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Rated: 18+ · Other · Educational · #2113504
Excerpt from Eloise and Mark a novel I'm working on
Chapter 1 – When I Meet Mark

I rememeber the day I meet Mark Clarkson like it was yesterday. It had been a partially cold morning that day and Olivia and I were standing near her locker when he and his click walked by. I couldn’t help but stare at him that day there wasn’t anything different about him from any other day but I seemed to notice him to day. He was wearing a black and blue fannel with a white tee underneath. His jeans hung low on his hips usually I would find it unattractive on some boys but it looked so natural on him. His curls were messy looking today like he just climbed out of bed and didn’t bother to fix it but it was cute. And his green eyes were so bright and full of joy as he laughed at something his friend said. As I began to turn so he wouldn’t catch me staring he turned his head and are eyes caught each other. We seemed to gaze into eachother eyes for what seemed like hours until Olivia pulled my gaze away.
“Eloise why are you staring at those niggers?” she whispered as Mark and his friends walked by us I didn’t miss the wink he sent my way causing my cheeks to turn red.
“ Olivia what did I tell you about using that word its rude.” I whispered back it might have been two thousand seventeen but many peoples racist views haven’t changed at all and my best friend was one of the biggest racist I knew second to my brother and his friends.
“Eloise when will you stop being such a nigger lover those pathic monkeys will always be below us the President says so himself.” I knew better then to argue with Olivia over her racist views.
“Lets please talking about this Olivia I don’t want to late for class I will talk to you during lunch.” I turn and walk away before she can give me a ride and head to my first class of the day AP LIT.
I keep my head down as I walk down the hall the moment between me and Mark kept play in my head as I made my way down the hall. I don’t know what was going wrong with me I’ve been going to the same school as Mark since kindergarten why was I just now noticing him. Even then I wasn’t ment to like his kind it was against the rule forbidden no matter how attractive I think he might be.
When I reach the class I notice that I’m the last person to arrive to the class. I usually am the first person there as I enter I greet the teacher Mrs.Carter the only Afrian American teacher in the school. I make my way to the back I take my seat taking out my notebook waiting for instructions.
“Okay class today we will be working on—
“ Sorry Mrs.Carter coach need to talk to me!” Mark hollers as he barges into the class room interrupting Mrs.Carter in the middle of her sentences.
“ Take the seat next to Mrs. Dasilva, Mr. Clarkson,” Mrs. Carter points to the empty seat next to me as Mark makes his way over he sends me a simile as he takes his seat. I think I could die. “ Now where was I, ah yes you will be working on a monlogue of Shakespeares Rome and Juliet with the partner sitting to the right of you for the rest of the year.”
She heads back to her desk to retreave the hand outs from her desk as the students turn to talk to their partners. Mark sends me another smile as he moves his desk closer to mind.
“Hey I’m Mark.” He says sticking his hand out so I can shake I reach over and place my hand in his as he wraps his around mind and shakes it. His grip is so strong my hand fits perfectly in his.
“Eloise.” I reply as he drops my hand before turning to the paper Mrs.Carter places on his desk.
“ I guess I’m the Romeo to your Juliet.” He jokes causing me to let out a giggle some students turn to stare at us sending nasty glares.
“Okay class you guys can start discussing the monlogue while I go talk to Mr. Shepard.” Mrs. Carter said heading out of the door leaving us to are own devices.
“ I guess you are, we should discuss when we can meet to practice,” Say taking out my planner from my bag. “I’m free Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon would that work with you.”
“Wednesday afternoons wouldn’t for me how about Thursday morning?” He asked leaning closer to my desk to look in my planner.
“Thursday mornings will be find.” I said closing my planner and scouting a little away from him. It felt weird being this close to him.
“ So I’ll see you after school today.”
“Yeah of course we can meet in the library.” I say placing my planner in my bag.
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