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Princess Ruby's going thought some issuse when this monster was showing up in her kingdom. |
Chapter 1 There were weird and strange things going on at my small town and it’s all my fault. I was not aware of what my curiosity would bring, not aware what the legend itself meant, not aware how many lives were going to be killed on my account and I still don’t know if my small town will survive this tragic terror and it all started about five years ago. The day was like any other day. I was in my class and the teacher was discussing that day’s lesson. We were all preparing for a big test, or so she kept saying. I was looking out a window for just a second and I noticed that there was something strange outside, what seemed to be a strong creature. I say ‘creature’ because it didn’t look like any animal I’d seen before, nor like any person I had seen before, and I would know these things considering that I have lived in such a small town for all my life. “Miss. Heartfilia. Miss. Heartfilia? Hey, Miss. Heartfilia! Are you paying attention to the lesson?” asked Mrs. Brown. I looked up at Mrs. Brown, my teacher. She’s somewhat new to this town, came about two years ago. She’s a bit of an old-fashioned teacher and calls us by their last names, and I'm guessing it’s respectable to call people by their last names, even if it’s students. “The big test day is coming up pretty soon, so you guys better be hitting the books”, “So you want us to hit the books” That was Ronald, Ron for short. He likes to joke around and he sometimes gets the teachers mad. “No Mr. Armstrong, that’s not what I meant at all” Mrs. Brown sighed. “I would suggest that you take this seriously if you don't what me to remind you about your grades” She retorted. Ron’s grades are the worst out of the whole class and yet almost all the girls in the class like him, I don't know why though, he’s a bit of a jerk. The bell rings. “OK I want all for you to study the lessons.” Mrs. Brown announced. “Whatever and whenever this test is, I'm all ready for it,” Violet stated’ she’s the smartest girl in the class and my best friend, she pretty much knows everything about me and vice versa. But there is one thing that she does not know about me even though we are friends, and friends are supposed to know everything about one another, or so I keep hearing. There is a princess down here and I share almost the same name, and no one knows, or even suspects that I'm the princess (which I think that funny) but I am that princess, “Miss. Heartfilia can I speak to you?” Mrs. Brown asked. Violet looked at me with a worried look in her eyes and asked in a soft, low voice so no one can hear her “What did you do this time Titania?” she asked. That’s my full name well in the school that is Titania Heartfilia that’s not my real name though but the last name is the same, my full real name is Ruby Heartfilia “Nothing, at let’s not that I know of?” I said with a shrug. “Maybe it's about my grades?” I went over to the teacher's desk “So you wanted to speak with me?” “Yes, that’s right I wanted to ask you have you seen your grade ranks?” Mrs. Brown ask with a small smile on her face as though she was proud “Nop, don't have the time nor the care to look at my grade ranks I can guess what it is though.” I gift her a look that says itself that I don't care about my grades ever if they were good or if they are bad I don’t care. With the smile off her face she said “Well then if you don’t care what’s your ranks are why do you work so hard and if you can so will guess what it is, why not you tell me what’s your grade is?” she gifts me a look that can make a little kid cry. “My grade is always the same it's always at 46” yep that's my mark, it is always my mark if I studied hard or not that is my mark. I looked at the teacher with eyes that was in stack because she was smiling aging “No you're wrong that's not your rank you went up you're at 64 now you're almost where Violet is and if you keep your grades up you will be able to pass her, so you're not going to tell me why you work so hard yet you don’t care?" "No" I said looking mad at the teacher and not going to answer her. "Well I'll see you tomorrow if you're still going to town because tomorrow is Saturday” while looking at the window again but this time the creature is nowhere to be seen, I answered in a voice that says that I don’t care anymore and that I don't what to talk “Yea I know, but I meat just sleep in tomorrow” knowing that I can’t sleep in. With that I went to my room and when I open the door, I find Violet and her new boyfriend kissing, ok so it's not just my room but sometimes on days like these I like to go to the room and found that there is no one there so I can think about what just happened. But sometimes I think Violet don’t have to think things though like I have to or think about what happened because she is smart, pretty and all the boys likes her. Which is a surprise because her reputation with boys she is the only one that I know that goes through guys like someone was on fire “O sorry about that but you must be used to this by now” Violet said, it looks like he is gone and about time too it’s almost time for lights out “So who is your new boyfriend again?” I ask, even though I know all the people in this school and the people in town I still sometime forget their names but I’m good at reminding their faces which my parents didn’t like that, that I can’t reminder people's names, they keep telling me that I’m the princess in this town and the princess needs more than reminding people faces she needs to remind their names too. “He’s name is Tamaki Fujioka he's like a sweet candy to me” “So is this a keeper this time or are you going to dump him like you always do”.....”You don’t have to answer me but if you do I wouldn't till, you should know that by now” “I know that and he’s not someone that I’ll keep around too long he’s way too sweet for my taste but I have to said you and him would be a good part if I say so myself.” There she goes again trying to gut me a boyfriend but it's always the one’s that she dumped it’s like she want me to gut her left overs “No thank you, besides you already know there is three guys I like, but I don’t know who to date and when I know who I want to date then I will date him ” “That’s right you like the Hitachiin brothers, they're the only three that I haven't dated yet and I can’t gut them to date me not yet anyways” “It might be because you dated almost all the boys in this school and Tamaki Fujioka would make the 50th boy you dated not only that but I bet that the boys you dated started a rumor about you. The Hitachiin brothers properly heard it already if not those boys with soon start one if you're not careful, they do have their fan club and they might not tell you date them, even if one of the brothers want to date you” it’s amazing that she dated already 50 guys, we are in the grade 11 and there is about 160 or more boys in this school “Yea I know but I want to find the right guy and wants the best way to find that Mr. Right if I can go around and sample all the boys in this school” she said that with a wink “But don’t go sampling the kids that are too little for you” “I know the agreement, that I can date anyone but the people that is three years younger than me.” That’s the only thing that I can do to stop her for dating the little kids and when I say little kids I mean kids that are like five years old and up, yep this school goes to grade K-12 but grades K-5 can go to their homes on school’s day and it is very rare to see a little kid living in the school. “Where were you at dinner all the teachers were asking about you and before I forget like you forget same people’s names what did Mrs. Brown wanted to talk to you about?” Violet ask. “I wasn’t hungry so I just went to the flower garden to read and all she wanted to speak was about my grade ranks” “So you were right then, so what is your grades like?” she ask with a curious look “Well I’m at 64 now and she said that I’m almost where you are with the ranks, if I keep it up someday I’ll be able to pass you” “Well she can damn right dream about that happening but you can’t pass me I’m in the top of the class” I know she would say that “But you can try” she said that like she is trying to really say if you try you will fail “I know that but I can’t pass you even if I try to or want to” I say this because it's the truth I can’t pass Violet even if I try or even if I wanted to, I just don’t have enough confidence in myself to do that even though I’m the princess. “10 minutes to lights out, everyone go to your own rooms” said one of the teachers “Looks like I should get really for bed are you getting really and going to bed or one’s the teachers do the bed court you're going to seek out same were again?” I asked Violet well sitting down looking at her thought the mirror and brushing my hair getting really to go to bed “Well you know me even though I have good grades. I can't go sleep on time so I'm going to the launder room and read my book then when I’m sleepy I’ll go back to our room and go to sleep before it’s time to get up” “OK just don’t get caught by a teacher this time or they're not going to let you go to town, maybe this time they might put you in a different room and then we wouldn’t be in the same room together.” The last time she got caught Mrs. Brown was the one that caught her and she was not impressed that Violet would break a role “I know and I will be more careful this time so you don’t have to worry about it OK?” she said this well she put her arms around me. “OK” I said when I had my cold heads on her arms it's a good thing that she was wearing a long shelf shirt “5 minutes left unlit lights out”. “I’m going to pick some books now” said Violet, “And I’ll change into my PJ’s” I said to Violet, so I pick up the PJ’s that I’m going to wear when Violet asked “What are you going to wear to town tomorrow?” “I’m going to wear a long red dress with a big red rose on the dress, what are you wearing to town tomorrow?” “I’m going to wear a belly shirt and a mini skirt, by the way why not you wear something like this one instead for that dress?” Violet putted out a dress that was pick, short and had fate gems on it “It’s pretty but I can’t wear that tomorrow besides I don’t wear dresses unless I’m going to my parents house or a special day” “yea I know, so does that mean that it’s a special day? oh could it be that you have a date with those three boys all by yourself ooo that would be so good not only that but it would be fun! and you can brig about it to all the other girls or is it that you’re going to your parents house this week?” “No, its that time for the week that I go to my parent’s house but this week my grandpa is going to be there and I think he has a present for me. Not only that but the Hitachiin brothers wouldn’t go out with me” once a week I go to my parent’s house that’s the agreement that I made with my parents if I go to school as a normal girl I have to go to my house once a week. Do some princess stuff or if I don’t go home once a week then I have to stay home and be a princess full time “you need more confidences in yourself when it come to that kind of stuff” she said. “2 minutes are left till light out” said the teacher. “well looks like you have to hurry and pick a book and head to bed before the teacher came” “I know” after Violet found a book. Me and Violet went to our beds and just in the nick of time too because a teacher came in our room and it looks like this time it's Mrs. Lockwood turn to do the bed check. There is one thing you need to know about her and that is she is harsh with her students “You two before you go to town you to need clean your room, I mean look at this mass you're lucky that you're not my students or this room would be spotless…. O and before I go and check up all the other rooms I’ll give you two a warning doesn’t seek out this time.” Mrs. Lockwood said “OK, OK I think we get it! you can go now and catch up with the other rooms” violet said, Mrs. Lockwood always says this to us when it’s her turn to do bed checks to see if all the students are in their rooms like they are supposed to be in. It’s the same for the boys too but instead of having a female teacher they have a male teacher. “Time's up everyone go to sleep” Mrs. Lockwood said, so I went to sleep and Violet is ready to go herself but she waited until Mrs. Lockwood is asleep before she goes to her usual place to read, then when she's sleepy she would go to her bed and went to sleep before everyone wakes up. |