mind the more delicate fragrances not even mud was enough to focus my thoughts!

Irritation furrowing my brow I glanced sharply at the couple seated beside me. Eyes locked over forgotten drinks. They’re oblivious to my presence. The shaking table broke the pink space surrounding them. A small bright face chirped an apology through a gap toothed grin before rushing off. The couple chuckled light heartedly to the mother’s apology as she hustled in pursuit.

Ignoring the child excitedly pointing out the different confections to the patient barista, my gaze swept the small shop. The wooden furniture and small fireplace lent the caffe a comfortable, welcoming feeling. The cheerful patrons contributed a lively clamour. The warmth of the homely room contrasts to the chilly weather outside, as evidenced by the outer layers of clothing strewn around. Hats and gloves were placed on tables while toques and scarves balanced on laps. The pathways leading from door to service bar were narrowed by jackets and purses draping over the chair backs. A harried mother’s figure completed the scene as she scolded an unabashed child.

Frustration peaked as I closed the laptop. It was impossible to focus with the ongoing din. The white screen bothering me even after being shut away. How could I complete the assigned work with all these interruptions, noises, aromas, even the oily taste of the pastry I’d eaten! The endless stimuli incessantly drove away all hope of creating a descriptive scene. Perhaps I would have better luck another time, when there are less distractions.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2114349-Chartreuse-Moose