Venus Venus, liquid... flowing On a cold hard plinth raised high Crystal, glassine, glowing On a pedestal she cries Translucent, prone, mysterious Dripping from the ledge A sombre green blue, curious Light glancing on the edge Glancing on, refracting through For reasons left unknown A lithe sublime chic fickle hue A silhouette of stone A piece of art, a beauty rare Abstract in the light A prism rich, beyond compare With facets that delight The symmetry of blown glass form So fragile to the touch Praying that the surface warms … yet wanting it too much and so the figure holds her stance Venus... liquid flows We pay the entrance, take our glance By night, exhibits close and in the dark you'll hear her weep Glass tears left unshed She prays for someone's glance to keep She prays for one who's bled She yearns for one who sees the flaws The tragedies she reaps The imperfections most ignore The cracks that run so deep Someone who will help her down Less fragile than she seems On display, on plinths she drowns Laid low, up high she dreams Of someone brave enough to grasp The risk of being cut Someone brave enough to ask The questions that are shut Locked behind translucent glass Invisible, they swirl Waiting for the light to pass and settle on the girl The crazy thoughts that haunt our stead The places that we bleed Wanting to be wanted, led … needed, and to lead |